The Game of Death [Inactive]

"No bullshit, if either one of us tries anything, all of the others turn on him. And if there is another freak like us that tries to hunt us down...we'll give him hell."

Hearing the words, Vivan's left brow raised slow till it reached its peak, her gaze on the archer's, Alexi's, hand. Held out as a sign, an indication of his commitment to the 'alliance'. Her gaze swiftly shifted to his eyes, her own dark orbs boring into his. "You put a lot of confidence in people you just met," she spoke with the same hard tone of earlier. "This sick... game rewards the last one standing. You can go on and kid yourself but- ..."

Vi faltered. A moment, a fleeting one, where she saw the four of them, in a different circumstance, in a different setting, could have just been four normal teens chattin' it up in some school yard, the burdens on their shoulders no more heavy than air itself. The fantasy passed as quickly as it came, dashed and stuffed away in some remote corner

"...But I-"

Loud, booming words shook through the morgue, demanding everyone's attention. Each word could be heard clearly, some more emphasized than others. Somehow, someway, she heard the coded message through the words. Who could be... Her eyebrows furrowed, mouth drawing into a harsh line as the fingers resting on her left side gathered together in a tight fist. "The man," she hissed. Calling them all to one place to duke it out, no doubt. Well, Vivian had other plans.

The blonde grabbed up her spear, ready to head out. Only, the sheet dragged on the cold floor below her. I can't move in this... or with this, she thought with a glance at her weapon. Her eyes shifted from the lengthy weapon to the entirety of the morgue, sweeping the vicinity before her eyes settled on the body next to her. "I better not catch some disease," she muttered to the deaf ears of the dead. Grabbing the cloth and exposing the poor, deceased man, she tore it in half. Taking the half, she tore it into two uneven, large strips. Turning her back on the three others, she let the sheet around her fall and tied the two smaller torn strips onto herself. Looking down at her work, she frowned. Looks like some half-assed swimsuit. But it would have to do. At least it was easier to move in. Grabbing the remaining torn cloth, she tore a small strip off of it, then she wrapped the large part around her spear. The tiny strip she tied in a knot around her cloth to hold it in place. The knot tied in such a way that pulling on one end would loosen it.

Her makeshift attire and spear-concealer done, she ripped through the exit. Wait right where you are, she thought darkly, I'm coming for you.
"What's taking so long?" Arden wondered, looking around the ruins," they really should have been here by now."

He stared at his watch, wondering when it was that time had decided to sleep.

"Lazy, good for nothing," he muttered, briefly remembering how he had broken it on the return of the spider. "I'm gonna need to remember to buy a replacement when I get back." Considering he did get back ,of course.

In his brief time there, Arden had given the thought of death its own margin. The odds of his plan succeeding were slim to none; his earlier meeting with spiky had shown that. True, the others would be stubborn as well to his idea, but what other choice did they have? As far as he could tell, he had the best plan in mind.

"It's not like survival is the only thing that mattered in life."

He fell back, looking at the crisp sky above. Even in the city the night was beautiful, touching even, especially since it was his night, his life. He was alive and that was all that mattered; death didn't have to matter.

"Not if we don't let it," he whispered, closing his eyes as he waited for the sound of his first arrival to come. Falling in pleasure, the night air had never felt so peaceful.
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I guess I better get going too then.

Rachael stood, covering herself with crowbar in hand, and looked around. Maybe she could make something to wear too... but maybe she could make more use of her surroundings for herself.

She grabbed three sheets then searched through some of the cupboards on the side for a needle and a decent amount of thread (obviously used on bodies for stitching). One sheet was made into make-shift pants, a poorly made poncho-like top.... and the last sheet was used for a cape.

Beating her weapon lightly into the opposite hand, she was ready. Finally grinning with an small idea in mind... I can't use other weapons BUT... no one said anything about armor, shields and other protective junk... and I have an idea where to get some stuff too.
He got up and grunted. "I'm going to find my friend... and you're not going to lay a finger on him..." He ran off toward Arden, cursing him under his breath for being so ignorant.

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