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Fantasy The Great Games of Nye


Walter listened along as he chuffed across the stands, dumping the corpse on a mass of anonymous flesh. The faceless men he always called them, dotting every battlefield from Nye to the wildest, most deranged western lands. Barely minding them as he said, "Well then!" He wiped his palms on his expensive cotton vest. "I only report—

He looked between his vest and soiled hands, scowling for half a second. Why would I….

He closed his eyes for a long, relaxing moment, finding his zen with a deep sigh. "As I was saying," he said to Renn. "Apologies if I offend your honor, my craft doesn't encourage niceties, and in fact—

He bent down and grabbed a dead man by the shoulders. "I'm actually encouraged—

He leaned back and pulled the corpse across the ground, heaving and hoeing like a ditch digger. "Encouraged to—

He leaned sideways and like before, huffing and puffing with his face turning red, flipped the corpse on the pile. "To write inflammatory things… sales aren't what they used to be."

He wiped his sweaty brow. "But what do you think Renn? The people would love your perspective!" He slowly withdrew his old notepad, almost like they wouldn't see his glacial movements.

"And as for my perspective," he said to Esther. "I wish I could've predicted this in advance but no, only in hindsight is this obvious."

"Indeed, this city has incurred a great debt, and karma, as the old saying goes, is a massive bitch." He chuckled like he was casually talking at dinner. "You seem like a sharp lass, what's your take on it? Do you think blood demands blood?"

"Or are you in the pacifist camp?" He looked through his camera and snapped some more photos, one of which featured a smiling Kildi.

"What a pose Kildi!! You'll certainly make the papers with that photogenic smile!" Walter graciously laughed but deep down, within his money grubbing heart, she drove him clinically insane. Her quotes were too banal and optimistic, overly happy in the face of death. "I can see it now!" he said with a fake smile. "Insights with Kildi! Five ways to be happy at the end of the world! You'll be an overnight sensation with the lifestyle readers."

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Craxus watched the unfolding swords without a word, eyes widening as he leaned forward. Blocking out the little remaining sun. "So cool." His mouth opened by a hair. "So balanced!" He tapped Ren's weapon with his sword. "Tell me where you found them!"

"I'll owe you a favor if you do!" He looked like a kid on Christmas eve. "Say the word and I'll kill the person of your choice!"

"But first!" He slapped his shield with undue strength. "Let me see how it sings in the air, go on!" He stepped back into a wide, relaxed combat stance, holding his sword out and his shield beside him, ducking his head to minimize the target. "I won't strike to kill fetus. You've too many years ahead of you."

"Not that accidents can't happen." He mischievously smiled at the thought. "But so is the way of warriors, so come, let me see what your weapons can do!" He grinned and waited for the first move, desperate to see more of the weapons.

After all, he'd never seen anything like them. It was an unfamiliar feeling for the well seasoned, well traveled veteran of a dozen wars, who'd killed men of every creed and color. He wasn't the type to be easily surprised and yet, despite his experience, he was utterly obsessed by the weird hybrid weapons.

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Johan pulled her close and leaned his forehead against hers, hanging on to every word, every pause and little expression she made. He didn't really know what to say at first, losing himself in the one thing, above all else that she said.

Fallen for each other.

He was still learning about her and didn't know what to feel, but he wanted her to be right. He wanted follow his feelings and see where they took him, and maybe then, after finding each other in the darkness of Nye, they'd have a chance at real happiness. The kind felt by commoners who, despite their light pockets and menial lives, found solace in the arms of another. "Fallen for each other?"

He traced her cheek with his thumb. "Never thought I'd see the day; two killers finding l—

The word caught in his throat like a hiccup, eyes widening as he said, "Their hearts in Nye!"

He chuckled and stood from the ground, helping her up before he reached through his pouch. "I think running will make us look guilty, easy scapegoats for the mole."

"If we stay, maybe it'll be a fight, maybe a conversation." He took a water skin from his pack, opening the cap before taking a long drink. With a grimace he wiped his lips and looked back at her, breaking into a smile as he shook his head. "Or aybe just our last stand?"

"We'll cross that bridge when they arrive." He slowly, hesitantly closed the gap between them, wrapping an arm around her waist. "But before we roll the dice." He leaned closer and closer, nearing her lips with his own. "Before we find our fate."

He stopped a centimeter away, lingering close as her breath warmed his face. Heart pounding a thousand miles an hour. "Before we lose the chance." He remembered his training and its most important rule, sacred and untouchable, to minimize human connection. He'd followed the code for decades and now, after so much denial and loneliness, he was finally done listening.

He would never deny his feelings again, and he wanted the same for Narzas. He wanted her to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, exactly how he felt.

And so, with ragged breaths he closed the final, most intimate gap, softiy kissing her before his passion took hold.

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Renn.pngIt wasn't as though she was really wavering again like Esther thought. She had made her decision not to go back to the games and socio-political bullshit that was everything she'd grown up to know. But there was a very big world outside of her little gilded cage and it was scary dammit. Hearing someone else state exactly what she'd already been thinking regarding how Nye would just come back bigger and stronger from all of this death and destruction wasn't changing her mind, she was just being depressed by how true she knew it was. If she hadn't met these two... hadn't talked to them about using the opportunity to walk away from the future she dreaded - then she most assuredly would have wandered happily right back into the clutches of those who would abuse her beauty and her voice for as long as possible before forcing her to settle down and pop out beautiful children and pass her talent onto them. And so on, and so forth, in the way things always were in her home.

She clenched her fists, about to tell Walter just where he could shove his 'They'd love to hear from you...' sentiment, when her intimate knowledge of subtle hints and secrets barely hidden picked up on the fact that Kilderkin was deliberately pretending to be happy about the fact Nye would survive. She frowned in confusion at the woman's seeming 180 on the subject when mere moments before the photographer had arrived she'd been helping Esther to talk her out of going back. Suddenly it was all about the show. The razzle-dazzle. Kilderkin was hiding her true intentions, and based on the glance she'd caught the woman giving her - she was hoping that Renn would play along.

