[The Grid] Chatper 1: Hardwired


Having a sickening feeling about what would happen to Jordan, Malcolm leaped forward. His knee bent down somewhat before he let himself shoot upward and smash the suit hard for an sky-high kick.

Kick attack: Dexterity 4, MA 3, Stunt 2, -1 Acc.


4 sux, Base DMG 6B, Dodge DV 2, Parry DV 2

Flet takes off at a dead sprint and goes airborne a few feet from Patrick to drive her knees into his chest. The two of them go skidding back across the grass, away from the two who are just waking.

Tick 0: Flet, Kase

Tick 1: Patrick

Tick 2: Erin

Tick 4:

Tick 5:

Tick 6:

Tick 7: Flet

Flet rolls one success on a running kick to hit Patrick. It doesn't beat his DV even without a stunt, so they do not go flying back, but instead he sidesteps her foot. You two are now in close range.

Kase probably needs to flurry a misc action to get up with anything he does, as will Erin. There is about fifteen feet between Patrick/Flet and Erin/Kase. Go get her.
In the few seconds of charge, Hank found himself on that last charge with God again. Hank would not let another person fall. Back in reality, Hank's worldless prayer continued, because he knew he would need it. In a swinging arc from over his shoulder, the ax came down on the suit with righteous fury. He probably couldn't save the boy, but he would not let him go without a chance.

7d10 → [2,5,6,8,8,1,3] 2 sux Stunt
I had a better stunt, but I forgot it.

Gunfire in the enclosed area tears at your hearing and senses of balance. The world gets fuzzy, and Hank's axe passes neatly through the space where the sinister gunman isn't. The kid wastes no time and gets the hell out of dodge as his side turns red with blood. Immediately the second goon turns to face Malcom with sterling precision and adjusts himself to this new target. He starts blasting away. From further out in the hallway you hear the kid find the bugs and bodies with a scream, but there isn't much time for that down here. The other suit faces Hank with the same single-minded order of precedence hierarchy adjustment, and continues his murderous assault. Neither of them says a word.

But if the boy doesn't bleed to death, if he gets away, and if Flet doesn't kill him when he emerges, he might just survive. And that will be a small triumph of life over the forces that stand against it.

Tick 3: Suit B draws, Malcom dashes and opens the doors(Diceless actions both), Jordan runs for the exit (He was taking wait/guard actions)

Tick 4:

Tick 5: Suit A shoot's Jordan (three suc), Hank misses him with his axe (two suc)

Tick 6: Malcom attacks Suit B (four suc), Jordan takes a Dash action out the door

Tick 7:

Tick 8: Suit B shoots Malcom (three suc. You can beat that with a good stunt. 7L)

Tick 9:

Tick 10: Hank goes, Suit A shoots Hank (Seven suc, so that's a problem. 7L)

Tick 11:

Tick 12: Malcom goes

Tick 13: Suit B goes

Tick 14:

Tick 15: Suit A goes

Suit A shoots Jordan. 7L for 2, grazing wound. Checked for knockback and Jordan passed.

Hank misses Suit A

Malcom hits Suit B for 6+1(xtra)-2(soak)=5B for 3. He's down into the -1 region, but that's not enough to cause knockback.

Suit B shoots Malcom.

Suit A shoots Hank for 7L base. Please post your defense and any attack. Your action is going to be concurrent, so no penalties.

NPC stats

Suit A

Suit B





As his ax whiffs, Hank curses. His heart skips a beat after the gunshot rings out. When he hears the sound of the kid booking it through the ringing in his ears, his heart starts pounding with a righteous fury again. The boy escaped, and I will see him to the promised land, and this Moses is sure as hell making it into Canaan.

Ready to show these heathens some Old Testament lovin', Hank pulls his ax-tip from the now cracked ground as the suit coldly aims towards his noggin. As the suit begins to fire, Hank cracks the butt of his handle into the suits wrist, hopefully deflecting the business end as far away from him as possible. Screaming the whole way, Hank carries the motion through, bringing the toe of his ax straight into the neck of the spook. Hank wanted to see the pig sputter and bleed.

virtue on the defense, and virtue on the attack.

12d10 → [10,1,9,5,5,7,3,10,6,4,8,7] 8 sux!
WP counts. Virtue channel on the attack is fine. Regarding parrying, your DV refreshed at the beginning of this action (tick 10) so you can parry with either hands on the axe. As close to the suit as you are, there's no problem using that against the firearm. Now, relating to the Melee vs MA question, that's up to you but it has to be consistent with your attack. So if you want to attack him with the axe, you're stuck using the axe DV until your next refresh. If you attack him barehanded (or with a boot or something), you can use the MA parry. As the axe is a two handed weapon, the lower DV represents being off balance from the swing, lack of flexibility, yadda yadda. Normally it would be a 2d stunt, but that's pretty thematic with your motivation and intimacies, so it bumps to 3.

