The God inside [Inactive]


A twisted little writer
Nat submitted a new role play:

The God inside - The Greek and Roman Gods were sent to be humans! How will this go?

After listening to the romans and the greeks complain about how boring it was now that no human believed in them anymore, their mothers had it enough.
Taking a step against their children and grandchildren, Rhea and Cybele had enough, and banished their children to be re-incarnated on earth until they learnt their lesson.

It's been over a thousand years since this first happened.

The gods were sent to earth, each in their own city, where they would be born and raised like any other child,...
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As soon as they had arrived at the school, their luggage had been taken from them and sent off to their bedrooms in the correct building, while the students where to go to the auditorium in the main building.

Chairs stood in lines and rows after each other, with far enough chairs for the romans and the greeks to decide themselves where they wished to sit, so that they wouldn’t be too near. Mark had heard enough of times where they had started wars with each other right away after arriving at the school, because they sat too near each other.

Now he just hoped that would not happen this time. That they would all be happy with each other, and make an alliance for once.

Standing at the stage by the front of the room, mark waited for all the teens to sit down, before he would start telling them about how it would be at the school while they were there, and why they had been told they were to be there.
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Richard Moore walked past the main gates of his new home and school. He had a small backpack slung over his broad shoulders, he was used to moving and learned early to only take what you need. To Rich, the place seemed old and dusty, it gave him the feeling that this is a place of peace. Three buildings stood in front of him, each looked older than the grounds surrounding them. All in all Rich enjoyed the change, the air didn't have the damp heat that clung to your lungs, like in Miami.

A woman walked up to him and greeted him with a smile. She wore glasses and had one silver streak hidden in her brunette ponytail.

"Would you like me to take your things to your dorm... Richard is it?"

Rich was surprised that this woman was treating him so well. No one has ever taken special interest in him like this.

"Sure, and you can call me Rich" Rich said trying to return the pleasantry as best as he could. The boy slung his backpack off and handed it over to the woman.

"Head over to the auditorium in the main building to for the orientation" The woman said as she pointed to the middle building o the three. "Once you're inside you can't miss it." She gave a faint smile and walked off.

Rich also learned early to do what hes told in a new home, the more you disobey the sooner they kick you out, and Rich was starting to like this place. Without hesitation he made his way inside the middle building. He entered the auditorium and saw a large room lined with chairs and one man standing looking as if he was waiting for a while.

"Hello" Rich said to the man, his voice echoed in spaces between them. Assuming he was supposed to sit down, looking down at the rows of seats he decided not to stick out. Rich strategically took a seat in the very middle of the room.
Henry was excited, he had no idea what was going on but that made it all the more interesting. As he walked into the auditorium Henry noticed a man with glasses standing at the stage. Is that one of the teachers? he wondered. Sure doesn't look like one.

Looking around he noticed another student, sitting in the very middle of the room. Henry gave him a friendly smile and took a seat a few spaces away from him, on the left side of the auditorium,
Oliver Leonhardt drove up to the school in a Deep red 1970 Dodge Challenger. The roar of the engine slowed as he entered the parking lot and parked. The Party animal walked up to the radiant building, with his bags in hand. "Oliver Leonhardt, I presume?" asked a woman.

"..'s my name, don't wear it out!" The rich boy replied. The lady offered to take his stuff to his dorm for him. Oliver dropped off his things and directed himself to Orientation and took a seat with the other kids, trying to appear friendly and chill. "Let's get this party started!"
Isa was confused by theniceness of the school. It felt comfortable, something rare to Isa, and didn't seem all that judgy. She raised an eyebrow at the woman who took her bags and whirred into the building all too quickly, not bothering to introduce herself. "That's fine, I don't need to know everyone, or anyone more prefferably." she mumbled, walking inside. She assumed she had to go to an assembly of sorts, and once she saw the large room, she walked in and took an isolated seat, separating herself a bit from the others.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, sure," Devon said when the lady asked to take his things for him. Usually, the teen was a lot more courteous, but at the moment was still trying to piece together why his father had sent him to this school. This place was not up to par with his father's standards, or at least that's what he'd gathered from his online research.