Well... what was one more lie really on the pile that was her existence? Sucking in a slow breath to settle her emotions, she flashed Walter a bright smile. "Oh, there's no doubt Nye will survive this." She agreed. "Rebuild. A good move to show that all that blood is behind us would be to help all the families who lost someone here today - of course." She said cheerfully as though she really believed any of the Nobility would bother doing such a thing. "I for one would be totally all-in on seeing the monsters behind this brought to justice!" Her clenched fists rose up in a fighting stance - a pose clearly intended to mimic one anyway. The songstress had zero experience in a fight of any kind. She personified 'plucky', 'determined' and most importantly for Walter's camera: Adorable.

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Narzas.pngNarzas was content to let Johan adjust her so they were facing each other again. He was making it so hard for her to concentrate, but she found she didn't really mind. Then he parroted her choice of words back at her and she froze, her eyes meeting his as she wildly wondered what had possessed her to say such a thing. Her heart thundered as he drew his thumb across her burning cheek and she thought she might actually spontaneously combust like so many of the others here simply from the surge of hope that threatened to overwhelm her as he touched on a word with an L for just a moment before deciding to rephrase his sentence. She may as well not have heard the rest of what he'd said, though some part of her mind did agree that running would make them look guilty and that if she was going to die she'd rather do it for something that she was actually at fault for.

She was too busy floating in the white noise of her heartbeat in her ears as he pulled her up to her feet. The sound of it was starting to make her a little dizzy. How the hell did normal people handle this?! Watching them perform the human mating ritual from afar had definitely not prepared her for this feeling that threatened to choke her until there wasn't a breath left in her lungs as Johan washed out the blood in his mouth, then drew his arms around her back - pulling her close. Where was the air?! She couldn't breathe. Johan's handsome face hovered closer, and closer. She felt her head tilt back of its own accord, her lips parting slightly as her fingers slipped up to loosely curl over his upper arms.

Then he was kissing her.

A soft sigh was the only outward indication that she'd been holding her breath. Brilliant colors exploded in her vision and she closed her eyes against them as she groaned greedily at the return of her breathing. Her fingers at first clenched against his arm muscles, but then they slipped upward to tangle in his dirty-blond hair, dragging his mouth more firmly against her own as she returned the intimate embrace with more enthusiasm than she'd known she was capable of exhibiting. The world itself seemed to evaporate, the knowledge there was things outside of this kiss... outside of this chance - just gone. All that remained was Johan and the rising fire that tore through her blood as her body folded itself against his. So different, yet also somehow similar to the strange burning sensation she'd been feeling up until this point. The shy nervousness, the affectionate warmth... the need to protect and to learn and to chase that all of what had come before had been building up to. This new flame was darker, born of a piece of that warmth. It whispered to the corners of her mind of power, desire, and control... along with instructions to give in and give up those things. Surrender utterly to the fire.

Fortunately for the sake of modesty, as well as just being the wrong place and the wrong time - Narzas had zero ideas on how exactly to do that other than to keep mashing her mouth against Johan's for as long as possible. Her newly born lust seemed only mildly disappointed this was the case, thankfully.

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Mischa lowered the beam and bent over at the hip, panting as sweat dripped from her head. "Much appreciated gramps." Her hands were raw and bruised from the weight she lifted, and her legs shook from the strain. "That's a first, and last for me," she wearily laughed and rubbed her aching knees, feeling her mutated legs twitch and spasm.

"Thanks for the light, but you're doing the next one," she said to Nyall. "Ya must be strong after years of shoving away fans." She stood straight and looked around the group of strangers, wondering, for a moment, if they'd collectively gone insane. Her brow furrowed at the thought of a collapse or second explosion, deadly fumes or another attack. But then again, they were already in the shit and people needed saving, so instead of pointlessly worrying, bringing down the mood and making lemons into rotton, more disgusting lemons, she faced Rat and said, "You're too modest mate."

"Even your face looks nice." She blinked a few times as the other, more personal meaning crossed her mind. "And not like that! Don't get a big head." She smiled before the silence took hold, slowly frowning as reality, grim and daunting, faced her once more. "Well then—

"Looks like we gotta plan anyway." Mischa looked at the older man. "Just take care of me little cousin, got it Gramps?" Her gaze moved to the young girl. "And don't be so stressed! Keep your mind on chimps n' ketchup will ya? That'll keep the—

"HELP!" A man screamed from somewhere in the rubble. Mischa immediately closed her eyes and focused on the pulses around her, noticing one behind a pile of stone. "Over there!" Mischa ran to a concrete slab leaning on a rubble pile, kneeling beside it as she said, "We're on it! Just stay calm and keep breathin!"

Emphoa Emphoa Lost Echo Lost Echo Anne Boolean Anne Boolean ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Goliath Goliath
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"Wow. Really? Famous like Ms. Renn here? I don't know. But you're more than welcome to put what I said in the paper, if you really think its important enough." 'Kildi' straightened in an attempt to seem more stately, more newspaper worthy.

The other two seemed to understand not to blow Kilderkins cover. Renn, in fact, seemed to even be playing along. Acting like the good little star people thought she was. Perfect. The singer was clever.

On the other hand, Esther was just being Esther. The reporter, as he said himself, liked inflammatory statements. She wasn't sure if he was ready for the 'inflammatory' that Esther seemed likely to give him.

"Come on, now, Esther! No need to be so rude, I was just saying. And Mr. Walter seems to think what I've said belongs in the paper! Insights, he said I've got!" Kilderkin didn't really care how Esther treated 'Kildi', but a normal person would react to being told to shut up. Besides, 'Kildi' seemed to get on Esther's nerves. In retaliation for coining the name 'Kildi', Kilderkin was going to make 'Kildi' as stupid and naïve as she could.

Turning back to her work, she began mopping up blood and binding small wounds. She had let the blood flow freely from wounds, again. No one here was in immediate peril of death via blood loss anymore, and she was sure a carrion crow like Walter would be able to spot the dearth of blood eventually.

