The FreakShow

@kira blackthorn , Your character looks great and should fit in nicely. But before I accept your character, I've got two things I have to ask of you. First of all, do read the rp rules, they're a tad important.

Second, besides becoming anemic, what other limitations does Crypt Rin's blood power have and what are they capable of? If there's anything I know about blood-mancer type characters, it's that each one's blood carries a unique effect.

@Vivi , is Maya's sound power omni-directional or does it have to be aimed?
It's aimed, whichever direction she is facing is where it'll travel and spread out. The farther away it something is, the less affected it would be and vice-versa.
@Vivi Alrighty.

@kira blackthorn , After looking over your character a bit more, I'm starting to feel that Crypt Rin may fall a bit more under the Reaper category rather than the No Type. Life force manipulating is very close to blood manipulation as blood is more or less the essence of a human's life. No Type or Reaper is debatable at this point, so I'll you decide.
Just letting you know in case the rp starts that I might be away sometime next week, so replies may be a tad slow till then
Alrighty. I'm still waiting for at least 2 more people to join, so you've got time. Also, the rps setting allows for people to be absent for periods of time without actually interfering too much with anything, so you'll still be fine if the rp does start.
Oh okay then, great! I'll still probably be able to drop in once or twice meanwhile anyway.
Thanks for the heads up, it's much appreciated.

@X3 Infernal Infinity , I can't help but notice that your character has nothing listed for Powers and Skills. While a character can go without powers, your character is listed as a Reaper/Beast type. In order for Whisper to fall under the reaper type however, at least one power under that category has to be listed.

I also noticed that her preferred weapon is missing. Such a thing would be utterly impossible unless she has never once stepped into the arena, which is only a possibility for characters starting the rp as new inmates. "Any" is also a viable option as a preferred weapon. Following on this note, Whisper should have a defining power or skill (Major Power/Skill), otherwise she'd have to be an incredibly lucky cat to survive Geffenhaus Prison.

Does Whiper have claws? If so, it can be added as a preferred weapon and as a power. The bone growth along the spine and neck mentioned in the appearance can also be listed as a minor power. Beast types usually possess more than just the appearance of an animal by the way ( ;) )
Sorry about that my phone posted before I finished filling out a lot of the stuff... xD It's all updated now...minus the bio...
Ah, that's funny. In that case, you can look over my advise and make changes if you like.

@X3 Infernal Infinity , Looked over your character's powers. So how exactly does the Life Drain power work? Powers like this require detailed explanations in order to avoid being over powered. Also, does her Reanimation power have any sort of repercussions or require a catalyst of some sort and how many bodies can be reanimated at one time?
Sorry had to keep everything pretty brief the first time since I was working from mobile I'll add some extra detailing soon.
I accidently left my laptop charger at my father's house, so I'll likely be offline for quite some time. Just a heads up.
I'd be fine with starting, smaller rps are easier to keep track of anyway. :P
This is the OOC, feel free to discuss irrelevant topics, ask questions, and carry on conversations.
@MorticiansDaughter I can't help but notice that your character's powers seem to be copy/pasted from the powers list on the wikia site. The presence of links in the descriptions and lack of pronoun usage says as much.

First of all, I have to ask that you remove the various links as it might get you in trouble with rpnation.

Second, the power description should pertain directly to Cordelia's abilities and not describe the capabilities of "users" as that is very broad and each user is different.

And last, I noticed that your character's regeneration ability says that she can regenerate from minor to deadly wounds, which would basically cover any sort of injury, then mentions that she can't regenerate from a pierced heart. A damaged heart falls under the "deadly injury" category, so there's some contradiction there.
@Wilcox Better? Sorry ive had a long day so my mind isnt at its peak tonight. If I need to fix anything else up just let me know. I didnt realize the links were going to be in that either and I also didnt really think about it when I just pasted them in since ive done it before. I did think about making it more unique to her but that was after I posted and I just kind of left it alone after that.
MorticiansDaughter said:
@Wilcox Better? Sorry ive had a long day so my mind isnt at its peak tonight. If I need to fix anything else up just let me know. I didnt realize the links were going to be in that either and I also didnt really think about it when I just pasted them in since ive done it before. I did think about making it more unique to her but that was after I posted and I just kind of left it alone after that.
Feel free to edit your character page whenever you need, add new personality quirks, new background info, power details, and the like at your leisure.

You're character is also good to go now.
Just a reminder, Geffenhaus prison is on an uncharted island. There are no vehicles or nearby radio towers outside. The only plant life would ne just outside the courtyard and in the graveyard.
Wilcox said:
Wow... so I never expected such a bizarre character to get posted.
Heeheehee >,....,<

He's one of my favorite creations from quite a while ago, which is why he isn't too detailed.

But, to explain his huge diversity, her is from a realm that is eradicated from humans, all living beings being a strange creature of some sort. But, usually, the standard creature is only of one breed/type. My character, a hybird, fell into the criminal column, because hybrids are a mutation in the gene pool and are not tolerated to have living because most tend to be quite hostile and murderous.


Are we allowed to create more than one character?

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