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Fantasy The FreakShow

The Chariot

"OW!" Elrene held her shoulder instinctively to stifle the bleeding. A black liquid quickly oozed over the injury, thickening the blood that was spurting out into a gravitating mixture of black and red, the wound now but a black indention. The bit of her neck that SIN was consuming quickly blackened as well, the tar-like substance leaked from between his teeth. "You ass, that was totally my move!"

In a fit of anger, Elrene forced her mutated right arm to change form. With a pained grunt, the organic tesla coils fell apart and the arm split into five pieces, losing the joints as the appendages elongated and took on a more liquid form, becoming an amorphous mass. Blood dripped down her cheeks, her eyes brightening in color, now glowing brightly in the dark hallway.

Elrene took yet another charging stance, ready for a third bout. Her ears picked up the sound of multiple foot steps coming down the hall. It wasn't the curators or rytirs, they typically worked alone or in small factions, and it wasn't the Geffenhaus Patrol, too ill equipped. It had too be none other than the Suppression Squad, coming to subdue the monsters battling in the sub levels. The GSS, fast, organized, and well armed, specializing in freak take down. Outside of the prison, they were typically accompanied by the collection squad or GCS.

"Guards coming?" She looked at SIN with a look not of hate or disgust but annoyance, rubbing the dark spot where the side of her neck use to be, "You, monster, I'll return the favor later. Understand?"

The Wheel of Fortune

Ash glanced around the room a bit, "I don't know where Maya Melfeur is... Mind if I enter?" She walked in without waiting for a response, a rude thing to do but she was never taught proper mannerism, having grown up at the facility. "I-I... didn't know who to go to."

Ash's face was as blank as ever, her condition made it difficult to express herself. "A direct attack won't work against me. If I can see it coming, your fire will never touch me. Shallow strikes won't do any damage. I specialize in close quarters... My power..." She just realized how little sense she was making and paused. Why did talking to people have to be so difficult?

She stepped in closer to Cordelia and face the haunt, lifting her pink hair away from her face with two fingers, showing the brutal, jagged scar that ran upward from between her eyes. "Don't get the penalty round... they'll..." Ash recalled her first and only penalty, it was never televised like it was with the typical inmates. They had cracked open her skull and poked around the inside while she was still conscious, a long lingering pain that wasn't just physical. "Daddy will..."

Her hands trembled, a contrast to her still blank expression. She let her hair drop over her face. "Throwing the match is illegal, I can't kill you or Melfeur... can't protect you..." Cordelia was probably the wrong person to go to for emotional issues, especially ones that couldn't be expressed. Normally, Ash would've gone to Zara but her roommate had been absent. Kaiden was outwardly nice and supportive but cared little for other people, he'd said so himself, after Ash had payed him.

SIN stopped chewing as he now gets a strange flavor in his mouth as his scorched feet started to heal, the black fluid from the girls body slowly assimilating into his own powers to only heal and regenerate lost body parts as he heard the multiple footsteps too while he swallows the raw fresh, knowing now that this may be the last time he could feast like this for a while.

He remains sitting in the corner, hunched over while the room was painted in blood and smelt of death and horror while when the GSS came in, probably a scene familiar to them but with an added ominous feel that may not be familiar to them.

Cordelia tucked some hair behind her pointed ear and moved it away from her horns as she looked her opponent over with a confused look, purple smoke trailing from her lips. She assumed the person she was talking about was a friend or room mate but everything this woman was saying was getting to jumbled. For the most part Cordelia sat in silence as she went on about how certain attacks wouldnt work against her and then moved on to mumbling about the penalty. She squinted a bit at the scar then realized that this person seemed close to a melt down. But why she had come here to the person she was suppose to kill later was what confused her the most and though Cordelia wasnt a very emotional person to begin with she figured if they were to die later might as well let anything out that needed to be let out. She sighed and patted the space next to her.

"Look..I dont know why you chose to come here and tell me all this but I can guarantee you dont need to worry about protecting me or if I get the penalty..I handle pain ok and it could sure as hell be a lot worse. Now why not talk one but at a time and let out whats on your mind...no point in holding it in at this point"

She made smacked off any burned crisps of blanket that sat on the bed from the few nights she actually had night terrors and woke up in a flaming ball and smoke filling up the room.​

The Wheel of Fortune

Ash let out a deep sigh and unstrapped the sword from her back, leaning it gently against the bed side as if it were as fragile as ceramic. She then took a seat next to Cordelia, rather stiffly like how a military recruit would stand when being addressed by a sergeant. "Penalty rounds are more than pain. You lose things, parts of yourself that are irreplaceable... It's unfair, having to lose yourself. So many here, shadows of their formal selves. Barely people... Keeping the in line, suppressed, locked up, they can't harm the those outside. Wound them, so they can't harm those inside... Was daddy wrong or was grandpa? Am I wrong?"

Ash's thoughts were scrambled and her speech was borderlining on cryptic. She needed something to put her attention on, a catalyst to control her own rampant mind. She reached into a small pocket on the side of her shirt and took out a tea spoon, holding it firmly in front of her between her thumb and middle finger. Her eyes zeroed in on the simple piece of silverware and she took a deep breath to relax and organize herself. "I can't go down without fighting. It goes against my morals but I can't strike someone down for no reason."

Her focus remained on the spoon, her eyes looking at nothing else. Ash tilted her head as if thinking about what to say next and the spoon twisted sideways. "I can't protect you if I have to kill you but I can help you protect yourself against me. I can't let you or Maya be penalized because of something unfair that I did." She looked at Cordelia but quickly broke her focus, the spoon snapping back into shape. "Who, what do you live for?"


