[The Grid] Chatper 1: Hardwired

Erin remains quite still, crouched in her high place like a Sphinx. If he notices her...well, she'll deal with that when it happens.

Sorry it's taken me so long to respond; I was snowed under! (Literally.) In the meantime,

I lurk.Two successes.
Rolling Perception + Awareness...

4d10 = 4 successes

His head was still throbbing and he was wobbling like a top at the end of its spin, but he was pretty sure he would be fine until he got back to Athena. And the fire alarms were not helping any. He did not like fire alarms: it went back to a deep-seated fear of them he'd had since elementary school. He'd mostly gotten over it in the years that followed, but nothing ever gave him quite a jump or grated against his ears.

He had to find her quickly, or there'd be emergency forces all over the place and she'd sneak out in the hubbub, if she hadn't done so already.

He still had one card to play, though.

"I know you're here," he called out over the noise. "Trust me, if I wanted to hurt you, I would've cut you down a looong time ago. My name is Kase Wilder, and I came here to rescue you. I'm not too certain what it is I'm trying to rescue you from, but trust me, it's not nice and it most likely wants both of us dead."

Your phone rings once then goes still.


The car is going to require some cosmetic work, but nothing's wrong with the engine. Your donut wasn't protracted enough to damage the tire either. It looks like those were replaced quite recently, probably by Lace when she did the rest of the maintenance. On the cosmetic side though, you do have a beautiful dent that looks suspiciously like a face on one of the rear quarter panels.
His phone rang once. Then silence. Where had he heard that before?

...oh yeah. Patrick.

He quickly pulled out and redialed the number. "What's up? Something happen?"

Kase gets no answer from the phone, since Patrick was just sending a signal. Perhaps he recalls that he was suppose to signal Patrick with one ring when distraction time came? Hmmm...

Patrick, meanwhile, takes a deep breath, and waits.

The good news it's another role. Steady work for an actor is a gift few people understand the importance of. In a profession almost legendary for most practitioners being unemployed at any one time, another role is always good. Also Paramount usually pays pretty well.

But it isn't the role. It isn't close. The big bad's semi-psychotic assassin minion's minion. The minion himself gets a nice heel-face turn before dying to demonstrate the villain's evil, while you get face stabbed by the hero. It's a grisly death in a pic aiming for a PG-13 rating, which means you'll take the knife to face off screen lest you scare the kiddies. Of course it feels like it's so you also don't get too much screen time. We couldn't have that, of course. It's not even at the end of the movie.

Seriously it feels like fate is conspiring against you. Still, one mustn't look a gift horse in the mouth. You're working.

You're going to die at a track meet where you ambush the lead. It's a shirtless scene; good for getting your name out. It could even be an opportunity. What is important is capitalizing. High Point Wisconsin may not exist but if it's a solid enough dream to kick you upstairs, you'd better make something of it. Which is why you're at the library now. Wisconsin isn't flat. Who knew? You're also doing background research on this director. What does he want? How can you make something of this? Also, you should probably read the book first.

Thus it is you're sitting in a public library reading 'White Fire under a Blue Sky.' It's a somewhat popular book, popular enough to be on the end cap of a shelf with some Grisham novels. The problem is you're past the scene where you appear, and your character isn't in it. Which means you're a made for the movie character. The nerds will hate you. Stupid nerds. You must win their affection with your Muay Thai.

At this point there's a thunderous clatter from off to your left, you think where the stacks are. Metal on metal, things falling, a dozen odd sounds. Almost immediately after an engine shrieks outside the library and a single gunshot, almost lost among the noise. But it's a real gunshot, sharper then a sound effect.

I've got a pretty good idea of where this is going. I'll fit things to your character's persona once I get a better handle on him.
Malcolm's eyes widened, as he heard the sounds, but what seemed like a library accident of toppling books seemed less important compared to the gunshot. Leaving the book open, he slid back in his chair and pulled on his plaid jacket. If something like this happened so close in the midst of town... someone might need help. Also, it would help if he knew what was going on. So he went past the shelves and out the front door, anxious to see what was going on.
Nothing. Well, crap.

