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Fantasy The FreakShow

She grinned at his enthusiasm, but was instantly thrown off when he grabbed her hand and started pulling her towards one of the hallways. She was flattered that he seemed to be somewhat caring of her protection, but it bothered her at the same time. This isn't my first stint...but thanks she muttered mentally to herself, listening to the explanation of Freak Show. Unfortunately his explanation confirmed her suspicions of the blood lust in many of the prisoners eyes; whether it was natural or force fed by the environment was beyond anyone's guess. Her thoughts were cut short as they reached Crypt's room and his grip was finally released. She walked in slowly and took a seat, simply listening to Crypt's explanation. Her interest was piqued when he made mention of the Rytir and Curators, her ears involuntarily perking up (as if it did anything). She vaguely remembered the anti-freak armour from when she was picked up, and could only assume that it neutralized nearby 'freak's' powers. But, of course, it was only an assumption.

She placed her elbows on her knees and clasped her hands together as Crypt finished up his explanation, turning her gaze down towards the floor. She was silent for a moment, running everything again through her head and, for now, ignoring how he had mentioned the free-for-all's were fun. Just before the silence got uncomfortable she nodded and.
"Makes sense. Just hope I don't have to face you in the arena..." though I have some ideas of what to do there, depending... unclasping her hands, she shifted around and got more comfortable in the chair before crossing her leg and resting her hands together on her stomach in a slightly slouched position.

She opened her mouth, as if to ask something, but closed it and, after a short moment, decided on something else, her pale blue gaze now intently locked onto Crypt. Her warm demeanor seemed to be, almost instantly, replaced with an air of deathly seriousness, cold calculation and intent curiosity as she barraged Crypt with questions.
"I've seen the anti-freak armour, but do you know how it works? Can another 'freak' forfeit a fight in the arena then receive a penalty round? What kind of games are there, and are they as dangerous? Any idea if there's frequent unrest among the inmates? Also..." she paused for a moment before cracking a smile and bowing her head again, her demeanor seeming to pull a quick 180 as she seemed to warm back up. "Thanks for giving me the run down and putting up with my questions. I'll pay you back for this eventually, Crypt."
Crypt blinked startled by her changes in personality and more alart. Watching her with a wary eye he observed her. There was definitely something wrong with her Yet unless it would become a problem for him then he won't try to find out what. Though....

Frowning he shook his head pouting as he silenced that thought. Bad brain! No bringing up things he doesn't want to think about. Looking back at her he answered her questions his gaze thoughtful. " Theres deadly obstacle courses, games of hide and seek, stress competitions, etc. Yes, they are all dangerous especially the deadly obstacle courses. Depending on the players they can be more dangerous then the freak show. As for the inmates they dont mess with others much but you do have the groups that run around beating eachother up. They will attack others. Newbies are free game for any until they show how powerful they are. The powerful ones have more freedom and respect. If your weak or injured dont go to the lower levels then your free game. In the freakshow I Don't think you can forfeit a fight as no ones tried to before. If you did and It's allowed you would probably be counted as the loser and would likely receive a penalty round. Finally the anti freak armour is just made to be resistant to our powers and strength though I have never tried getting close to it to try. Willingly that is. "

Finished answering her questions his eyes got a mischievous spark in them and he gave her a wide childish smile. "I know what you can do to pay me back! When you get some credits get me an ice cream sandwich from the vending machine. I would do it myself but I always lose my cards."
Of Shadows

Quietly laboring away, patient fingers keeping each stitch perfectly aligned. The simple needle was sleek with crimson hued blood tautly pulled black chord slick with life fluid. Every stitch, every cut, all part of a design perfectly memorized over the years. The rites to strengthen the bones and prepare them, making them ideal for one of her "puppets", a corpse she brought to special battles to save her the trouble of searching out something to reanimate. Completing the final stitches she began wrapping the corpse in bandages.

Another worthless piece made useful, a pawn useless in life that finds redemption in death... How lovely...

Smiling softly she hummed her familiar funeral dirge once again, wrapping the bandages tightly, carefully binding the corpse. Crimson hues glanced at the heavy metal door that separated her cell from the corridors and halls of the prison. Her own little home, the snug cell had evolved over the years. The simple bed converted into something of a work table had been dragged to the center of the room. On the small shelf in the wall jars of needles, chords, and wires were neatly arranged next to a meticulously ordered array of knives taken from arena foes. But most importantly were the boxes. Black wood and scraps of metal formed into coffins, black in hue with metal ribbing. There were two in total. One was small, no bigger than Genosha's hip, the other was exactly her height. A third sat waiting to be filled.