"I hope everyone else is doing alright. Everyone around is running like chickens with their heads cut off, trying to help where they can." She could hear people calling out to each other, all over the stadium. A group of figures were pulling children out of a hole. Another group was in the stands, doing something similar. A pair of individuals were squaring of against each other, looking like they might fight, one of which looked like Ren. The other Ren Kilderkin knew. "You think support from Nye will get here soon?"
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Mentioned: ZackStop ZackStop
Rat pointed to himself- before he finally gave a thumbs up with his eyes basically glowing as he stuck out with his lighter mood. "Aye aye captain Mischa- I'm at your service." He puffed out a little bit, and his eyes snapped over towards the older gentleman and Nyall as they helped out the young girl. It was weird to think about all of this tragedy- everything that had so suddenly fallen apart and yet here they were, attempting to pull all what little hope they could together. He snapped out of his thoughts, snorting out when he heard Mischa and he patted her shoulder.

"I assure you, it's too late- my ego is inflated." He puffed quietly, and he would have offered her a smile if his face wasn't covered- thanks to her. Before he moved over with the intention of helping Nyaall, but it seemed like he had it taken care of as the boy watched him patch the girl's wounds and his eyes then snapped back towards the older man with his brothers furrowed a little bit. "It's not a bad idea- although I'm not sure my lightning element would be too helping with that." He grimaced a little bit at the thought, and ice or water might have been helpful here- maybe even earth. He pursed his lips at the thought, before he looked back at Mischa and he brushed his hair back a little bit. But it wasn't until the cry for help that he became more alarmed- Remy soon skittering back up his leg with urgency and the engineer moved easily to follow Mischa.

"Thank gods you can use your familiar like that." He breathed out, his eyebrows furrowed while she seemed to talk to whoever was trapped underneath. Clicking his tongue as he brushed his hand over the concrete. "If we work together, I think we should be able to get them out of there." He then stated, glancing back towards the red head before he looked back at the others. "Vixie and uh- older guy- I don't remember if you said your name- doesn't matter. Go on and handle the fire, we can get people out here." He stated, giving a little salute before he started to work carefully on the concrete- using his baton as a make shift stand. "Hold on, we can get you out of there, Remy- can you check out his position?" He asked, looking to his little rat familiar who skittered down- whiskers lightly quivering as he looked at the situation Goliath seemed to be in.

Lost Echo Lost Echo Anne Boolean Anne Boolean ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Jet Jet Goliath Goliath
𝕾𝖎𝖗 𝕱𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖝 𝕬𝖇𝖉𝖔𝖓

A nod of appreciation was given to Nihal as he helped pull the woman out from beneath the beam, Felix giving a grunt as he removed the fallen structure from his shoulder with a muted slam back down. Fortunately, the scaled armor that constituted his epidermis now meant he didn't have to worry about bruising or scrapes for now...no, the real sinister threat was the air itself right now. Eyes darted over towards the youngest woman as she volunteered for the potential suicide mission, a firm nod matched with an odd warmth and kindness in his eyes, as if to give some showing of non-verbal encouragement in a time like this. As Nihal worked to dress the downed woman's wounds Felix did one more scan of his surroundings, already started towards Vixie's side, tightening his impromptu scarf once again...was he the Virgil to this girls Dante, leading her into the depths of hell? The thought was quickly swatted away, no, that gave him too much credit. He was just an old bird helping a younger lot. Though, given the girls crimson hues, if she was a bird she no doubt would perhaps be a robin...what an odd pair, then, a butler and a robin. His attention snapped to Mischa, a firm nod in response. "You have my word, I will see ill fall me before it should befall her. She's in good hands." A glance then, to rat, as he was prompted for his name... "Felix Abdon, Sir Felix if you wish to be formal about it. Miss Vixie then, was it? Stay close to me, and let me know if you prefer to ride atop my back. Don't get separated from me."

He paused as he glanced towards the pile of rubble that Goliath had managed to find his way behind during the initial collapse. And, while he'd love to help, that was a symptom and not the disease. Felix started towards the hallway again, towards those ghost lights he'd let hang high, the heat from the fires licking at his skin but otherwise ignored. He just had to keep moving, he couldn't risk lingering for long. "Best of luck, to all of you. My light should linger for a while once I'm gone, but not forever." With his warning offered he glanced towards Vixie, and once he was certain she'd keep pace he lifted a new ball of light in front of him before turning his hand and shoving it forward, a new ghost light hovering a few feet ahead to illuminate the pathway. And then, with Vixie in tow he'd jog his way into the fires and heat, moving slower than he'd have liked until he found what pace Vixie could match. Where Vixie may have used her magics to navigate, Felix elected to simply wade through the flames if he had no other option, but otherwise, he'd skirt through them, black-scaled armor-like skin serving as enough protection for now. At the end of the hallway was a heavier heat to their right, the deep orange-red glow of blaze down the tunnel. "I should still remember my way about these tunnels, I would hope," he remarked simply as embers licked at his good suit, a moment allowed to snap them away with an open palm before heading further into the tunnels towards the blaze...it would just be a matter of finding the source.

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It was like a dance between the two of them; slow and steady until he kissed with reckless abandon. Losing himself as he pushed forward and pulled back, biting her lip and cupping her face with one hand. The embrace of two repressed lovers, suffering alone for many long, painful years, finally embracing who they were.

He wanted to live in the moment forever, but then a dark thought crossed his mind.

'Don't get too happy'

'They're going to hang you'

'And she'll spend years in prison... if she's lucky'

He suddenly felt the urge to stop kissing her. To run away and pretend he barely knew her, protecting her from the cruel high council. Only then could she really be safe, so he would—


He pulled her close at the waist, kissing like he'd never have another chance.

'We'll face this together'

He released a deep, relieved breath as she played with his hair, tilting his head as he kissed her cheek. "I'm—

He kissed a little lower. "Pretty sure—

His lips touched her neck and he kissed once more. "I'm addicted to—

"Kissing you," he said before returning to her lips, lightly brushing against them. "Not that I'm complaining." He teased her with a gentle, light peck before finally pulling back, meeting her gaze as he struggled to find words.

"Seemd you fried my brain," he said with a slight smile. "You've that effect on men, you know." He felt a twinge of regret, wishing they were in a more intimate place.

But it was only a twinge.

