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Fantasy The FreakShow

Day 5

'The pen is mightier than the sword...or so the monks said.'

A chance meeting with Kaiden had given her a decent amount of info on her 'new residence' and how things worked. She now knew a couple names, such as the warden Nathen Geffen (aka creator of this hellhole, most likely) and the Undertaker (who knew what his real name was...). She also knew what the penalty rounds entailed, and it was just as she expected: the loser would lose something dear to them, such as an arm, a leg, an eye, or god knows what. Unfortunately, there was still much she didn't know, and that Kaiden seemed to have for sale.

Already owe two favours...great. Crypt's should be easy enough hopefully, but it might take a while to fulfill Kaiden's deal...and... an unusually enthusiastic voice broke through the intercom in the hallway, interrupting her thoughts and her push ups. Deciding to listen, she sat down on the cold ground, wiping the sweat from her brow as the voice detailed the upcoming Freak Show and today's game. While the game certainly piqued her interest, the fact that a Rytir (Ashyl Anaya, remember that...) was appearing in the Freak Show truly caught her attention. On top of why she would be appearing, she kind of wished that she had been assigned to the show. It'd certainly make getting info from Kaiden easier...and would give her some practical info on how well trained Rytirs were.

Heaving a deep sigh, she pushed herself up to her feet and headed out to the courtyard, still dressed in her stereotypical prison attire. She had received a lot of shit from the other inmates over the first few days, both to her attire and how she was still a newbie, or 'fresh blood' as some liked to put it. However, on day four she had managed to tick off an inmate after she had calmly pointed out, after having been called scrawny, that power wasn't everything. The inmate, a huge burly fellow (probably a Brute), took this as an insult and, in his rage, managed to only swing one punch before Vrana had managed to avoid the blow and, using his momentum, throw him over her shoulder and into a painful arm lock. Once he conceded, face red after bawling like a baby, she found less inmates had decided to bother her...something she was immensely glad for.

There was already a huge crowd, probably due to the AP card that was up for offer. She made her way through the crowd, eventually making it to the signup table. Scrawling down her name with a sinking feeling in her gut, she squeezed back out, far away from the crowd in the courtyard.
I imagine I'll have about five hours until the event. Or three, no idea... heading to the kitchen. She got her standard fare of food and sat down. She picked over her meager meal, mulling over the last few night's nightmares until she suddenly snapped out of it. Just then, she spotted Crypt, and once he looked over her way, she gave him a wave and gestured towards the table to signal he was welcome to sit and eat with her if he so wished. Besides having some friendly company, she was curious if he'd be signing up for the upcoming game as well, along with what he thought about the next Freak Show...

OOC: Finally got a post out, though it might be a bit rough.
Crypt gave a fellow inmate a gleeful smile that bared his teeth in a vicious way, as he saw the man reach for the last of his favorite food. The man paused glancing between him and the bowl wide eyed before slowly stepping away from it. Good boy. Grabbing the bowl he skipped past the inmate and began walking toward a table when he spotted Vrana. Seeing her gesture toward the table to come sit with her he beamed feeling all warm and mushy on the inside. That's a real friend for yah!

Skipping over to her he dodged a swipe from another inmate and gracefully turned giving the dude a kick in the face. It sent him reeling back into one of his buddies. Idiot. Sitting down across from Vrana he gave her a crooked smile. "How ya doing?"
Of Shadows...

She could smell it, before the doors to the elevator hissed open, before she could even begin to see the labyrinthian hallways before her. The air was different. The slight stench of old blood and deep earth overpowered now. The air was alive with electric tension, the mingled smell of crimson blood and fear a sweet perfume. Slowly silently she stepped into the corridor, ruby hues glowing as her pupil dilated. Softly furred ears tilted forward, listening. In the distance she could hear it. The static crackle of radio, the panicked voices of officers, and beneath it all the sick wet tear of flesh and the splash of blood on thick old stone.

The Pits had a new guest it seemed. A soft smile curved her lips. How rude it would be not to introduce herself to the new blood. Turning in the direction of the sound Genosha slipped silently through the halls blending with the shadows. She new every twist and turn of the Pits, every dead end and dark hovel. Like a shadow she bypassed officers thundering through the corridors, entering the 100 block of the cells.

Staying hidden she watched crimson eyes dancing with delight. Cell 100 was occupied at last and already it was slick with blood and carnage. The source being of course the rather thin looking freak within. The ease with which it tore through and consumed attacking officers was gorgeous. She would watch for now, simply enjoying the carnage.

