The Game of Death [Inactive]

"You know, if I just jabbed a little more, you'd be dead." I say with a smirk on my face. "But, fortunately for you, you are more use to me as an ally than a dead man on the ground." I put my claw down. "My name is Tony, and your is?" I wait for the boy's reply.
"Arden, don't you remember? I spoke it a little earlier, remember; maybe you forgot?"

Arden felt a little sad at this, but decided not to show it.

"Doesn't matter in the short run, anyways. All that matters is we're here. I'm sure you'll learn it later. That's not the point, though."

" I need your help gathering everyone. No, its not to kill, but to talk. I have an idea."
"Sorry, Arden, but you're name isn't exactly at the top of my priority list. And... That isn't such a good idea." I say, rubbing the back of my neck. "They'd destroy you... These people aren't sane..."
"You don't know that," Arden retorted, slightly irritated for the first time," and I know they'll listen to reason if we give them a chance. We were all once alive: say what you want, but that gives us enough sense to have reason. Together we can be alive again! I know we can!"

" Listen, I think I know how to get us out of this. It may take some time, but we need everyones help. I'm not going to announce it by the time its to late, so I need to do it now before anyone dies or anyone else dies. I think I have it figured out."

"To do this, though, "he chided, turning to the new friend on front of him," I'm going to need your help. You're the only other person who CAN help."
"Arden... I can't help you... I'm sorry..." I look at the ground. "I'm not dying this early in the game, no, not me... And I'd recommend you not doing it either."
"But," he whimpered," you haven't even heard it yet! It'll work, I promise! I'll stake my life on it!"

"Look,"he started," all you have to do is deliver a package, two of them. Both contain jammers that'll stop my frequency from being noticed. I want to broadcast a messsge again that'll tell the others were to meet. I can set it up manually, but I need someone to drop off the packages. You were able to sneak up on me rather easily; my guess is you can do the same there."

"Please,"he begged, growing desperate, " they might recognize me if I go. I can't drop out this early; not before I make my peace. There has to be a way for all of us to get out alive!"
*im... I'm sorry Arden... But I can't... I can't help you." I take off my claw, getting ready to walk off, before I had to see my friend get any sadder.
"You-you can't do this! We could all be set free! Isn't freedom worth more than this!"

Arden could feel himself tear up.

"Forget it! I'll do it by myself! I'll find another way to get my message across! Mark my words: they will come and they will listen! And when they do, I'll have you apologize for not believing the word of a friend!"

Without waiting, he took off, crystal teardrops pouring down his cheeks.

'I know I can do it, I just know it! I'll show him! There has to be another way to get my message across, but how?'

He thought back to an earlier option, but disregarded it.

'I really hope it doesn't have to come down to that,' he winced.
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"Arden... Wait... I'm sorry...." Tony begins to feel angry. A poor man happened to walk by with his daughter. Tony turned around and jabbed his claws into the mans skull. The child stood there, speechless. "I...I'm so sorry little girl." The girl smiles in delight. "That man was taking me!" She yells. "You saved me!" I smile, ignoring the fact that the man lie dead. "Where's your daddy?" I ask. The girl points to the store. "In there! Taking a doody!" I laugh. "Well, let's go get you back to him!"
As his arrows were trained on the two girls, a loud sound was screeched across the room as bursts of sunlight entered. He turned his bow to the man that entered, to only see a man with gigantic gauntlets in his hands. He probably used them to slam the door. As the man was rapidly approaching Alexei, he wanted to release the arrows. One of them would have certainly sunk a hole in his body. But he couldn't, he never really shot at anything but practice targets before. The arrowheads were made of a quite sturdy green metal, hard enough to penetrate to the man's bones. Besides that, they could have been poisoned beforehand, since they had quite an odd smell to them. However, anything was better than letting the man bash his face in. He was about to release the arrows when his bow was hooked by a crowbar from below him, sending him to the ground. Although he held tight to the bow the arrows were let loose, both missing the man by mere inches. As soon as he reached the ground he spotted the naked girl who heavily punched his jaw.

