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Realistic or Modern The Golden City: A Tale of Two Flames - IC [Open]

Camp Hawthorne
- Lake Tahoe, California -
Interacting With: Misty Gray Misty Gray , Pagemaster Pagemaster

Amelia Flemming & Daniel Hawthorne

Amelia smirked wryly at her father’s doting comment about her and her sister's teenage years. Her father was away at war for most of hers, leaving their mother to deal with her illicit affairs. Turning her attention from her father, she turned out towards the lake. Even if she enjoyed her family’s house on the other end of the lake, credit was due to whichever Hawthorne picked this plot. Pff! Hardly! Men these days have trouble keeping up with me.” She lightly joked. “Plus, I didn’t want to worry about dragging around a date tonight.” Shortly after her comment, she felt a pair of eyes on her. Tilting her head back to the party, she noticed her new brother-in-law approaching. “Play nice, Dad,” Amelia said lightly, standing up from her seat at the dock. Once up, she made her way to grab her heels and waltz off the dock. As she walked up towards the party, she passed Daniel in silence.


Daniel’s conversation with his brother was short-lived, interrupted by his father. At first, his father’s compliment brought a thankful smile. However, before he could finish his breath he managed to find a way to ruin the moment. The jostle from the clasp on the back was met with a blank stare. “Even on my damn wedding day, you can’t manage a nice thing to say about her?” He sighed, fed up with his father’s pessimism. “You’re impossible sometimes,” he continued, defeated. He didn’t have to sit here and take his father’s slander. Without another word, he strolled off. With a few drinks in his system, he didn’t want to speak ill in front of his old man. Best to leave rather than engage in his experience. Almost instantly, he snapped on a social mask. Even if his father’s words upset him, no one would know, not on his and Lillian’s big day.

Now that the chat was done with, he figured it would be polite to find Arthur Flemming. Strolling the crowds for a few minutes, he was surprised to not see his father-in-law anywhere. Looking towards the lake, he spotted two figures at the dock. If anyone had to be avoiding social graces, it was him. Before leaving the reception area, he swapped his now empty glass for a fresh glass of scotch and another for Arthur. As he approached the dock, he noticed Lily’s younger sister. The two locked eyes in passing but said nothing. Once at the dock, he gave his father-in-law a kind smile. “Thanks for doing all this, I appreciate it just as much as Lillian.” He swirled the liquor gently in its glass. Handing the glass to Arthur, he extended his in return. “To family, the bond that drives us crazy and keeps the world together.” He cheered with a smile, clinking glasses with Arthur.

Daniel would be a fool to think his father-in-law favored him. Even if that was the case, it was polite to treat him as if he did. Genuinely, he wanted to like the man and vice versa. However, something was foreboding about Arthur. He couldn’t quite place it, but deep down he knew it was a long road to earning his trust.
Camp Hawthorne
- Lake Tahoe, California -
Interacting With: Misty Gray Misty Gray

James Hawthorne
James emerged from the main house and adjusted the cufflinks on his left sleeve. His hands were shaking and there was sweat on his forehead. He had just knocked back three Glenlivets in preparation to face the old bear, his father, Walter Hawthorne. Having barely rehearsed what he was going to say to the man, the idea of trying to explain seemed comical.​

Hey Dad, haven't seen you in three years. How's about you separate yourself from some of that fat, greasy money?

The thought sickened him, having to beg for a way back in. He had only recently reached out to the family after lamming it on the east coast. At first it was a series of letters to Daniel letting him know of his whereabouts. Everyone wondered when James planned to come home.

The cold hard truth couldn't be expressed in letters. That he needed time to process things. That he still wasn't ready to come back to the fold after all this time. He sorely missed his family, perhaps father most especially. It's just that James needed to know where they stood so they could move beyond this point.

James straightened his bowtie before approaching Walter. The man was facing away from him. He cleared his throat a couple times hoping to garner his attention.

Camp Hawthorne
- Lake Tahoe, California -

Walter Hawthorne

It was unsurprising that Daniel hadn't appreciated Walter's observations about Lily. Personally, he thought his comments about her drinking had been tame and he could have vocalised much more at that time. Of course, Daniel was blinded by love, or lust, or a mixture of both, so of course he'd refuse to see sense on the matter. After calling him impossible, Daniel soon walked away to avoid the conversation.

Deciding to leave Rhodes to do his own mingling, and not have him bleating on in defence of Lily too, Walter also walked away, albeit not in the same direction as his eldest. He slowed to a stop to take another sip of his drink and scope out the guests to try locate one of the few he'd enjoy conversing with. Instead, his eyes once more landed in the direction of the bar where Lily and Emma were conversing with a man. Something about Anton confirmed to Walter that he was linked to the line of work the two actresses were in. He also struck him as someone who women would find attractive. Yet again, he couldn't help but find distaste in how Lily was conducting herself. Having just wed his son, he didn't think she was doing herself any favours fraternising with other men instead of being seen with her family - be it the biological one or the one she'd officially wormed her way into. He was fully aware Daniel wasn't innocent where sleeping around was concerned, given his son's past antics. Still, he hoped he was taking notes and would learn to keep his wife's unladylike behaviour in check moving forward.

Walter was drawn out of his judging thoughts when he heard a sound directly behind him, followed by his youngest son addressing him. Walter slowly turned around to face the young man who he hadn't seen for years. "The wanderer returns. I might have known the promise of free alcohol and partying would have finally lured you back," he remarked. He looked James over, acknowledging he was smartly dressed and by all accounts full of health, having found his way home from the war in one piece.

"James," he finally greeted him by name. "Have you been here all along?" he asked, referring to whether he'd been present for the wedding ceremony. "I'm sure Daniel will be ecstatic you made the effort for him." Walter doubted there was any other reason for his son returning home. He certainly didn't believe he came back to see his father, given James had rarely put in the effort for him prior to the war.

Jabroni Jabroni (James)
Mentioned: ReverseTex ReverseTex (Daniel)

Camp Hawthorne
- Lake Tahoe, California -

Soo Hyun-Woo
Editor in Chief, San Francisco Chronicle

Interacting With: Amelia Flemming ReverseTex ReverseTex


Hyun stood close to the house, using his glass of wine to help shield the flame of his lighter from the breeze as he lit a cigarette. It did not matter how long the man had been living in America for, that first inhale of an American cigarette always brought a smile to his lips. Let the snobs back in New York insist it was the French who had the best ones - for Hyun, even if it were all in his head, nothing beat the taste of a Lucky Strike.

As he smoked with his satisfied smirk still on his lips between drags, he had been admiring the beautiful scenery, picturing himself one day with a property such as this one - access to the water, a boat of his own, the stunning views. He would not even need a house, a simple hammock strung between two trees and the nature itself would more than offer him the peace of mind that a place like this must surely provide to the Hawthorne family.

But of course, the man had not come here to report on the plot of land, and as much as he wished he could sit in conversation with the water and sky, it was his job to talk to the people that were here. From carefully watching the taking of family photos, he'd more or less identified who was who when it came to the two, now united families, and so it had been with particular interest when he noticed one of the Flemming girls ending her conversation with her father.

Perhaps to early and bold of a move quite yet to approach the man, he pretended as if he had not been anticipating the moment that the blonde young woman would pass by him, on what he assumed was her way back inside of the home. But as soon as she was close enough for a polite greeting, he made his move.

Mr. Soo was not easily intimidated. Not by powerful men, and not by gorgeous women either. He had spent a great deal of time back at his bar in his home country surrounded by both, and made a distinct point in hiring glamorous women to work in his bar - most of them peasant girls from the outskirts of the capital who had dolled themselves up in Western fashions and make up that was modelled after the very sort of woman he had just watched get married. He enjoyed the company of women, and found them more often than not, more willing to share their true thoughts than men.