And Steel

Another day within Geffenhaus walls, another day of patrols. Reich smiled slightly, pulling his hair back and tying it at the nape of his neck with a black ribbon. Adjusting his uniform, a slight straightening of the tie and a quick tug of the gloves, he seemed satisfied with his appearance. Exiting his quarters he slid his pistol securely into the holster at the small of his back. Heavy boots uttered a soft thud with each step as he made his way down into the cell blocks.

"Seems quiet today. Hmm."

Reich frowned slightly hands clasped behind his back as he made his way through the common areas. After a moment he realized that it was probably due to the fact that FreakShow had just come on. Reich never understood the purpose of these games. For the more violent inmates he supposed it provided a certain release. But mostly it was just a slaughtering ground. But that was just the way it worked.
Kaiden smiled and stood up. He looked down at Cordelia and thumbed the chin of his mask. "I know what you want to ask me, it's what everyone wants to ask. Why am I classified as a Haunt, right? I saw it on your face when I first spoke to you, don't be afraid to ask questions."

By now, the kitchen was relatively empty save for the few people that hung around there on a regular basis. The kitchen was more or less the safest area other than ones own room. And even in your own room, your bunk mate can easily be more dangerous than anything else. Kaiden gave a quick look around then stuffed his hands into his hoodie pockets. "If you ever have questions, need information, come ask me. I'm the eyes of Geffenhaus. I'll answer any and all questions, for a price of course." He waved a finger a couple of times, "But I only give what I'm asked for, no more no less. You got all of that, Cordelia? I'm the broker. See ya later, and come talk to me again. I enjoy the company." He waved a goodbye before heading back to his room, which was actually close enough to be visible from the kitchen. Kaiden hopped onto his bed and laid down, leaving his door wide open.

Now between Cell Blocks again, Ash glanced around lazily. Everything was quiet again. Quiet was almost always the prelude to something to come or the after effects when something has already happened. She recalled Kaiden's rather subtle warning from earlier. Ash wasn't sure how, but Kaiden always seemed to know when something was going to be amiss or when somebody was planning something wicked. Her eyes shifted to the elevator. Typically, the elevator only went in two directions, to the basement and to floor one. For those that can pass a retinal and thumb print scan, the elevator went to floors 2 and B2, the intelligence area and the arena respectively. B1 was a mirror of the first floor, but reserved only for the most dangerous of Geffenhaus inmates.

Genosha had to be up to something again. It wasn't just a hunch. On top of the fact that she was always up to something devious, Kaiden had even given a warning about her. Ash pushed the elevator button and walked in, taking the elevator down one floor. She pushed the button on her shirt collar, "Rytir 5, Anaya, Ash, reporting from B1 neutral. Patrolling B1 due to suspicious behavior." It was mandatory to radio in any time a Rytir or Curator was taking up a patrol route in the sub levels. It was common for officers and inmates alike to go missing down there. Ash wasn't at all worried however. She was, in fact, rank number 5 of the Rytirs after all.

Ash stepped off of the elevator, hand already placed on the hilt of her sword. Sloppiness could easily be a death sentence down here. She gazed down both of the dimly lit, red tinted hallways. It was time to find Genosha and have a little 'talk'. She headed straight for Genosha's room, not planning on staying for no longer than necessary.

@MorticiansDaughter @X3 Infernal Infinity
Of Shadows

Genosha sighed softly, placing the body just so in the coffin. Satisfied that all was right she slid the lid on to the box. Deft fingers flipped the clasps in place securing the lid. With surprising ease she lifted the casket, placing it against the wall. Patting the smooth lid soft ears tilted canting towards the sound of an opening elevator. How unusual; it was not the usual time for a guard to be patrolling this area.


Soft lips curved in a faint bemused expression. The sound of footsteps seemed to be heading towards her cell. The situation seemed to be becoming more and more intriguing as moments passed. Carefully neatly she gathered up the disassembled cloth that had once been the Rytir's attire dropping it in a basket before taking a seat in the old tattered chair that seemed the only comfortable sitting area in the room. With a fresh needle in hand she began stitching, simple memorized motions, creating something new. She waited.
Ash turned and stepped into the room. Her eyes barely shifted as she scanned the room, momentarily staring straight at the line of coffins. Ash's eyes finally pointed at Genosha herself, staring past her rather than at her. Since Ash hadn't received orders to be in the sub level or an interrogation warrant, she was limited on what she could legally do. So she decided to take things low profile. "A birdy says that Genosha has performed a misdeed against Geffenhaus. Tell me who's missing now if you like your head where it's at. I find out later and the walls get a fresh coat of red paint. Decide."