And Steel

Reich sighed as he stood in the kitchen. Hands folded behind his back, impassive silver hues glanced about the small space, ensuring that things were still relatively peaceful. Spotting Crypt as he swiftly avoided and counter attacked another inmate Reich narrowed his eyes slightly, hands dropping to his sides. It was all the warning he needed to give.

As he was considering this a red light flashed at the collar of his shirt. Tapping it he listened quietly for a moment before suddenly. Turning on his heel he exited the kitchen, heading for the sub level elevator. He had been called in to handle a Code Red in B1 involving an new prisoner. As the elevators descended Reich drew Phantom, placing a glove clad hand on the glass orb near its center. The silver liquid within sloshed slightly before solidifying into a large shard surrounded by smaller floating shards. Without latching it back he slid Phantom into his holster.

The doors slid open and Reich quickly made his way towards cell B1A100. He soon arrived standing in the cell entrance blood slick on the floor beneath his feet. Silver hues glanced about shrewdly analyzing the situation Reich sighed. There were many dead guards and the situation was in undoubted need of controlling. In order to maintain peace and safety something would have to be done. However he could not help but wonder how situations had reached this point. He vaguely glimpsed a coffin in the cell, beyond the rather strange looking freak. It seemed to be some sort of haunt. Possibly elemental. He could handle this, it was his unique capability to act as both a freak and an officer that led him to being among the top 5 ranked Rytir. Clearing his throat he stepped into the cell door.

"Please stand down immediately or I will be compelled to subdue you with force..."


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The Hunter

Getting registered for the Geffen Ball game was mess. Kaiden was quite literally stuck in the crowd for a boring 30 minutes or more. What made it worse was that a bunch of the sub-level inmates had decided to join up as well, in which they quite easily penetrated the crowd and got to the front of line without much trouble. The freaks had practically parted and welcomed the psychos to cut in front. All that was missing was a red carpet to be rolled out across the yard for their arrival. When he finally got to the table, he scribbled his full name under the number 50 slot, printing 'Kaiden Rel' with his left hand a bit messily. He wasn't left handed in the least.

Getting back out of the courtyard was rather easy. For the most part, Kaiden simply walked around the entire crowd, only cutting through to get to the entrance. Signups would be over shortly, there wasn't very many unused entries left. 50 was the last number, though Kaiden had skipped quite a few blank spots just to get the number he wanted.

Kaiden walked straight through the kitchen, paying no mind to the people inside as he walked straight through the center and out through the back. With a light push, he opened the steel back door and wandered into the graveyard. He took a seat at the very same memorial stone that he was at prior to this morning's announcement. Starting at his elbow, Kaiden began to slowly unwrap the bandages around his right arm and hand. After spending so long in the same position, his fingers had grown quite stiff. A good stretch before playing the new game was just what he needed. Putting the bandage in his pocket, Kaiden held his hand straight out and uncurled his fingers which cracked and popped several times with each movement.

He closely examined his arm as he rolled his wrist too completely free it from the stiffness that had settled in. Along the entire arm, odd bone growths protruded along his skeletal structure, growing out and protruding through the reddened skin, perfectly lined up with his skeleton. The growths lapsed over his finger tips and extended further, ending in razor sharp points a little more than two inches past his fingers with the thumb claw being half as long. It felt great to freely move about his disfigured hand, one of the little things in life that he cared so much for. He thumbed three of the growths that lead to his right index, middle, and ring fingers where the bone was slightly whiter than the rest of his arm. Geffenhaus had once removed those three bones for study during a penalty round. A painful experience like none other but they had somehow grown back rather nicely.

The Unbending

Inside the ventilation shafts of the sub-level, someone looked down through the grates at the situation below. Elrene Geffenia watched carefully. That frail looking freak was quite literally a man-eating monster. At had butchered multiple guards and consumed them for what reason? To sate hunger? Actually that, was more than believable considering the creature's rather starved looking appearance. And Elrene knew better than anyone what bloodlust felt like, the need to consume the living. But surely after consuming so many people, it wouldn't still be hungry for now, right? Killing more than your share is just wrong, plain in simple. Elrene grabbed the bars with both hands, ready to peel open the grate and stop the creature if necessary.