There were five other people in the auditorium when Devon entered.
That must be our instructor, he assumed about the guy in the front before sitting down a row back and in between the guy in the middle (Rich) and the very social looking guy (Oliver). Devon leaned forward in his chair and rested his arms on the tops of his knees, "Hey, I'm Devon," he greeted the two guys he was in between, "So, you guys know anything about this place, or you'all just as green as I am?"
Jonathon stopped walking at the front gate, looking up at the structure before him. Not too impressive, he thought, which didn't made a bit difference for him. He never really cared for schools, all of them way too easy for him to pass without any bit of effort. He could choose any where he wanted to go. So he chose this one, the most secretive and mysterious of them all. It's just another puzzle for him to solve, a challenge that he knew would keep his mind busy for a while. A long while, he hoped.

Jonathan pulled down his headphone and only then did he heard someone speaking to him. "...and show you the dorm?" He had cranked the Metal music to maximum and probably couldn't even hear a plane crash. But he could have guess what that was about. "No thanks, I'll be fine by myself." He said to the woman whose face he immidiately forgot once he turned around, categorised the memory as trash information and discarded it out of his mind. He walked into the rows of chairs, took one in the far corner, pulled up his headphone again and closed his eyes
John reached the front gates when he got out of his truck and was treated by a woman that asked," may I take your bags, sir?" he nodded and told the woman thank you. When he found his way to the auditorium he chuckled at how many people was there where and saw that a few people were sitting by themselves. He decided to sit in front of Isa, he turned his head and said," hi" to Isa.
Isa raised an eyebrow. She had never realized people were actually willing to talk to her. It never really happened at her old school, and for some strange reason, Isa wanted to keep that reputation, but she pushed that thought back, knowing that a better repuatation would probably do her good. "Hello…?" she said, unsure about what to say. "I'm Isabella, but you should just call me Isa." she said. She had never really made use of that name, as her grandma always called her Isabella Avery, and no one bothered to call her anything, which was probably needed since they never really talked to her or about her, as Isa was never really interesting.
Jack smiled and said," I'm jack nice to meet you Isa, so do you have any idea what were in for here?" he was wondering this himself ,but wanted to see if anyone knew anything else about this school or what they were all accepted for.
Oliver spaced out until a young man with pink hair introduced himself and asked him a question. "Nope, sorry mate. Just got here." Oliver answered. "I'm Oliver, by the way. But, 'ya can call me Ollie." He held out his hand for a fist bump. Oliver looked at the man up front and thought to himself. This guy couldn't be a teacher. He's too... I dunno.. "I think the guy up there might have what you're looking for, though."
She frowned. How would Isa know what was going on here? Then again, no one really did. A million and one questions were sprinting around her mind, mostly about this place, how she should act, and why she should act that way. She was perfectly fine back at home, well, not perfectly, but functional. She didn't really understand why they were all here. "No idea, sorry." she said, shrugging.
Jack sighed," thanks anyway Isa." he smiled and turned around and thought to himself," ok so maybe no one really knows. Oh well we will fine out soo enough."He continued to sit there and waited for the ceremony to start
Avalynn watched as there were several students walking around and for a moment Ava wondered if she would fit in and make friends here, with a sigh Ava took her seat and continued to keep her eyes on the several students. Running her hand through her long brown hair, she could be going to work and actually doing something productive but obviously this was mandatory so she wasn't about to just get up and leave now that she was here.

Faythe was already sitting and fixing the wrappings around her hands that hid the new wounds on her fists from the fight she had last night. Yesterday a few girls had called Faythe out for a fight since she had a smart mouth at school, of course Faythe took the obligation to go and came back home with a few bruises. Sitting her seat she leaned forward a bit and leaned her elbows on her knees while she re-wrapped the bandages on her hands.

"Crap," She muttered as she noticed her hand was shaking a bit, last night she had used the fight to relieve her anger and pretty much used used her right her until it looked a bit raw. Opening and closing her hand into a fist she continued to do this to stretch her hand a bit. With a shake of her head she looked around her to see a lot of students and she then remembered that she was waiting for this thing to start. Grabbing her dark curly hair she put it into a messy bun before she let a sigh escape her lips and continued to wait.
Jocelyn walked up to the school, with complete confidence. "Wowww" She looks around and she hugs her dad bye then a woman takes Jocelyns bags to her room. Jocelyn wwalks in to orientation, already really late, she sees a cute boy who says his name's Oliver. She takes the empty seat beside him and smirks slightly, "hey, I'm Jocelyn Mcbride." Her tone is a little bit flirty.
Wade may have been one of the last ones to come in. He had a backpack on, and both arms in his pockets. With looking at each side and the other students, he started to walk ahead. He thought to himself 'Didn't knew there would be this much people here'. As he walked some strange sounds of clicks and ticks were coming from him, well, from the lower parts as he walked. He got to one of the free chairs, and just sat down. Then he just looked at the others with his still frown not changing from its position.
Devon bumped fists with Ollie. He looked up again at the guy in front of the room. The man was obviously older than the lot of them, and had these large glasses on his face. "Yeah... looks like it. I'll just wait, he's probably gonna fill us in soon enough," he replied.
Mark pushed his glasses further up on his nose, and tapped on the little microphone infront of him as he waited for them all to be quiet.

