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Realistic or Modern The Going Away Club - OOC

Good morning, everyone!
Hope you all are having a great day so far! I'm already starting on the first post, even though we won't be starting for a few days, and I was wondering what you guys thought about the trip the club is going to be going on? I have several ideas but because we're going to be starting in April, I'm not sure any Spring trips would be available in doing. I may be thinking too literal on this, seeing as this is all fiction and a club like this wouldn't actually exist, but I'm still curious about what you guys think we should do.

Maybe a sport for all of us to play? Like, for example, baseball? idk, it could be used as an excuse for everyone in the club to get to know each other, and what they are capable of.
WinterGreen WinterGreen
;o !
How do you feel about a couple of American exchange students?
admittedly? probably less positive than you may imagine! while i'm not like 100% opposed to it, it just tends to invite an abundance of not exactly desired participants with not exactly desired characters, but if orchestrated properly i may be persuaded otherwise. i can't quite explain why it bugs me in the way that it does, but rule three is essentially in place to prevent that.
what mikko mikko is saying is, if you want to give it a shot, sure! Go ahead! But depending on how it's done will depend on whether or not you'll be accepted c; Make the character interesting and have a good reason for going form America to Japan. Steve Freeling Steve Freeling
What would constitute as a good reason in your honest opinion? I have a few ideas, but if I'm gonna do this, I want to do it right.
Maybe he got into a program that allowed him to travel to Japan for a school year and study there. Normally people see foreign exchange students as "I had a terrible past and we had to move to Japan to get away from it- I'm now a foreign exchange student." Which is totally wrong.

But if you're looking for how to do a correct character sheet as well: pick a good face claim (normally something drawn well or some from a manga counts as pretty good), pick a good name (not one too crazy, but don't go for something super normal like Bill, unless the name is William and he goes by Bill- you know what I mean.) Other than that, just write with good grammar c:

Steve Freeling Steve Freeling
The tragic thing definitely wasn't something I had in mind. I had it in mind like where they thought it would be adventure or thought it would be cool to learn about a culture different from their own.
Good morning, again!
Wow, you guys just keep on surprising me with these amazing characters! I didn't expect to have this kind of feed back, and I'm extremely happy for all of you to join us! We should be starting on the 21st, or 22nd, depending on how well characters can get done. I'm leaning more towards the 21st, but we'll see! Anyways, me and my co-gm ( mikko mikko ) realized that we needed to have a teacher for the club for it to be an actual club, so he will be making a teacher. With that said, take your time if you need it. You can always ask if you could have more time, and I would happily oblige c;

Now, to pass the time, talk to each other!!! If you find a character interesting, message that person and ask if your characters can get to know each other! It probably would be hard to go throughout high school and not know (or recognize) at least 2 characters.​
Mine's basically done! I'll get to the background sometime... i kind of hate writing them XD Its gonna take some self-discipline
I'm so excited!! I love him already! and i hate writing backgrounds, too. you can have the basic telling of what happened and keep the details for later if you'd like c;
Prehaps we should go to Ikea :p

In all seriousness though, I'd like something city or outgoing related. Sport is good but I think it might be too reliant on actions rather than dialouge. I dunno...just a thought.
IMG_2250.JPG I was drawing Ichika and I realised I was on the wrong layer so I can't recolour it- this world is cruel.
View attachment 363022 I was drawing Ichika and I realised I was on the wrong layer so I can't recolour it- this world is cruel.
OHMIGOSH SO CUTE!!! You're so talented!! And I hate drawing on the wrong layers. Whenever I do line-art I accidentally do it on the sketch layer and it makes me cry every time. But it's so cute! Keep it up!
Good Morning!
We're approaching starting time! Sadly, it won't be today since I'm going to be out from 9am-9pm (Central Time) which sucks, but I'll manage. I'll post tomorrow at some point in the day, but since i won't be here, mikko mikko is taking over. If you have any questions, ask him, please! Anyways, all of your characters look wonderful and I'm so excited to start this!​
OHMIGOSH SO CUTE!!! You're so talented!! And I hate drawing on the wrong layers. Whenever I do line-art I accidentally do it on the sketch layer and it makes me cry every time. But it's so cute! Keep it up!
Thank you! :)
We could go to Ueno Park and have a picnic. Since it's April, the trees will be blossoming.

Edit: I finished my CS.
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Good morning!
Today's the day everyone! Judgment day c; Thank you all for having so much patience. Everyone has until 10pm (Central Time) to finish up their character sheet, and that's when I'll post the starter post and tell everyone who's accepted. Also, I was thinking and I kind of wanted to combine everyone's ideas into one? So... I hope you guys like hikes c;​
Good morning!
Today's the day everyone! Judgment day c; Thank you all for having so much patience. Everyone has until 10pm (Central Time) to finish up their character sheet, and that's when I'll post the starter post and tell everyone who's accepted. Also, I was thinking and I kind of wanted to combine everyone's ideas into one? So... I hope you guys like hikes c;​

A hike sounds good, how are we going to start it off tonight? Would everybody be coming from class to the club, or would we be starting our hike right away?
A hike sounds good, how are we going to start it off tonight? Would everybody be coming from class to the club, or would we be starting our hike right away?
They'll all start at the place, seeing as meeting at the club and riding there by train seems a bit boring, if you know what I mean. So we'll probably start there and then do introductions. Since the club is starting the Friday after school started, no one probably knows each other, other than passing by and seeing them, so we can do introductions there before we start the hike itself.

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