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Fantasy The Fractured Lands: OOC

All great questions BuggaBoo BuggaBoo !

Yes our characters will not be running around naked lol! They basically get to the fractured lands in the same clothes and equipment they had when they died.

I think that characters speak in their normal languages but everything is "magically" translated as they speak, so for example, my character will hear all of yours speaking on his language, makes sense? For the sake of the roleplay we'll have english, so we don't have to make up languages lol.

Not quite understood the question, but I suppose you're talking about the fractured lands? If so, yes, it's basically another reality and feels absolutely irl but our characters still have all their senses, they can still feel everything from hunger to pain and smell and see everything.

I suppose that Rain's ability to see spirits wouldn't quite fit for the time being since it is kind of "magic" so we'll keep it locked out at least until magic is unlocked for all characters. And besides, they are all "spirits" so her senses would be going nuts.

Oh yeah, the bodies are intact, nothing that happened at the moment of death carried to the fractured lands, as they arrived, their wounds had magically disappeared (this doesn't count any old scar, only wounds made on the day of the death).
Wait- my guy was stabbed in his sleep; does this mean he has to spend the RP in his PJs? 'Cause I'd really rather that not be the case ._.
Ayama Ayama Oh well, didn't think about that lmao

Perhaps we can rather have them use whatever equipment they were using the day they died instead of the moment they died, I guess this works right?

However it would be really funny to have him defeating entire armies while only wearing his PJs
Lol my girlie was guilty of poaching accused of Witchcraft so she was burned at the stake. But I never specified her death on my sheet so I gots wiggle room lol

All great questions BuggaBoo BuggaBoo !
Not quite understood the question, but I suppose you're talking about the fractured lands? If so, yes, it's basically another reality and feels absolutely irl but our characters still have all their senses, they can still feel everything from hunger to pain and smell and see everything.

I suppose that Rain's ability to see spirits wouldn't quite fit for the time being since it is kind of "magic" so we'll keep it locked out at least until magic is unlocked for all characters. And besides, they are all "spirits" so her senses would be going nuts.
K so she will defo know she nor in Kansas anymore by smell and devoid of sensing spirits and her spirit guide.

But like she was not a full shaman yet so she could only talk to her spirit guide and needed copious amounts of narcotic concoctions to see them properly so that checks out.
Ayama Ayama Oh well, didn't think about that lmao

Perhaps we can rather have them use whatever equipment they were using the day they died instead of the moment they died, I guess this works right?

However it would be really funny to have him defeating entire armies while only wearing his PJs
I could see it being equipment they were "attached to"—stuff they used or wore often. Since they were from relatively mundane worlds, we don't have to worry about someone bringing the Moonlight Greatsword. It's just familiar, trusty, standard weapons and armor.
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Hey everyone, UPDATE! I'm please to announce that the roleplay has finally started!

You can access it HERE!

Thank you everyone for your patience and I'll keep asking for it as I am new to the whole GM thing, so hopefully we can create a wonderful story together!

Welcome to the fractured lands, everyone!
ugh tavern? fr tho?? we dead and first place to meet is a tavern lol

k will have to figure sumpin out for Rain. Thinkin she made a little friend that will get her there lol
Seemed like neutral ground for all characters lol, besides the tavern will be a quick stop, you'll all be out of it very soon, but in Hedra that's pretty much the main place that attracts outsiders
Cal: Gimme a tavern, and I'm gonna bard ;P

Hope erryone enjoyed the D&D reference~
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Seemed like neutral ground for all characters lol, besides the tavern will be a quick stop, you'll all be out of it very soon, but in Hedra that's pretty much the main place that attracts outsiders
Soooooo like it seems like charries have been here a while. Questions then:

- Would rain been successful as a hunter here?
- Would she survive in the wilderness as like that's how she always lived?
oh! And like would she have encountered anything weird like as in unnatural out there?
Hey, BuggaBoo BuggaBoo !

She can be a successful hunter, however any type of animal that isn't fish is basically rare in the fractured lands, so rain would probably be competing with other hunters for each animal that she finds!

she can absolutely live in the wilderness, yet living alone in the fractured lands does impose bigger risks as the dangers of the world are not for the weak. Yet regular dangers such as wolfs and bears are still present, despite being rare occurrences.

While there are tales of monsters in the fractured lands, currently for plot reasons, none of the main cast has encountered any monsters!
K posted for rain. Changed my mind and she gunna go with name Flower. I didn't think it was part of her charrie to enter the tavern but at least she there now lol
Very nice! Also love Flower's introduction! Will be adding a follow up to the narrative too, for those who haven't made their posts yet, don't worry, there's still plenty of time to introduce your characters!
Hello everyone! Our characters are approaching their introductory fight, yokai. yokai. yana yana kasigi kasigi if any of you wish to introduce your characters before the fight begins, now would be the perfect time! Althought there is no need to rush a reply, do take your time!

If you wish to introduce your character during or after the fight, you are absolutely free to do so! It's all up to you guys!
im in the middle of moving houses rn and won't be free until friday at the latest BUT ill work on my intro asap 🫡 depending on how the ic pacing is, vergil miiight be making his entrance after the fight 🙂↕️
im in the middle of moving houses rn and won't be free until friday at the latest BUT ill work on my intro asap 🫡 depending on how the ic pacing is, vergil miiight be making his entrance after the fight 🙂↕️
No Problem! Do reply whenever you're free to do so, no need to rush anything!
hi friends!! i really apologize for the delay regarding posting, some personal stuff has been difficult lately. i want to try to post within the next few hours! (:
evidently did NOT post yesterday AHH ... apologize guys! i want to as soon as possible. stuff's really tough right now, but i fully intend on committing. i may look into joining after the fight!
No problem kasigi kasigi ! There will be opportunities to join mid-fight too if you wish to do so!

For everyone else, will be adding a new narrative post soon after this message! BuggaBoo BuggaBoo Flower sits right in front of the tavern right? Currently she's blocking the way for the keeper's son to enter and warn the others about the presence of the shade, is it ok to have her move slightly so the son can enter?
No problem kasigi kasigi ! There will be opportunities to join mid-fight too if you wish to do so!

For everyone else, will be adding a new narrative post soon after this message! BuggaBoo BuggaBoo Flower sits right in front of the tavern right? Currently she's blocking the way for the keeper's son to enter and warn the others about the presence of the shade, is it ok to have her move slightly so the son can enter?
k was waiting for the others to intro before i went again. but posted now!

edit: oh and can you pls link the Main IC at the top too? thinkin its just easier to like navigate to
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Hello everyone, we are currently entering the first fight of the roleplay! It takes place inside the tavern where all characters are located, the premise is that the shade have located the pilgrims and are starting to raid the tavern, our characters will be fighting a few waves of enemies while inside, depending on how things play out there is a possibility that the fight will end up outside on the streets.

You're free to interact with the shade and fight them on your own way, no dice rolls so be creative in the fights! May our characters be successful on their first conflict!

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