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Fantasy The Four Horsemen OOC

Gravitational Force Gravitational Force I probably should've elaborated, but I was thinking my character would be a fifth member of the team who would be based on Conquest; probably a monster tamed by/forced to work for one of the other members (probably Pestilence) so that the number of humans on the team is still technically four. I'll still be willing to play famine if you're not okay with it, though.
Gravitational Force Gravitational Force I probably should've elaborated, but I was thinking my character would be a fifth member of the team who would be based on Conquest; probably a monster tamed by/forced to work for one of the other members (probably Pestilence) so that the number of humans on the team is still technically four. I'll still be willing to play famine if you're not okay with it, though.
I was only planning on there being 4 players. If it's alright I'd prefer you to stick with famine.
This will be set in medieval times in Europe. You will use actual horses (they'll just be normal horses) to get from town to town, with Famine's horse drawing the wagon with your supplies.
Do you want this to be more of a combat-focused RP or more social with the combat as part of it?
This will be set in medieval times in Europe. You will use actual horses (they'll just be normal horses) to get from town to town, with Famine's horse drawing the wagon with your supplies.
Do you want this to be more of a combat-focused RP or more social with the combat as part of it?

I think it should be both quite evenly. Combat isn't as exciting without a social aspect to it. It becomes meaningless when characters get hurt, when we've barely established a bond. And combat seems necessary for the type of characters we are.
Pestilence uses poisonous arrows from a bow that cause infection and disease! He also makes poisons and toxins to be used against enemies, as well as dealing with medical issues. He's more of a support role.
Pestilence uses poisonous arrows from a bow that cause infection and disease! He also makes poisons and toxins to be used against enemies, as well as dealing with medical issues. He's more of a support role.
Again, this is going to be more realistic. Poison maybe, but keep in mind that the monsters you're going up against won't always be affected by it. Pestilence can be resistant to disease and poison and treat them though.

She isnt gonna really use it to fight anyways. As we already cleared up, brains, not brawn. She relies on her magic more.
A sickle maybe? This is Europe and you'll have to rely on what you can make or buy there.

I'm working on the CS page now.

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