The Gang of Nothing [Inactive]

I leaned sideways against the corner of the building we were next to and looked at Ciela. Everything started to get mapped out in my mind.

"Since it's so early, I don't expect there to be any customers. Depending on the type of person working there, their attentiveness is completely unknown to us right now."

I ran through more details in my head before deciding on something.

"The best plan is for one of us to grab everything while the second stands at the counter and distracts the cashier."

After pausing, I added, "And we shouldn't go in at the same time."

Even small drugstores sell useless things like gum. Maybe it was for smokers to get over their addiction? I wouldn't know. Point being, one of us can be a nuisance about whatever's sold at the counter. Hopefully it was gum. If I have to distract the cashier, I'd much rather talk about gum than my vast knowledge of mood stabilizers. Not exactly something I want Ciela to know about when it comes to me.

I shook my head and returned my attention to Ciela.

"Sound good?"
As Ciela listened, she nodded. She understood exactly. Don't look like you're together, don't draw too much attention. She looked over at the drugstore, it had probably just opened. Only the cashier was inside, she supposed. She looked back up at Robert.

"Sounds good to me, do you want to grab the medicine or me?" she asked.

She started combing her fingers through her hair and straightening her outfit. There was no need to look like you were out on the streets. . .even if you were.
I thought about it.

Ciela seemed a tiny bit introverted. Definitely more so than me, anyway. Right now, at least. Or maybe in general. Either way, I'd have an easier time talking to someone right now because of reasons.

Reasons, I thought, as if someone was peering into my thoughts. Like I was the protagonist of a game or something. The Truman Show delusion.

I hit myself on the head lightly with my fist, then looked back to Ciela as if nothing had happened.

"I'll handle the cashier," I decided. "If there are no objections, I think it's show time."
"Right. I'm heading in."

Ciela tucked up her coat, and started to cough. She sniffed a few times, then headed toward the store. She didn't glance back as she walked in, just kept going. As she passed by the cashier she coughed and looked up apologetically. The cashier nodded sympathetically and guided her to the medicine section. She politely thanked him, and watched closely as he walked off.

As soon as he was around the corner, she started to load up her pockets.
Jessica looked around, noticing the emptiness of the warehouse. "Where is everyone?" She asked Tyler. Tyler put an arm around her, and said, "They made a run for you. You need meds."
After waiting a minute or two, I headed into the store. From where I was, I couldn't see Ciela. Probably for the best, since I was standing at the counter. As I spoke, my voice had changed to the most stereotypical Californian accent I could think of.

"Hey, man, what's goin' on?" I started. "You got any, like, gum?"

I pretended to be oblivious to what was at the counter. There was, in fact, gum.

The cashier looked at me in disbelief for a moment before composing himself. He was a young guy, clearly, no older than twenty-five. He put on his best customer service smile.

"Yes, sir, it's right there below the counter."

I held back a grin.

"Aw, thanks," I replied, emphasizing my gratitude. I pretended to be examining all the different gums on sale. Really, my eyes darted up to the cashier frequently, making sure he wasn't going anywhere.
"They made a run? Without telling me?" Jessica said, her heart speeding up. "Take a breather. They'll be fine." Tyler said. Jessica got stuck in a shivering fit, and held her shoulders, trying to warm herself. Tyler brought her into a tight hug. "We need to get you some warmer clothes." He said.
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