In a burst of anger and confusion he placed his left hand on the girl's shoulder and pushed her away, making her body roll on the ground a little, enough for Alexei to be out of the crowbar's range. But as his eyes met the ceiling again, the other girl had a spear next to his head. What the fuck is going on? he kept asking himself. Are those three working together?. He had no idea about his circumstances, but he could only guess that all 4 of them were revived by the hooded man. He swallowed dryly as he slowly rose from the ground, his arms still on the lowered bow. The girl holding the spear didn't just plainly killed him, even after his threat. He kept switching views from the man to each of the two girls, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. He was somewhat panicked, holding the bow string tight. "Maybe we just got off on the wrong foot.." he said, with the girl's spear still trained on him. The pressure from all of the three was astonishing. He was outnumbered before, but not by girls with spear and men with mental gauntlets. He kept holding the string tighter and tighter, slowly contracting it. It was a recurve bow, which meant it could bend a lot. However, with the bow not even close to fully contracting, the string finally snapped, releasing a quite loud noise. He tried changing the subject, regaining some of his cool. He smiled a little when looking at the girl holding a spear

"So you get a spear" he turned to the man with the gauntlets "You get gauntlets" and finally to the last one "And you a crowbar, but all I get is a broken bow who I don't even know how to use." he span a lie there. Quite easy to believe for anyone who didn't know him, or didn't recognize the stance of a good archer "I think that hooded guy is a little unfair..."

"I'd be surprised if you didn't know how to use that bow. If you were the only one here, I would have taken an arrow to the leg, although that isn't as bad as having a busted lung for you. The mere fact that you were fast enough to turn around to face me and aim at me tells me that you either have experience with the bow or in fighting, although I do doubt your common sense in trying to affront two people in this room with a bow."

When the man fell, Assan had instinctively lurched back instantly, and when his eyes saw that the boy was still trained on him, he reflexively loosened his balance, letting himself fall back. The man was at lower ground, and if he fired a desperate arrow, it would naturally aim for Assan's upper body. By simply falling back at the very moment the man fell back, Assan was able to narrowly dodge the arrows that were fired.

Right before Assan fell on his back, his arms reached out and stopped his fall. He then pushed himself forward once more and immediately resumed his Coiled Viper stance as his body was in the act of standing up again. Assan's movements were all insanely efficient, everything he did accomplished at least two things at once, and this efficiency became more acute in combat, with Assan being able to strike lethal points, guard against counterattacks, and rebalance himself to attack at a better angle with just one movement.

"Good job though lady, your movements were quite quick albeit lacking in honed skill but I am impressed," said Assan towards Rachael, all the while eyeing the woman before him pointing a spear at him. Never once did Assan's muscles loosen in relaxation this entire fight, he was prepared to counter strike and disable anybody in this room with utmost speed and efficiency if he had to. Since Rachael and the archer with a broken bow were down on the ground, the only thing that became a threat was the woman before him, whom he could not quite see in the dark room. He did perfectly see the menacing point of the spear though, and the mere sight of lethal metal tensed Assan's body.

Cautiously, Assan stepped back a bit and circled around to his right, away from the archer and the woman with the crowbar. His steps were very small and precise, making not a sound. Assan hadn't quite faced a spear in his life before, but he guessed that its length was around two meters, which was quite a bit of range. It was quite a gamble against the spear, if Assan managed to sidestep a thrust, the woman would lose the fight, as Assan would be able to close in on her before she could pull back the spear for another strike. If she hit, well depending on where she hit Assan may or may not have been able to continue a fight. Assan instinctively thought of these scenarios because of his lifestyle and training, but his more natural and rational side told him that fighting was not the best idea here.

"Greetings, I surmise we are all here because of the offers of a certain hooded man yes? I understand we must kill each other, but I am being sincere in saying that I do not wish to kill anyone. So let us drop our weapons and withhold aggression for now, as if we fight now, we all have a chance of dying in this room, and I am sure none of us want that. Let us see eye to eye in at least temporary camaraderie."

Assan unbuckled his gauntlets quickly and dropped them on the floor. They clattered on the floor and emitted a dull ring as metal fell upon ceramic floor. The archer was already disabled, and the woman had a crowbar, which was basically a minimum threat to Assan. He did however want the woman with the spear to drop her weapon so that Assan could be certain he had the advantage here. He fought with fists, and the gauntlets just enhanced his fists. He would be almost as deadly as he was with or without the gauntlets. Assan didn't want an advantage because he wanted to backstab all of them, he just instinctively sought one in case things went wrong and he had to fight. Such instincts were bred into his very being, and they came completely naturally, like the animalistic urge to eat or sleep. Assan was a pure being that had all the training of a killer planted inside him, he was like a beautiful and pure yet deadly and poisonous flower: A contradiction of natures, yet at essence, a personality that became to be because of nature.

Odd sat on the roof of an old office building. I've done a good job being quiet.. Should I show myself? No I'll wait for them to come to me.. Then.. Only then will I share my motives.. Axel thought resting his chin on his knee. A soft breeze combed Axel's hair. I've forgotten what a breeze feels like...
"Fft," Vivan scoffed dryly, mildly amused at the archer having his lie called out. A very straight forward man the gauntleted one seemed. When the string broke with a resounding twang, the boxer looked her way. Vi followed his gaze and found it landed on her weapon. She backed up two steps, not sure if he was going to charge at her. But instead, he spoke words of a... truce?

