The Game ❤️

Dan eagerly pulled his phone out of his back pocket of his jeans when he felt the vibrations of it against his skin. His attention immediately went from the television screen to his phone that had a new message from Emily. "Uh, how about Starbucks?" he read silently, his eyes scanning the text message left to right. Dan let his fingers do the talking as he lightly tapped the letters on the screen with his thumbs.

Dan: Okay... I'll be there in like 15 minutes.

He hopped off of the couch and slid his phone back into the back pocket of his blue jeans. Dan walked out of his house and propped himself up into his truck. The fifteen minutes flew by quickly, and he was soon at Starbucks. Dan didn't order anything, he just found himself a seat at an empty table and waited for Emily to arrive.
Emily gave Grace her sippy cup. She grabbed her phone off the coffee table and silently read the text from Dan. Okay... I'll be there in like 15 minutes. The text from Dan had read, she sighed and didn't even bother texting him back. Emily picked up Grace and her things and walked to her car.

Emily put Grace in her car seat and gave her a toy to play with on the ride. She smiled and got into the drivers seat, starting the car. Soon, they arrived at Starbucks and parked next to Dan's truck. Emily grabbed Grace and walked into Starbucks, ordering a Carmel, mocha frappé. She paid for it and then looked around for Dan. Once she found him, she slowly walked towards the table and sat down.
Dan looked up to see Emily. "Um, hey..." he said quite awkwardly and licked his lips. "I'm, um, sorry that I just kind of walked out yesterday. I just am so confused and slightly angry that you didn't tell me that you have a god damn child," he said with a sigh as his eyes left her's, not wanting to make eye contact with Emily.
Emily toke a sip of her coffee and nodded, wincing slightly as she heard the curse word come out of his mouth. "First of all, can you not cuss in front of my kid? And second, I was going to tell you. I was just waiting for the right time to do it" she replied angrily, biting her lip. "I don't know, but maybe this was a bad idea.." She grabbed Grace and stated for the front door.
Dan gently grabbed Emily's hand to stop her from leaving. "Wait," he said quickly. Dan sighed, letting his eyes close for a second. "I'm sorry... Stay," he said as he looked up at her. His eyes pleaded for her to stay, and they looked slightly sad. "Please?" Dan asked, tugging on her hand a little bit so she would sit down.
Emily sighed and then sat back down, putting Grace beside her int the next chair. She looked up at him, his eyes looked like they were about to spill over with tears. "Okay.." She reports slowly taking another sip of her drink looking down at her shoes, biting her lip.
Dan looked down at the table, but soon he shifted his eyes back up to Emily's. "I just..." he said, trying to find the correct words to say. "It sounds crazy, but I guess I'm just kind of jealous. There is no stronger hold between two people than having a baby together."
Emily's Eyes met Dan's for second before she looked away. "You don't have to be jealous.. I'm not not in love with Hayden.." She paused for a second and toke a deep breath "I'm in love with you, I've always have been.."

Sorry it's short!!))
"But you met him first... And you had a baby with him... And when he kissed you," Dan said, shaking his head as he looked back down at the table, "I can't help but believe that you liked it. Am I crazy?"

[ Sorry mine's short as well. :oops: And sorry I left without warning. I had to go to dinner. ]
Emily sighed "just because I met him first doesn't mean that I like him.. He r*ped me" she bit her lip before saying, "what he did to me was horrible, I hated that kiss.. It was so gross. I had to imagine it was someone that I actually liked." She gave him a small smile "your not crazy. If anyone is crazy it's Me"

{ It's okay!! }
Dan looked up at Emily and licked his lips. Dan grabbed Emily's hand under the table gently. He tugged at her wrist to pull her body over to him. "Can I kiss you in front of your kid?" Dan asked with a small, flirty smirk as he stood up out of his seat. He placed his hand on the back of her neck to get ready for her okay.
Emily nodded connecting her lips with his. She smiled through the kiss and the pulled away a few minutes later. She blushed and looked down at the floor, it had been so long since she had kissed him, she almost forgot what it felt like. "So.. What does this mean for us?" She asked with a small smile. It felt like that day in high school all over again.
Dan felt Emily's soft lips on his, sending goosebumps up his spine. "Well, I still want to be with you, of course. I never even though about leaving you. I was just, well, confused and afraid," he admitted after pulling away from the kiss. "And I also hope it means something that I can't say in front of Grace..." Dan flirted with a sly smirk. "What do you want it to mean for us?"
Emily laughed, biting her lip taking another sip of her coffee. "Yeah, I want us to be and us, I don't think I can bare to see you go" she admitted truthfully, smiling. "And what can't you say in front of Grace?" She said raising one of her eyebrows and bit her lip, playfully: flirting.
"A rerun of what we did that one time," Dan whispered in her ear flirtatiously with a sly smile. "Well, I have to go home to Tyler's house tonight, but we can hang out tomorrow or some time," he stated as he backed away from Emily's ear.