Elrene closed her eyes and adjusted her vision. Her world lit up a bright yellow when she next opened them. Just outside of her normal vision spectrum, an armed male was confronting the monster. She paused and looked into the shadows deeply, illuminating the area. She hadn't noticed it at first, but someone else was also there. This one was a female with... are those cat ears? She shouldn't be surprised, it was a freak prison afterall. An odd, undying need to touch and feel of the woman's cat ears came over her, it was an idiotic thought.

Dust and Ashes...

An emergency call woke Ash from her half-sleep, she had dozed off while playing around with her powers. A code red in B1A100, a powerful freak was apparently going berserk. She was just about to answer the call when somebody answered first, Rytir Reich. 'Reich can handle it, probably. Best if I avoid injury for today and tomorrow. Could be fatal.'

Sitting on her bed, Ash held a paper clip between her index finger and thumb. She concentrated hard on the paper clip with little actual results, the clip barely warped at all. This sort of stuff was always difficult when it was calm and quiet. During combat, her powers operated at will with great ease but sit her on a bed in a quiet room and Ash couldn't hardly destroy a paper clip. "I don't understand. It's not working right." In contrast to her frustration, Ash's face was as blank and absent as ever.
SIN was eating what's left of the flesh on te corpses when he heard something at the door of its cell, slowly he stood up from his crotched position and slowly looked at the man at the door, unable to see him of coarse but he could hear his as clear as day when Reich spoke. He would show his face to the rytir, revealing the fresh blood in his cheeks and chin as well as the pearls that would be his blind eyes, he would sniff the air for he could pick up the hint of something, or someone, else hanging around as he growled a little.

Soon the sound of what would have been a chewed on calf of one of the four dead guards hitting the floor with a sickly "thwack!" SIN would take a step forward towards the door to see if he can catch a glimps of the being that was speaking to him, while he silently formed one of his invisible scythe blades made of air to act quickly if whoever it is tries to do anything agressive, what he forgets to do was not let any air get pulled through the door as the blade he mentally called "Reaping Gale" formed for it makes stationary air move as if there was a slight breeze when forming.
Vrana couldn't help but grin at the goofy child's look of pure glee at her simple gesture. She didn't think it was anything to get too excited about...but then again, this was a max-sec prison, so it was probably akin to offering the Holy Grail or something similar. Her grin faded slightly as the child gracefully gave an inmate a face full of boot without thinking much of it, and then sat down with a crooked smile. Still gonna take some getting used to this backward-ass place...not like other prisons I've been to, that's for sure.

She gave a smile and, after taking a bite of some mystery meat, gave Crypt a flawless lie.
"I'm doing good, thanks for askin'. How're you?" she took another bite, then after a moment or so (after his response, of course) went into asking him about the event. "I went ahead and signed up for that game...hopefully I can finally pay you back once it's over. Will you be participating too?" she asked, focusing on her food as she started chowing down. It tasted like liquid gravel, and had the consistency of it, but it was sustenance. Just...not as much as she'd like. "Also," she added, some food still in her mouth. She swallowed (with a slight shiver), and pointed her fork over at the television hanging from the wall just above the doorway. "What're your thoughts on the upcoming Freak Show? Heard a Rytir would be in it...guessing that's not common practice around here."
"I'm fine. " Crypt nodded practically bouncing in his seat as he dug into the vanilla ice cream and listened to her. She sure asked a lot of questions. Then again so did a lot of the new inmates that came when they were older. After swallowing his bite he spoke. "I am going to sign up after I finish eating. I hope there is still a spot left. Its rare that I actually participate in any game other then freakshow because I find them boring but this one seems fun. "

Taking another bite of his ice cream he savored the flavor. It lacked some of the sweetness of regular ice cream and was a tad watery but still good. Swallowing he answered her other question. "I think its going to be the most interesting show yet, especially since a rytir has never been in one. Heck, even the three way fight idea is pretty new. I'm actually just disappointed that I won't be a part of it. Though I am going to log on."
Steel Hearts...

Reich sighed as the creatures blank eyes moved in his direction. He wondered if the thing even understood what he was saying. The faint tickle of wind sent silvery strands of hair dancing along the nape of his neck. His eye narrowed at the change in wind current. Such small environmental changes were usually the sign of an elemental type freak power at work. Judging by the slashed and dismembered state of some of the officer's bodies it was most likely that this attack would come in the form of some sort of cutting power. Slowly he lifted a hand to his lips, catching the fingertip of his glove between his teeth, tugging the simple white fabric free from his fingers. Dropping the glove his hand went to Phantom, the hexagonal markings on his hand fitting perfectly along small bladed grooves on the gun. Drawing the weapon he leveled it with the creatures chest calmly as he removed his other glove. Reich was not here to kill the creature. That was not his job. His job was to control the situation, subdue the prisoner, and restore order. As long as he could accomplish that all else would be fine. Dropping the last glove to join the other on the crimson stained floor he spoke once more, his tone even and clear.