The Chariot

The GSS flooded in from all ends of the hallway, all with their weapons at the ready and well setup through the out the long paths. They seemed a bit confused when they noticed who they were pointing their tranq and stun guns at. One of the GSS, one with a red tag around his arm, stood up from his crouching position and lowered his gun, the squad leader. One of the other units started to speak quietly and nervously to some of his comrades, "O-oh shit! That's Elrene Geffenia!"

"The director's daughter? i thought she was..."

"No you moron, his niece."

"Look at her arm..."

"Shut the hell up!" The captain yelled, interrupting the quiet conversation. "Miss Elrene Geffenia, what in god's name are you here for? You're to desist and depart immediately. Or we'll drag you back to your hole."

Elrene straightened her posture and looked at the captain with a one eyebrow arched. "The cavalry, Geffenhaus Suppression... The way you guys follow me around is a nuisance." She balled her hand into a fist, cracking the knuckles loudly. "(I'm hungry)... You think you can scare me, 'Captain'?"

She dashed directly into the group behind her, dodging several shots by bouncing off of the left wall and ceiling before clobbering the nearest soldier with a left hook that plowed him into the floor with a dull thud. The amorphous mass whipped around her violently, blocking several tranquilizer rounds and simultaneously slicing into three guards, knocking each to the floor. Elrene came to abrupt stop with her hand around the chief's throat. Her grip went slack and she collapsed to her knees, having several tranquilizer darts shot into her back and sides. "You're slacking..." Suddenly to tired to do much else, Elrene laid down quietly. The shapeless mass of her arm receded and took on the shape of the missing portion. Blood pored from her eyes as the yellow faded into a dull red color, her eyelids slowly shutting.

"Okay, I'll go to sleep now... meanies." She huffed like an angry child before passing out at the captain's feet. A couple of guards collected the unconscious Elrene and took off towards the elevator, escorted by three heavy armored skirmishers.

The GSS moved to surround SIN's room, four peaking around the door and two in heavy armor, one of which was crouching in front of the other with an armored shield. Their next phase was to suppress SIN, the man-eating elemental, by any means necessary.

SIN would remain in the corner as he hears the GSS looking around the corner, starting to lose his bloodlust and hunger while he he felt himself starting to get drowsy for some reason, yet he is still able to fight if he needed too but he hoped that the carnage they would see in the room would make them think twice to confront him.

The creature in the corner would try to relax while the flesh he are started to digest
Interesting... Time for me to take my leave it would seem...

A faint smile curved the females lips, scarlet hues dancing in amusement as she melted back into the shadows. Her shroud wrapped the darkness about her, shielding her from view as well as concealing her aura. She slowly strode off down the cellblock, arms tucked away in her sleeves.

Watching the two creatures fight had been an entertaining experience in itself and useful in gathering intel. But learning that the woman, who was in fact the freak who had caught her eye during the last FreakShow bout, was a relative of the prison director. It was all to delightful. Having quite had her full of excitement for the day Genosha decided it was time to return to her cell. Her tail swayed as she popped another cube of jello in her mouth.
Some of the newer GSS members stares in complete horror as their Captian looked almost frozen from the carnage

Captain: "what the hell happened here?! I thought there were 4 others here, I only see blood!

GSS member1:" umm.... Sir? I think that's all that's left..."

Soon the captain pulled out a radio while ordering the members of the GSS to not advance but keep their weapons on the Freak as he steps into the hallway.

Captain: "we need a doctor with a straight jacket and some bindings for this new freak in B1A100, it may be blind but it was able to kill 4 men with ease, looks docile now but we need a way to keep him from biting or drawing blood, hurry before it gets hungry again!"

As the members watched the freak, they noticed the black substance on the ground then looks at eachother in fear knowing who that from.

GSS member 1: h-holy shot is that-!

GSS member 3: y-yea, I think that's Elrenes! That thing managed to take a chunk out of her!

GSS member 2: shit! This thing is either fearless of god damn insane!!!

After thirty minutes a doctor carrying the appearel for the freak and goes over to the freak nervously, soon the doctor would get the bindings around SINs eyes and mouth then gets the straight jacket on him after replacing the freaks clothes with new ones, the doctor sighs as he backs away.

Doctor: I-it's done! I'm surprised that he's so docile now....
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The Fool

The ground of the courtyard jerked upward a bit and the seams widened. Kaiden watched with keen interest of what sort of stage they might be playing on. Large pillars extended from the opening and up to the courtyard's cage ceiling, forming a pentagon shaped grid of tall beams. In the middle was a pedestal, holding up a round, black object with six stubby spikes and a white skull painted on it. It was the game ball.

Inside the building, all of the televisions came on, showing the stage and an announcer's voice came on. "Aaannd here we are! Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time for the very first... GEFFEN BALL!"

"And here are the competitors!" The screen cut, showing the five platforms where the signups stood, ready to jump into the deadly game. Kaiden shifted from sitting to a squatting position, no longer self conscious about his appearance for the moment. It was time to get his head in the game. He quickly scanned the new environment with a grin, it was almost perfect. Perfect for his play style anyway, not too spacious, lots of obstacles, but not too cluttered.

"For those of you who do not yet know, here are the rules. The freak holding the geffen ball when the clock runs out, IS THE WINNER! And today's prize is 50,000 creds and one Avoid Penalty! Are you ready?" A giant digital clock appeared on each corner of the stage, each showing 15 minutes.

Sin was sitting there in his new prison gear as he now wonders why he awoke in such a strange place while feeding on the guards of the prison as he sniffs the air, sensing that there's excitement in the air like an event is going on.

He soon gets up, walking out of the cell and looking for the way up while making sure not to fall over since they restricted his arms with the straight jacket.
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