"How dare you think of going back inside and leaving behind a view such as this one, darling." He said playfully, before she had a chance to pass him and enter through the doors. "Were I some sort of officer of the law, I am afraid I would arrest you on the spot for even considering such a crime."

Hyun bowed his head respectfully to the young blonde, and spoke again before she had the chance to brush him off as a rambling fool who had perhaps taken too many sips of wine during the reception.

"I am Mr. Soo," he introduced himself, then held out his glass as if he were making some sort of toast to her. "What a lovely family you have - and such a moving ceremony that was as well. You must be incredibly proud. I seem to have lost my friend who brought me here today, and I am afraid I do not know anyone else in attendance - nor has anyone approached me for conversation. I hope I would not be holding you back from any important sisterly duties if I were to ask for your company, as I smoke my cigarette?"

Once more Hyun-Woo smiled pleasantly at her, his dark, nearly black eyes focused on hers, under his arched brow. After a small chuckle as if to acknowledge his own forwardness, he pursed his lips in a slightly exaggerated, pleading fashion.

He'd hoped that he'd earned himself a moment of her time, though perhaps a slap across the face would not be an uncalled for alternative either.

Hyun-Woo is [In Public Conversation]
Last edited:
Camp Hawthorne
- Lake Tahoe, California -

Interacting With: Misty Gray Misty Gray

James Hawthorne

"The train out of New York had a few setbacks along the way." Naturally that was a bold-faced lie. The truth sat somewhere between procrastination and being the black sheep who always managed to go against the grain. Walter didn't like excuses no matter what the reason was, but James never could lie good enough in front of the Patriarch.

"You should've seen the flock of cows blocking the tracks," James said, laughing uncomfortably at his own joke. Flock of cows? Really?

Fortunately he had arrived just in time for the nuptials earlier. James stood toward the back of the crowd while Daniel and Lilian said their "I do's". The would-be physician appeared as he did all those years ago when he taught him fly fishing. He had that same innocent smile that told you the man had been at peace once again. Of course, how could he not when Daniel stood by an angel in a white dress.

"You know as well as anybody I'd never miss it for the world." Whether his father believed it or not didn't really matter because of what James was about to say. "Listen, I...I know things haven't been good between us. I just...I want to apologize to you, for the things I said. For the way we left everything back then, and...well, I was thinking that maybe you wouldn't mind bringing me into the business."
Lawerence Fields
Interacting With: Misty Gray Misty Gray


Lawrence smiled playfully, enjoying Oliver’s commentary joke. The young man shifted into business mode. He didn’t have an immediate need for his services, but he placated the young man’s explanation out of politeness. It didn’t take long for him to notice there wasn’t much interest in his explanation. Letting Oliver shift the conversation back to the wedding, he took a sip of his cocktail before answering.

“Yes, yes. Certainly a curious day! The Hawthornes family finds themselves in the paper more often than not. They tend to make good stories.” He remarked. “The actress certainly helps. Plus, the Flemmings have a mysterious allure to them. I’m sure it won’t be the last time we publish something about them.” Alluding to the newlywed couple, his eyes glazed around the party. Daniel’s behavior was secret to none, even if he opted to not publish the dossier of reports and accounts he had stored about his sexual behavior. Something seemed off about this marriage, and he couldn’t quite place it.

“How did you earn your ticket to the biggest wedding of the year, hmm?” Lawrence inquired. “It’s not every day you get invited to the Hawthorne family enclave.”

Amelia Flemming
Interacting With: FelixTheCat FelixTheCat


At least now that she was done chatting with her father, she could finally have a smoke. Amelia disappeared into the party crowd, filtering through the sea of people. Still not in the mood to deal with her sister’s friends and guests, she had the idea of having her smoke on the front lawn. Being at the bridal party, she hadn’t the time to explore the sea of cars in the front yard. At least out there, she could enjoy her cigarette in peace. Without much mind, she made her way up towards the house, oblivious to those she passed by. Unexpectedly, a playful cat-call caught her ear.

Amelia narrowed her eyes apprehensively, brewing a way to tell this man off. At first glance, the well-manicured Korean seemed like the average guest. Who invited this guy? Surely this wasn’t someone Lily knew? He seemed too extroverted and stuffy to be a friend of Daniel, so his presence only confused her. His bow and quick introduction seemed innocent enough, if not a bit curious. Mr. Soo? A name she didn’t recognize. “Amelia,” she introduced herself politely. He already pinned her as a Flemming, so there was no need for her surname.

With a curious smile, she nodded, context to accept his company. “Only if you graciously share,” she remarked dryly. Once he readied her cigarette, she pursed her lips around it for him to light. Satisfied with his job, she took her first drag, leaning against one of the large cobblestone posts on the back porch. “You said you lost your friend?” She inquired. “Who might that be?” She wanted to know where this mysterious man came from, confused about who might have invited such a character.
Camp Hawthorne
- Lake Tahoe, California -

Walter Hawthorne

Walter furrowed his eyebrows when his son made a joke about the rail tracks being blocked by a flock of cows. "I wish I could say that was the most ludicrous thing I've heard today," the old man drily remarked. Of course, he'd just watched Daniel get married to the Flemming actress, so that scored higher on the disbelief scale.

"Well, I appreciate you making the effort for your brother. I'm certain Daniel will appreciate you making it here for him," he earnestly told him.

As his son's tone turned more serious, Walter made a point of knocking back the rest of his alcohol. Upon receiving the apology from James, Walter placed his empty glass down on the nearest table and bought himself more time to process the young man's request to be brought back into the business.

"You know. It's not enough to simply be born into wealth and then expect to have everything handed to you. You never applied yourself and you dropped out of school. That is not the kind of work ethic I reward with a job. You did little to prove yourself to me," the man informed his son.

After looking away for a time, he reminded himself of his late wife and how much she would be nagging at him to let their son back home. Not to mention family mattered now more than ever, with the Flemmings suddenly being too close for his liking. He relented with a nod and a subtle smirk before looking James in the eyes. "You managed to get yourself through the war and back here in one piece, didn't you?" he asked, hoping his son wasn't going to correct him and make some admission about quitting that too. "That had to have taken hard work and commitment. Attributes I need in this business. Do you think you could stick with this for more than a couple of years?" he asked.

Jabroni Jabroni (James)
Camp Hawthorne
- Lake Tahoe, California -

Arthur Flemming
Interactions: Daniel Hawthorne
As Amelia walked away Arthur gave a very private sigh, the kind one reserves to share with the family dog. Having the four girls could get... Interesting. Amelia had managed to stir up some recent trouble with her questionable leanings. Arthur had spoken with the local police chief and a very, very, enthusiastic FBI official, both of whom had backed off only when Arthur suggested what a blow it would be for the area if Flemming money began to flow elsewhere. It had been a bad conversation, one he was not happy with, nothing was more frustrating than a law enforcement officer who saw an opportunity to make a name for themselves.

Was Amelia breaking the law? Technically, no. But any publicity around her activities could potentially hurt the Flemmings in this very "Buy America" era. Being associated with the Communists, regardless of how valid the connection, was bad news. He was almost happy to see Daniel making his way over with a Scotch in hand; he could use a stiff drink at that moment.

“Thanks for doing all this, I appreciate it just as much as Lillian.” Daniel swirled the liquor gently in its glass before handing it to Arthur and extending his in return. “To family, the bond that drives us crazy and keeps the world together.” Daniel cheered with a smile, clinking glasses with Arthur who offered a smile in return.

It was true Arthur may not always like the young man who stood before him, but the world, and most importantly, Lilly, would be watching. Was he being unfair to Daniel? This was a question he wrestled with often. The Hawthorne boy had only done what so many others in his position would have done. He hadn't directly wronged Arthur, just insulted the men who served their country. Daniel wasn't alone in that. But, as Lorlei had pointed out, it takes two to tango.

