• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern The Going Away Club - CS


I am a Corgi *3*

Character Sheet
Hello! Thank you so, so much for coming to look at this role play and possibly enter! I'm thoroughly excited to see all the creativity everyone will come up with! I want to say three things before you get started: 1. There doesn't need to be bbcode! If you are going to use it, please make sure it's readable! I've had problems in the past with not being able to see the character clearly, and 2. Be creative! Not every character needs a a super sad and tragic backstory. Get creative and use your imagination! The more diverse personalities and backstories, the better- and lastly, 3. The character sheet pictures are in anime/drawn style. No real life or realistic pictures of people used, please! With that out of the way, please proceed at your own risk!

Picture: *This can be anywhere in the CS, as long as it's there.

The Basics
Role: *If none, put "Member"
Age: *15-18, any year is welcome in the club
Sexuality: *Optional, you can wait till we start the story and have your character feel their way through.

Appearance *This can all be one paragraph if you want to describe it that way. Just include the information in said paragraph
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Clothing Style: *When the club goes on trips, members with have to pack. You can include examples, but please have them be linked like this: x
Distinguishing Feature:
Other: *Optional if you have nothing else to say

Language and Behavior

*Can be a list of vices/virtues or in paragraph form
Likes: *At least 3
Dislikes: *At least 3

Family/Friends: *Add a small description of who they are
Relationships: *If you want to reach out to other players and form relationships beforehand

Theme Song:


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Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Height: 5'5"

Clothing Style: x | x | x

Distinguishing Feature: Very obvious bags under her eyes from far too many coffee-filled nights

Hanami Fumiko

Club President




Hanami has a very laid back and "I don't give a f**k" sort of tone; however, if she gets worked up, it can become authoritative.

Bored and exhausted, normally seen dozing off or staring into nothingness.

She often clicks a pen or twirls a pencil when she's bored, which she almost always is. If she has nothing on hand, she will normally drum her fingernails again a hard object. She also may or may not be addicted to caffeine, more specifically coffee- so if she asks for a hot drink, it better not be "weak, watered s**t." On that note, she cusses... a lot. If she drops something or messes up in any way, even if it's tiny, a strew of foul words often follow it.

Hanami is strangely good at listening and, when she sees someone that's upset, is awfully good at making them laugh or cheering them up. She doesn't do it often, just because she never runs into situations where she's the only one around to help someone- but she's there if she needs to be. This was already mentioned, but it's a bit of a skill... Hanami can curse so much that it would make a sailor blush. Her own mother is still sometimes astounded at what creative words she can spew from her mouth.

Hanami's hobbies include, but are not limited to; procrastinating to the last minute and somehow managing to get in done just in time, drinking too much coffee to the point where she can't fall asleep, then sleeping the next day, and playing video games.


Responsible *When it comes down to something serious

Coffee. The stronger the better.
Comfy Clothes
The smell of cinnamon


Hanami Fumiko lived a relatively normal life. Her parent's couldn't have children, so they adopted it through a mother who couldn't take care of her unborn baby- which turned out to be Hanami! It never bothered her that she was adopted, her parents were still her parents and it didn't seem sad or depressing to her. It was simply a cross of events. After that, she was raised with loving, and amazingly supportive parents who loved her very much. Of course, when they had to be parents and disciplined her, they would, but for the most part they were friends.

When Hanami was little and was asked what she wanted to do when she grew up, she had already replied with, "Make Mommy and Daddy proud!" And that was her only goal. She did everything to make sure that her parents were proud of her- she did music, sports, scholarly academics, and much more just to hear those words come out of their mouths.

Through the years, she had heard them say it a myriad of times, each time more wonderful than the last. And since what she was doing was working, she just kept doing it. All throughout elementary school and junior high, she would wake up, eat, get dressed, go to school, come home, do homework, and then sleep. She continued on that cycle, not bothering with making friends. If she didn't bother other, they didn't bother her, and that was just fine with her.

There were the people that tried, though, and she would either ignore them, be rude, or blatantly tell them that she doesn't want friends, which worked; however, there was one person who didn't allow her to slip away in her first year of high school. Takahara Seiko, the most beautiful person, inside and out, she had ever had the delight of meeting and getting to know. At first, Hanami wouldn't budge from her stubborn outlook on "No friends" so that she could focus on working- but Takahara just would not leave her alone. She bugged her every single day in their homeroom class for Hanami to join her during lunch, and she kept on rejecting her. At first, she said no politely and asked her to leave. When she kept bugging her, she got more and more rude, till she finally snapped and yelled at her to go away.... and yet she stayed.

