The Game of Death

@Huehuehuehuehue and @Kal

Your weapons are destructible and will break if used too hard, they are with you wherever you take them. Remember, if you go to the store without your sword, and an opponent is there, you're screwed, 
We have started! 
I allied with him
Im looking to rebel against the whole thing. Im going ot make my character want to save everyone.
And to let you know... Romance is welcome... I mean, if you want to make out in the middle is a murderous bloodbath xD  
I see Kal like that idea xD
I return from class to see much has gone down!! owo)/ Gah this RP owns my soul! <3

-goes off to catch up-

Sorry for the sneak attack but you gave my character an opportinity and she took it. It was too good to let go.

>x< Please don't hate me... 

[QUOTE="Gabe Drako]And to let you know... Romance is welcome... I mean, if you want to make out in the middle is a murderous bloodbath xD  
I see Kal like that idea xD

That would be hilarious and quite amusing. xD  
Dang it, heads up. I will be back in around 2 hours. Something came up and just letting you guys know in case the fight continues tonigh while I am not around. :(
I'm doing my best (so Glad I picked a light-hearted character!). I got to say, your morgue fight is awesome. The part that got me the most was the whole "stabby-stab" thing. Now that's poetry xD
Oh my, that was just a plus! xD The hilarity and randomness of the whole thing is what got me. As soon as that crowbar appeared I knew it would be great 
I knocking out for the night. Z's won't catch themselves. 'Night peoples
Zediah47 said:
I'm doing my best (so Glad I picked a light-hearted character!). I got to say, your morgue fight is awesome. The part that got me the most was the whole "stabby-stab" thing. Now that's poetry xD
Haha! Yes, all that rhyme and rhythm going down :3

Props to Blackdoom for instigating the whole thing~ xD
StiGA returns to us! :D  
Peeps! I will be engaged for the next hour or two, but I will be back and then catch up! Sorry for the delay!!
can anyone tell me exact location of each person ? im still confused because i left behind >.<

still trying to catch up~
Okay @Huehuehuehuehue @STiGA3120 I think I know what my char shall do, would either of you like to reply before I break this party up? ;3
-w- Just saying that I am still around and alive. Waiting for my chance to post since I am bouncing off of the 3 other lovely people. But yeah, still here~
Random comment: I always find it funny how a lot a people will sign-up for an RP, but then never post. Think about it: 15 people signed up for this but half have been MIA since the beginning. It always gets me xD
Yeah, I've totally noticed that trend too! It sucks especially when there's a char that looks really good and never gets played out xD
Exactly. I really wanted to see Otaku Princess' s character, especially since she had a stun gun. Her presence would have been "electrifying" (^- ^)
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Pfft! xD She looked promising~ It would have been fun to see who she zapped with the stun gun

I may or may not have done a bit of stalk stalkin' right meow and noticed that she hasn't been on for a week now. One can only hope she'll return and notice this RP's started~
Im waiting until its necessary to post ala blackoom/kal/stigma posting.

I'm afraid that won't happen though, blackdooms been inactive.
I hope she comes back. I went and "stalked" ( makes it sound so weird xD ) the sign-up list and noticed that half the people who signed up are actually on, but just don't post. Why sign up in the first place, then?
D: Whaaa nuuuu!!

Return to us Blackdoom ono

More stalk stalkin' has informed me that he was on Saturday, likin a post in GoD. He may have been just waitin' for mah post. Here's to hopin'! 

Zediah47 said:
I hope she comes back. I went and "stalked" ( makes it sound so weird xD ) the sign-up list and noticed that half the people who signed up are actually on, but just don't post. Why sign up in the first place, then?
Right? :/ Gaaaah it's a bit frustrating.

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