He hadn't gotten to where he was by punishing people for every little mistake they made, so perhaps he was being unfair to Daniel. A time would come when the young man may yet impress him and if he nevcer gave him a chance, he could potentially lose his daughter. It was hard for a parent to compete where love was concerned.

He took a sip of his own drink and gazed out over the lake toward his own property as he considered briefly what to say. Arthur and Walter were similar in many ways, that much was true, but Arthur was far better at hiding how he truly felt; it was part of the reason the Flemming star continued a meteoric climb while the Hawthornes coasted on the fumes of their past glories.

"To family," He finally replied. "The very thing that drives us crazy and yet keeps us from disintegrating into chaos. And you are welcome, with any luck, it will be the only time you have to do it." He left unsaid any snide suggestions about Daniels past, the comment was ambiguous enough to mean any number of things.

"I figure I am supposed to offer you some fatherly advice, tradition and all, so I'll keep it brief." He turned and fully faced Daniel now. "It goes without saying Lillian is precious to me. If you treat her well and keep her happy, you will have my support. If you don't, well, I am sure you can use your imagination." He didn't make any cliche threats, he didn't have too, Daniel would understand.

"That's my speech, short and sweet." He smiled and held out his hand to Daniel. "Welcome to the family, son."
Camp Hawthorne
- Lake Tahoe, California -

Interacting With: Misty Gray Misty Gray

James Hawthorne

Walter always knew how to sum up a man's life in a few short sentences. He had that talent. What's perhaps more upsetting was that he was right on most accounts. His youngest never stood up to the plate until it was too late. How could the old man right the train if James wasn't even on it? Relations with his children began to take a bigger hit after mother died, and the "wanderer" as he so apty put it, only fueled the fires that raged within the Hawthorne family.

James suddenly felt the weight of his shoulders getting heavier. It was as if he had gone ten rounds with Jack Dempsey, and the ref was giving him a standing eight count. He wished he could turn back the clock and make things right, to be the son the family needed and wanted. But that would require changing what made him who he was, and some things simply cannot be transmuted.

He began to zone off into that dark place in his mind. A battlefield he was slowly slipping into until being interjected by a question.

"Do you think you could stick with this for more than a couple of years?"

James hesitated for a beat. He searched his father's face for reassurances of his own: that he'd quit being so critical about every detail and stop making him feel less than. He then glanced briefly beyond his face toward where Daniel was standing. Fuck it. He couldnt change himself nor the old bear for that matter, but he absolutely owed it to the family.

"I'll apply myself. And, and...I'll put in the work to show you I'm not just some leech. You've got my word on that."
Aurelia Flemming
Camp Hawthorne, Lake Tahoe, California

Interacting with: Lucille

Aurelia immediately felt the intimately familiar presence of her twin sister the moment other woman occupied the seat next closest to her and snickered at her remark of the mysteries of their elders that always insisted on making the only most ridiculous comments. The bond she felt with Lucy was like no other and could only be known by those who also had a twin sibling.

“They always seemed so shocked when we have to apologize for not remembering that one time they held us when we were babies. We honestly should be ashamed of ourselves.” She replied, easily falling into the tone of their conversation as the girls often shared a humor that others sometimes failed to appreciate. “However, I truly think Lillian would hate it if you would burn the place down, especially on her wedding day. So unfortunately, I wouldn’t recommend it.”

Aurelia took a moment to take a glimpse at the pack of journalists that had also inhabited their sister’s special day. A bone that was throne to appease the beast. “Not to mention you would be sending the sharks into a feeding frenzy and I think I would rather face the old Hawthorne grouch than them.” Turning her back to them once more, Aurelia’s gaze drifted towards the shore where she happened upon the moment their father extended a hand towards Daniel. A sight she didn’t think would happen today but as the saying goes, there’s a first time for everything.

“Well would you look at that!” She said to her sister, motioning towards their father and Daniel so that she could also witness the historical event.
Camp Hawthorne
- Lake Tahoe, California -

John Hawthorne
Interactions: Grace Baker
Grace offered him a quick smile as she did up the clasp on the back of her skirt, checked her lipstick and hair once in her pocket mirror, and then blew him a kiss before unlocking and slipping through the door and down the stairs. For his part, John was still naked, his suit neatly folded over the edge of a nearby chair. The rooftop patio wasn't perhaps the most subtle place to fuck your fathers executive assistant, but it was a great spot to keep prying eyes away.

He sighed and stretched, muscles rippling across his shoulders, before reaching for his underwear and pulling them on. The suit quickly followed and he ran a hand roughly through his hair. The advantage to keeping it short, among other things, meant it was hard to get all mussed up. His suit of blue was in contrast to many of the black suits and ties below. It reminded him somewhat of his army uniform that he had framed on the wall back at his home, but it was a lot comfier and fit him properly.

The tie was last and he flipped it around his neck before carefully retying the same knot he had arrived with. He had no doubt his father would pick up on something like that, even if he had was oblivious to Grace and John fucking behind his back for the last six months. John wasn't really sure how it had all happened - normally he made the first move - but Grace had made her intentions known quite clearly one evening. She had said something about him "not getting subtle hints" before letting herself into his house wearing nothing but knee high boots and a trench coat. That was a hint he didn't miss out on.

Taking a peak over the edge of the patio he cast his gaze across the wedding lawn. Family members were scattered here and there and he quickly spotted the two Flemming girls, Aurelia and Amelia; now that was a sandwich he wouldn't mind being a part of. To say he was shocked when he saw Arthur and Daniel shaking hands was likely an understatement. Arthur was about the only one of the Flemmings John grudgingly respected, both for his self-made fortune and his time in the military. The rest of the Flemmings, well, he would have happily bent any them over the edge of a desk; he intended to if he ever got the chance. Even Lillian wasn't off the table.

Picking up his rum from the nearby table he drained it before making his own way toward the stairs. It was time to join the party. Maybe he could convince the Flemmings guard dog, Travis, to get into the ring with him for a good old fashioned boxing match... Anything was possible with enough alcohol on board. He laughed to himself and began his descent.
elias redding 2.pngElias "Eli" Redding - SFC Cartoonist Extraordinaire
Camp Hawthorne - At a wedding fit for Royalty, naturally!
Interactions: None, but open!
Mentions: Soo ( FelixTheCat FelixTheCat ) and Lawrence ( ReverseTex ReverseTex )

Suppose Eli was dragged to this wedding, he always found ceremonies such as these pretty dull - though he had to admit, he was glad to be invited along with his bosses from the Chronicle. Too bad he wasn't allowed a pen and paper, he already planned out what his next cartoon in the paper would look like. Ah well, as long as he kept it in his mind he could start to doodle it when he got home. While the ceremony itself nearly put him to sleep, the only thing that kept him interested was the fact that prominent families were not only present but involved in the wedding. The King and Queen of England couldn't have put on a more elegant affair than this, surely!

At the reception, Eli noted Soo and Lawrence off doing their own thing, which suited him just fine. He was namely here for the free food, and of course to get inspiration for his next cartoon, which he was itching to start. He decided to take the opportunity while he was still here to rise from the table he was seated at to get himself a glass of champagne, as well as some finger foods from the wandering trays the servants carried about. No need to cook a meal tonight, the Hawthorne family just bought his dinner! With a playful smile he stood off from the rest of the crowd and simply watched the scene, the revery, the dancing. What a happy night, he wished the newlyweds a happy and prosperous life.

Camp Hawthorne
- Lake Tahoe, California -
Interacting With: Misty Gray Misty Gray , Pagemaster Pagemaster

Daniel Hawthorne

Daniel waited anxiously for any reaction from his father-in-law. When he received polite cheers and smiled back, he was silently grateful. He didn’t need Arthur’s approval to justify his marriage, but it would be nice. Chucking politely at the remark that eerily sounded like something his father would say, he sipped his drink. “‘Till death do us part,” he remarked, reciting the vow he uttered hours ago.