Eventually, Hanami cracked and said yes, but as long as she could study. It started out one day with no words being said, but suddenly it became two like that, and slowly Takahara managed to allow Hanami to break free from her uptight and rude ways into a more relaxed version of her. They got to talking and soon became best friends and did almost everything together. She learned that studying and grades weren't everything that was needed to make her parents proud.

After relaxing and being much more lenient on herself, Takahara busted into the classroom one day with a smile on her face rushing to approach Hanami, spilling everything about a club she just started and how she was the president. It had been one of her dreams to bring people together somehow, and she may finally accomplish it!

Many people piled in and joined because of the popularity of Takahara and the curiosity of other students; however, when Takahara stopped showing up at school, people slowly started to leave. Hanami, worried about her friend, found a way to contact her and it turned out that she was severely sick and in the hospital. Takahara asked that while she was out that she would take care of the club... and so she did.

And was taking care of the club ever since.

Hanami Maei - Hanami's mother; she acts like her best friend.
Hanami Toru - Hanami's father; loveable but jokingly protective.
Takahara Seiko - Hanami's best friend; the person who started up "The Going Away Club" and is currently sick in the hospital.


Hanami's favorite Pokemon is Snorlax

Theme Song
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The Basics

Mahoro "Kii-chan" Kiyota


Eye Color:
Dark green
Hair Color:
Clothing Style:
x | x
Distinguishing Feature:
Her small stature is what people usually notice first, but she considers herself average, if not generic.

Language and Behavior

Her voice is high and soft, 'cute' some people would say, and she speaks in a usually upbeat manner. She has a certain optimistic determination that makes her tone unique.
As stated above, she has a determined or competitive way of acting and speaking, but not in any mean-spirited way. She has good intentions, and might even seem 'dumb' when she focuses all her energy on something others would see as pointless. Which, unfortunately for people who want to get things done, happens a lot.
She tends to be forgetful, but it's only because she's learning so much that it's pushing other things out! That's what she says, anyways. She generally can only focus on one thing at a time, and this leads to her fixating on something and quickly switching to hyperfixating on another thing when in a group. She seems like a really curious and odd individual because of this. She tends to rely on her own way of solving things instead of going 'by the book'.
Despite the obvious weakness in mostly focusing on one thing at a time, at times it will work with her determined optimism to actually allow her to get things done really fast. The key is for others to help get her to do what is needed, and remind her when she's offtrack. She's incredibly good at creative things like art, and okay at things a little less fun like math whenever she can feel bothered to put her attention into it. (Her incentive for doing math is to get it over with really fast and aggressively so that she doesn't have to do it anymore, and that can end one of several ways.)
Her hobbies range from desperately trying to learn how to play guitar to playing with legos and drawing. She's very liable to find something new to be interested in every week, but whether it will stick as a real hobby is another thing entirely. She also enjoys drawing art for fun, nothing too serious or with any real goal behind it.



-Lack of book smarts
-A slacker toward the serious
-Focuses on the trivial
-Curious about the world
-Optimistic and upbeat
-Spicy food, but she tends to eat so much that she gets sick
-Sour gummy worms, much to the same affect as spicy food
-Romcom movies and novels
-Rock music
-Coffee without a ton of sugar
-Horror films, they scare her to no end
-Clowns, because she once saw a horror flick based around them

Mahoro Kiyota, like the majority of people from her hometown, lived an average if not slightly boring childhood. It was only this way because of her family being a bit lower than middle-class, and being unable to afford much past the necessities. This problem only worsened as her father and mother's relationship became strained, eventually forcing the two to split with hard feelings, and leaving an elementary age Kiyota confused and without a father figure. Her now single mother had to bring home the bread for her child, now struggling to afford even the most basic of bills. This was the start of her curious attitude about things she hadn't been exposed to. Fancy foods, candy, toys, art- the world past her life was big and exciting, and she could only ever hope to find out. As she grew, she became especially attached to the sounds that could come from instruments, and bands that used them. She especially latched onto the idea that one day she could play a guitar, but her mother never found herself with enough money to be able to afford one, much to her despair and feelings of letting down her daughter.

Her school life was never an interesting one, and she'd often find herself staring out windows at birds or doodling instead of writing essays or doing her math. It was obvious she was a peculiar type of girl, not just a lazy one like some were- and for this, it was a mixed bag of results on whether or not she'd make friends through the years. Some didn't like her 'hyper' way of acting or her rambling on a single subject, finding it annoying. But one student in particular never found Kiyota's flaws so unbearable, instead finding them charming. Hisakawa Hikaru was the one friend that really stuck with her for longer than any short period of time, and for once she had someone who truly supported her dream. Not like her mother's brushing off due to the implausibility of even getting a guitar, but someone who really believed Kiyota could make it happen. Their friendship lasted until the year before high school that Hikaru had to move to another part of Japan; but not to leave without a trace, he purchased her a guitar with all the allowances he'd saved over the years. Kiyota still treasures it to this day, considering Hikaru her best friend even if they lost contact more than a long time ago.