She wasn't very good at addressing others. As I child, Ash was always scolded for directly addressing others or asking questions. Having a conversation was out of the question. As a result, Ash always kept quiet, never made eye contact, and kept things simple. There were suppose to be no gray areas. With no actual authority over the current situation, making a threat was the only thing Ash could do as a rytir to figure out what's going on, lest she get penalized.

Kaiden laid on his bed quietly, half expecting Cordelia or at least some other person to come and ask him questions. It was relatively common towards the end of the day. He rolled to his back and closed his eye. Then again, a nap might be nice. Kaiden was more of the nocturnal type after all, even though he only slept for a couple of hours a day.

Relaxing himself, Kaiden let the electrical images enter his mind. A lot of people were in their rooms now. The floor was too thick for him to check out the sub levels. He yawned then talked to himself quietly, "If I could go back into the outside world... what would I do?"

Cordelia raised her eyebrow. Sure she was curious but it was truly none of her business to ask something personal such as that in the first place. She may be there for a reason but she was still raised in the ways her mother thought would be best for a woman.

"Ill keep that in mind..its not often I have questions but I guess if I have some I will seek you out"

She smirked and leaned back, puffing a purple ring of smoke his way as she watched it dissipate.

When he left she found it quiet once more, as it usually was and how she was used to it being. Eventually though everyone started for their rooms and she knew she best get to hers as well, putting her smoke out like the other one before standing up and stretching. Her body glowed faintly as she let out a long sigh. She started for her room all the while typing her long hair up into a ribbon ponytail to keep it out of the way. Her horns snagged a few stray locks and made them curl around her cheek gracefully, its fiery red essence a nice contrast to her skin.

Once on her way to her room she passed by Kaidens room and noticed his door open. She knocked her knuckle on it quietly and leaned against the door frame, careful not to burn it.

"Seems everyone is crashing for the night, I figured I would thank you for the conversation earlier."​

"My my... You know it's dangerous for Rytir down here... These corridors just...eat swallow you up..."

A soft laugh slipped forth, crimson hues lifting to glance at the woman and her blade. Amusement flickered in luminous depths, pupils narrowing to slits. With swift precision she drew the needle through the fabric one last time. Setting the folded fabric in the basket she tucked her hands into the sleeves of her kimono. Soft lips parted to release a gentle yawn, fangs flashing.

"Stay your blade... If threats are your only power... Then perhaps you are just a mouse wandering foolishly into the cats lair... But... I'm not in the hunting mood... Leave me be... And tell your bird not to chirp in my direction... It would be a shame if it's singing was...cut short..."

A coy smile curved her lips as she rested her lean body on the arm of the chair, laying her head on her arm. Dark lashes lowered over her eyes a bit, her tail wagging slowly, steadily. She gave a brief dismissive wave of her hand as she relaxed curling comfortably into the chair. Sharp claws tapped rhythmically on the wood.
Ash's eyes narrowed in mild irritation and they focused directly onto Genosha as if placing her under a set of targeting reticles, something that Ash rarely did. "As a rytir, I have no authority in this matter for now," the katana clicked off of its sheath, "but as Ash Anaya, I can take your head without a second thought." Her voice was quiet, just above a whisper as she drew her sword halfway from its sheath. The serrated, black blade created a few sparks as it ran across the sheath's steel coat.

"Think of me as the raven with a dagger, little kitten. A bird of death that not only devoured the fallen, but felled them itself." She changed her hold over the sword to an underhanded position, keeping the weapon half sheathed and ready to use at a moments notice. "If I have to take your worthless life to end treason then so be it, I'll not repeat myself."

Shifting into a combat stance, Ash spread her feet leaned forward slightly. An optimal stance to deal heavy offensive sword strikes with her current sword hand position. She didn't plan to deal any fatal blows, but she could easily incapacitate or maim with a single stroke. Of course if it came to it, she would also be willing to accept her penalty, if it came down to it.

@X3 Infernal Infinity
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"How delightful..."

With a single fluid motion Genosha unfurled her body her feet, clad in high black geta sandals, landing noiselessly on the ground. Rising to her feet claws simultaneous flicked the clasp of the cloak. Removing the hood the cloak slipped falling into the chair. White hair spilled bright against the soft black silk of the kimono, falling far behind the slight female. The soft click of bone against bone accompanying the sway of the thickly furred tail.

Hands remained tucked in her sleeves as Genosha considered the Rytir Ash. Despite being faced by the blade of one of Geffenhaus' elite guard there was no fear in the crimson orbs, more so a sadistic glee that showed itself in the wicked smile that curved her lips. Hands hidden in the wide sleeves she spread her arms invitingly.