Now that Arthur’s full attention was on him, he turned to face him. It wasn’t profound nor kind words of wisdom, but it was on par for Arthur Flemming. He nodded in understanding, shaking his father-in-law’s hand in turn. “Your daughter will be the happiest woman alive on my watch,” he smiled.

Turning to face the water once more, he continued. “On my mother's grave, I swear it, Arthur.” Not that his father-in-law cared, but it was important for him to know. He'd seen an unhealthy marriage first-hand and vowed to himself never to let his fall into such disarray. Turning his attention back to Arthur, he noticed a flicker of white sashing in the distance. Lily Hawthorne never looked better than walking home to him now.
Camp Hawthorne
- Lake Tahoe, California -

Lillian Hawthorne

Lily knew Emma was right about her marrying Daniel, not his father. She just wished Walter would either accept it or deal with on his own it without bothering her. She was inclined to roll with Emma's approach of shrugging it off. If only the man wasn't so imposing and influential. She just hoped he wouldn't get between her and the husband she loved.

Whilst her best friend spoke with Anton about her movies, Lily couldn't help but feel proud of Emma and her achievements. She loved that she and her best friend could share the happiness and success in their careers. Despite the trauma she'd suffered along the way, at the hands of men like Jesse, Lily wouldn't trade her career for anything. Her eyes ended up landing on Daniel when she noticed him in the distance as he made his way over to her father. She tried not to dwell on it and instead focused back on Emma and Anton.

"Emma here is amazing," she assured Anton, putting her arm around her best friend to give her a warm hug, having sensed her friend's nervousness. If Emma wasn't comfortable praising herself, then Lily would do it for her.

Once the conversation was finished and Anton went on his way to return to his group, Lily found herself thinking about her husband and father again, prompting her to briefly glance their way. As she and Emma walked away from the bar, she let out a sigh before stopping in her tracks near to the table Lawrence and Oliver were seated at. "Hey, I need to check in with Daniel and my father - to make sure things are remaining pleasant," she commented under her breath. As far as father-in-laws were concerned, Lily thought things could have been better. After the venom fired her way by Walter, she wanted to make sure Daniel wasn't experiencing similar for her own dear dad. "I'll come find you soon," she assured her, giving her a quick hug.

As she began on her way, her attention was drawn to Lawrence and Oliver. The latter wished her well, drawing a bright smile from Lily. "Thank you, Oliver. Thank you both for attending," she said, extending her gratitude to Lawrence. As she caught the way Oliver then complimented Emma, she couldn't help but send an amused smirk in her friend's direction. With that, Lily excused herself and continued on her way.

When Lily walked closer to Daniel and Arthur, she took solace in seeing the two men seemed to be having a civil conversation. By the time she reached them, she had a beaming smile on her face, able to push aside the negative feelings Walter and Jesse had forced her way. The two men she cared about and respected the most were now directly in front of her.

"How are you, Dad?" she asked, giving Arthur a quick hug. She then moved to Daniel's side and put her arm around his waist, resting her head on his shoulder. It had been a long day and she was feeling emotionally drained, but leaning on Daniel helped to ease some of the load. "How are you, darling?" she asked, turning her head to look up to his face. "I hope you're both behaving," she lightly added, sharing her focus between both of them now.

Pagemaster Pagemaster (Arthur) ReverseTex ReverseTex (Daniel)
Mentioned: neverbackdown neverbackdown (Emma)

Camp Hawthorne
- Lake Tahoe, California -

Oliver Walton

Oliver couldn't help but chuckle as Lawrence spoke about how the Hawthornes were often in the newspapers. "I suppose that's something you and I have in common then. They send plenty of business your way, just as they often do mine," he observed. When the man mentioned the actress playing a role in making good stories, Oliver found his focus shift towards Lily at that moment. Only, it wasn't her who really caught his attention. He'd briefly met Emma before, whilst sharing some contracts with Lily and Daniel, and she'd caught his eye then too. Turned back to Lawrence he nodded along. "Showbiz sells papers, right?" he agreed. He didn't know a much about the Flemmings as he did the Hawthornes, but he didn't doubt the man was right about their allure too.

Questions were soon directed to him about how he managed to get an invite to the wedding. "My father and I have sold properties to the Hawthornes over the years. The latest sale I completed was the very house the newlyweds are moving into," he explained. "They're a decent couple, I reckon. Lily didn't hesitate to invite me to the wedding after I'd all spent so much time with them finalising the sale. Granted, I'm certain Walter would have extended an invite to my old man regardless."

As Lily and Emma walked alongside their table, Oliver couldn't help but let his attention briefly shift again. Seeing the bride looked to be making a beeline towards her new husband and her father, he didn't get up to stop her. Instead, sending an amicable smile hers and Emma's way. "All the best, Mrs. Hawthorne," he pleasantly told her. "You're looking radiant, Miss Carmine," he charmingly told Emma, flashing her a warm smile.

ReverseTex ReverseTex (Lawrence)
Mentioned/Nearby: neverbackdown neverbackdown (Emma)
Camp Hawthorne
- Lake Tahoe, California -

Walter Hawthorne

Walter was pleased to hear James say he would work hard to prove himself as a legitimate member of the family business. Despite his disapproval for his son's past behaviour, Walter could never take away the family part from any of his sons. It would show a sign of weakness if outsiders saw the Hawthornes openly rejecting a member of their own. That, and supposed sentimentality, meant Walter wasn't about to turn James away. The business aspect, however, was something that had to be earned and wasn't gifted through blood alone.

"It will be hard work. Perhaps apply whatever it is you did to get through the war. Granted, this is a commitment you can walk away from much easier, so remaining loyal to this family is controlled on your own part," he explained.

Walter was aware of questions he hadn't asked yet. He'd been accused of putting business needs first, but it was something he'd done little to change his ways on. So, with business covered, he looked his son over before his next questions. "You look well. How have you been since I last saw you? Is there anything I need to be made aware of? No girlfriend or children ready to be revealed..." he trailed off.

Noticing John in the distance, Walter managed to catch his son's attention and beckoned him to join them. Whilst Daniel was the heir to the business and the one expected to set the best examples, Walter was conscious he was going to be away on his honeymoon for the next couple of weeks and therefore out of action. "You could learn a lot from John where hard work and commitment to the family business is concerned. He knows how to get employees in line and keep things ticking," he said of John's role as Mine Manager.

When the son in question reached them, Walter proudly squeezed John's shoulder. "I was wondering where you'd got to," he remarked, smiling as he spoke. He then diverted his attention to James. "Have you and James managed to catch up with each other yet?"

Jabroni Jabroni (James) Pagemaster Pagemaster (John)
Camp Hawthorne
- Lake Tahoe, California -

Interactions: Misty Gray Misty Gray Pagemaster Pagemaster

James Hawthorne

He wasn't sure how to tell Walter what happened back in France. Those countless nights sweating out the morphine, and the pain that soon followed. Oh, the insufferable pain. The bullet that struck him in the collar had lodged itself deep within, and he remembered the surgeon doing more harm than good trying to get the damn thing out. Of course, the recuperation period seemed endless as well, sending him down a path of addiction. Fortunately James had gotten a lid on things upon arriving back in the states. "Ha! No no...you don't have to worry about little Jimmys running around anywhere. Besides, we both know I don't like being held down."

He felt his back stiffen as John's name was called, and slowly turned in that direction. His brother, the big foreman, appeared strong and imposing even as a teenager. He didn't know whether to feel protected or abused whenever they were together. On the one hand, no one dared mess with him when John was around, but there was something about his brother that never sat quite right. There was a look in his eye that told you to state your business or clear out if you knew what's good for you. To put it lightly, John intimidated him like no other.

