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Fantasy [THE FOREST] (RP thread)

Ivana looked over at Lux, wondering what had frightened him. "...Lux?" Her ears perked up at the sound of someone's voice, and the gripped her warhammer tightly, her hostility rising again. Her keen nose picked up a scent. "Someone's here." she whispered. "Stay close by."
"Keep quiet!" The young jackalope hissed, not about to let her or the young dyn get caught by whoever this was. "The last thing we need is to draw them closer to us!"
The human felt his consciousness slipping as did his energy. He couldn’t let himself faint now. Not when he’s being watched. But he made promises to people that he had to keep, promises of getting out of this schtick alive. Did he really have no choice but to put his trust in this unknown presence?

He grasped at his shoulder and shut his eyes. ”If someone’s there, and my mind’s not playin’ tricks on me, I plead you to help me.“ He called out desperately. “I don’t care if you’re a friend or an enemy. I won’t attack nor will I fight back, so please.“
*Lux looks at Ivana, it seemed that he really wanted to help, but didn’t know if it was a good idea*
Ivana carefully parted some leaves to get a better look at the stranger. "...A human." she muttered, her voice tainted with dislike. She wholeheartedly did not want anything to do with humans of any sort, but, hearing his plea, she sighed, looking over at the bushes where Lux hid. She saw how much Lux wanted to help, and grudgingly said, "Fine, let's go see what we can do."
*Lux nods and carefully emerges from the bush, walking towards the soldier nervously*
At this point he was slumped over on the floor with his hand continuing to rest over his wounds. His exhaustion caused him to go unconscious, but his breathing was a sign that he was still there and well alive.
“What do we do? He won’t survive out here like this!”
Ivana followed Lux towards the human, still holding her hammer. She stooped down and checked his pulse. "He's still alive, but..." She removed the hand that was covering up the soldier's wounds. "He really isn't in the best shape. The best thing to do is take him up the mountain. I live at the peak, the healers of my clan can help us."
The soldier slipped in and out of consciousness. He heard unfamiliar voices speaking to eachother. Confused and disoriented, his eyes opened slightly and he was surprised to see the two standing before him; a jackalope and a young dyn.

He flinched. He was struck with shock, even prepared to attack, until the situation had finally occurred to him. These must be the beings who would help him.

As much as he was tense, he was not the kind of person to go back on his word. He relaxed slightly and his gaze glazed over with gratitude. “Thank you for helping me.” He muttered hoarsely, laying his head back on the floor. “I will be in your debt for this.”
Ivana said nothing, but nodded curtly. She scooped up the soldier in her strong arms after slinging her hammer across her back. All in all, she wouldn't have minded leaving the human there to die, but seeing that she had to be the bigger person here, and Lux probably wouldn't have liked Ivana displaying that prejudiced cruelty, she resolutely motioned for Lux to follow her and began making her way out of the forest, trying to find the base of the mountain.
*Lux smiled as he followed behind, happy that nobody was gonna be left behind, he may not usually like humans, but he can’t bear leaving someone to die in such a helpless state.*
He stood in front forest's entrance, tapping his foot. He glanced back and forth betwwen at his senior, a old and beaten man, and some scratch marks on a tree.
"Sir! Are you sure... Sure we can go inside? The sun's setting down fast."
The man chuckled, dragging a puff from his cigar.
"Weren't you so insistent on being here? Listen, I gotta go now, boy. Y'know justice never sleeps."
He sighed, then slowly ventured into the forest, pulling out his flashback. The hairs on his nape rose as the cold mountain air enveloped him, as if it was a beast opening its maws. He continued, turning his flashlight on, seeing as the light flickered and faded.
"Agh! I should've bought a new flashlight, damn it!"
He slammed the faulty device against his thigh, it quickly began shining again, he rolled his eyes then continued walking.
Hours passed, he shambled as he felt his muscles burn and tear, at snail's pace.
Soon enough, Ivana managed to follow the trail which led her to the mountain's bottom. She set down the soldier to take off her fur cloak, wrapping it around Lux. "Be careful. The mountain is dangerous, let alone freezing." she warned before picking up the soldier again and beginning the trek up the mountain.
*Lux keeps following, he wasn’t sure just how cold the mountain would be* “so… where exactly are we going?”
"We're going to the top. The peak is where my clan lives." Ivana replied, "And make sure that cloak stays around you."
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"Did... I hear something?"
He began walking at a faster pace, now frequently looking behind him. He tried to focus on any subtle noises, trying to figure if it was speech or a product of his imagination. After a while, he decided to sit down and rest.
Well- anyways-

Ivana's ears perked up again. She heard someone, somewhere. She stopped right where the greenery turned into frost. "...Someone else is here." she mumbled, stock-still, like a deer when they hear a twig snap.

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