"You should learn to be more respectful to your elders... Treason... An amusing thought in this prison...this twisted game... Impetuous youth... Come then little bird... Let me taste your fury... Become one of the many pieces I can pluck from the board..."
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With a sigh and a crack of her neck, Ash tightened her grip on the sword hilt, "So be it." She flicked the katana out of its sheath, poising her arm behind her and allowing the back of the blade to sit just an inch from the back of her neck. It was a self made sword style, one of many that Ash had created herself. "Hope you live to regret this."

Since Genosha had verbally challenged her, Ash could now get away with dealing severe injuries. "Have at you, Genosha." Ash's eyes widened and unfocused from Genosha, returning to her normal appearance of staring into space. She spun to her left, swinging the serrated katana horizontally at neck height. Before the blade could make contact with its target, she arced her wrist, pulling the blade to her arm and changing her swing direction to Genosha's right leg. Once again, Ash pulled the sword back only inches from impact, spinning it around then bringing it down at Genosha's left shoulder in an overhead swing. It was a double feint attack. Ash kept her left hand free the entire time, swinging only with her right hand.

@X3 Infernal Infinity
Vrana listened intently, soaking in all the information he gave her like a sponge. At the mention of newbies (a.k.a. her) being beaten up until she proved herself made her chuckle quietly. Typical, but not a problem she stood up and, placing her hands behind her head in a relaxed manner, started slowly walking around the cell, looking slightly up. So no one's tried yet hm? Sounds like a challenge to me...what did that president say? We do these things not because they are easy, but because they are hard? Something like that...

She quit her pacing and let her arms fall down to her side, a grin on her lips as Crypt gave him a childish smile and requested she buy him an ice cream sandwich. For a second, she was expecting something else, like losing in a fight, drugs, or whatever else.
"It's a deal." she held out her hand and gave Crypt a firm handshake to seal the deal. "Can't promise a timeframe since I'm still getting situated, but as soon as I have enough I'll pay you back."

She gave him a respectful bow, and glanced over at the doorway. The halls seemed to be getting quiet...it was probably late.
"I appreciate all the info Crypt. I'd like to stay, but from the sounds of it it's getting late and I should probably hit the hay. Besides, I've got to mull over all this info you've given me! Don't be afraid to stop by, I'm in cell B003" giving a wave to her newfound comrade, she left and headed over to her cell. Once in, she laid down on her bed with her hands behind her head, staring up at the ceiling.

Despite being imprisoned...this should be interesting. It'll be yet another tale to tell to my old friend...

@kira blackthorn
As still as stone, the feline stood lashes lowered over her crimson orbs. Ears twitching slightly tilting listening. The soft sound of the blade passing through the wind. A sound nearly imperceptible, the change of air flow as the blade shifted directions. Once, she waited, twice she waited. The Rytir was fast, cunning, but her method flawed and ineffectual. The key to controlling combat was to always be a step ahead of ones opponent. Soft lips parted in a yawn, sharp teeth flashing. The ring of metal against metal rang through the quiet.

The serrated blade trembled against the curved steel claws as Genosha chuckled softly. She had been prepared from the moment the elevator had arrived, a simple matter of concealing the weapon in the vast kimono sleeves. A last minute shift had been enough to get them in place to block the blade. There was a aft clack as she shifted her frame, geta sliding across the floor. As a swift shift of her body brought her down into a crouch a flick of her wrist disengaging her claws. Legs tensed muscles coiling then springing loose as she launched herself swiftly past Ash, claws aimed to slash across the Rytir's unprotected slide. Not deep enough to kill, only wound and make her bleed.
Ash was surprised at how focused Genosha was able to stay while under direct assault with the intent to kill. A shower of bright sparks radiated in a neat line as the katana's saw-like blade clashed with steel. As Genosha slid past her side, Ash readjusted her weapon and spun around to face her target, sword now held in a kendo stance with both hands. Despite Genosha's attack, Ash's body remained undamaged, having evaded the attack almost invisibly. "Too shallow, too slow."

Something came to her, Genosha had just revealed that she possessed concealed weaponry outside of the arena. That alone was a serious offense and more than enough reason for her to be brought in. But still, Ash still lacked the authority to do anything at the moment.

She lifted the sword a couple of inches then brought the blade down in a snap-like motion aimed at Genosha's forearms. She then brought the katana full circle over her head and delivered a right to left, upward slash then a left to right downward chop, ending her attack by switching to an underhanded defensive stance with the blade held out in front, pointed downward to parry.