Now with John being the mine manager, they'd probably be spending more time around each other for the foreseeable future. James knew that as much and hoped they could at least put aside their differences. Would they be able to patch things over a bottle of scotch and a few war stories? Or did he sense weakness and take him for a quitter?

"Hello John..." he managed to say.
Camp Hawthorne
- Lake Tahoe, California -

Arthur Flemming
Interactions: Daniel Hawthorne, Lillian Flemming
Arthur nodded at Daniels promise. It was possible the boy was just swearing on his mothers life because he thought it would matter to Arthur, or he truly meant it. Either way, Arthur was pleased with the response. It was better than swearing to God, after what Arthur had seen, he knew there was no god.

Before he could reply, Lillian arrived and they exchanged a hug before she went to stand with Daniel. It was curious to him that he didn't feel revulsion at the gesture given how much had disliked Daniel for so long, but it was Lillians smile that sold him. He had seen her laugh, cry, scream, yell, and yes, smile. She had one of the most beautiful smiles he had ever seen - he flattered himself she got it from him - and the one she was giving him now was one of her best. He could see pain flicker in her eyes as she glanced back up the lawn but it vanished as she teased them about behaving. It was clear she was genuinely happy with her choice.

"Doing well m'dear, very well." He replied to her query about how he was doing. Emotions had warred within him, swinging between sadness and happiness for her, but the truth was, he wasn't losing her, she would just be living somewhere else nearby.

"As for behaving, well, of course, just sharing some fatherly wisdom with your new husband." He grinned.

Camp Hawthorne
- Lake Tahoe, California -

John Hawthorne
Interactions: Walter Hawthorne, James Hawthorne
John was strolling across the lawn, ignoring several of his fathers cronies who tried to catch his eye, until he spotted his father. The older man gestured John to join him and as he redirected toward the Hawthorne patriarch he realized that his brother James was present. He hadn't seen his youngest brother in some time, nor had any idea where to send a letter to speak with him.

He hurried over and grinned as his father squeezed his shoulder. "Just took a moment to myself, try and relax a little. Not a fan of large crowds, I'll tell you that for free. And no, I haven't seen the handsome little devil in ages!"

He turned as his brother offered a muted hello and regarded him for a long moment, the grin still on his face. His brother was certainly boyish looking, but he had the haunted look all men who served in the Great War seemed to carry like a shadow behind them at all times. He had heard rumours of James morphine addiction but there was no judgment from John; he fought his own demons with liquor and adrenaline.

"Damn it's good to see you again, James!" He drew his brother into a bear hug before reaching out with a massive arm to wrap his father into a half hug as well. "So good to be here with the family. Nice to see Daniel finally found a dame to put up with him, even if she is some hot-to-trot actress."
Camp Hawthorne
- Lake Tahoe, California -

Walter Hawthorne and Grace Baker

Even if his remark hadn't been completely serious, Walter was glad to be assured by James that he didn't have to worry about having any grandkids. The last thing he needed was children running around the place making a mess and noise. "I say keep it that way," he muttered. It would seem hypocritical given that he'd longed for a family with his first wife, who couldn't bear children, but the kids he eventually had with Rose were now all adults. These days, Walter appreciated the peace and quiet on that front!

When John had joined them and explained how he wasn't a fan of large crowds, Walter understood that. Running the business meant he had to rub shoulders with a lot of people and get through all kinds of social or business gatherings. But the old man sure as hell appreciated the time he got to himself when work was all done with.

Walter let his two sons reunite and greet each other, not wanting to interrupt the pleasant moment between them. The comments John made about Daniel's choice of wife were enough to draw him back into the conversation. "He's putting up with her, if you ask me. We need to make sure she doesn't take Daniel for a ride."

Walter stopped short of continuing when he saw Grace nearby, prompting him to beckon her over, having not seen her around the party for a time. The woman in question had muttered an expletive under her breath before approaching the Hawthorne men with a smile planted on her face. She'd spent all day making sure his business associates and guests he deemed "important" were all looked after, so she'd finally given herself a break from it all. Granted, part of that break had been spent with John. But any time away from Walter and some of the more unpleasant associates was considered a break. Most of them had either gone of home early or were enjoying the party too much to care about business for the remainder of the evening. "Grace. Is everything running smoothly? You've been missing for a while," Walter told her.

1721252108137.pngGrace rolled her eyes before fixing them on the old man. "Everything has gone without a hitch. I've been busy making sure there aren't any problems - that everyone is happy and satisfied," she said, emphasising the last word for John's benefit, even if she didn't once look in his direction. Walter, of course, was oblivious to the fact she'd been sleeping with his son for months now. Not much got past the old man where business was concerned, but his ignorance towards women worked in her favour. He didn't often give much interest into her personal life, only paying attention to her standard of work.

"Glad to hear it," Walter dismissively replied. "If everyone's happy, then I'm happy. However, my glass is now empty and I'm in need of peace, so I intend to resolve those issues," he commented before abruptly excusing himself from the group to make his way to the bar.

"Charming!" Grace sarcastically remarked as she turned to James and John with a smirk planted on her face. "Welcome back to the mad house, James. Now, you boys have fun!" she told them before leaving the brothers alone so she could head to the bar herself and finally have a large drink.

Jabroni Jabroni (James) Pagemaster Pagemaster (John)
Camp Hawthorne
- Lake Tahoe, California -

Mentions: Misty Gray Misty Gray
Interactions: Pagemaster Pagemaster

James Hawthorne

A brief moment of peace and comfort washed over him as he was brought in for a hug. After so much time, it was as if they had just picked up from the day before. He became part of the circle again and for that he couldnt be more grateful. Even father's dry sense of humor had a pleasantly familiar quality to it. "Still the same old pop," he said to John with a coy smile.

James then watched as Grace left for the bar. "She's got the right idea. What say we go get a refill?" He gestured back toward the main house in an after you sort of way. He hoped he could subtly bring up the topic of the mines and what John would be willing to do on that end. What Walter said to him earlier rang true about his brother. John certainly knew how to lead people and use them where they were best needed. All in due time, of course.
Camp Hawthorne
- Lake Tahoe, California -
Interacting With: Misty Gray Misty Gray , Pagemaster Pagemaster

Daniel Hawthorne

Like a puzzle piece sliding into place, Daniel pulled Lilian to his side after she greeted her father. Her touch was electric, and she felt the love he shared for her reciprocate tenfold. Silently, he let his father-in-law and wife converse. He didn’t need to share anything important. While they bantered, he watched the sunset fully come to rest on the horizon. Night was approaching quickly and he knew the drive back to San Francisco would be strenuous for most of their guests. Those who were close to the family were welcome to stay, pending Walter's approval. But with the size of the guest list, most were expected to leave following the couple’s grand exit.

When Lily asked how he was doing, he turned his attention back to the situation at- hand. “Still madly in love with you, I’m afraid.” He jested, squeezing her hip gently. Not that it was ever a question, but a woman like Lilian deserved to be reminded each and every chance how loved she was. “I think it’s nearing that time, dear.” The two needed to get back to thanking guests and saying goodbyes. The getaway car was arranged for 10 o’clock, and a brief glance at his wristwatch indicated they had an hour till the reception was over. It would be a good while that they’d see these folks, accounting for how long the travel for their honeymoon would take. Best to leave on good graces, he thought.

Once Lily and her father said their goodbyes, Daniel extended his hand for a final, firm handshake. “I’ll bring her back in one piece, I promise.” A boyish grin erupted, even though he knew his father-in-law was a serious man. Satisfied, he intertwined his hand with his wife’s and set off…


The event staff managed to wrangle the guests towards the side lawn of the house that was used at the entrance from the parking area and reception. The line spanned to the front door, making a sort of human tunnel. By this point in the night, the booze flowed freely, and spirits were at an all-time high. The newly-weds had disappeared some time ago, confusing those who were not directly involved in the wedding plans. However, a white Rolls Royce with silver trim purred patiently in the drive. Whoever pulled it around also managed to tie a horrendous amount of tin cans on the bumper: a classic wedding tradition. Before any real confusion overtook the crowd, Daniel and Lily appeared gleeful from the front doors of the house. A sea of applause and cheers ensued, congratulating the couple as they walked past. At first, the two strolled hand-in-hand, letting the moment sink in. But that quickly changed.