And like Narzas, he loved every second of what they had there, in the crumbling ruins of what they were sent to protect. Breaking down the steep, imposing walls around their hearts. It was a bloody miracle. "Look at me getting all soft... Vern would lock me in a padded room if she saw this."

"I blame you, and your ridiculously cute face."

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He let out a laugh at Mischa's comment, understanding why Vixie was laughing so much earlier. "I'll give it a try, but you may find yourself sorely disappointed with what I'm capable of." He turned back to Vixie as the redhead reassured the girl. The man gave an introduction before giving his word that he would keep Vixie safe. The cat boy still felt unease with the whole situation, but he figured they had no choice. He opened his mouth to throw in some of his own words of encouragement, but instead someone else's voice rang out in a cry for help.

Mischa was thankfully able to quickly pinpoint the man's location, and Nyaall hurried over after her to where he was. He continued to watch as she kneeled next to a pile of rubble, assuring whoever was presumably trapped under it that they would be out soon. As Rat stated, they were lucky indeed with Mischa's powers. Thankfully, the boy also mentioned them working together. Nyaall could have perhaps lifted one end of a steel beam alone were he to heed Mischa's orders, but with the size of the concrete slab they were looking at, he feared he might get crushed underneath it as well if it were just him.

He got on the side that Rat was in order to push in the same direction. While his body worked, his mind went back to Mischa's analogy. How many fans would this measure up to?

Goliath Goliath Jet Jet Emphoa Emphoa
Narzas burned with a joy she'd never known before as they shared first, second and third kisses out in broad daylight surrounded by despair and chaos. Outside, it probably wasn't too visible, but as close as Johan was he probably would have noticed the way she seemed a little brighter around the edges, a soft golden glow highlighting her every curve and feature.

The glow dimmed as she sensed a momentary hesitation in him, but her chest clenched as he overcame whatever it was and went on trailing kisses down her throat. She blushed at his silly compliments (had she stopped doing that yet? No... well then continued to blush) and shook her head to his question as she brought one hand down to rethread her fingers in his free hand. "If that's true - which I'm not sure it is; I think I'll stick to using such a power on you." She replied with a shy but teasing grin. "After all... feeling pretty brain fried myself right now and I'm totally blaming you and your charming smile."

She clenched her fingers in his and drew his hand to her chest. "Johan... there's a lot to be afraid of right now." She said more softly, keeping her eyes firmly locked on his. "But, whatever is coming - I know I'd rather face it by your side."

She shuddered slightly beneath his touch with her emotion. "I'm not an idiot. I may not know exactly what is coming or from whom... but I have a pretty good idea. Maybe it's selfish, foolish even; but I want to follow these feelings for as long as they last." She smiled more brightly suddenly. "I'd rather face what is coming with no regrets. Walking away from whatever this is?" she freed her hand a moment to gesture between them. "... Feels like that would kill me a lot faster than anything anyone else could do."

Jet Jet
hair (3) (1).pngRen was apprehensive about the idea Cage Viper had proposed. He had never actually experience fighting anyone but Phalanx, who had trained with him since he was a kid, and even Ren's hero going easy on him would surely be the equivalent to fighting the opponent he was meant to face in the games. But for a moment, Cage Viper wasn't concerned with sparring or inadvertently maiming him. He instead was giddy from wonder as he praised the weapon Ren held.

It totally surprised him. They were certainly unique yet fit Ren's style of fighting. Able to attack and defend almost simultaneously, while a nimble wielder could weave around their opponent for a well rounded method of combat. That was the theory at least, but Ren was never able to test it.

Ren took out his second one, perfectly identical to it's sibling, as Cage Viper got excited at the thought of assassination. "Um, that's really not necessary!" Pulling the cord, the second shield revealed to as well have a hidden blade. "Thing is, I actually made them myself." He said before letting out a little shy laugh, as he answered Cage Viper's burning question, but instinctively put his guard up when the man slammed his shield with unparalleled force. A bead of sweat appeared on Ren's face and his hearty began to pump out of control. The hulking man really wants this sparring match.

"I'm having nerves. Gotta calm down." Ren said to himself. He would have been a total wreck in the arena with it's official setting. The others around must be questioning the two who were getting ready to fight amongst all that has happened. It certainly was off-color, but Ren wasn't going to say no to the Cage Viper.

He calmed down by focusing on something else, something he had an eye for. "He looks relaxed, but his guard isn't down..." Ren thought to himself. "His blade is out, he's created distance. All I gotta do is close it, and that's when the fight actually begins." Ren had been watching the games since he was a boy, and he's seen plenty of Cage Viper's fights. He knew what to expect, it was just like any athlete watching his opponents fights. Seeing what they like to do, what their weaknesses are and what they should avoid. Ren had plenty of knowledge about Cage Viper, but he had nothing on Ren. That was his solitary advantage.

He felt his legs tense up, ready to engage the muscles. "This is just a sparring match." Ren reminded himself before going in. "Just try to have fun!" He tried to assure himself. With his arms up almost like a boxer, Ren ran up and side stepped around Cage Viper's raised blade. He held his right arm in to guard and push the sword away, before scooping his own foot off the ground. As Ren's foot came up, he leapt into a corkscrew, twisting through the air at Cage Viper's flank before swinging out with the left blade whistling in front of the veteran. Ren came back to the dirt below him and used the flow of the aerial to send a right thrust forward. Ren wasn't looking to really hit him, but rather showcase the weapon.

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a2e946aa82971421f4f461c1b369f785.png"Can't freakin' believe this." Ilana muttered to herself before lifting up a boulder with the help of her frustration this situation made her feel. She stomped her foot and chucked the thing as some onlookers watched in fear as this angry little woman was the one to get them out of the pit. To think that their now only savior was so terrifying when upset, which quite frankly was most of the time. "Didn't even wanna come down here... now those two totally ditched me!" She said through gritted teeth as she stormed over to another pinned survivor.

"Please, d-don't hurt me!" The middle aged man shouted as broken wall had his foot caught. Ilana grunted as she lifted the stone off of him and threw it. She placed her fists on her hips and loomed over him. "I'm not going to hurt you, now get lost!" She sternly pointed at the stairs. Quickly the man scrambled away, luckily without serious injury to his foot.