By now, a few of the sub level inmates were now in the hallway to investigate the commotion that had started.
She could feel it, trembling along her skin like a a current of electricity. Her pupils dialated, an undoubtable madness dancing in crimson hues, the keenness in the depths unsettling. Lips curved into a wider grin, little curls of black energy beginning to roll from her form. Her sense where in overdrive, every sound every scent, every minute change registered. Tactics developed and discarded as swiftly as a breath. Her mind set her body in motion, movement memorized from years of hard battles. With brutal precision she blocked each sweep of the blade.

Lean form curving Genosha dashed past, slipping past on one side claws flashing. Foot sliding forth she extended her torso, twin sets of blades flashing. Deadly slashes whistled through the air, aimed for the shoulders, elbows, and wrists. The swipes were testing gauging reaction. They were not meant to kill but a failure to react properly would lead to the blades digging through skin muscle and bones.
Crypt was over the hills when Vrana agreed to getting him an ice cream sandwich when she got some Credits. He hoped she didn't die before then. That would be disappointing. When she made her leave he was sad to see her go. He didn't often get to talk to others. Most of the inmates were afraid of him and the ones who weren't were either loners or usually with someone else making it difficult to talk to him. He didn't let that show though and Instead gave her a large smile that didn't reach his eyes as he waved goodbye.

Once she was gone he became aware of how sleepy he was. Usually he only got a couple hours of sleep a night before his body forcefully woke him up so for him to be tired so early was a surprise. Yawning he changed into his pajamas which was just some bright red fluffy pants and shirt. Climbing into bed he curled up under the covers and wondered what tomorrow would bring. Who knows Maybe he will volunteer for one of the games. He should probably find his card first though otherwise it would be useless no matter how much fun it is.
Her rytir training kicking in, Ash immediately ducked, losing a few strands of pinkish hair. She spun around on her heels, twisting her arms into the inside of Genosha's reach and slamming her wrists into Genosha's forearms to bat away the deadly claws. What happened next should've been impossible from this angle. Ash wrapped her left arm around Genosha's right and pinned it harmlessly to her side. Next, she pivoted the serrated katana in between Genosha's steel claws and the back of her hand, a maneuver that would've been difficult for someone even with the best precision abilities, the sword easily sliding past the steel and locking into place. The current position could easily be described as a dead lock by appearance.

"Too direct, too predictable. Overconfidence and uncontrolled bloodlust can cost an injury..." She twisted the katana, which made a creaking sound as it shifted slightly. Ash was slowly turning the sword so that the serrated edge would touch Genosha's wrist, "Such as the loss of a hand." Once the blade was touching flesh, all it would take was one swift motion to slice down into the bone. "Last chance. You really should know your prey a little bit better next time."
"You should take your own advice..."

The soft statement, easily uttered slipped from her lips. Crimson hues lifted Genosha's head tilting at an almost unnatural angle as her gaze shifted to hold Ash's. An unusually flexible skeleton always proved the advantage as did a large number of double jointed areas of her body. A spin of her body popped her shoulder loose, allowing her to twist her body. She would have to admit that this Rytir was skilled but she expected no less of the fifth ranked of Geffenhaus' elite.

But there was a reason her name was only utters in whispers and her appearances in the arena were not as frequent as many other. She was utterly and totally insane. While to most such a trait would seem like a hamper with her unique mindset it was an advantage. Her madness opened more options, many that her opponents would not think of, allowing new and more unique strategies. This was one such occasion.

Her actions were simplistic, planned and fearless. A twist of the wrist served to to slide the blade down her wrist, the blade biting deep into the bandage before meeting surprising resistance. It was more fortune than foresight that worked in her favor. An unfortunate sacrifice of her last arena battle had been breaking her wrist. An inventive solution to resetting her own bone had come in the form of a band of three thick metal rings secured to her wrist with screws. It was against this that that blade rested, blade kept inches from flesh, metals glinting beneath the tears in thick layers of white bandage.

Unworried about her hand and with her movement range now more open she was able to counterattack. Her free hand flashed up and around, the sound of unfastening buckles heard as her reaper blades slipped from her hand. With a grin she slammed her open palm into Ash's chest for in the Rytir off and away and towards the open cell door.
Ash's left eye twitched on impact, almost having the wind knocked out of her but stood fast. Her left hand twisted around and latched onto the inner elbow of Genosha's right arm that she still held firmly onto, digging her thumb into the brachial artery with as much force as she could put forth.