"I will warn you once more... Desist and return to your coffin... If you continue to appear a danger I will be forced to take offensive measures..."
When SIN heard the word "offensive" following after something being pulled, he would thrust the scythe blade of wind at whatever was drawn, while charging at Reich with his talon like fingers glistening with blood, ready to rip the aggressor to bloody ribbons, little did Reich know that the wind blade is able to slice through metals that have a lesser carbon level than high carbon steel.

As he came into his 4 foot radius, he could see Reichs crimson aura while seeing something black in the shape of a gun, the wind blade was redirected to the gun as he is prepared to turn the rytir into his next meal, his crimson carnivorous teeth parting to open his jaws wide and releases a scream that would only be described as a demons battle cry.
The Unbending

A stream of blood began to slowly leak from Elrene's altered eyes. No use trying to change her vision back to normal now, the damage was already done and it could wait until later anyways. It was time to get involved. Several veins popped out of Elrene's forearms and hands and the musculature became well defined and almost double in size. In no time, her fingers burrowed into the steel bars and the entire grate busted off of the cement ceiling, raining down tiny bits of rubble.

She hopped down from the new hole in the ceiling, sticking the landing. Moving the decrepit grate to her left hand, a rather serious expression on her face. "It's time to calm down. Such savage behavior is unbecoming, even for one such as yourself." Elrene brushed her long, shaggy, black hair behind her, revealing her face. Her typically dull red eyes had a bright yellow glow.

Elrene's enhanced vision tracked the movements of an invisible blade of wind, the power appearing as a white hot streak flying through the air. While there was no time to interrupt the attack, Elrene judged by its trajectory that the blow wouldn't immediately be lethal, depending on how the rytir moved. It'd be best to use the opportunity to exploit the opening to subdue the berserking freak. However, an individual hiding in the shadows caught her attention, her yellow eyes briefly focused on the freak in hiding. And again, one thought came to mind. Cat ears.

Such an irrelevant thought was costly. She now hoped that her sudden, and rather noisy entrance alone would be enough to interrupt the combat and draw everyone's attention for a moment. After all, nobody had actually seen her up until now. Her look was quite different from her appearance on the Freak Show, hair being black with red ends rather than blonde, yellow eyes, and the fact that she still had two arms.
Steel Hearts...

As the creature rushed him Reich exhaled slowly, silver eyes flashing slightly. He could feel something akin to adrenaline rushing through him. Though he did not favor resorting to combat as a first option there was nothing to say that he could not hold himself in a fight. He was trained, every since he was a child. And beyond that he seemed to have a natural instinct for battle. As the wind shifted Reich began to act, each movement calculated and fluid, the attack plan formulated in his mind from the moment he had stepped foot through the door. Now all that it would take was putting that plan in to action. With a swift motion Reich slid his right palm along the butt of the gun, small silver needles slipping forth, opening thin cuts along the patterns etched into his skin. Silver liquid dripped forth floating in the air, collecting with surprising speed. Within moments of the wind scythe being thrown Reich had constructed a wall of thin metallic elongated hexagons, shimmering in the air. The heated mercury fractals first dispersed the wind, shifting to form a wedge like wall of overlapping plates meant to disperse its strength of to either side of Reich. Second later they would part, the liquid swirling back to circle one arm. Sliding one foot back Reich took a deep breath. The faintest whisper seemed to come from some corner of his mind, bringing the words to his lips.

"The dead walk only in shadows..."

Whispering Shadows...

The dead walk only in shadows...

A simple phrase. Short and sweet. To many it would sound like muttered nonsense, a whispered prayer. Perhaps that was what it was. But it was more that words. More than whispers. It spoke not to the world, or to those around it, but to the darkness. To the fibers of the shroud, the fibers of the blackness of death. It spoke to the cloak about her, how she brought it alive, made the dark within it breath. It was what created allowed the Death Shroud to be. And it was ingrained in the Rytir's clothes. She had made sure of this. She had woven in each fiber herself, with painstaking care. Wound the darkness into the stitch and seam of the uniform the male so proudly wore. To protect him, to give him something of her. To show that which was closest to compassion in her heart. For him alone. She gave him a bit of the strength of her shroud, and something else as well. But for now it was only the shroud that mattered. It would hide him in darkness, shroud him in the empty aura of the long dead. It would help. But that alone would not be enough. He would have to fight. And she would watch, silently observing. She wanted to see what he had grown up to be. What he had become.