[ Sorry for short & late post. I was showering and picking up my room. ]
Emily smirked "okay, I have to stay home and be bored with Grace" she said, finishing off her drink, picking up Grace. "Well, we should get going.. My mom doesn't have to work tomorrow we can hang out then" she smiled and threw away her cup, walking out the door and putting Grace into her car seat. She unlocked her phone and looked at the text from her mom. Could you go to the store and pick up some groceries?. Emily sighed and hopped into her car, pulling out of the parking lot and driving to the store.

{it's okay!! }}
"Sorry," Dan said, watching her leave. "See you later!" he called out to her and walked out of Starbucks Coffee behind her. Dan hopped into

his truck and started the engine. Feeling the vibrations of the roaring truck engine, Dan drove out of the parking lot and drove down to Tyler's. house. It was only about a 10 minute drive, so Dan arrived in the driveway of Tyler's house of no time. He pulled out his key and unlocked the door, not needing to knock. After all, he was living there while his mom was out at rehab. He walked in, greeting Tyler's mother when he saw her. "Where's Tyler?" Dan asked, looking around for him.

"Oh, he's out at a friend's house working on some project," Tyler's mother explained. Dan shrugged nonchalantly and headed towards the guest bedroom, where he slept. Soon, he heard a knocking on the door but ignored it because Tyler's mom let the knocker in, Vanity.
Emily soon arrived at store. She picked up Grace and then grabbed a grocery cart and put Grace into it. Emily grabbed her phone and looked at the list that her mom had texted to her. She sighed and got all of the things that were one the list and paid for the items.

{sorry this is short!! But how do you want Emily find out about the kiss?}
[ Emily will like stop by or whatever after she's done shopping. I'll tell you when to have her walk in. ]

Dan was startled when he turned his head to see Vanity at his door. Tears were streaming down her face, and her black mascara was messy on her cheeks. "What's wrong?" he asked, standing up to hug her. He wrapped his arms around her shivering body.

"Tyler and I broke up," Vanity said, sniffling.

"Why?" Dan asked, frowning.

"We got into a fight..." Vanity explained, walking over and sitting down with Dan. She pushed Dan over, causing him to lie on his back. "I need you right now, Dan."

"Vanity, no..." he said, pushing her away from his body gently. "I'm with Emily, and you know that. I'm not going to do anything with you," Dan said, looking up at her. Vanity didn't listen and crawled on top of him anyways. She slipped her hands up his shirt, feeling around at his abs. "Vanity, stop, now. I'm friends with Tyler, you're friends with Emily. And I'm with Emily." Vanity continued to get closer to his body and kissed him, holding his lips to hers. "Vanity, just stop, now," he said and pulled away.

[ Cue Emily. :rolleyes: Have her walk in and see Vanity on top of him or whatever. Just say that Tyler's mom let her in. ]
Emily got home, put the stuff in her cabinets and noticed her moms car in the driveway. "Mom?" She said, her voice echoing in the hallway. "Yes?" Her mom said from upstairs "could you watch Grace please? I'm going to hangout with a friend" she came downstairs In a silk robe and her hair in a big mess on the top of her hair. "Sure honey! I love my Gracie!" Emily giggled and walked out the door, after hugging her mom and kissing graces forehead. Emily climbed Into her car and quickly drove to Dan's house. "Emily? Oh it's so nice to see you! Dan in his room. Emily nodded and walked up the stairs and slowly open his door, only to find Vainty on top of him. "What the hell.."
Dan turned his head only to see Emily at his doorway. "Emily, it's not what you think, I swear," he said, frowning. Dan threw Vanity off of his body but not so gentle this time. He hopped off the bed and scurried towards Emily.
Emily backed out of the doorway "then what the hell is it? Because it sure does look like it" she was pissed, wait beyond pissed. Tears streamed down her face. Emily walked towards vanity and slapped her pretty hard in the face.
"She just - she just.... got on top of me!" Dan tried to explain, but it didn't come out to sound like he was telling the truth. "Emily, I swear that I didn't do anything with her," he promised. Dan watched as Emily's hand collided with Vanity's cheek. God, he wish he could do that to Vanity right now, too. He wish that he could just slap her as hard as he could because, this time, Emily might decide that she just does not want Dan anymore.

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