Easy. Maybe the signal was to call back the number and repeat the signal. One ring, then let it go. Okay...let's hurry this up.

"I understand," Kase took a more grave tone, hoping she'd buy it. "I found her, she's just a little shell-shocked...yes. I'll move quick. I just hope she understands me. Very well. Bye."

He then thumbs the redial button, letting it ring once, then hanging up.

"Time is running out, miss. We can't stay here, our enemies are already coming for us. It's possible you may have already met one of them. Could've been the one you were talking to on that pay phone that made my...employer freak out when she lost the connection to you, I dunno, but if we stay, they'll find us, round us up, and make us all dead. I have a friend who's willing to distract the emergency forces so we can get you to a safer place. But it won't work if you keep dropping books on me.

"I only want to help. Please, hurry, the sooner we leave, the sooner we can get you out."
Rats, Erin thinks. He's too far away to leap down on like Olivier.

Aloud, she calls, "Prove it!"

You head for the front doors. As you go out, two androgynous figures in black suits come in. They're all monochrome except for the blue tie clasp each is wearing. They move purposefully past you in eerie synchronicity, and the rap of expensive leather-healed shoes ring across the walls. There's something sublimely menacing about them as they head directly for the stacks, and pass you without a second glance. You know enough Muay Thai to recognize training though. Not actor's training, but hard, brutal proficiency born of blood and sweat. These are bad, frightening people.

Outside things are a little odd. There's a a challenger sitting across the road, smoking from the tires, and idling quietly. A group of people are clustered around a corner deli. You know the place. They make a mean meatball sub. No one seems to be panicking or shot, so you're not sure what caused the retort. Nor do you see any cops.

I did your perceptions this time through. The Perception + Martial Arts I'd roll secretly anyway as not to give away anything. You'll probably make some reasonably accurate guesses if you have to roll Percep + MA. The general roll for the street just let me skip a quick post. Back to you.
Well, every thing seemed to be alright on out there, despite no cops. Or else, perhaps he had been subconsciously thinking about the film already. Yet another thing to add to his list of strange experiences. Then, a thought struck him, the suited men seemed clearly capable and able to do harm. And why would men like them walk into a public library?

Suspicion settled in, and after giving the men a moment, Malcom turned, and began to follow them, rolling a little on his feet to reduce the noise he would make.



Dex+Stealth+1d stunt

7d10 → [4,1,8,9,4,8,8] (4 sux)

Kase sighed, thinking. He had one idea, but if Athena or Patrick got wind of it he'd never hear the end of it.

Well, if it helped to grease the wheels...

Kase sheathed his claymore, took it off his shoulders, and after judging the distance, he threw it as hard as he could towards the open door.

"There. Will that suffice?"
Huh. Somehow, I don't think one of Them would be such a doof.

"Not what I meant, but I suppose it will have to do. Half a mo..."

A faded ditty bag lands on the floor with a thud, followed a moment later by Erin herself. She is, as Kase saw earlier, brown-haired, tall and somewhat plump. Everything she does causes her to go cherry pink; she is pink now with exertion.
Erin, Kase, Malcom

They walk with such single mindedness of purpose that Malcom can slip along behind easily. He follows them around a side door and into the entrance to the stacks. There's more chaos there then he expected. Whole shelves are knocked over, books litter the floor, and some of the stack machinery burned out, filling the room with an oily smell. Even odder, a two handed broadsword lies at the door, and the two suits step neatly over it.

On the far side of the room are two people, a woman climbing down off a shelf, and a young man talking to her. The suits pause in the doorway, one standing bestride the claymore.

"She is the one."

"Her comrade?"

"Likely irrelevant. Kill him."


And then they take off running through the stacks.

Malcolm's blood ran cold at their words, and given his impressions of those men, they certain could pull it off unless someone stopped them. He quickened his pace and acted. Sudden, solid and directly, his fist thrust out to strike one of the men in the back of the head.