You can run these numbers yourself, but as they come to me,

Melee DV : 2 +1(WP) +3(stunt) for DV of 6. Can strike with axe.

MA DV: 3 +1(WP) +3(Stunt) for DV of 7. Cannot strike with axe, only fists and feet. (Unless you drop the axe you can't clinch either, as it's filling one of your hands, we'll assume your off-hand)

No penalties for the attack until after you attack, so those kick in on tick 11. Unfortunately, you get shot if you use the axe. The stunt counts as both defense and attack, though.
Kase came awake with a gasp, patting himself to make sure he was all there. His body felt like it was a few times warmer than usual, but other than that, he was okay.

"Well...that was unpleasant."

Then he saw Pat and the new girl going at it and immediately galvanized his aching body into action, sitting up as he looked around for a weapon. Time was short.

Flurry of two actions, both miscellaneous of nature.
Malcolm was ready for the man. His arms lashed out around the gun arm, and strong hands yanked the arm up just so slightly, before snapped it downward where bending wasn't meant to happen.

The grab and yank down is meant as a stunt 2. It's lightning fast.

Applies to defense and attack... meant to do two things at once.

Punch attack: Dex 4 + MA 3 + Stunt 2 + Acc 1


4 sux - Base Dmg 3B. Dodge DV 2, Parry DV 3

Alright, you don't actually hear a sonic boom as Erin goes from lying on the ground to an upright position. But you should.

Without stopping to think, she hurls herself across the space between herself and Flet, closing the distance with the speed of a cannonball -- and looking rather like one too.

Unfortunately the best Kase can find nearby is a broken street sign. It's been knocked over just above the cement anchor, but the top will do for an impromptu battle axe. The grip is kind of gnarly.

Tick 0: Flet (Swing and a miss), Kase (Gets up, grabs a weapon)

Tick 1: Patrick

Tick 2: Erin (Gets up, takes move actions to Flet)

Tick 4:

Tick 5:

Tick 6: Kase

Tick 7: Flet

Tick 8: Erin

Kase: Street Sign: Ac -3, Damage 4L/2, speed 6, Def -2, Rate 2

I'm going to start putting the actions I'm waiting on in bold.

The quietness of the beating Malcom is levelling is completely different from the shouting that erupts out Hank. The actor, normally shouting with directed scorn, and the lumberjack who's used to the silences of the woods.

In the tight, cramped quarters of the cell block there's no way for the two to get away to chase after Jordan. To do that they have to go through Malcom, and the second suit is already trying to do that. His comrade redirects his efforts as well. He keeps his back towards a wall, but redirects his fire against the martial artist.

Tick 3: Suit B draws, Malcom dashes and opens the doors(Diceless actions both), Jordan runs for the exit (He was taking wait/guard actions)

Tick 4:

Tick 5: Suit A shoot's Jordan (three suc), Hank misses him with his axe (two suc)

Tick 6: Malcom attacks Suit B (four suc), Jordan takes a Dash action out the door

Tick 7:

Tick 8: Suit B shoots Malcom and is parried

Tick 9:

Tick 10: Hank attacks Suit A with an axe, Suit A shoots Hank and misses

Tick 11:

Tick 12: Malcom strikes and connects

Tick 13: Suit B shoots Malcom (two suc, miss)

Tick 14:

Tick 15: Suit A shoots Malcom (four suc, outside of parrrying range and Dodge DV is non-applicable. But Malcom's got a 2DV bonus from cover, the other suit, so another 2d stunt will put him straight again), Hank goes

Tick 16:

Tick 17: Malcom goes

Tick 18:

On tick 10 Hank burns 2 virtue channels. He strikes and hits, doing 3L levels of damage. Sorry, bummer roll.

On ticks 8 and 12 Malcom succeeds in his parry. He also connects for 1B level. BA, the stunt is fine, but try to add a detail or so of setting to a 2d version. The short, terse stunts are excellent for combat though, so don't let me push you away from doing that.

NPC stats

Suit A



Suit B






Thoughtless words race through Hank's mind as the axe meets flesh and bone. Emotions and urges conflict, and eventually the fervor to protect and survive wins out over the love of all living beings.

Blood flicks off the tips of the axe as he reels it back to bring it to bare on the suit once again. The head swings parallel to the ground, passing under the raised gun arm, and colliding with a crack as ribs break and flesh rends. Following the momentum of the axe, Hank's body collides with the suit, tackling him into the bars.