When high school started, it was her own idea to try and get into the Going Away Club. The idea of doing things with people she hadn't met before (which is to say, a lot of people) was really interesting to her at the time, as well as the possibility that she would find more good friends. Through a series of events she herself can't even recall, if it was even notable, she wound up being appointed as Adviser of the club. Fitting enough, because for what she always lacked in book smarts, and... sometimes smarts in general, she always seems to have a practical way of managing and organizing things.
Hisakawa Hikaru - Her best friend that moved away some time ago.
Mahoro Kazumi - Her mother, a hard working woman afraid of not being able to provide for Kiyota.
Mahoro Haruto - Her father, current whereabouts.
Her favorite Pokemon is Spoink.
Theme Song:
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Eye Color: Light Brown

Hair Color: Dyed a grey blue / Original color is dark brown

Height: 6'2"

Clothing Style: x | x | x

Distinguishing Feature: Several beauty marks planted all throughout his body

Other: Kurosawa has a sleeve of tattoos all along his right arm as well as a pierced ear

Kurosawa Juurou





Kurosawa's voice is firm and intimidating, rather low and almost like a sort of growl.

Alert and strong, often looking like he's concentrating on something thoroughly. Despite his appearance, he has a soft core but doesn't know how to express his feelings well in a way that would make him look less intimidating.

He always roots for the underdog, no matter the situation. Those who seem like the can't overcome it always have a soft spot in his heart, and despite any circumstance, he will have their back. On that note, he always jumps to conclusions, especially when it's with attractive boys. From his experience, they're no good and should be put in their place. Kurosawa, if he is actually focusing on doing something right, his tongue normally sticks out. He doesn't know how this came about, but it just happened.

Kurosawa is extremely talented in fighting. Since he was little, he had to fight for himself and the others around him, so he's fluent in a few combat styles, but he normally uses his own. Is this counts as a skill, he's developed a high pain tolerance as well. He's also strangely good at being a leader despite his rather soft personality. He's good at making decisions and can corral others using intimidation and respect if need be.

Kurusawa's hobbies are a bit strange and all over the place, but there are several. He runs a gang in his free time, attends a club with the purpose of making friends, and crochets.

Jumps to Conclusions
Oblivious *Depending on the occasion
Over-imaginative at times

Good Intentions
Easily Excitable/Entertained

Small Animals, he has an affinity for them.
Mothers and Underdogs
Chocolate Milk
Working out


Kurosawa Juurou never had a father in his life. For one reason or another, he had left before he was born, so it was just him and his mother. They were never the wealthiest, and for a long time, his mom worked days and nights, taking Kurosawa with her to her assortment of jobs to make sure he was okay and could be taken care of. Since they had no relatives or anyone else to depend on, it was just his mother working for him to make sure he could live.

As he got older, his mother got him anything she could afford while keeping the financials stable. She didn't want him to have a bad life just because he didn't have a father. Even though the things he go were poorly made and normally cheap, he treasured each of them and thanked her everyday.

He was raised as a gentleman and a kind boy, so when he attended school, he acted as such. His years in elementary school were fine, they were all kids and while they said mean things about one another, it never got physical. He didn't exactly make friends because he didn't know how. He didn't develop a good socializing tool since he only talked to his mother, so he was an outcast for most of his years.

During junior high, things took a turn. Kurosawa was a short and skinny kid, not really fitting in with his average hair and eye color, and since he never made any friends during elementary school, the kids started picking on him. The words they said never really got to him. He stood his ground but never said anything, and since they saw that words weren't working, they got more and more aggressive. They started pushing, pulling his hair, hit him and kicked, but he didn't do anything- he couldn't do anything. He didn't know how.

But he lived with it anyways. He endured it... but when he saw that others were getting the same treatment from the popular guys that were bullying him, he couldn't just ignore their behavior. He wanted to stop it. He wanted to fight back.

Kurosawa decided to go to a gym and work on getting bigger and stronger in order to beat them. He worked before and after school, keeping himself motivated and ready. All throughout this, however, his mother was worried about him. He'd come home beaten and bruised, and when she'd question it, he'd shrug it off as nothing. She understood that he was selfless and didn't want to bother her with his issues, but she wanted to make sure he was okay, so she sat him down and had a long talk, one he couldn't escape from. As she pressed, he slowly broke down and cried, letting all of his pent up anger and sadness roll out like he needed it to. After they were done, he made it clear that he was going to stop them and that there was nothing she could do, and she accepted that, just wanting him to promise that he would still be the same little boy that she had raised, and he did.