"So you did hear from the man," she spoke, putting the spear down by the table beside her. "Then what are you doing?" she questioned pointedly, her words coming out with a bit of edge and demand, but those who knew Vivian would know that this was just her natural speaking manner. To the strangers, though, it would probably come off as her being harsh. "Calling for a truce... and why did you s-" Vivan's inflated sense of pride stopped her from finishing her question. But why had he saved her? "Anyway, don't you think the devil man already thought of a fallback in case one of his pet experiments came up with some bright idea like this?"
Pushed back after giving the archer a good smack, Rachael tumbled back and was more worried about her nude body flashing someone then being caught off her guard like this so easily. "Crap!" The crowbar fumbled out of her hand as she landed on her back and she struggled to pick it up again seconds later. She sat up and listened, holding her weapon close to herself, eyes shifting from the spear-lady to the glove-guy to the archer. She watched as the glove-guy disarmed himself after the archer's bow broke.

Did the glove-guy just offer a truce? I think he did...

She kept silent... but she put her weapon on the ground cautiously. Rachael was far from being a real match for any of them. Fighting them in this small space would be a mistake. Even if she agreed to an alliance now... she could just knock them all out later. She was doing this for her brother.

Glaring at the boxer, she was worried about him the most. She saw his speed and anyone who moved that fast would be trouble. Chances were he was a trained fighter, well, since no one is just born with that sort of agility.
'...and it had to come down to this,' Arden sighed, wondering how much of a drawback this would have, 'why is life never a simple thing?'

He uncoiled the last wires and waited patiently, his time almost at hand.

It had been a few hours since his earlier amigo had bailed on him and, as it was, the job fell solely on him now.

"I'll show him," he muttered, tying up the last knots, " him and his spiky, putty hair."

A familair click appeared and suddenly he had everything needed.

He had sold his early jammers, that plan now gone, and instead focused on what he didn't want to do, namely this plan.

"It's the most I could do in such a short time," he conceded, realizing this was going to hurt," dang you, spiky."

It had taken some time, but Arden had managed to rig a small device to replay his words along a mall parking lot and rooftop (currently the plan which was pinned). Just to make sure it worked, Arden had done the liberty of relaying bass cannons around and on the roof. It was a wonder no one noticed.

"I should have thought this through," he said, eyeing a cannon.

At full volume, those things would hurt.

'Why did I have to do this manually?'

"It's now or never," he murmured, looking up to the sun. It was slowly setting, the day near ending, and as it was, this was his best choice.

"I hope they get it," he beamed slightly," even a child could understand this."

Silently, he let the cannons off. It was three hours before he gained his full hearing back, but by then, his message had been sent.


"There is an OLD BUILDING that has a NEAR tear on its side. A MORGUE of interest surrounds this site, namely the HAS and have nots. With HEART OF STONE they hope to rebuild it to MEET current trends. MEanwhile, AT the store , new demonstrations go on till MIDNIGHT. There is no TOPic on the FLOOR."
Tony hears the cannons and looks in Arden's direction. "NO!" He runs as fast as he can towards the sound of the boom.
Alexei grabbed his blanked from the ground to cover his lower half. The man with gloves spoke of a truce, an alliance. That was exactly what Alexei wanted from the start, but he wasn't as diplomatic as the glove guy. The girl with the spear seemed to have second thoughts.

"I could not give a fuck about that that creep." he said bluntly, directing his view to the girl

"This guy has a good idea, we have a better chance if we stay together." He walked up closer to the girl with the spear, quickly glancing between the girl on the floor and the man whom just removed his gloves. He tilted his head in both of their directions, signaling them to approach him. "I apologize for my threat earlier, but I do think we should form an..alliance. No bullshit, if either one of us tries anything, all of the others turn on him. And if there is another freak like us that tries to hunt us down...we'll give him hell."

Alexei's words were soft, but his tone was a little rougher than the one from the man's speech. He extended his arm, awaiting for the other 3 to place their hands on top of his. "I'm Alexei, by the way."
Odd decided to head toward the cannons, It was most defiantly a trap but.. What are you gonna do. Odd kept both hands on his blades in case of a sneak attack as he walked through the alleys and streets. I don't just want to save myself from death.. I want to save the rest of the participants as well. This game is cruel and illogical, there has to be a catch. Something oblivious to us that will benefit the mastermind in the end. I must stop this from happening. Even if it means Sacrificing myself for everyone else..
I see him... his hands on his weapons. At that instant, I knew he was one of them. I run up to the man and tackle him, knocking his weapons out of reach and pinning him. "Were you going to the boom?" I ask, awaiting an answer.
Odd instantly reacted and head butted the man in his face, this gave him time to scramble up and ready his weapons. "You expect me to tell you my intentions willingly? I think not." Odd said readying himself. If this man was diplomatic he would not have tackled me. I suppose this will be quick. Although people can overreact in situations such as this so I suppose.. "Unless you are willing to tell me your intentions as well?" Odd said awaiting an answer.
Tony laughs. "Put your weapons down, before I'm forced to do something I don't want to." His smile quickly changes into a straight face. He quickly hooks the guy's shirt with his claw and yanks, ripping off his shirt. Tony laughs. "Aw, man. That's too funny."
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(Sorry for not posting this far, i've got really busy at school and doesn't have a time to write, but now im back in action and trying to catch up with you guys)