I guess I am gonna assume a 1d stunt, if you feel otherwise I'll roll a single die.

7d10 → [5,1,8,2,7,3,9] 3 sux, +1 for 4.
A street sign. Kase lifted the weapon, and almost immediately realized how awkward it was for a weapon. Using it was going to be incredibly difficult. Well, even if he couldn't swing the weapon like an axe or even a hammer (which is what he was shooting for anyway), he could at least use it like a very big metal stick to keep the girl away, like a chair for a lion. It'll do for the time being.

Hail to the Yuushaoh, baby.

Shouldering his weapon, he quickly closed the distance, calling out to Patrick's assailant.

"Hey lady! Over here! You looking for me?"
Patrick, meanwhile, shows no sign of having noticed either Kase or Erin, his attention focued on the madwoman before him.

Or, more to the point, the sight picture of his pistol, held tightly in two hands as he stands his ground, adopting the Modified Weaver Stance as his finger tightens around the trigger, and, for a moment, the world seems to slow down around him, his breathing and heart rate pounding one breath, one thump at a time in his ears as he draws a bead on the center of mass of his target, the wind considered and dismissed, trajectories considered and led, the finger tightening further...


Malcolm ran back for the wall, and part way raced up it, flipping back through the air to land and punch out the first suit. The bullets went wide. Even better with the right Charms... A voice inside suggested to him.

2d stunt, that should use environment, right?

Applies to defense and attack... meant to do two things at once. So shot misses.

Punch attack: Dex 4 + MA 3 + Stunt 2 + Acc 1

5 sux
post deleted

The d'eagle speaks once and that is that. While the echoes of the gunshot are reverberating in Patrick's ears like the pits at an Indy meet, Flet's head and torso cease to exist as intact structures. Her body drops while the pink mist paints the sidewalk red.

Moments later a kid bursts out of the police station doorway. He takes one look at the three of you and the decapitated corpse, andruns screaming into the night.

BA: eight levels of lethal dmg. Game, set, match.


Hank hits the suit with the wrath of god. That's not the way that phrase was supposed go, was it? Yet that's how it pops up in his mind. The humanoid figure goes crashing into the wall as blue and green light bleeds from his injury instead of blood. It's a thick, viscous gas that flares in the bleached white fluorescent light, and burns away, leaving a rain of insects and spiders. The man lurches, and tries to get his feet under him.

Malcolm continues levelling the silent beating, and tags the guy again. Bones break under his fist. While this doesn't result in the polychromatic displays Hank's getting, his methodical devestation is reducing his opponent to a pulp almost as fast.

The suits aren't stupid. They know when they've beaten. Even as Malcom's foe is getting knocked down, he touches his ear in that distinct way they do. Almost at once they both begin to pixelize, and then you see them outlined in green light. Their surfaces are breaking up into strange, Runic shapes that boil with broken sorcery. Quickly they fade as spiders flow like water from the ceiling.

Survival + perception rolls the both of you. Diff three
As the agents dematerialize Hank pants hard, trying to compose himself as his mind tries to comprehend the situation. Not the disappearing men and the rain of insects, but his actions. He hadn't ever felt a bloodlust like that, and more disturbing was that it felt so divine. After a few moments of contemplation swatting bugs away from his face he stops with a look of realization and calls out,

"The boy!"

Hank quickly grabs his things, swatting even more creepy crawlies away from them as he runs out of the police station.
Malcolm followed along, feeling a rush akin to that a master of the First Pulse might feel triumphing over his victim. Though of course, ascending to the Snake Style would be more fitting... the what styles now? Vague whispers of katas he never knew existed yet did, but they were gone before he could latch onto them.

"...I'm sorry. But I warned you," Patrick says sadly, the adrenaline (but is that all?) coursing through his system keeping him from feeling the shock and horror he knows he'll feel later, as he turns away, closing his eyes.

Looking over to Erin and Kase - the former possibly having to tumble due to her target's sudden change in tracjectory - he frowns.

"Welcome back to the land of the living. We need to get moving now - I have no idea if there's more like her out there, we've been made, and I need to find Lace. If you're capable of moving, that is?"

He raises an eyebrow, holstering the pistol with a deep breath remembering standing at the top of a hill, twin flamepieces at his belt, an army dead before him and shaking his head. "And I moved here to retire..."
Hank and Malcolm are both bit several times. These seem more aggressive than the bugs before. When the duo emerges, they find their three comrades outside, unharmed. The wet beach air smells of cordite. There's a corpse on the ground, dissolving into more vermin, and spreading blood pools ablating into flies.

I assume you tell each other what happened. Anyone got something before you go after the kid?

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