The bullying lasted a long, long time. It was only in the last year of junior high, did he finally feel comfortable enough to face them. He told them that after school, they were to meet him. When they finally arrived, her had already gotten ready and made it clear that he was looking for a fight. Of course, they laughed. At the time, yes he was buffer, but he was still shorter than them. Plus, he was outnumbered, but he didn't back down.

They played dirty, but he was somehow able to do it. The years of practicing payed off well, and the next day, rumor spread about the fight and how he had won. And from that day, he kept helping those who needed help, people that couldn't defend themselves.

One high school started, he had already gotten a lot of attention from the other 'delinquents' in the schools, and they all started to see him as a sort of leader. Of course, this was after the fact that he hit puberty and got much taller. He had a respectable attitude and fought fairly, but aggressively. Slowly, he made friends with the other delinquents, and became a part of something.

Up until his 4th year, he had been rather attached to only the people in the group, so he decided he wanted to make more friends and joined the club.

Kurosawa Emiko - Kurosawa's mother; a wonderfully strong woman who took care of Kurosawa by herself.


Kurosawa's favorite Pokemon is Mimikyu

Theme Song
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Role: Vice president

Name: Ren Kaeda
Age: 16
Year: 2nd
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight​


Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5' 7"
Clothing Style: x , x
Distinguishing Feature: Has a birthmark behind his ear.


Language and Behavior
: Preoccupied or distant, calming...almost boring to some people. Doesn't really have an extreme tone, rather just normal pitched. Has a slight stammer.
Mannerisms/Demeanor: Head always in the clouds. He's constantly thinking about something else half of the time. Can be easily distracted but helplessly fixated on something that really interests him. He can talk to someone and enjoys social gatherings but might pull out a novel if he's left alone.
Quirks: He loves books and will always have one on him, especially fantasy novels, historical texts and adventure stories. Can get overly excited if someone enjoys or reads the same book as him. Besides this, he knows an awful lot about the history of modern media and trends.
Skills/Talents: Awfully good at solving the Rubik's Cube and other party tricks. For actual skills, he enjoys cooking and spending time planting things in his garden. He's can cook almost anything if given the right ingredients. Ren also observes the forecast closely to make sure his plants are growing well.
Hobbies: Reading, planting, cooking and the occasional swim are the only things that really stick to Ren during his free time. He's currently reading, "Two hundred things you should do before you get too old," in an attempt to find different things to do.​
- Easily distracted or bored
- Lacks self-motivation
- Easily scared
- Sympathetic and open minded (Most of the time)
- Ambitious
- Smart and organised
- Books
- Italian food
- Crazy parties
- Bad teachers
- Long, boring lectures
- Roaches

Favourite pokemon:

Mudkip. Don't diss the Mudkip.


Ren was born on a farm, outside far outside Tokyo, and spent most of his infant years either sneaking outside the house to see the outside world or playing with whatever he could find. That stopped until two things happened: 1) His younger sister ,Hinata, was born. 2) His mother taught him how to read.

His bitter rivalry with his sister began from Day one and both sought to gain the affection of their parents. This competitive behaviour led them to sibling counselling and sleepless nights spent teasing and arguing. Eventually, their parents decided partially give up and to ignore most of it.

Ren also learnt to ignore his relationship with his sister when his mother, a school teacher, began home-schooling them separately. Ren began reading by himself a lot more whilst his sister paid more attention to music and the arts. The two spent their lives completely separately, going to different places and completely ignoring each other.

When Hinata reached her thirteenth birthday, the family sold the farm and moved into the outskirts of the city. Both enrolled into the same high school, but never interacted with each other. With pressure reaching out to both of them, they shut each other out from the world and tried to seek ways of achieving higher to ensure good grades and reputation.

Last year however, Hinata was elected class president and her parents commended her for her efforts. Jealous, Ren tried achieving leadership roles but to no avail, until he found an application for Vice President for The Going Away Club. He thought that this was an opportunity to manage his stress and obtain a leadership role

- Hinata Kaeda, sister. Plays several musical instruments, sings, acts and paints. Has already received multiple awards for her efforts in school.
- Ahito Kaeda, Father. Works at an insurance agency.
- Sakura Kaeda, Mother. Housewife and retired school teacher. Runs an internet business from home.