Once things looked all clear and all the living were accounted for, Ilana made her way up to the surface. Poking her head up, she looked around before seeing that boy who was helping earlier was now off fighting some big guy. "This is what he was doing instead of helping? What happened to being all heroic?" She groaned. "Bet that other woman fell in a hole or something. Christ."

She stood on one of the steps and leaned her crossed arms on the arena floor. Watching as all the people passed behind her and made it to safety, Ilana rested her head and thought to herself. "At least it's over. People are safe and all that noise." Now that she wasn't doing much other than standing, Ilana found the time to process all this and think about what happened. Just who were those people?" She thought to herself. "Why would they do all this? Could it be that they hate Nye? Is this just revenge? Will it happen again?" She asked herself questions she'll never find an answer for on her own. She was a fighter not a thinker, but she couldn't help but wonder what this meant for the future. The man got away so chances are this was far from over.

Zak walked around the pit with hands in his pockets, kicking pebbles across the rocky, corpse-covered ground. "Oyyyy!" He cupped his mouth like a megaphone. "Where ya hidin' Shep?" He slowly turned and checked the mass of twisted bodies, broken and snapped like trees in a storm.

"Fuckin' diabolical." Zak stood over a particularly mangled man, folded backwards at the waist like a book. "Well, aint that poetic? Bend over backwards and still end up dead."

He chuckled and continued pacing the dim crater, eyes watering from the smoke and chemical fumes. He was tempted to cover his mouth but honestly, in the sweltering hole filled with noxious air, it was pointless. Just a gesture meant to what? Ease his nerves? He smirked at the thought before taking a deep breath, lungs burning as he yelled "Oyyyyyy!" He put his hands on his hips. "Say somethin' buddy!"

But there was no response.

Zak furrowed his brow and kept searching the area, digging through rocks and bodies until, in a mound of concrete and metal scrap, he found a young man with blonde hair. "Hah! Seems we've a winner!" Zak never cared for the stereotypical golden boy, but he still welcomed a familiar face. "Now look lively before I knock ya head!"

He crouched beside the apprentice, resting his elbows on his knees. He cocked his head sideways and raised a curious brow, looking down through swaying locks of brown hair. "Hmm? You dead?" He poked Shep three times on his cheek, and when his head rolled back without resistance, Zak blinked twice and said, "Your mums gonna be pissed eh?"

He sighed and sat back on his haunches, planting his palms on the ground beside him. "What a day mate." He gazed up at the distant, dimming sky. "What a fuckin day. Russel's dead so my paychecks g—

"Help," a man groaned from a pile of rubble. His body was pinned from the chest down, and his face was a sickly shade of white blue. "Please he—

"Nah you're fucked mate." Zak didn't move from his spot. "Only question is, you want an express ticket to the pearly gates?"

"No please, please I beg of you," the man said. "I'll be fine just... just please help me!"

"There'll be no helpin you." Zak closed his eyes and lay back on the ground, crossing his hands behind his head. "Every man's got his day, so don't go out a beggar."

"I have a wife... a baby boy."

"Just like me dad when he died, and look at me! Turned out just fine! A damn model of human decency!"

"If you're decent then do something!" Tears rolled down the man's pale, shivering face. "I can't leave them alone!"

"What about 'you're fucked' was unclear mate?"

"I'll pay you!" The man manically smiled and pawed at the ground, groveling like a beggar. "I've lots of money sir! You can have it all I swear! You'll be richer than a king!"

"That so?" Zak stood with a small grunt. "In that case." He walked over and with a casual wave, like he was dismissing a bum on the street, moved away the rubble with magic.

"See." Zak pointed at the man's cratered chest, bones crushed to fine powder. "You're fucked."

The man looked down as choking, gurgling sounds whistled through his lips. His eyes widened with fear and, like he'd seen the reaper himself, he screamed out and spasmed. Heart seizing as he twitched and foamed at the mouth, dying exactly as Zak said.

"Well then!" Zak crouched beside the corpse. "Pleasure doin' business with ya." He rummaged through the man's warm, wet pockets, finding a bloodstained pouch of coins. "Oy Mozzie!" He smiled at his familiar. "Found ourselves an honest jackpot!"

Goliath Goliath Arcanist Arcanist Emphoa Emphoa
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Howard helped Brynwyr put the unconscious child down, noting that the knight seemed much stronger than him. That was good. Howard was the brains and charm, she and Adrian, the brawn. He gave Adrian a smile and thumbs up, to show that despite his ignorance, Howard held no ill will towards him. It took a wise man to realize when he was wrong, and Adrian's 'hmmmm' seemed very thoughtful. Howard was sure he was getting through to him!

"I think we should hand him over to the authorities." Howard said, taking note of the savagery the other two were talking about this 'Taust' fellow. The idea of violence upset Howard. Far better to simply hand Taust over to someone who would do something about him. Less violent that way. He was sure he would be sternly reprimanded, and be put in prison. An unpleasant fate, but no more than he deserved!

Once the unconscious child was down, Howard wandered over to the edge of the pit and called down. "Everything alright, friend Rhys?"

Jet Jet Arcanist Arcanist
17b3e3f85e601ba01e60e75aa1366606_50 (1).jpg

Johan was enamored by the glow surrounding her figure, finding poetry in the heartwarming fact, that one dealing in shadows was shining in the light. He found the irony about them funny. How two damaged people, like negative numbers on a page, made a positive when they came together. It was surreal and he struggled to process what they'd done. The lingering kiss and the red cheeks they shared. The feeling of bliss he'd chased after with other women, only to find himself playing a part to attract them.

He'd never been himself with them, only an empty facade because, well, who would date a depressed killer? Narzas was the first who'd taken an interest in the real him. The one who, despite his strength and lofty position, was a complete and utter mess. He smiled at the thought, laughing when she joked about her power. "No no, I promise. I'm not one for empty flattery. I've done that enough in my life."

