Walter listened along as he chuffed across the stands, dumping the corpse on a mass of anonymous flesh. The faceless men he always called them, dotting every battlefield from Nye to the wildest, most deranged western lands. Barely minding them as he said, "Well then!" He wiped his palms on his expensive cotton vest. "I only report—
He looked between his vest and soiled hands, scowling for half a second. Why would I….
He closed his eyes for a long, relaxing moment, finding his zen with a deep sigh. "As I was saying," he said to Renn. "Apologies if I offend your honor, my craft doesn't encourage niceties, and in fact—
He bent down and grabbed a dead man by the shoulders. "I'm actually encouraged—
He leaned back and pulled the corpse across the ground, heaving and hoeing like a ditch digger. "Encouraged to—
He leaned sideways and like before, huffing and puffing with his face turning red, flipped the corpse on the pile. "To write inflammatory things… sales aren't what they used to be."
He wiped his sweaty brow. "But what do you think Renn? The people would love your perspective!" He slowly withdrew his old notepad, almost like they wouldn't see his glacial movements.
"And as for my perspective," he said to Esther. "I wish I could've predicted this in advance but no, only in hindsight is this obvious."
"Indeed, this city has incurred a great debt, and karma, as the old saying goes, is a massive bitch." He chuckled like he was casually talking at dinner. "You seem like a sharp lass, what's your take on it? Do you think blood demands blood?"
"Or are you in the pacifist camp?" He looked through his camera and snapped some more photos, one of which featured a smiling Kildi.
"What a pose Kildi!! You'll certainly make the papers with that photogenic smile!" Walter graciously laughed but deep down, within his money grubbing heart, she drove him clinically insane. Her quotes were too banal and optimistic, overly happy in the face of death. "I can see it now!" he said with a fake smile. "Insights with Kildi! Five ways to be happy at the end of the world! You'll be an overnight sensation with the lifestyle readers."
rozukitsune Lost Echo Fred Colon
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