The Gang of Nothing [Inactive]

I frown as Jessica walks past me. I'm not about to intrude on her emotions, seeing as I hardly know her. Maybe some other time.

"Lead the way."

I hurry so that I'm walking beside her, constantly checking all around us for the guy from before.

"How far is the closest store?" I ask. I figure I could at least try to get her mind off of it with petty small talk.
Jessica blinked away the last few tears. "Shouldn't be to far. Unless we find trouble again, we should get there in no time." She said. She was still shaky, but the cool air was calming her nerves. Within a minute, All Night Grocery came into view with a bright green light proudly pronouncing it's name. the door dinged as they entered, and the cashier nodded. He was reading a magazine with Playboy on the cover. "You grab some flammables and I will grab the food." She said, then thought. "Make sure you remain in the price range."
I frown at the cashier's choice of literature. He doesn't see, too engrossed in its contents.

"Flammables?" I mumble to myself.

I'm no pyromaniac. I have no idea what a grocery store sells that would catch fire easily. I walk up and down the aisles in search of such things until I find a large bin of flattened cardboard boxes.

"Right," I remember, "most stores just give these away." I lightly hit myself on the head. "Duh."

I stack about fifteen or so in my arms, holding them in front of me, then head towards the front counter for matches and lighters.

I eye the cashier from behind my stack of boxes. Playboy will be his downfall.

Balancing the stack with my left arm, I use it to hide my shoplifting. My right hand grabs several small packs of matches and a lighter from below the counter. I stuff them into my hoodie's right pocket, then focus on keeping up the boxes with both of my hands. Right from under the poor guy's nose...

"You done yet, Jess?" I call into the store.
Jess grabbed some bread and some cereal and walked over to the other isle. She grabbed a small thing of whole milk and set everything on the counter. The cashier grunted, and stood up. He rang it all up. "That would be $10. With tax that comes to $12.34." Jessica payed the man and walked out, carrying two bags of groceries.
"The tax here is ridiculous," I complain as we walk out, heading back to the warehouse.

"I stole plenty of matches and a lighter, by the way." I tell Jessica.

"Wasn't that one girl asking if we had any?" It occurs to me that I still don't know their names. "She should be delighted."

After a few minutes, I decide to ask that question.

"What are everyone's names? I haven't talked to anyone but you yet."
Jessica pulled out a pack of gum, stolen pack of gum, from her pocket and opened it. She took a piece and chewed slowly. "How about I just introduce you to the rest of the gang?" She said, offering some gum to Robert.
I accept the gum, balancing the boxes with my right hand as I do so. I got good at unwrapping gum with one hand in my pocket during high school, so the gum ends up in my mouth quickly.

"That sounds good."

Hopefully we get back to the Nothing without incident. I'm sure that weirdo isn't falling us anymore.

In all the excitement, I fail to remember what turns we took earlier. I assure myself that Jessica knows the way back, readjust the boxes, and keep walking. Suddenly, I start to feel excited. The optimism is back. I think of meeting the other members and adventure and new beginnings and I'm filled with a strong sense of wanderlust.

I wonder what the others are like while we walk.
The Sun was peaking over the horizon. People started pouring out of the apartments surrounding us. "We should be getting back soon." Jessica said. No sign of the guy from before.
(You guys definitely stay up later Than I do ^^" Sorry.)

Ciela nodded, "Get some rest."

She went back to her book. She couldn't decide who she liked more, The Crowned Prince, or the Captain of the Guard. She kept contemplating which was a better candidate for the main character, but both had such good qualities. She settled on the Prince, solely because he seemed cutest in her eyes. She read and read and read.
The warehouse comes in sight. The Nothing. I sigh and gaze at the orange-tinted sky. The lighter and matches felt heavy in my pocket.

I shifted the boxes to my right hand and opened the side door with my left, then walked in backwards, using my back to hold the door open.

"We're back." I proclaim to no one in particular.
Ciela stood up from her corner, looking around the boxes, "Oh there you guys are."

She realized she hadn't seen them for a while. She wondered what they had done. Maybe new supplies?
I walk to the center of the room and drop the still flat cardboard boxes at my feet.