"If you all can be quiet for a moment" he asked, not being the person with the most authority in the world. Yet he hoped these teens still had enough respect for older people to be quiet when asked to.

As they became more quiet, he smiled, glancing all over the area. "So, you're all wondering why you're gathered here, right?" He had heard some say that they had no idea what they were doing there, and he made a note to talk to the ones responsible for gathering them. They had been supposed to explain the situation, not just tell them to go there for no reason!

"Let's just start with the basic. You are all here for a reason. It is not just any student we let into this majestic school. Everyone here is something very very special" he took a break, letting them think for a moment, before continuing.

"This school was built long ago, before any of your human bodies were even thought, it was built long before an of your parents were even born. This school, was built because the greek and roman gods had been sent to the earth, by Rhea and Cybele. They were forced to go to earth, and see how it was to be human. This is just what those who regaine that much of their memories told us long ago."

He looked directly atthe different teens who sat there, some sitting for themselves, and soem sitting by other people. "I can't tell you all what god is living inside of you, who it is you truly are, because you are truly this god, it is just hidden, blocke inside of you, but we will find it out. Everyone in here, has their powers startting up. Some just don't know it yet, while others might know it. But we here at this school, has been trained up to notice it. It is our mission in life, to make sure all of you stay safe, and don't ruin the world like these gods have done before when they just had memories and powers falling into their life."

He stepped down from the stage, and started walking infront of it. "What I am saying is, some of you are greek gods. Some of you are roman gods, and who is what, we'll figure out together. Everyone will have one on one classes with me, where we'll work on finding out who you are. We will have gathered classes where you will work on your powers. Together we will see if you can all manage to find an end on this rebirth time after time. Based of your personality, your backstory, or your interests, some will be easier to figure out who are who. We have already figured out who's the greek gods, and who came from the roman gods, how I cannot tell you, but you have been sorted into dorms by that. A list will be hanging right outside of this room, with information about that. It will also say who you will share room with." He stoppe speaking for a moment, and turned to look at them. "Any questions?"
Henry was shocked, but it somehow made perfect sense, all those weird things that happened to him were now explained. He still remained a bit

sceptical, even if deep down he knew it was true. "Do you already know which gods we are?"
Mark shook his head. "No, I do not. We will have to work together to find it out." He looked around, before explaining a bit more. "Some have similar powers, and we have not had the ability to go too far into each of your powers yet."
Jocelyn wasn't paying attention at all to the mans speech, instead she's batting her eyelashes at Oliver, but when she hears the word "gods" she looks at him and pays attention

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Wade held on to the side of his head, and his index finger went down it slowly after hearing this. Actually they were gods but decided to go human? How was this possible, is this all a bluff, or was it all real. Then the one with one leg then said, "What proof that you have that we are these god from mythos?" To the teacher.
He pointed to the guy who had spoken. "Everyone inside this room, except for me, have some sort of special power, or ability. When you start to become more aware of who you were in your earlier life, memories will arrive. this has happened multiple times in the past"
Jocelyn quickly shoots up her hand when he says this "what if a certain person in here has been, dreaming, or writing about this god or goddess for about a year or two? Does this give us a hint as to who our god or goddess is?" She says

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This caught Avalynn's attention as she heard the man's words, maybe staying here would actually be interesting but if this was all a farce she would be annoyed to no end. Was there really any proof that this was all true? Could she believe the words that one man said just because he had a serious look on his face? The guy that had asked about proof was right. The people at this school didn't exactly think it would be easy to persuade them right? Although it sounded fake, it still caught Avalynn's attention but not enough to hook her on.

Faythe was actually interested in this, even though she usually got into a lot of fights she had always been interested in Greek and Roman mythology. If any of this was true Faythe was beginning to wonder what sort of God she would be, hopefully it would be someone interesting and not someone completely useless. Leaning back into her seat she had a smirk on her face as she knew there were a few people who believed and would ignore it. At the moment Fay wasn't going to believe or ignore it, she just wanted hard on proof that this was real.

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