Join Battle

5d10 → [7,2,8,3,1] (2 sux)


Surprise Martial Arts Punch: Speed 5, DV Penalty -1

1d stunt

9d10 → [2,10,9,4,1,6,7,7,5] = (5 sux to attack)


As Patrick's phone rings once in answer, he starts, then looks torwards the library.

Then back torwards the deli.

Conviction versus Compassion, a little voice whispers in the back of his head, somehow, only half-heard and mostly only subconsiously registered. However he does have a mission to carry out; the lady cop will, unfortunatly, have to be on his own.

Of course, the next thought in the semi-retired racer's head is slightly more irrelevant.

Can three people fit in a Stingray? Guess we're gonna find out.

...of course, it's probably four now, but he doesn't know that.

What he does know, though, is that it's showtime. And he hopes it really is showtime and that wasn't just an 'I can hear you now, good!' ring.

Regardless, though, the Challenger sniks into first gear, and Pat releases the clutch, the car pulling smoothly out into the traffic lanes, idling until it's pointed straight down the road, at which point the throttle goes in again.

With the wheels straight, this time, there's no doughnuts. But there is a pretty spectacular


There is a sudden instant of blinding light, and in its wake all color is washed out of the world. You hear a sharp, high pitched crack, as loud as thunder but without the bass. It sounds shrill. And then there is a sensation of terrific wind and falling. It feels like dying right up until you slam horribly into the side of the car. After all, pain lets you know you're still alive. Glass fragments from shattered windows as well as brick dust from the wall come raining down against your face. They weren't moving nearly as fast as you, meaning it takes a bit for the detritus from your passage through the wall to catch up. In that brief instant you are able to pull yourself together enough to get a sense of what's going on.

You are embedded butt first up to your armpits and knees in the driver's side window of a moving car. An old car. Mopar something or other probably.

Erin, Kase

Your conversation is interrupted by the same flash of light. As your heads whip in that direction, you see the two androgynous figures, one twisting slightly as he follows through on what looks like a frisbee throw. An instant later the crash of a wall violently loosing structural integrity hits you both and echoes about the chamber. One agent turns to another.

"What was that?"

"A mortal, likely linked to third party outside. I used it to mark the suspect vehicle."

"Indeed. Sterilization party has been dispatched." This one says, cupping its ear for a moment.

"Continue mission."

Then they keep walking towards the both of you. Congratulations, Kase. You spoke of the devil, and he appeared.


And if I may say so, it is one pretty burnout at that. Billowy plumes of smoke rise from the tires as the engine wails. When you finally release the brake and shoot forward, you're already going full bore down the street. The parked Maurader flies by with little or no reaction. Ten meters, twenty, you're drawing attention even from the crowd of people who ran out of the deli to escape the guy who appeared to be a whacko. Distraction is working perfectly.

Unfortunately you are not in a position to see the library wall torn open. Looking ahead, you miss the glorious breach of brick, mortar, and ornamental glass that happens to your side and slightly behind. But there is no missing the sudden crash of an asian actor's butt blasting through your window. If you were driving anything with bigger windows, he'd have passed all the way inside and probably knocked you senseless. But as it is he gets stuck, rear end dangling between you and the steering wheel, and completely blocking your view.

Behind you the Maurader pulls out and glides into traffic behind you like a confident predator.

Malcom: You automatically have init due to launching a preemptive attack.

5 successes < the agent's Parry DV.

Counter attack clinch = 18 + 5 automatic for 7 or 12 total.

Throw = 18 + 5 automatic for 14 or 19 total before an external -5 for blind shot through a wall at a moving target. This beats Patrick's Vehicular Dodge DV.

IC you've got no idea how that just happened. OOC, you made a successful stealth attack and the dude parried, threw you through a wall, and hit a moving target, outside, that he couldn't see. With a sudden bright flash of light. I'm not saying use ooc knowledge, but you can probably get the basic gist of what just happened.

Patrick: Roll your choice of Dex or Perception + Ride to keep control of the vehicle. Difficulty is 3.