Silver Sings...

Reich brought Phantom up to bear, finger curving around the trigger. One shot. Two shots. Three shots. The cluster of bullets, quicksilver and swift, shot towards the creature. His aim was not to kill but to wound. To subdue. Each bullet was carefully aimed. The shoulders, the right leg. They were meant to impale. To strike the target and pierce the emaciated flesh, each projectile hot, the power and strength far beyond that of even a silver bullet. If they hit their targets then Reich would be able to take the next step. Shattering each bullet and sending long thin spears of the metallic liquid outward in little spikes further digging into the flesh and bone. Penetrating flesh and muscle. Wounding but not powerful enough to kill. Not yet.

The sound of a familiar voice broke his absolute attention on the task at hand and he glanced back at the woman who had just appeared. He lowered the pistol slightly. Wary, but uncertain as to what to do next. He needed to observe. Logic dictated that this was a person of importance and one with whom to be concerned.

Night's Refrain

This woman, this intruder. A familiar person it seemed but one she could not place. An unwelcome interruption none the less to her quite watch. But perhaps just another interesting factor. Another piece on the board, another card in the game. Her ears tilted slightly, her form remaining hidden in shadow. Orbs danced with intrigue, the ring of crimson slight against wide pupils. She licked her lips, slowly, flashing sharp fang like teeth. Interesting.
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As the barriers formed, the scythe blade struck them they would bounce off them, he heard something load and was able to strengthen his current sensor to where if they were projectiles, they would be flung in directions away from him, his current sensor was a way to sense attacks that are a certain distance to him so that he may evade if necessary.

Within the next second he formed a second wind scythe and was about to slice the man in two when he heard a feminine voice somewhere in the darkness outside his third eyes range, which he knew needed to be worked on, but he decided to try to disarm the being with the weapon by swinging his wind blade at the pistol.

SIN stopped his attack midway due to a sudden crashing noise behind him, the scythe blade barely touching the weapon the rytir was holding, he then turned to who was making the noise as it again saw a shadow but this form looked feminine and for some reason he could swore, that's if he could, can see her eyes glowing slightly due to his lesser third eye.

He would make the blade dissipate in a burst of air, making anyone who was not footed correctly stumble backwards due to the force, his haunt like face watched the feminine shape as he took a step closer, wondering if the being was edible or if her blood tasted good while his talons dripped with blood.
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The Chariot

Elrene's swelled arms shrunk down to their original size, leaving a sore, throbbing feel. She stepped towards the seemingly feral freak, as it seemed to be having trouble actually seeing her. Her eyes shifted from SIN to Reich, "I think that's enough of that." Dropping the steel grate at her feet, Elrene cracked her knuckles. She spoke with a powerful, commanding tone. "You can't just go around killing for no reason." Though she made no mention of it, it was clear by Elrene's stance and expression that she would forcibly quell both SIN and Reich if necessary.

Her attention shifted back to the shadows once more, though she avoided looking directly at the hidden inmate. The enhanced eyes highlight the cat eared woman with a dark yellow tint, slightly brighter in color than the background that she stood against. It was a remarkable camouflage but Elrene had to wonder, what was her point in hiding? Was she waiting for an opportunity or was she simply there to watch? Whatever the reason, Elrene refused to drop her guard, she would remain ready to combat anyone in this dank mess of hallways at any time.

Refocusing on SIN, the mummified haunt, Elrene could feel the bloodlust seeping off of the creature. It had its own atmosphere, thick with dread, blood thirst, and unease. Yeah, this creature had no intention of backing down, for now at least. Baring four long and sharp fangs in a sort of angry snarl, Elrene picked up and flung the grate hard at SIN. Using the temporary momentum gained from flinging such a heavy object, Elrene spun into a low crouch, whilst watching for the wind scythe power signatures, and delivered a hard left hook for SIN's stomach area.

@X3 Infernal Infinity @Onihi

The Fool

It was almost time for the game. Eager to get started, Kaiden quickly wrapped up his arm and stood up. It had been a while since he was this excited about a game. This was new, but the concept was simple. Geffen Ball would be little more than a game of keep away, except you kept it away from everyone and there was bound to be bloodshed. Lots of bloodshed.