Theme: x
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The Basics
Role: Treasurer
Name: Naoko Tanaka
Age: 17
Year: 4th
Gender: Male

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5'6
Clothing Style: Naoko has a rather poor sense of fashion. He just slips on a black, jean coat over a plain white shirt and will always, unless regulated by dress code, be wearing tan cargo shorts and black flip flops.
Distinguishing Feature: He has been told he has the eyes of a dead fish.

Language and Behavior
Voice/Tone: Naoko's tone is moderately deeper than average which accompanies a rather monotone voice like someone who is perpetually bored.
Mannerisms/Demeanor: He typically has an apathetic air around him, and practically in any situation will not lose his cool.
Quirks: Naoko has the tendency to keep one eye closed at all times. This leads to rather poor depth perception and clumsiness. In addition, the young man can typically be found walking with his hands behind his head, claiming that people give him more room to walk like that. The young man also cannot remember names to save his life.
-Writing Fiction or Non-Fiction
-Starting Arguments



Likes: Money, Sleeping, Jogging, Math, Chatting, Biology, Helping others
Dislikes: Annoyances, Activities that require coordination, History, The Dark

Background: Naoko was born to rather successful parents as the third eldest. Although, he never felt the benefits of that due to 6 other children being born afterwards. It would be hard to be spoiled with the income split 11 ways. But, at least Naoko was never bored growing up. He was constantly annoyed, but he was rarely bored. It did get overbearing at times, and he wished he could get a moment of silence at least once a day. With his older siblings' teasing and younger siblings' screaming, Naoko felt he would go deaf in a couple weeks. But, he learned quickly that if he showed no emotion they would leave him alone. Through the experience, he gradually became less and less expressive eventually being unable to show emotion to annoyances and noise.
Naoko has a pretty big family. On top of his mom and dad, He has 6 other younger siblings and 2 older siblings.
Relationships: WIP

Other: Favorite pokemon is Magikarp.
Theme Song: x
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The Basics​

Role: Secretary

Name: Fujio Kudo

Age: 18

Year: 4th

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Doesn't know, he never experimented.


Eyecolor: Blue/Gray

Hair Color: Blue

Height: 5'10

Clothing Style: Very bland clothing. He only has one color of shirts in his drawers, navy blue. Sweatpants are a common sight to be seen on him as well.

Distinguishing Feature: It would appear that he is constantly frowning but that is just his neutral facial expression. It's not that he isn't happy! It's just from his years of seclusion that he doesn't really find it a priority. You can notice if he's happy if you pay close attention to his lips.

Language and Behavior

Voice/Tone: Though rarely used before coming to "The Going Away Club", it has a very deep tone to it, often surprising people around him. This is, of course, unintentional.

Mannerisms/Demeanor: If he's sitting in a chair he will slouch. If he is standing he will sway. However, if he is given a task he will work non-stop until it is done, which consequently gives him a ton of free time to sleep (in class or not).

Quirks: Loves music, he will almost always have some earbuds or headphones blasting away soft rock. He has also learned lip reading, which aids him to *almost* never stop listening to music.

Skills/Talents: Huge nerd when it comes to mathematics, though he would never show this outright to anyone. His management skills are borderline obsessive, class notes are alphabetized, handouts have their own binder, you name it. He is also open to proof-reading papers for you if you ask nice enough.

Hobbies: Likes to play video games and, as mentioned before, likes to listen to music.


Personality: Very shy and doesn't like to be the instigator. Though he does want to express his emotions to other people, he just doesn't know how. If you were to talk to him in a chat room online he could write you paragraphs. He does like to help other people and likes to submit his own ideas into conversations when he can. He does not like to be behind on class work and takes any title he is given very seriously. If someone were to interrupt his work they would have to face his wrath. You'll often see him taking notes whenever he can, it more or less helps him cope with social anxiety.

Likes: Math, organization. sweets, fantasy novels, poker, music

Dislikes: Chocolate, being the center of attention, rap music, restrictive clothing


Background: Grew up as a single child in a small town where everybody knew your name. He stayed inside mostly and was known mostly by the community as a hermit. His parents were forced to move and he had to go along, despite his protests. Now he's in a new town entirely in a new school in his last year of high school!

Family/Friends: Really only knows his parents and some acquaintances from his old town.

Relationships: Has never been in one before.