"That's how I see you." He squeezed her hand as she complimented his smile, shaking his head as he forced a frown. "Me smiling? Must be a sign of the end times." His fake frown gave way to the same content, close lipped smile, finding strength in her touch and warm eyes, even when she talked about the future. The horror approaching them and finally, the lack of regrets. Leaving nothing on the table.

He looked down for a moment, thinking about the many, many things he regretted. The mistakes he'd made and people he'd killed. The friends he'd lost and sometimes abandoned, ordered to leave them and complete a mission. He thought about the games and how, even though he wasn't a terrorist, he was responsible for it too. They were all regrets and each scarred his psyche, weighing his back like a boulder. "I know how you feel."

"My regrets haunt me at night."

"They rip into me like claws but." He looked down for a moment, brows knitting together like threads, almost struggling to speak. "I'll stay by your side and, if we go out together, at least we'll be together."

Johan sounded convincing as could be, but he wasn't completely honest because, no matter what happened, she couldn't die because of him. Just the thought made his stomach twist and turn into nervous knots, and if it came true? The guilt would snap him like a twig. So he'd make sure to keep her safe, even if it meant dying to protect her.

"Sure it's foolish, selfish even, but we deserve a bit of happiness after what we've been through. All the years of—

He paused and thought about the training she endured, mirroring his own experiences in Nye. He knew exactly how she felt. The hesitancy to act without orders. To prioritize happiness above other things. It was unusual for a soldier to be that way, but he didn't want to linger on the bad. Not when there was finally something to look forward to.

"Let's make up for lost time; do what makes us happy for once in our lives." He gently squeezed her hand. "And I think I know a good way.

"What do you find most beautiful in the world? Mountains? Grassy fields or a quaint forest? Something like that."

rozukitsune rozukitsune
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Narzas's eyes watched his reaction, trying to burn every movement, every mannerism into her memory. The way he shifted nervously - as confused by this turn of events in their lives as she was but as elated by it too. The way he smiled, like a man who had seen too many things. Done too many things. Buried too many people both loved and not - regardless of the flavor of the feeling. Her heart echoed those sentiments. She had not yet been coerced into stabbing any of her colleagues in the back, but she knew that if she had passed this mission today it would only have been a matter of time before the leaders of her order decided it was time for her to prove she'd grown beyond the girl who would aid her classmates reach the finish line and into a woman who would show no remorse - no hesitation when it was time to fling a dagger at a friendly face.

She'd been avoiding facing that terror like a coward, and they'd known it... so they'd finally given up waiting and pushed her to Nye figuring she would either learn it the hard way or die in similar fashion eventually. Now, looking at Johan as he confessed he had many regrets that haunted him - she could easily imagine them looming over her shoulder. Pointing their finger at him. "He's just a foreigner. Not anyone of note. End your ties to him by ending him now, and we will forgive and forget all your pathetic failures. You are one of us, after all." The vision made her vaguely ill. Oh yes... it wasn't hard to imagine what sorts of things might haunt this man. Not hard at all. Almost in a perfect mirror to his own inner thoughts regarding deciding her death could not come at his hands - Narzas found herself wishing the exact opposite. If she had to die... if there was no other options, and it was his knife in her back or another's - she'd rather it be his hands that did the deed. At least he'd make it quick - and more importantly it would save her from being the one forced to end him.

It was like a cold bucket of water over her spine - that thought. She knew it wasn't fair at all to Johan for her to be thinking that way and her entire body trembled while her light dimmed back to nothing. Her thoughts wandered into the pathways of despair for a moment. How could fate have done this to her? To him? Was it not punishment enough they would die? Must they be tortured as well?! Because - of course their deaths were a forgone conclusion. How could they not be?

"Let's make up for lost time; do what makes us happy for once in our lives." He gently squeezed her hand. "And I think I know a good way.

"What do you find most beautiful in the world? Mountains? Grassy fields or a quaint forest? Something like that."

The gentle squeeze of her hand yanked her back from the edge of the darkness and she stared up at him with a half-dazed expression, tears pooling at the base of her eyes. "What?" She breathed for a second, then slowly his words played back again through her recalcitrant mind and she brought her free hand up to brush away the wetness she felt in her face. Instead of answering right away, she slipped through his arms to wrap hers around his torso and rested her head against his chest with a soft quavering sigh. "I haven't visited that many places outside of my homeland in Zuanshin to be honest." She murmured into his shirt. "They have mountains though... and forests. I think for a first date... it aught to be somewhere no one can sneak up on us. A big grassy field or even a glass-topped lake like I've read about in books sound like they might be a safer bet." Feeling like she'd gotten herself under control, she hazarded a smile up at him. "But, as to beautiful I don't think I've spent too much time really thinking that way about them." She grew quiet for a few moments. "Well, except for when I was sitting alone on rooftops listening to music during my very limited free time. Those moments were... magical. Beautiful could describe them too."

Jet Jet

Craxus was so enamored he forgot to dodge until the last second, sliding back as he parried Ren's blade. "You — made it?" He laughed and stepped forward with an overhead slash, targeting Ren's weapon more than anything. Avoiding the boy as he hammered blow after blow, pounding the shield like a blacksmith.

"You'd serve my company well." He punched the shield with his free hand, leaving a bloody imprint on the steel. "We can pay you in gold." He slashed from one shield to the other with lightning speed, his sword a flashing blur. "Women." He stomped the ground and, with both hands over his head, swung his sword down like an ax. "Limitless booze!"

His sword smashed against a shield, or maybe both of them at once, before he raised it up and checked the battered, cracked edge. "Consider my offer; you make sturdy gear. Not even the best smithy could repair this scrap." He tossed away the blade and then, like he'd forgotten something important, glanced down at his ribs. "Hmm?"

He gently touched a small cut on his side. "Oh? I guess you landed the first one." He giggled like a growling bulldog. "Not bad not bad. You're quicker than most, but umm—

He thought of wise, meditative advice he could give, like a karate master on a mountain. "Your spin move was coo—

"Excessive. Wasteful yes." He closed his eyes and knowingly nodded. "Not everyone can be as flashy as me, even if that would be really cool. You should master the basics before going all in."