Without warning, Daniel made a move to scoop his bride into his arms, a grin only someone drunk in-love would have. She wrapped her arms around his neck, sharing his child-like laughter. To silence their laughter and to get a row from the crowd, he planted another kiss on her lips. The jog to the car with his darling bride wasn’t strenuous by any means and resulted in more laughter and cheering from the crowd. One of the valets opened the passenger door for him to set Lily down, earning him a grateful pat on the shoulder from the groom. He made his way to the driver’s side of the vehicle, revving the engine playfully. “Ready when you are, Lillian,” Daniel said playfully, waiting for his wife’s approval. Once given, he nodded, shifting the car into gear and sending the car off into the night.
Camp Hawthorne
- Lake Tahoe, California -

Arthur Flemming and Walter Hawthorne
By Pagemaster Pagemaster & Misty Gray Misty Gray

Midnight was getting close when the two men whose fortunes had made all of this possible met on the boat dock, their personal security posted to ensure privacy from prying ears and eyes. They had made eye contact through the crowd as the youngsters began to dance and a short nod from each man was enough to initiate the meet.

Arthur had stepped into his own boat to pull out a bottle of Chateau Lafite 1869 from the transom before he joined Walter who was lounging on a small bench built into the dock. He saw the bottle, held up one finger and retrieved a couple of small glasses from his own boat, before the two sat in a companionable silence for a moment as they sipped their wine.

“A fine event, my thanks for hosting it.” Arthur said a length.


Weddings were long and drawn out days. As the evening went on, that fact began to take its toll on Walter, who was determined to see it out until the very end. As the younger lot danced and continued to show no signs of retiring yet, Walter contemplated getting himself another strong drink. He was sure the evening would have been easier with Rose at his side. Not only would she have loved every minute of the affair, but she'd have made sure Walter himself remained actively interested.

Having caught Arthur's eyes before he'd made a beeline for the bar, Walter instead made his way to the dock to meet his Flemming counterpart. Walter seated himself on the bench, taking in the fresh air and the moment of peace from the crowd. He was by all accounts a social person, but it tended to be with people closer to his own age. The collective newer generations had a habit of irritating him.

When Arthur joined him, Walter accepted the glass with a thankful nod of his head. After taking a sip of the wine, he allowed a silence to remain for a short time. Arthur then spoke up to thank him for hosting the wedding. "It's no trouble. Only the best for my son," he told him.

"I trust you and your family have enjoyed the celebrations?" he asked him. "I never imagined I'd end up with Flemming in-laws," he remarked, sending Arthur a smirk.


“Yes, well, the feeling is somewhat mutual.” Arthur returned the smirk with a thin smile. The two men knew each other well and had been in each other's orbit for the better part of forty years. Arthur often suspected that he would have disliked Daniel more if he was Rhodes, but that was neither here nor there.

“You’ve put on an excellent spread.” He glanced back up the lawn toward the festivities. “Lillian seems very happy, so my thanks to you.”

For a minute or two the pair sat in silence, sipping their wine, and watching the waves buffet the small fleet of boats in front of them. At length Arthur, filling their glasses again, asked one question that would certainly impact the two families for years to come.

“You think they will be alright?” The question was innocent enough but Arthur knew he cared deeply for his daughter and would do anything, yes, anything, to ensure she was happy. “It’s a cut throat world for the young folks these days.”


Walter had been about to reply to Arthur's appreciation about the festivities he'd made sure to accommodate on his land. Instead, he was silenced by the following gratitude for Lillian seeming happy. Of course she was happy. She'd just married into the Hawthorne family for reasons Walter still wasn't certain of. Even if she was completely genuine, it then made her simply an idealistic fool in his eyes.

The men were comfortable enough to sit in silence for a time. Walter accepted the refill of his glass as his thoughts were stuck on the same subject. He believed his eldest son could do better than Lillian. He'd never mentioned it to even Daniel, but he found himself hoping his son was marrying her for more than just love. Perhaps it was a calculated step to marry into the Flemmings and their business empire. He could respect him for that kind of power play.

Walter was drawn out of his thoughts when Arthur asked if he thought the newlyweds would be okay. He couldn't help but breathe out a deep sigh in response. "You're quite right. This is a relentless world we live in and I fear for the younger generation as a whole. Many of them are wrapped up in parties and stuck in the present... My honest opinion?" he asked, though on this rare occasion he knew to tone down his thoughts. No father wanted to hear their daughter being spoken badly of. "I'm concerned Lillian isn't cut out for marriage and settling down. The acting, parties, socialising. It's a completely different lifestyle," he admitted. "Like I said, the younger lot are a different breed, and your daughter is in a different world to most of us!"

Arthur was surprised at Walters' candour and, privately, he didn’t disagree with the man. Lillians choice to go into acting, and not even that successfully, had always grated on him but, as he’d said, she was happy. He’s seen enough joy destroyed in his time on the Western Front and all that mattered to him now was assurance that his family would carry on.

“Different world is right. Though, she’s happy. I frankly am concerned some of Daniels, how shall I say, past indiscretions, will come back to haunt him, and by extension her.” Daniels philandering was well known in quiet circles. A child out of wedlock would shatter the couple. Arthur was concerned that the media, ever present and interested in the two families, would eventually dig something up. Everyone had skeletons to hide, some people literally.

“I fear the younger folk have not learned to keep their secrets close to their chest and, I suspect you might agree, our children have become a little to use to the protection we provide…”


It was no surprise that whilst Walter was concerned about Lillian's intentions, Arthur raised his reservations about Daniel. Walter took another drink from his glass at mention of his eldest son's past behaviour. He wasn't exactly proud of Daniel's promiscuity and bedding married women. In his mind, it was the wives who were more in the wrong for sleeping with Daniel whilst they were married. They didn't deserve his respect. Still, he would have preferred his son hadn't acted the way he had and had instead kept his reputation clean on that front.

"With all due respect, your daughter hasn't entered into the marriage blindly. She knows full well what Daniel has done, so would be extremely naive to act surprised should those indiscretions come back to haunt them."

Walter nodded in agreement with his counterpart's assessment of the younger generation. "Indeed I do. I've warned Daniel as I'm sure you have Lillian, but now it's time they took responsibility for their own actions. All of our kids have had it easy."


“Have they ever…” Arthur grumbled into his wine. Granted, his daughters were fighting many social norms that made very little sense to some. He knew Walter was old fashioned, and that was an understatement, but it could be tiring. Times had changed, and they would continue to change. Either they got onboard or got left behind. Not that it mattered really, Walter would likely be dead before he was.

“Well, regardless, to the health of the happy couple.” He toasted Walter and sat back to finish his drink in silence.
Chapter 2 - So Long, Honeymoon
Chapter 2- So Long, Honeymoon
-Monday 21st June1920-
Mid- Morning - Warm, Sunny,
Co-written with Misty Gray Misty Gray


Daniel & Lily's Residence
-Downtown San Francisco, California-

Daniel Hawthorne
Returning to normal life after the month-long honeymoon was a cruel awakening. Daniel and Lily had endured a lengthy cruise across the Atlantic before taking a smaller boat to Italy. There they spent a week galavanting vineyards, sites, and whatever trouble they could find. Following that, they made their way to France and continued their adventure. The trip was grueling in its own right, after such a euphoric affair. Despite their detailed wedding and honeymoon plans, they completely neglected the new house they acquired. It lacked proper furnishing and personality; something he knew Lily would take care of in due time. But the last few days at home in a half-furnished home were foreign, to say the least. Digging cutlery and dishware from boxes, sleeping on a mattress on the floor. It all felt so… Civil.
Daniel rose earlier than his wife this morning. Today was his first day back to work: something he expected to miss more than he did. Regardless, he knew it would take time to sift through the assortment of clothes they had to find a suitable suit and his white coat. Once he did, he began to ready himself for the day. By the time he left the washroom, he noticed Lilian starting to stir. Quietly, he creeped to her bedside to plant a kiss on her brow. “Coffee or tea, dear?” He asked gently. Once she replied, he ran his thumb through her hair for a moment, before nodding. Then, he headed off downstairs.