Theme Song: x

Other: Fujio's favorite Pokemon is Tropius.
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The Basics

Karumi Negasai


3rd Year



Eye Color
Lime Green

Hair Color

5'9 ft

Clothing Style:
Any military uniform, usually those used in past with some current outfits,
rarely you can find her wearing "civilian clothes" aka a dress or regular outfits

Distinguishing Feature
Military Outfits and her eyes

Language and Behavior -

Playing: CUTE JAPANESE (2) (1).mp3 - picosong

Often talking as if she were a soldier on the battlefield or in a planning room before a war or if you're lucky a standard "civilian" talk

Takes everything as if it were in the middle of a war
Always carries a BBgun of some weapon or a wooden sword or shovel

An excellent marksman
Massive knowledge in war history
Some sort of mechanics training and various vehicle operating

Making war dioramas
Digging Trenches


Karumi is a very energized and upbeat girl, always trying to take initiative and get things done. When alone she's actually the opposite of her usual demeanor, seeming somber and very low energy if not sad and depressed. Though with other people around she's as boundless as you can get, always with a smile and trying to make the experience fun for everyone. Karumi is quite childish and takes everything a bit less serious than most, even when it comes to her military hobby she's quite comical besides her extensive knowledge on the subject.


Waking up early
Being Alone
Leaving people behind

History -
Karumi was adopted at a young age and her parents never told her, though she found out eventually, after that she became distant and cold to everyone, reaped by the thought that her identity, her life is a lie. After some time her grandfather took notice and started showing her how to make model tanks as a way to keep her mind off things, eventually, she got so into it her entire room was covered in wartime paraphernalia, a distraction from feeling fake.




Theme Song

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Ichika Watanabe
The Basics

Role: Member
Age: 16
Year: 2nd
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual


Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 5"6
Clothing Style: X , X
Distinguishing Feature: Though she was born and raised in Japan, she looks more like her mother, who is from America.

Language and Behavior
Ichika's voice is soothing, with smooth transitions from quiet to a little louder than most. She likes to keep her voice this way as it makes her come off as somewhat level-headed.
Ichika has some issues with staying still while both standing or seated. She'll often shift and look around for something interesting, sneak a book to read or doodle in the margins of her notebook.
If she stutters mid-sentence, she'll stop everything just to shout "WORDS!" in a small fit of frustration.
Ichika excels in art and writing. She hopes to write stories of her own someday.
Watercolour painting
Writing short stories
Baking if she feels like it

Personality: Ichika tries her best with people, she really does, but she lacks a good understanding of what she should and shouldn't say to someone. She thinks she just lacks interest in them, but at least she tries. She has developed a tendency to cling to the back of people's coats or bags as a sign that she trusts them or that the crowd surrounding them is too big. Ichika is a generally eccentric person, with the personality of a true observer.
The arts, Reading, cute little kitty paws, puppies
Math, sitting still, homework

Ichika's mother was a foreign exchange student from the United States, and her father was the Japanese man who she had fallen in love with. After completing high school, the two married and gave birth to Ichika, a bouncing baby girl with a pale face. Ichika spent most of her life playing outside, but not with other kids. Instead, she was feeding stray animals that she came across in the streets and alleyways. Later in life, this would come back to slap her in the face in the form of bad social skills. At the age of ten, her father was the victim of a hit and run. He died that day, and in a way, Ichika and her mother did too. Since then, Ichika cooks for her mother and does housework so that her mother can work at her toy stand in the park.
She figures this club would be a nice break from her stress.
Father, Kida Watanabe, deceased.
Mother, Amelia Ryan Watanabe, toy/dollmaker

Theme Song: X
Starter Pokemon: squuuuuirtlllllllle​
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Role: Member
Name: Sasaki Jiro
Age: 15
Year: 1st
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Figuring things out...

Eye Color
: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5'5
Clothing Style: ...Shabby. Some of his clothes look quite old and patched up, as if they'd come from older relatives. Sometimes his clothes don't seem to fit right. This often raises questions about the financial stability of Jiro's family, but who knows? Maybe he's just a hoarder or an antiques enthusiast.
Distinguishing Feature: Jiro is easily the lightest boy in his grade and probably one of the shortest. But mostly, people just comment on his overall strange appearance.

Language and Behavior
: Jiro has a pretty bad stutter and talks very fast. His voice is neither high nor low in pitch, but it tends to crack when he's nervous.
Mannerisms/Demeanor: Jiro is generally awkward in demeanor; fidgety and a bit spaced out.
Quirks: He has a habit of hunching over slightly when standing or sitting, msking him look even smaller.
Skills/Talents: Jiro's handwriting is beautiful, he speaks a fair bit of English, and he can play piano. Though he doesn't really look like a sports person, he's actually pretty good at running.
Hobbies: Spacing out and daydreaming, really. He never has much on his schedule.

+Honest (well... to an extent. He won't tell a blatant lie, but sometimes doesn't tell the whole truth.)