Craxus opened his eyes and then, like he was holding back the urge to speak, he blurted out, "But it was impressive! You don't strike me as a street kid, your old man teach you how to fight?"

ZackStop ZackStop
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Ava Marco
interaction: ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles mention: Lost Echo Lost Echo EldridSmith EldridSmith
Ava remained silent giving a small nod as they helped guide the incredibly injured guild to the archway and whatever safety was there guiding the injuried girl was frankly massive amount of anxiety for her worried that one wrong step or squeeze might crush the poor girl, due to Ava unnatural strength. “Yeah I guess so just I’m not really well I don’t know much about fixing people.. but if your sure I’m sure err it should be fine.” She’d say with a small smile trying to feel a bit better but realistically yeah no she wasn’t feeling too good.

“Don’t worry I’ll keep a look out for them doc pretty distinctive, tho hopefully he’s not out for the count too otherwise we are kinda fucked“ she’d say getting up and walking a small distance away just enough to get a view of the arena or we’ll better view hoping to spot Anya and mark yet she couldn’t see anything just yet and this made her more worried she could only hope for now.. that Mark would make it out in enough of one piece to help the other girl. ”mark if you die on me now I swear I’ll find your gods and drag it back here“ she’d mumble
hair (3) (1).pngRen was surprised when his blade nearly passed Cage Viper's head before he acted, smacking his blade against Ren's. The boy retreated a few steps back and tried to ready himself as the Cage Viper approached with a counter attack. An over head slash was blocked by the left shield, only for Ren's arm to flop down from the force, but quickly recovered with the right. To Cage Viper this must have been light work as he was only going easy, but to Ren it was overwhelming strength, only barely managing to keep his guard up as he bashed on the resilient blue dome.

"Holy crap I feel like I'm gonna die!" He screamed internally, before finding a chance to roll out from under the assault and getting up to his feet. Ren once again raised his shield to block Cage Viper's mighty punch, with it's force going through the shield and into his arm. Ren was acting purely on instinct to avoid getting hit, raising up the shields out in front of him as they sparks flew against the blade in the seasoned warrior's hand. He could see the next attack coming, an overhead attack. Ren tucked his head down and crossed the shields over each other before the impact flung beads of sweat off his face. They dripped while he watched them fall and deform against the dirt.

"Gold... Women?! B-booze?" He felt flustered for a moment before realizing his legs nearly gave from the attack, rolling on his back then rolled to his knees as he suspected another attack was coming. All he was faced with though, was Cage Viper standing in a more relaxed position. He commented on Ren's craftsmen ship, and comparing it to the sword Cage Viper just rendered useless. Ren was suddenly struck with fright as he inspected the shield surfaces and prayed they had not been damaged. Relief washed over, they were fine.

The two noticed the cut on Cage Viper's rib, but only one was nonchalant about it. "I-I'm so sorry!" Ren quickly stood and bowed apologetically. He had no true intention to hit him, only wanted to showcase his abilities. However, he wasn't at all upset about being wounded, instead he congratulated him. It wasn't exactly praise, but Ren could tell he was at least a little impressed.

"E-excessive?" Ren responded. He retracted the blades the same way they were unleashed, pulling the cords as the insides clicked and sucked the blades back in. Ren took every word Cage Viper advised. They were true and sincerely helpful. Ren knew that sort of attack would render him open but was so excited he threw caution to the wind. "Yes Sir, I'll be smarter next time." Ren then jumped as Cage Viper blurted out with less tact than he had just a moment before, giving him advice like a wise warrior. "Um, well, no. I never really... knew my father. He left when I was young. It was mostly my Grandfather, he taught me to fight with my heart." Ren got a little somber. He snapped back to reality and remembered all the carnage and chaos, and that his guardian is now gone.

Ren looked back at his Grandfather's body that laid near Phalanx who watched him. He felt selfish for leaving him there to meet his idol. The awe of the situation blinded him, but then spoke up. "He never would have believed that I'd get to spar with The Cage Viper though, I'm sure he'd be happy right now." Ren then bowed again. "I really should tend to this. Thank you for the experience, and I'll consider your offer."

Jet Jet
Adamaris let out a breath, just relieved that Faraji was well enough- alive, that was what truly mattered. Their eyes snapped over towards Elriel, but they softened and they gave a gentle dip of their head. "I do what I can- I'm only relieved I was careful enough to move them away without too much hard coming to you." They spoke up softly, their eyes settling onto Faraji as they spoke and searched the stranger's expression. Ada let the two sort of gather themselves, and they slowly made their way over towards the hole- pursing their lips together as they looked down and they let out a long, low breath.

Finally, they turned, facing both Elriel and Faraji now as they both contemplated about helping people, about what to do and they gave a more determined nod of their head. "We should head into the holes- Elriel, you control ice and I earth, with that alone we can safely get people in and out, and hopefully cease any of the fires that could be down there." They stated, moving back over to the two before they crossed their arms over their chest, eyebrows knitted together a little bit. "I'll get us down there- thankfully I have the Earth element." Thy gave a nervous chuckle, before they made the effort to help the three of them down.

It was careful, of course, they didn't know what they might have been able to see- what could have been left down there. They pursed their lips together, coughing from the smoke before they neatly stepped firstly into the hole. Their eyebrows furrowed as they looked around carefully. The devastation was... obvious, they sucked in a breath at the thought, and their eyes flitted over towards Elriel. "We could head to the fires, first, with your ice we should be able to put them out and I can help getting people out." They murmured, and their head snapped over at the sight of...

A man, digging through one of the dead's pockets and they couldn't help but grimace. ... Seriously? "Hey! Come on- could you have at least a little bit of respect?" They spoke up, taking a hesitant step forward before they resolved to keep with the other two people with them.

Goliath Goliath Arcanist Arcanist Jet Jet

Goliath stared at the concrete slab that had fallen after he called for help; these tunnels were unstable. But at least it hadn’t fallen on top of him, or he’d surely be dead. His backpack was no longer in eyesight, still outside, along with the woman Goliath had watched die earlier. He could see nothing. A ‘tsk’ escaped his mouth as he hit his hand against the solid stone.