Kohaku was walking handcuffed, two guard is guiding him to some room. Inside there was nothing except chair and a big tv on the wall. Without hesitating kohaku sit there and the guard binds him tightly to the chair. The tv turn on and there was a man silhouette, he start talking with a buzzy voice. "You maybe now why you here, Kohaku Shou. You allready killed so many people and not only kill them you also mutilated them. According to the law..." while the man is busy talking Kohaku drop the line "
Enough bullsh*t ok? my ear is gonna break at anytime hearing you blabering" The guard pointing the gun to his head but Kohaku just grinned "if you want to kill me with a gun why the hell bringing me to this room dumb*ss" The man start talking again "drop your weapon soldier, i don't want to ruin the happiness watching him suffer with my electric chair" the two guard stand back and the punishment begin, Kohaku feel the electricity flow over his body but he try not screaming, before he dead he gave that man a big smile

(im gonna skip the meeting with the man cause im trying to catch up)

"throw up his body soldier" the soldier gestured to the man in tv and approaching Kohaku body, he unbind him from the chair and suddenly Kohaku turn his head to the guard "
miss me already?" he use the knife obtained from the man and stab the first guard straight in the throat, the blood started pouring to Kohaku body and he laugh hard "HAHAHAHA IT'S BEEN LONG TIME SINCE I FEEL THIS" the other guard started shooting Kohaku but he hide behind the dead body so there was no bullet hit him "Die you little bast*rd!" from behind he throw the knife to the guard hand, he start screaming and Kohaku run to him. He punce him to the ground and use the other weapon he have, teeth. He bite him very hard at the neck till it tear up, the guard just flounder and screaming. Kohaku never let his bite go till the guard died. Kohaku wipe the blood on his mouth with his hand. Then he stroke the blood to his hair making it more bright red. "ok then since i was here why not take a look in the armory?"
"Damn it," Arden uttered, looking around his dreary place," I'd better get a refund for those cannons. There's no way I'm paying to go through with that."

It had been some time since his earlier escapade, the sun nearly down, and as he sat by himself he wondered how he hadn't been caught.

"Some killer fifteen," he muttered, placing his head on his hands," sick and wounded, yet I still wasn't easy pray. It really brightens my hopes for the future."

Arden struck out his hand, the light filtered from the silent crags a warm reminder of what was.

"I hope we can all live in peace, together."

Quecking slowly, he looked across the room and noted if everything was in place.

"Okay, I have my stuff, drinks, snacks, cookies (for anyone with a sweet tooth), and miscellaneous objects. Yep, I think I got this."

Indulging his own sweet tooth, he reached out a hand only to see a little critter slither across.


Instinctively he jumped back, his age old terror once again in place.

"Don't worry, they're not all poisonous..."

That little fact did not hold true with this critter, though. He knew from years of studying that he ran across a dire shadow, a cousin of the black widow, that could kill as fast as it could paralyze.

"Nice spider, good spider, " he stuttered, moving slowly away," you can have my cookies if you want."

He found himself slightly annoyed by how things were going.

'First a bass cannon and now this? Today really isn't my day.'

He swatted the little guy away; it ran faster than expected.

"At least that's one good thing," he noted, enjoying the crunch of his perfect snack," I no longer have to worry about tonight."
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Odd punched Tony in the face, Tony falls flat on his butt. Odd readied his blades, "A fight it is then.." Odd said burning with anger. Odd stopped and calmed himself. "I'm going toward the barrel shot. But before I do I need to buy a new damn shirt." Odd said irritated, Odd removed his torn shirt as he walked away and left the scrap of cloth in the alley.
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Kohaku took everything he can from the armory, since killing with another weapon is impossible so he doesn't take a gun, but a smoke grenade and some explosive, not to forget the night vision it always come in handy. He also change his prisoner clothes to a military outfit, it's larger than his body but who care ? After gearing up he sneak outside the building and searching the other participants.

Not sure it was a good luck or a bad luck Kohaku hear the cannons and turn his head to it's direction, "
I did not expect to meet the other participants very quickly". He then run toward the location, a cold grin on his face. He can't wait no longer to kill people.

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