Since returning home from their honeymoon, Lily had been struggling to return to her sleep routine. The long journey to and from Italy and France had been exhausting. Still, it was all worth it for the beautiful experience she'd had with Daniel, which she would never forget. When she did wake, it was a struggle to finally open her eyes, but when she did, she was greeted by the sight of her husband as he kissed her. "Definitely coffee," she groaned, but smiled lovingly at him nonetheless.

Having made himself a cup of coffee in the meantime, Lilian’s cup sat at the ready on the kitchen counter. Daniel popped himself on the counter to have a seat, his legs dangling casually, as he ate an apple. “So, I’ve got 3 patients before noon, then one more after lunch.” Even if she didn’t particularly care, he always made sure to relay his agenda. It helped him organize his day while also keeping her in the loop. “But I’ve got that meeting with my dad and brothers after that at the pharmacy,” Daniel huffed. “I’m not sure how they’ll take the news? I don’t like to boss them around, especially after the War and all. But I really think this is a good idea.” Was it risky? Certainly. But if he could convince his father it was profitable, then there was a shot he could pull it off.

Lily had eventually forced herself out of bed and groggily joined Daniel in the kitchen. Unlike her husband, who was dressed for the day, she'd only managed to put on her night robe by that point. She had plenty of time to get ready for her day yet. Lily leaned forward, elbows rested on the counter, as she stood next to Daniel, briefly stroking his leg as he was sat by her arm. She took a long drink of coffee as he told her his plans for the day. "I'm sure if you get Walter's approval, then your brothers will fall into line too," she reassured him. "Of course, the biggest challenge is convincing your father. That's an area I'm the least qualified to help with," she half-joked. Given her father-in-law was beyond sceptical of her, she knew she had little weight where winning Walter over was concerned.

Daniel managed a small smile at his wife’s touch; having her by his side was more than enough to comfort his anxiety. While she spoke, he polished off the last few bites of his apple. “We knew the uphill battle in this marriage would be our fathers,” he added. He knew she was seeing her family today and opted not to directly speak ill of Arthur. Careful not to pop off the counter directly in front of her, he made his drop off to throw away his core. “I still can’t believe you willingly signed up for sailing today!” Daniel chuckled. Having been on a boat for damn-nearly a month, he had his fill. Before heading out of the house for the day, he made sure to make his way back to Lily to plant a kiss. “If you need anything, ring the pharmacy. I just had the telephone line set up.” With that, he smiled and headed out for his rounds.

The San Francisco Chronicle
-Downtown San Francisco, California-
FelixTheCat FelixTheCat , Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples
Lawrence Fields
Operations at the San Francisco Chronicle were well-oiled and routine. Even with the unpredictability of the news cycle, Lawrence prioritized efficiency and timeliness amongst his employees. If they weren’t providing the best content, then there was no reason for employment. Since the Hawthorne wedding, he was surprised to hear how popular the slice-of-life article was. For some reason, people invested in this couple, whether it was out of lust or genuine care. Either way, it made for good business.

Over the past month, Lawrence began sifting through old articles and various recorded sources on both the Flemming and Hawthorne families. It was a private endeavor, simply because the rest of the bullpen needed to focus on daily news production. Soo Hyun-Woo did an excellent job of keeping the newsroom in whipping shape on the operational level, but it was time to divulge his findings to his editor-in-chief. The day before, during their morning brief, he informed Soo Hyun-Woo to prepare for a second meeting following the daily brief.

Lawrence sat at the head of the table, his back facing a rather large industrial window. The view below was of the bustling San Francisco streets, a reminder of the job and commitment to the public. The wooden board room table itself spanned a good length of the room, with chairs lined evenly on either side. The wall facing the newsroom was frosted glass, allowing a minor view into the journalism landscape he oversaw. While the table went around in rote fashion, sharing various updates and leads for upcoming stories, he let Soo-Hyun-Woo handle the immediate responses. It wasn’t his place as publisher to stifle the creative process or manage lower-level employees. He was there for oversight, guidance, and fiscal support.

Once the meeting concluded, he remained seated as the others made their moves to leave. For a moment, he carefully thumbed through the file he had in front of him, reviewing the findings from his search. They’d certainly make a splash. If handled to seriously, then they had the chance of being direct attacks. “Mr. Redding.” Lawrence commanded, raising a finger without lifting his head from the file. “Stay. I think you’ll prove useful.” It wasn’t his original intention to let the cartoonist stay, especially with how sensitive the leads were. But cartoons were popular in the mass media, and he couldn’t ignore that. They helped those less educated and less involved understand the issues and satire at hand. Elias Redding was good at his job; therefore, he could be trusted.

The large boardroom felt vacant now that only the three men occupied it. “Gentlemen, it would be remiss if I didn’t applaud your efforts in publishing the Hawthorne wedding excerpt. Your drawing was well done, Elias.” Lawrence started, not wanting to concern either of them that the meeting would be performance-related. “I’ve taken the liberty to brush up on my family history.” He tapped the file he had previously glossed over. “I remind you, this is confidential information. What I'm about to tell you stays in this boardroom between us. No one on the floor needs to know until we’re ready to publish. Understood?”
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Chapter 2- So Long, Honeymoon
- Monday 21st June 1920 -
Mid-Morning - Warm, Sunny


Daniel & Lily's Residence
-Downtown San Francisco, California-

Lillian Hawthorne

Annabelle-Wallis-0156v5-by-Jason-Bell.jpgThe last month had been amazing for Lily. She's adored her honeymoon in Italy and France, with the husband she loved. Of course, returning home had been a shock to the system. They'd been back for a few days now, but Lily was still struggling to get back to normal. Her sleep routine had been messed up, with her napping during the day as she had difficulty get back to normal. Last night she'd managed to get a full night's sleep, though waking up this morning had still been a struggle. Added to her tiredness was frustration about the house. She was desperate to take control in getting everything set up and exactly the way she envisioned their new home to look, but she was lacking the time and energy to get to it right away. More than anything, she was longing for her piano to be transported to her new home so she could at least relax by playing some music.

Despite the urge to stay in bed, Lily had been invited to join her father and sisters on his boat. After spending so much time at sea travelling to and from the honeymoon, Lily wasn't sure she wanted to get on another boat for some time. The sea sickness had been particularly horrendous during the the journey home. However, the opportunity to spend time with her family was something she wouldn't refuse. She'd grin and bear feeling rough if it meant spending time with them. She'd missed them over the last month.

After having a coffee and chat with Daniel, Lily returned to her bedroom to get dressed for the day. All the while, things at work were playing in her mind. She hadn't returned film rehearsals yet, but she had caught up with a friend yesterday. During her time away, Jesse had been spending time in her social circle and his girlfriend, Martha, had been spreading gossip about Lily. The woman had been fed lies by Jesse, no doubt in an attempt to protect himself should Lily speak out about what he'd done to her. The gossip that had been spread was that Lily and Jesse had a fling over a decade ago, with Martha now concerned Lily was still carrying feelings for him and trying to muscle in on Jesse. Lily had wanted to tell Daniel the truth about what Jesse had done to her, but had decided to do it after the wedding. She hadn't wanted their big day to be even more stressful, nor had she wanted the mood to be dampened. Now, with the false information being spread about her, she believed the truth about her ordeal would be undermined. Jesse had made sure about that whilst she wasn't present to set the story straight. She hadn't yet told her husband and had done well to keep her upset to herself, managing to hold in her tears until she was alone.