She tore her sword free and stuck it firmly into the floor. Ash then pulled herself closer to Genosha and thrust her open palm at Genosha's nose, stopping mere centimeters away. She considered slaying the reaper right then but though better of it. 'Death is too good for this one.' Instead of her original plan, Ash instead closed her fist and pointed her index finger at the center of Genosha's forehead. Just below the fingernail, a tiny black dot formed. 'I'll damage the frontal lobe. Who knows, it might fix something in that head of hers.'

The black dot expanded slightly and started to create a weak suction. Ash pulled her hand back back, ready to bury her finger into Genosha's forehead. Just as she was about to make her move, a blue light lit up on her shirt collar and Ash halted midway.

At once, Ash released her grip and dropped her hand, plucking her sword from the floor. "Can't play anymore, daddy's mad at me. Will see about visiting later maybe." Sheathing her sword, she turned and prepared to walk away. The warden himself had just scolded her over the radio, it was time to head to back to her room. The director wanted to give her a new assignment any how.
The Rytir were tough, Genosha would give them that. After all it was what made them the perfect material for her puppets. Ash did not fail her expectations, holding fast even after such a blow. Perhaps these higher ranked Rytir were not to be so easily dismissed. If that was the case then perhaps they would be a suitable target for he bloodlust. An enemy she could truly let go against. It was a delightful thought.

For a moment Genosha had slipped into that little private realm of thought inside her head, on barely paying attention to the Rytir who seemed to be murmuring something to herself in regards to the reapers brain. Whatever it was posed little relevance as a light flashed on the woman's outfit, causing Genosha's pupils to narrow to slits. Moments later she found herself loose. Yawning she stretched, a loose bandage end dangling from her arm, bones popping back into place.

"Come back soon little one... Next time we play without permission I won't be so...nice... Do try not to get killed before then... It would be a shame to let such a corpse go to waste..."

Soft yet distinctly eerie laughter slipped rim her lips as she retrieved her cloak swiftly wrapping the dark fabric about herself. Pulling up her hood deft fingers guided her ears through the slots. Languidly the female curled back into the comfy yet tattered chair, resting her head in the arm, nails scratching old red upholstery. A hand waved, a dismissive gesture as she lowered her lids.

"Perhaps now I can nap in peace..."
The rytir looked back at Genosha and glared for a few seconds. Would proving a point really be worth it right now? Probably best not to get into any more trouble at this point. She returned to the elevator and rode it up to the second floor. From there, Ash skipped the offices and went straight to her room, which was empty save for a single bunk bed and walls that she had allegedly painted pink when she was little. Ash placed her sword neatly on the floor and laid down on the bottom bed, face first into the pillow and fell asleep almost instantly.

That night she had a nightmarish memory. The sort that stems from a traumatizing event in ones childhood, the kind that lasts for several nights. She half woke up about an hour later and rubbed a brutal, jagged scare that extended from just between her eyes to the hair line. "Zara, where you at..." Ash's eyes closed once more.

Day 5 (Time Skip)

An intercom sounded in the halls and in the yards, breaking Kaiden's train of thought. Right now, Kaiden was sitting on the ground in the graveyard, looking at the tiny head stones, some of which had multiple names inscribed where some people were buried on top of another. A fitting location by appearance for someone such as himself. He looked up and folded in his legs, listening intently to what was being announced.

"Hel-looo Geffenhaus!" The voice was insatiably enthusiastic as always, as if he were anouncing a Major league game. "Today we'll have a special, surprise event right here in the courtyard! Head on down to the courtyard and sign up, and you'll get the chance to partake in the Geffenhaus newest event, Geffen Ball! Rules are simple, the last freak holding onto the ball wins! But be wearing of DEADLY obstacles! The winner takes home 50,000 creds and one AP Card! Signup ends in 3 hours." AP Cards, special cards used to get out of nasty penalty rounds. They were rarely offered and couldn't be bought.

"In other news, the NEXT Freak Show starts in just 2 days! Starring the Baphomet, Cordelia Nyx, and the Banshee, Maya Melfeur! But that's not all, with a special appearance of one of Geffenhaus's very own rytirs, Ashly Anaya, this weeks Freak Show will be a Fatal Three Way! The new blood, the hellion, and the elite freak, this'll be a show for the records."

The speakers clicked off and Kaiden stood up. "A rytir in Freak Show? How did that happen?" Kaiden thought about for a moment. These three participants have never met in the arena before and weren't actually affiliated with one another. Each sported vastly different capabilities. Despite the grim reality of it, it would actually be a rather interesting competition. "I'll have to log in for a front seat for this one. Would suck if such unique individuals killed each other off." Kaiden made his way to the courtyard. Logging in to a Freak Show would allow him to commentate, but it was pretty expensive to do. He had more creds than he knew what to do with but it wouldn't hurt to get in for free. Winning today's game would do exactly that, with an added bonus.