Kaiden walked into the kitchen, slowing his pace as he passed Vrana and Crypt. They seemed to have fast friends. "Hey? The game is going to start soon. You two should come play it with me, it'll be fun." He walked past, giving a polite smile to the two of them. They seemed to get along almost like brother and sister.

Taking a hard right turn out of the kitchen, Kaiden took the A wing exit into the courtyard. There were still a few late signups standing at the desk. It was surprising that there were still openings left. He strolled to the center of the courtyard and stared at the ground. The metal flooring had several seams going through it. "Wonder what they have set up for this event..." He hoped it was something with lots of obstacles. An open field would be too chaotic for such a game.

@Jaded Conformity @kira blackthorn

(Ok..after not receiving alert im going to attempt to throw out a good post to get myself back in there)

After hearing of her name being pulled for the three way fight she has spent most of her days alone either in her room or practicing in the courtyard. She did not have anything in her favor after all. She was going up against a rytir and a no type soon so she needed all of the practice she could get and she wanted no distractions. She tied her hair up into a ponytail and shut her door, moving things away and setting up her home made punching bag. She started having at it, landing harsh and quick jabs with powerful full force punches. As she did this she had to control her bod temperature or risk setting the bag on fire though her upper body and core started to glow a fiery red and even sparked off a few flames. She knew having a sparring partner would be easiest for this kind of practice but she didnt really talk to anyone here and she wasnt sure if she could truly trust anyone here as well.​
Steel Hearts...

Though Reich still couldn't place the strange woman he had no doubt that she had the authority to command him. Though she was strange in nature her presence was one of unquestionable command. Dropping Phantom to his side he slid the gun back in the holster. Vaguely he was aware of a sense of irritation, minor but there. He didn't like being interrupted while doing his duty. But it mattered little. He had other work to get back to.

Turning on his heel to exit the cell he spotted his gloves, crimson dyed from the blood that covered the floor. First her have to go get new gloves. Glancing at his palms he watched as the swirl of mercury slid back into his skin through the tiny cuts. Curling his hands into fists he headed down the hallway and back towards the elevator.
Crypt flashed Kaiden a toothy smile as nished the last of his vanilla ice cream and feeling refreshed and re energized he hopped up from his seat giving his friend a bright smile. "Come on let's go sign up. I'm sure one of us will win."

Giggling he grabbed her hand and began tugging her toward the courtyard chattering a mile a minute. " These games are really fun as there is more then one opponent and it makes it more challenging. Also it gives you a chance to learn about the others fighting styles in case you have to fight them. " They made it to the court yard and neared the table quickly. "Though It's sort of useless if they don't survive. Still useful though." Grabbing the pen he let her go and signed up.
SIN could see her now along with the flying grate and her follow up attack coming so ducked under the grate before he jumped back enough for her attack to miss and in a the blink of an eye, 10 wind scythes formed and instead around him, they formed behind her with the blade tips against her back as SIN seemed to try to laugh but the knew better for he might bite his own tongue off by accident

His razor like nails glistened in blood as he growled again, his teeth also drip with blood as his eyes remained white as milk.
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Vrana cocked an eyebrow at Crypt's response to the upcoming game, and wondered how many Freak Shows he had participated in. Mostly everything seemed in order at first glance, so she doubted he lost much, if at all. Just hope you don't make it to the game. Competition might be fun, but... she finished off the last of her food as Crypt went on talking about the upcoming Freak Show. The fact this was the first show of its kind, both it being a three-way and having a Rytir, piqued her interest. Taking a big drink of water from her cup, she at least managed to dull the aftertaste left in her mouth. "Wonder if it's a punishment for something they did..." she muttered aloud, half at Crypt and half at herself.

Just then, Kaiden passed by, suggesting they should join the upcoming game.
"Already signed up," she quickly responded, giving him a light shrug. "Guess I'll see you there, 'eh?" she added with a small grin, pushing herself up and depositing the tray over near the trashcans. "Yeah, c'mon le-" she was quickly interrupted as Crypt grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the courtyard. The first time it was unexpected, and was fine with her, but she wasn't a huge fan and she could only furrow her brow as she followed along, simply listening to Crypt go on at a thousand miles a minute. Finally they reached the table, and he let go of her hand in order to sign up. The woman at the table gave an odd look at Vrana, and she simply gave a small shrug and stuffed her hands into her pockets, face emotionless. Fight someone, huh? Wonder if we'll even get our weapons, or have to scavenge...