He heard the voice, raising an eyebrow. Such a stupid thing to say. “Really? I was planning to stop breathing the moment I could possibly get out of this shit. Maybe thrash around a whole bunch and kill myself.” He spoke, the words dripping with sarcasm as he rolled his eyes. But internally, he’d never been so happy to hear the words of another human.

He noticed the small amount of light filtering in his dark entrapment first before he saw the beady eyes of a creature, Goliath wrinkling his nose in response. “Gross..” he muttered under his breath, remembering how many rats he’d killed back in his homelands. How many he had — Goliath shook his head, reaching out with his one arm currently not trapped by the rubble. He picked up the animal by its tail, dangling the familiar in front of his face. If it squeaked, he’d smirk. “A rat, huh? Unlucky.” He spoke, sitting it back down to do what it needed.

Goliath watched the slab finally start to shift, shutting his eyes. Hopeful that it wouldn’t fall forward on top of him and smash his skull. But at least it would be a faster death than smoke inhalation. The sound of concrete on concrete was a terrible noise. Opening his red eyes as the grinding finally stopped. He saw the people; a girl, who was probably the one who spoke to him, and two guys. Goliath was distracted until he spotted his bag where it originally was, relaxing slightly.

You didn’t think it was just the slab, did you? Don’t get tired on me now,” he spoke. Still stuck under the initial rubble as well. But in comparison, it wasn’t nearly as daunting. “One of you grab that end of the metal beam. Just a couple of inches should give me enough room.” He spoke, gesturing his head in the direction he meant.

When the metal beam creaked, he pushed himself forward with his free hand. Rocks falling into the space he had previously occupied. It took a couple of tries, but finally .. he was completely out. He took his first deep breath, not caring about the smoke, happier to no longer have the weight on his chest.

Goliath got up faster than he should have, despite the blood dripping from his arm where a piece of metal had cut him. He dusted himself off as he picked up his bag, swinging it onto his back where it belonged. He turned around once more, facing the group again. Towering over those around him. “Goliath Lane,” he spoke, not entirely sure what more they wanted him to say. “What?! I’m not going to get on my hands and knees or kiss your feet for getting me out. But I am glad to not be dead,” he spoke with a shrug. His half-ass attempt at a thank you.

Anyway. Besides the human flashlight,” he pointed at the male. “From the lack of moving earth, I take it you guys are at an elemental disadvantage?" He asked to the woman and the guy with the rat familiar. Goliath vaguely remembered they were contestants, but his attention had been .. sporadic during the event to say the least.

Jet Jet (Misha) Emphoa Emphoa (Rat) Anne Boolean Anne Boolean

Elriel gave Faraji a soft smile, happy to hear he would join as well. He had full trust in Ada’s control of the earth to get them down the hole safely. “It’s as Ada says, they are an earth user, and I control ice. You might already know that from the earlier competition — But what about you?” He asked Faraji, trying to assess their abilities so they could be as effective as possible as they made their way down.

The smoke was thick and heavy, making him cough. While the amount of light was low but not completely dark from the fires spreading out from the different hallways. Plus his own familiar gave him enhanced night vision as well. He was still fused with Paradus, knowing he would be unable to help if he wasn’t. Not that he would show how much pain he was in and risk worrying Adamaris.

The smoke made his sense of smell obsolete. But his hearing was useful too. As they made it to the ground, he heard Ada’s suggestion. Fighting fire with ice, it was something he could manage as long as he watched the moisture in the air. Thankfully it wasn’t too dry, at least in this area. “I have no complaints about that idea,” he spoke, opening the container of water that hung from his hip in case he needed it later.

Elriel turned in the direction Ada did, a sour taste in his mouth. In a state of disbelief that there were people that .. low in this world. To pilage a body so thoughtlessly. Someone’s father or son. A human who could have someone mourning his loss.

After his father — Elriel’s eyes narrowed, pulling his fan from his hip as Ada started to speak. He swung it, a blade of ice whistling through the air before hitting the bag of coins, knocking it from the stranger's hand.

Elriel flicked the fan open with a snap, ready for some kind of retaliation attack as his eyes turned down to Adamaris. “People like this know nothing of respect. A leech who comes out of the dark to solely benefit from the misfortune of others,” he spat. It wasn’t like him to be so angry but the situation was personal.

Selfish. Pathetic that a little bit of coin is enough to pilfer the dead. As if he did not have a family or child at home who may need those funds,” Elriel spoke, shaking his head. “Yet here you are helping yourself.

Emphoa Emphoa (Ada) Arcanist Arcanist (Faraji) Jet Jet (Zak)

He was surrounded by the bloodiest of bleeding hearts, not that it surprised him of course. They were from normal towns with police and written laws, not a wasteland where, unfortunately for the wrongly accused, vigilantes policed the streets. He'd seen countless hangings and never once was a judge present. Just a group of pissed villagers with pitchforks and torches, killing Billy for taking a sweet roll.

It wasn't perfect but still, the government didn't have a special license on life. Taust was a confirmed mass killer so why make it complicated? Why act like his life had any meaning? Why keep him alive and deny vengeance?

Adrian would kill him without a second thought, like wiping a stain from the bottom of his boot. "You're a better person than me, but thanks for being sane." He smirked at Brynwyr. "Good to know you'll finish the job if I don't, because this one?" He cocked his head at the soft noble. "Is making me question my sanity."

He looked at Howard with a wry smile. "You really think prison—

"You know what, don't answer that. All life is sacred, so on and so forth. The pacifist's motto until someone lights them on fire."

He leaned back in his chair and gazed at the dimming sky, watching birds circle far above. And for a brief, fleeting moment, he felt something besides rage. "Hmm..."

"Damn I'm hungry. Hey bird." He glanced at his familiar. "Check the concession stands."

His familiar flew away with a tuft of its wide wings, flying to the arena's inner circle. Leaving him alone with his thoughts, one wavering knight and a lunatic. Like the beginning of a bad joke. "How bout a mood lightener?" Adrian amusedly exhaled through his nose. "A man from Albion stopped drinking and left a bar."

Arcanist Arcanist Fred Colon Fred Colon
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