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Fandom The Glade ~Maze Runner~


New Year's, Baby!
Roleplay Availability
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  1. Gardens (North East): crops are grown and water is pumped, as it never rains in The Glade.
  2. Homestead (North West): where the boys sleep. At the back of the Homestead is the Slammer, a place that functions as a jail.
  3. Bloodhouse (South East): where livestock are raised and slaughtered.
  4. Deadheads (South West): a small forest area with a graveyard.

In the center of the Glade, there is a metal elevator that the Gladers call 'the Box'. Once a month, a new boy arrives in the box with his memory wiped. Supplies and clothes also arrive in The Box once a week.


The Box is a metal lift located in the center of the Glade that brings supplies weekly to the Gladers, but also a new Glader every month. Every Glader's arrival is signaled by a loud alarm, usually half an hour before the actual arrival.

No one knows anything about it or who controls it. It comes from a dark and deep hole, seemingly endless. The Box doesn't move if a person is standing in it. Past attempts at escaping the maze included sending a Glader down into the hole left by the (descended lift), however this proved a fatal result as the person was cut in half by an unseen force after climbing ten feet down. The Box has been noted to occasionally take requests from the Gladers for specific items. This was done by writing the desired item(s) on a piece of paper and dropping it into the Box.

Glader Slang

  • Klunk - means "poop" or "crap."
  • Shank - means "friend" or "fellow."
  • Shuck - an expletive used to bring attention to one's annoyance or frustration.
  • Slim it - means "calm down" or "shut it."
  • Slinthead - a derogatory term used mostly by others when one makes a mistake that involves repercussions.
  • Greenbean/Greenie - the newest arrival to the Glade.
  • Newbie - a newcomer in the Glade. Can refer to a Greenie, or anyone else relatively new.
  • Good That - said when a Glader agrees with someone or something.
  • Jacked - describing a person who is messed up in the head.
  • Bloody - commonly used as “bloody hell” by Newt. An expression of strong emotion.


  1. Everyone does their part. No slackers.
  2. Never hurt another Glader. You have to trust each other.
  3. Never go outside the Glade, unless you're a Runner.


Each of the Gladers have a job which they work at almost all day, their only normal break being for lunch. Each type of job has a Keeper who has his own seat at the council.

There are ten known jobs in the Glade.


  • Builders (Gally) : They build new/upgrade places in The Glade

  • Bricknicks : They have almost the same job as Builders but are actually tasked with repairing buildings.


  • Sloppers (Chuck) : They do dirty tasks, houseworks, basically any job the Gladers do not want to do; treated as the lowest ranked job. This job is given to Gladers who are bad at every other job.
  • Baggers : They act as guards and deal with any dead bodies.


  • Cooks (Frypan) : They prepare meals.


  • Track-Hoes (Zart) : Gladers who work in the Gardens - tilling, weeding, planting and harvesting.


  • Med-Jacks (Clint) : They act as doctors.


  • Slicers (Winston) : They work in the Bloodhouse - take care of livestock and slaughter the animals for food.


  • Runners (Minho) : The only Gladers allowed to go in the Maze; they run through it every day and accumulate information about the wall movements to draw the Maze day after day.



A Griever is a creature that lives in the Maze and comes out after dark. Its purpose is to kill the Gladers, with the exception of Gally.

It is described as being a bulbous, dark creature, with many appendages such as spikes, shears, and rods. A Griever can "sting" Gladers, or prick them, which causes extreme pain for up to days or weeks. Stung Gladers who take the Grief Serum are able to regain some of their memories during "The Changing." If a Glader does not take the serum, they die.

Grievers make whirring and clicking sounds when they move. The machinery inside of them often causes the reflectance of light, as described by Thomas.

Grievers appear to be easily tricked, as seen when Thomas and Minho tricked the Grievers into going over the Cliff.
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