"Not sure where to take these," I mumble.

I look away from the girl standing in the corner and feel for the packets of matches in my pocket. I managed to get five in total, along with the lighter. My pinky brushes it as I pull my hand out of my pocket.

Excited as I am, I still don't know anyone. I realize that it'd be weird to suddenly start acting friendly.
Ciela looked at the boxes confused. What could boxes do for them? She sat there for a minute with a blank look on her face. Then it came to her.

"We're going to have a fire, aren't we?" She looked at the new guy. He seemed a tad awkward. Maybe he was sorta quiet, like herself.
I laugh quietly to myself, covering my mouth to muffle the sound.

It's not that she said something hilarious. It's just that sometimes (all the time) I laugh at the absurdity of things. Like my situation. I've never been able to control it.

Finally stifling the laughter, I glance at the girl and nod.

"That's the idea."

I twiddle my thumbs behind my back. After a moment, it occurs to me how cliche the pose is and I stop.
She stopped herself from giving the new guy and odd look as he laughed. She didn't see anything funny. Maybe it was a nervous tick.

The idea of a Fire was what entranced her. One she could feel. One she could touch. That delighted her the most. She let out a smile. Fires were one of the best things for her to take in. She felt a buzz race through her and her body tingle.

"So when can we light it?"
The girl certainly noticed my laughter, but she didn't look at me funny. Odd.

I shrug at her question.

"I guess that's up to Jessica. I'm a bit cold though, even with this on."

I tug at the bottom of my hoodie and pull outwards for emphasis as I say 'this.'

My eyes dart around the warehouse, taking a good look at everything. I glance at the doors, at the ceiling, and at the girl in the corner. I don't look down, though. I never really look down when I feel like this.

I eye the cover of the girl's book. Throne of Glass. She seems to be a good deal through it.

"Have you been up all night?"
Ciela noticed his eyes wander around the warehouse, and allowed her own eyes to wander with his. Nothing out of place as she saw. Then he looked at her book.

"Oh yes. I love to read," Her eyes lit up as she told a small summary of what had happened so far. She skipped the big details. No sense in spoiling it, in case he wanted to read it. Speaking of which..."After I'm done, would you like to read it?"
At her offer, I think of the books I brought with me. I'm finished with all but the last book, having had time to read them this past week.

"Sure. What's it about?"

I meander closer to her, away from the center of the room, trying to appear nonchalant. I've always been bad at this. Making friends, I mean.

Standing a few feet in front of her, I shove my hands into my hoodie's pockets again. I glance around the room again, then avert my eyes back to her.
Ciela picked up the book and flipped through the pages. "An assassin. And a Prince. And a Royal Guard. She gets the chance at freedom, but only by defeating the other "Champions" that are in a contest against her. It's quite amazing. I'm loving it so far."

She began to ramble off in her mind, zoning out. Who's better for her? Not looks this time. The Guard can protect her, but the Prince shows true love for her...
How does this 'Throne of Glass' tie into all that?

I notice the girl's eyes glaze over after her explanation. She really must like this book.

My eyes begin to wander again, in search of something to talk about. The obvious occurs to me after a moment.

"What's your name?" I ask. "And how long have you been here?"
(She loves reading. Just her Character being played out. :) )

Ciela snapped out of her in-mind debate, and looked back to the new guy, "My name is Cierra Lee. I go by Ciela, though. I've been here for about a month."

She recalled first being found by Lauren, then taken to meet Jessica. They had welcomed her with open arms, and she was truly grateful.

"And you?"

"I'm Robert."

A month, huh?

"And I've been here for, what, twelve hours?"

I frown slightly. I got to the warehouse, slept for about five hours, then got woken up by Jessica's night terror.

I'm tired. Letting go of an exasperated sigh, I stare up at the ceiling. My eyes cloud and I think.
She nodded, "Welcome Robert. Hope you, uh, like the place."

She knew the warehouse wasn't anyone's ideal dream-home. But if it's all you had, you had to love it. She knew he was fairly new, anyways. It'd take a while for him to get used to everything. She didn't expect any less.

"I take naps during the day sometime. If that helps your sleeping."

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