Feeling unsettled by sticking around in the large crowd, she tapped Crypt on the shoulder to get his attention.
"I'll be over away from the crowd, Crypt" she nodded her head towards an open spot in the courtyard, then headed over and sat down cross-legged on the ground, hands on her knees. Glancing over near the center of the courtyard, she spotted Kaiden staring down at the ground. Wonder if he's staring at those seams in the ground...I imagine that's where the obstacles will come up from. Or it's just pure speculation... she shrugged, then shifted her focus over to the crowd, a little bothered that there were so many signing up. This'll be fun...

OOC: meh post, apologies.

She placed her hand on his blood soaked jacket, alerting the monster of her presence. It took her a lot of courage to do that, not mentioning that he was the first freak that she met. The pungent smell hit her nostrils like a jackhammer, it was just so instinctual to run away from him , but she resisted. A motherly instinct made her feel like as though she had to protect the rytirs, despite being aware that they are not on her side.


Her eyes softened as she furrowed her eyebrows, tilting her head sideways to get a better look of Sin. His eyes resembled what a moon would look like on a clear night. The blood painted on his body is the only ink that gave color to his body, to his life. Such a soul living on this earth, devoid of emotions and love.But that is the way he lived, most likely bathing in the blood of the innocent. It was as though she never expected, she actually empathised with a heartless monster, feasting on the very same meat that protects her heart. The ability to feel and connect with another is so deep within her, it was as though it was a gift... and a curse.

She fluttered her eyelashes, feeling the intense stare that everyone was giving her. Taking a soft step backwards, she curtsied and introduced herself.

"My name is Robin. Despite the uncomfortable situation we are currently in, I am pleased to meet you"
Crypt sent vrana a smile as she left. He remembered being wary of crowds. Back at the orphanage he always had to watch his back and stick to the shadows because the other orphans loved to terroize him. He got his revenge and honestly being sent here was the best thing that ever happened to him.

It may be a cruel horrible place to most but to an orphan who has known nothing but pain. It was a home. It wasn't secure nor did it have a white picket fence but there was food, a nice bed, and a certain fairness about it. All this was more then he ever remembered having. Definitely more then he ever hoped for.

Smile softening he nodded to the others behind the table and went to join Vrana making sure to avoid any surprise throws or hits the other inmates threw. By now it was instinct. Settling beside Vrana, hands clasped behind his back, he looked up at the sky and the familiar noise of the inmates made him feel as relaxed as he ever has. It was a prison for others but a home to him.
The Wheel of Fortune

Ash stepped off of the elevator and turned right. She had been hold up in her room for a while but now she had something that she wanted to do. She walked past the rather inactive rooms, their inhabitants out in the courtyard or getting ready to watch this afternoon's game. She had brought her katana with her, but wasn't wearing it on her left hip as usual but instead had it slung over her back by its strap, not planning on using it today.

Room 40... 41... 42... 43... Ash stopped at the closed door of Cell B047, Cordelia Nyx's room. Even though she had the authorization to open the door on her own accord, Ash instead knocked her index and middle knuckles against the steel twice, paused, then knocked twice more.


The Fool

A curator in full body, anti-freak armor was directing people. "Entree numbers 1 through 10, corner A. 11 through 20, corner B. Entrees 21- to 30, corner C..." The curator continued on as the signups moved to one of five corners. Kaiden smiled and casually walked to the corner closest to the fence, corner E as the mark read. He glanced around, there should be 10 people lined up next to him, unless either the number never got that many entrants, they dropped out, or simply weren't there yet. There was a few minutes left until the game started, so Kaiden decided to use the moment to get properly prepared.

Sitting on the ground with his legs crossed, Kaiden leisurely started to unwrap the bandages on his right arm at a snail's pace, careful to not rip or snag the cloth. If some people still didn't know why Kaiden was classified as a haunt, they would real soon. Kaiden's bare appearance wasn't one that was easily overlooked and forgotten. After a few moments, the bandage came off and was stuffed into a jacket pocket, revealing the boney structure with two inch claws that was his arm. e stretched his fingers as if getting ready to relax then started undoing the bandages around his right leg.