Ash stared blankly at the wall. Nobody had told her what her punishment would be for stepping out of line in her duties. But now however, it was blatantly apparent. She would partake in a triple threat match against the very inmates she watched over. Something she never expected to happen but it wouldn't be the first time she was in the arena. She absentmindedly stuck her hand underneath her long, faint pink hair and rubbed the scar that was hidden there. During her first match, Ash had almost no control over her own abilities. It didn't end well and her penalty round came with a very heavy price. Something irreplaceable was lost and not just physically.

Chatter in the halls snapped her out of her funk. Everybody was discussing the day's new game and the next Freak Show broadcast, many were headed to the courtyard to either participate or spectate in the audience rather than watch the spectacle on television.
Crypt let out a cheer of victory as he found his card. He had forgotten he put it in his old jacket. Grinning widely he slipped the card into his pocket qnd headed for the kitchen. It was chow time! Halfway there the intercom came on and he along with many others froze to listen. Excitement bubbling up as he eagerly waited to hear for any new events.

"Hel-looo Geffenhaus!" The voice was insatiably enthusiastic as always. "Today we'll have a special, surprise event right here in the courtyard! Head on down to the courtyard and sign up, and you'll get the chance to partake in the Geffenhaus newest event, Geffen Ball! Rules are simple, the last freak holding onto the ball wins! But be wearing of DEADLY obstacles! The winner takes home 50,000 creds and one AP Card! Signup ends in 3 hours."

Crypts eyes went wide with excitement. AP cards were very valuable and if he Could get one then if he ever loses a freak show he won't have room suffer a penalty round. Around him the other inmates bloodless was rearing to the front and they began heading toward the courtyard. He stayed as the announcement continued.

"In other news, the NEXT Freak Show starts in just 2 days! Starring the Baphomet, Cordelia Nyx, and the Banshee, Maya Melfeur! But that's not all, with a special appearance of one of Geffenhaus's very own rytirs, Ashly Anaya, this weeks Freak Show will be a Fatal Three Way! The new blood, the hellion, and the elite freak, this'll be a show for the records."

Three powerful freaks in one show! This will be awesome! Crypt thought eagerly as he began heading for the kitchen again. He will eat some Sweets then go sign up for the game. Hopefully he makes it before sign up closes.
Of Shadows

A soft yawn slipped from soft lips as the cloak clad female sat the freshly restitched uniform alongside the others. Slender fingers trembled almost imperceptibly, holding the needle, wrapped all the way to the tips in thick white bandage. Faint splotches marked where droplets of some substance seemed to be seeping through the material. The staff was getting far more creative with their punishments these days. Five days locked away working on putting together new prison with nothing to eat or drink; it was boring and that boredom was torture.

The door to the small windowless room opened, causing crimson hues to lift slightly, pupils narrowing to slits in the presence of the brighter hall light. She rose sweeping through the door and past the silver haired Rytir, claiming her card from him without a word and returning to the shadows. Her time was up and whatever lesson it had been meant to teach lost to the mire of her mind. Her stomach growled softly, slightly.

"I'm hungry..."

Sighing softly Genosha tucked her hands in her sleeves and began to head for the kitchen. She was craving Jello, it was after all the main staple of her diet. Gelatin was really quite delicious even if it's indecisive state was strange. Her thoughts on good were interrupted by that annoyingly faux cheerful announcer voice that always announced new games and Freak Show match ups. As she entered the kitchen and fetched a small bowl of crimson hued jello listened eyebrows rising slightly.

She had more than enough credits for her needs, though an AP Card could eventually prove useful. Perhaps she might participate in this new game. Or maybe simply watch. What really intrigued her was the prospect of this new Freak Show match. The Rytir that attacked her was obviously receiving her punishment for stepping out of line. But the other two were more interesting. New blood, it would be interesting to see what they were capable of. Popping a cube of jello in her mouth she headed out of the kitchen and back into the shadowy halls.

And Steel

Reich hated being on duty in the lower levels of Geffenhaus. They only kept the dangerous and rebellious prisoners this deep down. The lack of light and thick easily reinforced walls served as both safeguard and punishment. Checking his duty list he sighed, heading for one of the punishment cells. The prisoner within was one he had often heard of but never seen, a Reaper-beast hybrid rumored to be among the most dangerous of the freaks and one with one of the longest terms in Geffenhaus. But the rumors did nothing to prepare him for the reality.