And you don't have to worry about how all four of them are going to fit into the Stingray! I'm trying to be helpful. :D
Erin slings her bag over her shoulder. "Now, I want some answers. If you're not with Them, who th-"

A flash of light and a crash of sound, like a thunderbolt flung indoors, cuts her off. She spins around to see the two MiBs.

"--Sterilization party dispatched--"

"It's Them!" she hisses to Kase. "Run!" Grabbing his arm, she plunges through the fire door she had so fortuitously propped open. Even as she flees, though she is trying to calculate whether she can set up another ambush.
"Jesus!" Kase was tugged along by Erin. He was half-assuming there would be people after Patrick and himself, but now he's got a pair of suits chasing him through the library. It was totally stupid to throw his blade out, now he was unarmed and quite likely to die unless he got out. NOW.

"Someday, and I don't know when...I'm going to learn to shut my mouth," he grumbled.
Miashara said:
There is a sudden instant of blinding light, and in its wake all color is washed out of the world. You hear a sharp, high pitched crack, as loud as thunder but without the bass. It sounds shrill. And then there is a sensation of terrific wind and falling. It feels like dying right up until you slam horribly into the side of the car. After all, pain lets you know you're still alive. Glass fragments from shattered windows as well as brick dust from the wall come raining down against your face. They weren't moving nearly as fast as you, meaning it takes a bit for the detritus from your passage through the wall to catch up. In that brief instant you are able to pull yourself together enough to get a sense of what's going on.

You are embedded butt first up to your armpits and knees in the driver's side window of a moving car. An old car. Mopar something or other probably.
"Shit..." The words escaped Malcolm's lips, as he recognized a truly clear-cut case of the impossible going on here, not ignorable like all the other times in Hollywood. And these two were going to get slaughtered.

But first, he had to get himself out of this old car. After a wheezing "Sorry" to the driver and some effort of twisting and dexterous body manipulation, he managed to extricate himself out from the mess. And fell very quickly onto the roadway. Which was going to leave a mark, judging by the pain.

Malcolm hated to think what had happened to his pants.

Dex+Athletics to contort and twist his way out.

7d10 → [6,4,3,8,7,10,1] = (4 sux)

Hopefully that should do it.
Erin, Kase

Agents Jayne and Sam continue their slow, methodical pursuit. Like nightmares and movie serial killers, neither one hastens at all. Kase and Erin bolt out the back door, to find a sandy lot, overgrown with weeds and stubby grass. To the right the building sweeps back towards the road. You catch a momentary glimpse of car scream past, smoke billowing out behind it and, oddly, an asian man climbing out of the driver's side window. Kase recognizes the car, but the individual is a mystery.

To the left is the rear of the library. There's a smoking area for the staff, as well as the air conditioning units. Beyond them is the next row of buildings, and the alleys that run in between. Edit(Kase): It is in this direction that Lace is waiting.

Directly across the sandy dirt is a dense copse of woods, perhaps one hundred yards away. It's full of tall pines and underbrush, and would provide ideal concealment.

The sudden arrival of a man through the driver's window certainly wasn't allow for in The Plan. And it takes about half a second before Patrick is able to react to the intruision.

But, when he does, it's to deliver a shove with one hand to assist the man's efforts to extricate himself, while the other hand grabs for the wheel - and he keeps the hammer down, the Challenger swerving and nearly taking out two parking meters and a fire hydrant as he momentarily jumps the curb before regaining control.

The pot of petunias that was placed as part of the 'De-Nastyfy Nags Head' beautifucation program isn't so fortunate. It's last thought as the massive Mopar overruns it, sending a spray of clay fragments scything into the window of the whaling memorabilia shop located behind: 'not again!'.

Dexterity+Ride (Drive)+1d stunt → [9, 4, 2, 5, 4, 10, 9, 6, 1] = (3)
Still towing (the as-yet-unknown) Kase like a toy on a string, Erin makes for the trees she can see on the far side of the lot.

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