- Awkward
° Tea
° Board games
° Learning languages
° Snow
° Science classes (especially anatomy and medicine based studies)
° Most music
° Small talk
° Florescent lights
° Smokers
° Oral presentation assignments
° Being asked about his family
° Being given favors he can't repay

Sasaki Shunsen - Jiro's father, 41. Works as a secretary at a surgical supply outfit,
Sasaki Tatsumi - Jiro's mother, 42. Works as a librarian.
Sasaki Maru - Jiro's sister, 20. Student at the local university.
Chiba Hana - Jiro's maternal aunt, 44. Unemployed, lives with Jiro's family until she can find her own place.
Chiba Miya -Jiro's cousin, 11. Hana's illegitimate daughter, also lives with Jiro's family.
Relationships: Talk to me!

Other: Jiro doesn't play Pokemon, but likes Eevee.
Theme Song: x
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- member -

the basics
role: member
akiyama, nori

eye color:
honey brown
hair color:
bleached blond // dark brown roots
x , x , x
notable features:
sharp eyes // yaeba

language and behavior
mid-range // falsely clipped & aggressive
volatile // often caught napping or challenging people to fights
pops gum loudly when angry // fidgets with things
fighting, to an extent // ticking people off // karaoke // swearing
gang activity // karaoke // skateboarding

confrontational // impulsive // childish // vulgar
energetic // playful // optimistic // animated
his brother // cats & big dogs // winning // umaibo // saki ika
losing // spiders // not being allowed to fight // bell peppers

nori grew up always chasing shadows. from as early as he could remember, he was swathed in the shadow of people he'd never meet, drawn in by stories of golden hearts and pictures of a strong, handsome man and a woman with a round, fair face that he was always told resembled his own. he was raised by an uncle of questionable profession, in a household never without sufficient funds. he continued chasing the illusive shadows. one shadow took form as a back, looming and slender, five years his senior. the shadow had hands, fists. fists to crack jaws and blacken eyes, hands to ruffle hair and hold when scared. on rare occasions, when this shadow would solidify and its profile was seen, it was painted with violent blues, purples, yellows, greens. nori admired it. he longed for the same strength he saw there. already a sort of problem child, he began to start fights, often resulting in more losses than wins. the shadow often came to his rescue, scolded him, told him to become his own person. nori's never been the best at listening. he continued chasing shadows.

akiyama, kazuyuki: father, deceased
akiyama, benio: mother, deceased
abe, jin: uncle, serious guy. always away on business
akiyama, iwao: brother, cool dude. who nori aspires to be probably


favorite pokemon is litten

theme song:

. . .
akiyama nori​
. . .​
oh hi there. yours truly, pasta
code by pasta
Gabriel Washington

Home is a place your feet may leave, but your heart will stay. And for me, that home is in America. Not Japan.
Gabriel Washington







eye color:

hair color:


clothing style:

distinguishing feature:
his startlingly bright green eyes

language and behavior


not as low as you might think, and his tone usually has a disinterested note to it, unless he really is interested.

when sitting, he leans back in his chair, arms crossed, usually with a bored expression on his face and his posture is pretty spot-on when he isn't bored.
if he has a quarter on him at any time or anywhere, he'll roll it over his knuckles constantly. It's something to help soothe him, like a fidget spinner does with fidgeting.

-he is very skilled in debating---so good in fact that he's often told he's got the works of a great lawyer or public speaker
-he's got a bit of Sherlock Holmes in him---Gabriel is pretty observant and likes to use deductive reasoning
-he's pretty good at roasting, not to lie

-loves to debate
-reads historical fiction novels or non-fiction books concerning politics



There are two types of people. The smart, and the wise. You might think that there'd be no difference, but there is. A smart person would always know what to say. A wise person would know whether or not to say it. And in terms of Gabriel, he'd be classified as a smart guy. Which he is. Gabriel is incredibly keen with a sharp tongue and a passion for debate and politics. He is quite level-headed but also patriotic for his country. He desires to see a better America, and actually dreamt of being a politician.
Except when they moved to Japan. That screwed everything up.
But anyway, Gabriel sees things in the logical point of view and is materialistic. He rubs off as arrogant and distant, maybe a bit pushy, but don't get judge him the wrong way. Gabriel is very loyal and attentive and has a hint of dry humor. He fights fiercely for what he cares about, he isn't afraid to voice his opinions, and has a boldness and courage most would envy of having.

-meaningful conversation
-hot chocolate
-chocolate in general
-when he wins an argument
-track and field

-overly-quirky people
-stupid answers and arguments
-when girls cry
-when people cheat
-when people lie
-when people say he's too 'intense'
-anime (he thinks it's perverted)
-spicy food



America is too great for small dreams. -Ronald Reagan

Ever since he was a little boy, Gabriel had been enchanted by politics, which was rather unusual for him. He'd quickly picked up on recent events and news, taking opinions and argued about it. He had a curiosity for the world, a passion for justice, to set things right. That was just who he was.