The tiny feline-like female with her calm red eyes and white hair barrel seemed like the intimidating psychopath the rumors painted her to be. But she had fought Ash and was linked very tenuously to a number of other violent offenses. When she retrieve her cred card from him he got an incredibly uneasy feeling. Like there was something evaluating him. The feeling had barely faded by the time he reached the upper blocks. He was intending on going back to his room before starting the next couple of rounds but before he could make it the sound of the announcements blared through the prison.

Reich didn't care much for the games, they served little purpose to his actual job. Of course his guard assignments would probably change due to the game, but that was of little consequence. What did catch his attention however was hearing Ash's name among the contenders for this weeks Freak Show. Reich wasn't necessarily close to the girl but they were both Rytir. He supposed it was just the punishment they had come up with for disobeying protocol. Adjusting his gloves Reich prepared to start his rounds.
As the new event "Geffen Ball" was announced along with the "Fatal Three Way", 4 of the officers were moving along the corridor of B1 carrying a strange, black oak coffin in the same manner you would see at a funeral as they stopped at B1A100. While the door swung open, one of the four complained that the casket was getting heavier by the minute, but soon they would relax when they rested the 8 foot long coffin in the middle of the floor.

One of the guards looked over the cover and noticed something on the cover as the guard spoke, "Hey guys, there's something written on the cover! it says SIN on it!" When those words were spoken was the exact moment their lives entered a fork in the road to either leave the room and not even think of whatever is in the box or to open it and see what was so important about its contents; soon they engaged into a heated discussion on what to do but soon they came to a conclusion. The very guard that noticed the writing was chosen to open the coffin.

a few minutes passed as the nervous guard started to open the casket slowly, turning a slight green as he took in a breath, smelling a odor so foul it would make maggots die, soon the lid flung open when the guard quickly turned around to vomit but soon the others joined him for what they saw inside was what looked like a body of a 7'5" tall being, wearing pants that has seen better days and was heavily stained in blood, they figured it was male for the fact that its muscles were toned like a male but they were shrunken and showed signs of heavy starvation and dehydration, but what made them sick to their stomachs was not the physique of the body but the condition of the arms and face, the arms were elongated and seemed to be a mutation along with his elongated fingers that the nails seemed to have infused into the same bone it would usually be and formed grotesquely long claws that were also stained the same morbid crimson as his pants; his face was something no one would ever stop having nightmares about for his skin was in the same condition as the rest of his body while his ears were strangely intact. The eyes of the guards widened in complete horror as they noticed that the creature in the box has no lips so it was constantly giving a toothy grin, its jaws were lined with carnivorous teeth similar to a shark, and those teeth were also stained the morbid color of blood, they relaxed as they saw that the thing did have eyelids and were closed completely.

as they looked over the body, one of the guards stepped away to answer one of his superiors on the radio, letting his commanding officer know that they were finished and returning to their former duties as just when he closed communications, cries of horror were heard by the other three guards, followed by the quick tearing of flesh, the blood chilling crack of bones and the splash of fluids painting any surface it managed to cover; when the guard returned, his color instantly vanished and was shaking greatly as he sees the creature standing, surrounded by blood and the three carcasses of his fellow workers, the thing was holding the forearm of his best friend; ripping the flesh off the bone with each bite as it seemed to pay the guard no mind until the guard drew his weapon, at that point was when the very guard that opened the casket ended his own life for the creature known as SIN due to his coffin stopped and flicked its head to its original upright position and slowly looked at the poor soul with eyes as white as pearls, its chin dripped blood and its talon like fingers dropped the limb.

To a normal man they would only see darkness at any distance when blind, but to SIN he can see everything in 360 degrees up to 4 feet in radius while beyond that are shadows, and anything living within that 4 feet would glow in the same red that sustains its life, the same red it feasts upon now as it saw the shadowy shape of the guard, frozen in mid draw as the guard began to whimper from the sight of SINs chaos that occurred in almost 3 seconds that he was gone, soon SIN moved towards the guard, the shadow moving closer to his sight limit, by the time the guard decided to back away was the time SIN truly saw him and his crimson aura of life, with a scream that would only sound from a demon from hell itself; SIN ran the guard through with the talons on his right hand, his long and thin frame gave him the advantage of reach in this state while making him weaker to more tougher enemies. As the guard felt the claws pierce his chest, one of them punctured his heart, he coughed up a little blood as the creature leaned in, it breathed like a beast about to finish its kill when the guard turned on the radio on and yelled as loud as can the few words he could say before Sin bit down on the guards neck and ripped the pour mortals head off.

"CODE RED, CODE RED IN B1A100---GAAAAAAH!!!!!" *static*

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