Once finally ready and having parted ways with Daniel for the day, Lily got into her car and drove to Arthur's ranch. When she arrived, she greeted her father with a bright smile and a hug, before handing him a small gift. "I have no doubts in your navigation skills today, but when I saw this in Sorrento I simply had to get it for you," she said of the compass she'd gifted for him.

Pagemaster Pagemaster (Arthur) Saix Saix (Aurelia) neverbackdown neverbackdown (Lucille)
Mentioned: ReverseTex ReverseTex (Daniel)
Rosewater Pharmacy
- Downtown San Francisco, California -

Walter Hawthorne and Grace Baker

1721681472642.pngWalter hadn't left much time for everyone to rest and settle down from the wedding before putting his younger sons and his employees back to work. Business didn't stop just because two people decided to get married and go off roaming on honeymoon. So whilst expecting Grace to manage the clean up of his ranch after the wedding he was also putting more work on her to organise his meetings for the weeks that followed.

Grace was used to being overloaded with work by now. Still, she hadn't so much appreciated having to accompany Walter on his visits and business tours of the mines. Skirts and heels certainly weren't suitable attire for being outside on site, but she knew she hadn't been brought along for her skills and work ethic alone. Some of his associates were easy to soft up in the presence of an attractive woman.

Thankfully, none of this week's plans involved such excursions and she was glad to be stuck to the Hawthorne properties and downtown businesses. Today was surprisingly relaxed, with the only meeting scheduled being the one Daniel had called at the pharmacy. Grace took the opportunity to ditch the skirts for a day and wear a comfortable trouser suit. That had so far proved to be more trouble than it was worth...

The driver parked up outside the pharmacy, with Walter stepping out of the front passenger side whilst Grace emerged from the back of the car, clutching a file under one arm. "I don't see what the big deal is," Grace continued the debate they'd started in the car.

"I think it's unprofessional for women to be wearing trousers to work," Walter told her. "You know how some of my associates are. They're more agreeable when you're there charming them," he bluntly pointed out.

1721681487195.png"By that logic, would it be correct to infer that you believe men are weak-minded?" she asked. Seeing her boss's disapproving glare, she shook her head and chuckled. "Relax, Walter. We're only meeting your sons. Unless, you're suggesting I get dolled up and flirt with them? Surely not!" There was at least one of Walter's sons she knew she didn't need to dress up for, but she wasn't about to taunt Walter with that information.

"Quit being facetious!" Walter snapped as he tried the door handle to find the pharmacy was locked. Grace intervened and unlocked the door with her set of keys. She had expected Daniel to already be there, but she wasn't about to give Walter any fuel to complain - he didn't need more. "Another lesson in professionalism, Grace. Don't be late to your own meeting," he told her.

When they both stepped inside, Grace looked at the wall clock and rolled her eyes as she saw that Daniel wasn't quite late... yet. Before they could reach the back office, the sound of more footsteps caught their attention.

"Good afternoon," Walter greeted John and James with a smile.

"Hey, you two. How's your weekend been?" Grace greeted them both with a bright smile. She was mostly glad to have company other than Walter. Especially when the company was particularly easy on the eyes, in John's case.

Pagemaster Pagemaster (John), Jabroni Jabroni (James) ReverseTex ReverseTex (Daniel)
Flemming Ranch
- North of San Francisco, California -

Arthur Flemming
Interactions: Saix Saix Misty Gray Misty Gray ReverseTex ReverseTex neverbackdown neverbackdown

Arthur had barely sat still in the last month as business took him all over the country. Ongoing investments, government contracts, and a number of other real estate adventures had taken up a lot of his time. Rumours would be flying given that almost $50 million dollars had been spent in the San Francisco area alone by Arthur directly, or agents on his behalf. It was a drop in the bucket of his fortune and it would do well to continue his legacy; this was another area he had addressed while he was out and about.

Each of the girls had a trust fund in their name that, upon their marriage, would revert to them. They could not sign it over to someone else, any attempt to do so would return it to their fathers estate. Upon marriage, each would receive $5,000,000 that they could access for whatever they wished, no questions asked. The trust fund came with one million dollars in cash with the additional four million in shares to the various companies Arthur owned. Lillys had been transferred to her while she was gone and a package with the information she needed was with him as he flew toward the Ranch.

He had taken off from San Francisco an hour before hand in a Verville VCP plane that had been gifted to him by a friend in the US Air Service; it was the newest type of aircraft being used by the US army. It was an ungainly, chubby looking little plane, but it had a powerful engine and suited him just fine. Being new it also had the advantage of letting him wear a parachute, something he had not had when he crashed during the Great War.

Looking down on California was always an awe inspiring experience and as he crossed over the insivible line that marked the border of the Ranch he felt a smile cross his face. The wind buffeted him as he turned high above the main house, a sprawling 6500 square feet of Spanish style house, barns, garage, and guest accomodations. Lilly had once asked him what the point of the guest houses were since he didn't let anyone stay and he still hadn't though up a good response.

A light spray of water had puffed up around his tires as they hit the ground and he taxied down the long grass runway to a hanger built into a hillside, effectively hiding the plane from anyone above. Basic concrete flloors were in stark contrast to the white tiled walls and bright lightd of the rest of the hanger. A tunnel dug through the hillside, connected to the main house and once the ground crew had rolled the aircraft into its spot, one of a half dozen such aircraft, he headed through to the main house.

He arrived moments before Lilly did, her little car purring into the driveway. He was glad that she had been polite enough to leave Daniel at home. Not because he didn't want to see the boy, but this was Arthurs doman and he suffered no one that he had not invited himself. He accepted the hug, returning her smile, before inspecting the compass. It was a nice piece, made in Germany from the looks of it, and he could mount it in the VCP.

"Thanks honey, and welcome back." He gave her a hug in return before glancing toward the ocean. "I see you're here. When the rest of the girls arrive we will head down to the boat."

Rosewater Pharmacy
- Downtown San Fransico, California -

John Hawthorne
Interactions: Jabroni Jabroni ReverseTex ReverseTex Misty Gray Misty Gray
John, and for the last three weeks, James, had been deep in the Klamath Mountains dealing with a cave in at one of the mines. No one had been hurt, but a consideable fortune in equipment had been buried underground. The dust, heat, and rain, had all combined to make the whole thing far less exciting than it sounded. John, always ready to get his hands dirty, had jumped into action and led his men into an effort to reopen the mine. It had taken two weeks of hard digging before they managed to re-open the tunnel. Crews were now replacing the shoring ans lagging, as well as improving what was there already. With any luck, there wouldn't be any further issues.

The summons from their father to meet, of all places, at Daniels pharmacy, had annoyed john. He and James were working for a living, literally, and had a lot more important events on their plate than some damn fool idea from the families little princling. So, with tempers already frayed, the two brothers had driven down into the city. They stopped at the family house to freshen up before heading to the pharmacy.

He had just parked the car when he was his father, and Grace, walking into the pharmacy. Some of his ill humour faded at the sight of the tight skirt and perfectly formed backside of his fathers personal assistant. He would have to sneak away for a holiday with her some time soon.

The brothers shook hands and all nodded to Grace as the brothers joined the first arrivals inside. He took a moment to admire Grace and winked at her behind his fathers back. She was a beautiful woman, even more so when she was naked.

"Father, Grace, nice to see you indeed. Behaving is hardly the word, James has been helping get one of our stalled operations back into action. Glad to have him, makes my life easier." This was mostly true. John had done most of the work but James seemed to be picking things up quickly.

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