And as you can probably tell, Gabriel was rather patriotic. America meant much to him---it's his home after all---the greatest nation on earth. But what truly gives Gabriel his flair is the fact that his ancestry lines him up to be distantly related to its founder---George Washington. Pretty cool right?

Well, Gabriel did regard it highly. He had been very proud when he was a little kid, boasting about his lineage and held himself with a sort of dignity that others around him respected. Yet as his curiosity grew, he realized that America wasn't the America it tried to portray itself to be. America was far from it actually---but was it really that surprising?

So, Gabriel had a pretty normal life in the beginning. Nice house, good school, great friends. Average American life. Yet like in every story, there's a twist. And that twist comes with the death of Gabriel's father, Alexander Washington. It left Gabriel pretty much devastated, and for the next few adolescent years in his life, he and his mother would be living in tight conditions, where money was scarce and dreams were getting dimmer. Except for Gabriel's dream. Not only did their situation get him a new point of view on how most people in America lived, it spurred on his dream of politics. He believed that he bring him and his mother out of this, be the one that could bring the change. This was America after all---the land of opportunities. Everyone had the chance of gaining their life back, no matter how low they'd been knocked down.

Well, apparently Gabriel's mother thought otherwise.

Her idea of a land of opportunity was all the way across the ocean---Japan. She was tired of the way they had been living, and knew they needed a change of scenery. Why Japan, you ask? Well, his mother had met this rich Japanese guy a few years earlier when he had been visiting America, and they got to know each other for a year or two. He went back to Japan later and when he got news of her ordeal, he invited her to Japan, graciously offering her to stay over at his multi-million dollar-house.

You can just imagine Gabriel's frustration and anger. And it wasn't even an ordinary move---this was a whole other country, for God's sake! It's hard to leave something you love behind for a country you're sure you're gonna hate.
Well, they moved anyway, despite Gabriel arguing with his mother over and over.

Well, he's been in Japan for only half a year, and he hates it.

A lot.

-Ruth Washington (mother)

probably the most patriotic American here

Theme Song:
Theme Song

Starter Pokemon:


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advising teacher

akiyama , iwao



( ๑‾̀◡‾́)σ»
eye color:

hair color:


clothing style:
x , x , x

distinguishing features:
okay bear with me through discrepancies because i'm slow. he has a myriad of piercings (eyebrow, snake bites, a ton in the ear, and a navel), and two full length sleeves that carry on to his chest. literally just like this here photo. please just humor me and imagine those bc i couldn't find the artist of the images i'm sorry

lazy, slow, and deep - typically very warm and playful - can grow sharp and aggressive when need is found

walks with slight slouch - hands typically buried in pockets

yawns frequently, teases indiscriminately, will gnaw on a cigarette without necessarily lighting it (he'd like to say he's trying to quit, but he also doesn't like to lie). fond of sitting/lying on the ground or tables instead of in chairs like a normal person.

persuasive speaking - fighting - providing advice - smoke tricks - holding his liquor

pestering students - impersonating popular characters - working out - ignoring rules

lazy - flippant - overprotective - unorganized - mercurial

trustworthy - charismatic - responsible - altruistic - passionate

bad movies - his job - his students - milk candy - spicy food - drinking

being scolded for smoking - persimmons - yelling - big dogs - feeling useless

iwao was seven the first time he met his dog. it was large, black, mangy, and untamed. it snarled behind him, nipped a his ankles. sometimes it would attack. he ran to his uncle crying, begging him to take the dog away. his uncle didn't see it. the dog pulled back its jowls to reveal its teeth, and bit again. that was the last time he attempted to tell anyone. he spends his years with this ugly stray trailing behind him, always growling, never pleased. he got older, he made mistakes. when the dog barked, so did he. he grew bitter and reclusive, violent, volatile. and then another dog, smaller, sweet, so eager to please, began to do the same. he'd often find the pup covered in cuts from growling at dogs too big, and no matter how many times scolded, the dumb dog would always emulate iwao and his dog. and then iwao took control. he put the black dog on a leash, suppressed his hurt and turned it to laughs. he walks now with his dog in a harness and muzzle, hackles raised, growling. he ignores it.

kiyama, kazuyuki: father, deceased
akiyama, benio: mother, deceased
abe, jin: uncle, serious guy. always away on business
akiyama, nori: baby bro, what a brat. can this kid calm down a little, jesus

you're all his students go away

theme song:

he really likes psyduck


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