Kaiden considered removing his mask to free up his vision, thumbing the chin of it lightly with his left hand, but thought better of it and left the mask on. People didn't need to see what was underneath, it wasn't important. Being judged by his appearance of his limbs and his mask was already an issue that occasionally worked against him, though his limbs were viable for both offense and defense. Stacking what he looked like under the mask wouldn't do him any favors. And besides, nobody ever asked him what was underneath his mask so Kaiden decided that he wasn't going to share.

Kaiden pulled his right sleeve and pant leg down then crossed his arms, hiding his appearance with a light smile on his face.

The Chariot

Elrene's eyes tracked a new energy setting directly behind her. Acting on instinct, she immediately twisted around and intercepted the ten wind blades with her right arm. With a shower of blood, Elrene's arm promptly shredded and vanished from the hand to the elbow, the impact knocking her off of her feet. "Aah, damn it!" She quickly rolled to her knees so that she was facing SIN, "Just makes it easier..."

A smooth, black substance enveloped Elrene's injured arm, extending in a waving pattern before assuming a shape identical to the arm she had just lost. "Your power is wind? I'll counter it." Three cylindrical protrusions formed along the forearm of the black arm and lit up with a white color as they sparkled like tesla coils. Electricity bolted into the finger tips, turning them bone white.

From her position on her knees, Elrene launched herself backward, distancing herself from Sin by several yards, landing down the hall. Taking a low stance, she sprinted as hard as she could, her new arm generating more and more electricity as the static charge from the movement built up. She scaled the side of the wall to then dropped down from above SIN, slamming down her electrified arm. If she missed, her arm would impact the floor and send an electrical current through the floor.

By this point, Elrene was completely side-tracked from the cat-eared inmate hiding in the shadows.

@Onihi @X3 Infernal Infinity
SIN could see the energy from her arm as it formed, he then looked at her new arm curiously while the 10 wind blades moved to his sides acting like a shield in his left and right sides while he watched her, wondering what she is up to until she attacked, he would step to the side quickly before using the blunt side of his blades to push her away from him since he can hear the electrical crack of her new arm.

He then using the other five to form a massive throwing star which started spinning hard enough to generate a cyclone in the room before turning to the voice curiously as his teeth were stained crimson with blood and always showing due to not having any lips, he then resumed his attention on Erlene, curious if she tastes better than the 4 guards he feasted on earlier
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The Chariot

Elrene's arm missed and hit the floor hard, releasing an electrical current along the metal lining. The current spread outward, hitting SIN's bare feet with a static cling and weak, electric shock. Sent into a brief tumble tumble from a sudden gust, Elrene slammed her mutated finger tips into the floor for resistance and to keep the electric current at a constant discharge. SIN might've successfully avoided the initial attack but he, it failed to escape the trap. She was just getting ready to up the released amps to a heavier level when she noticed someone standing behind her opponent. "What're you doing, girl? Back off before you get eaten or caught in the crossfire!"


Regardless of whether or not the girl moved, Elrene went in for the kill. She dashed straight towards SIN, dragging her mutated arm across the wall on the way, and latched onto the creature. Her right hand clutched the shoulder, the left around the forearm, and she wrapped her legs around SIN's thin waist. She opened her mouth wide, baring four long canines along her top jaw, ready to deliver her most favored means of attack. A hard chomp to the neck.

SIN would seem to start to laugh as one of the wind scythes between him and her jaws while he would grab her non-mutated arm with his free hand and viciously bites the flesh between her neck and shoulder and shakes his head violently like a shark then pulls the flesh away from her body, leaving a bloody mess between her neck and shoulder as he then builds up enough air between them to create a eruption of wind so she would be forced to let go of him.

After the blast he would roll backwards as before regaining his feet then runs to a corner of the room and chews on the flesh he bit off the girl while putting his hands up to his mouth so that none of the flesh slip out of his maw of dagger like teeth.

Cordelia had landed a hard punch to her bag with a huff and gritted her teeth as she burned a hole through it, fire spreading to the rest of it.

"Dammit..they need to get me better material than this.."

She cooled down for a moment and looked to her door as she popped on ice cube in her mouth, her eyebrow arched and her arms crossed. When she noticed the rytir on the other side she sighed.

"Couldnt wait for the show or just wanted to check out the competition? Because you might want to check on that other girl first.."

She put out the fire on her bag and sat on her bed as she lit up a cigarette with her finger, her red eyes glancing at the sword the women held on her back. The past few days she had spent her time figuring more out about this person and she knew that she was going to be a good fighter especially with the abilities she had and she almost dreaded going up against her than the other girl since she hadnt learned much about her.​


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