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Fantasy The Flow of the River | IC | AngeliMika & AntCat


I will do whatever it takes to protect you. β™‘

The Flow of the River

mikayre mikayre & Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6


For a faerie as old as she, Violetta still possessed the innocent yet mischievous nature of a child. She glided through the slightly chilled air, landing near her favorite river. Despite this escapade being a race against time to return home before curfew, Violetta was peaceful. Relaxed, even. Curfews meant nothing to her but a restriction of her freedom β€” which she despised. Freedom is a right that she once held in her grasp, until it was ripped from her pale fingers by those fae from the other village. Those damned fae had enacted a singular attack on her village's food supply β€” sabotaging and ruining an entire winter for them. All it had taken was one meager attack to have the governors of the village tighten the restrictions on the fae within. In her heart, she lacked hatred for the other village. It was those who dictated her life in her village whom she hated to no end. Violetta tried her hardest to remain without hatred for a single soul, but to have the joy of being where she wanted to be whenever she wanted to be taken away . . . It wasn't going to sit well with her.

Having worked herself up, she removed her shoes and sat at the edge of the river. If she got caught out after curfew, so be it. She'd sit through the lecture and go on with her day. It never did one too well to dwell on things, which was why she let her anger leave with the current. She wriggled her toes, enjoying the feeling of the frigid water. Fall was coming, so the water had begun to get colder. The leaves were beginning to change from their lively green to the bright orange and golden hues everyone had come to love. She flicked her wings outward and stretched them a bit, she hadn't had time to fly on her own and utilize said wings.

As if the world was intending to ruin her peaceful moment, Violetta heard footsteps approaching the river.

Orin was a kind man. He could never hurt anyone. Growing up he'd always felt connected to the forests. When he was older he found out he could actually feel the emotion within the forest. From then on he knew he couldnt hurt anything ever. Which was why he didnt like what his village was doing.

But he couldnt change where he had been born. He had never even met a single fae from the other village. The rest of his village called them weak and barely deserving of the title fae.

He continued walking through the forest, knowing that he was toeing the edge of his village boundaries. He didnt care. Nobody was ever out by the river. He stepped on a twig and he heard someone moving. He froze with his wings up and out, ready to flee should he need to.
Violetta's heart thudded in her chest as she watched the other faerie approach the riverbed. He'd heard her movements, as his wings stood upright in a position to flee. It was a faerie from the other village. If she stayed, he could hurt her. If she left, she didn't know when she'd get out again. She backed away from the riverbed, but her wings remained behind her in a passive position. She didn't want to flee, she wanted to see how this played out. Her fight or flight instinct, however, begged her to do otherwise. The ravenette froze in then middle of taking a step, locking eyes with the other faerie.

Orin paused as he watched the other Faerie. She was on edge too, he could tell. He knew he couldnt hurt her like she expected from a Faerie of his village. He just hoped she wouldnt run away before he could say anything. He waved softly at her.

"H-Hi... My name is Orin. A-And I'm not going to hurt you...!" He hurried to explain before she could accuse him of anything.
She waved back, her wings fluttering slightly and lifting her into the air. She hovered in place, playing with a lock of her sleek raven hair. A breeze rustled the leaves of the trees, a stray orange leaf landing on her bare shoulder. Shivering, the faerie watched as the leaf fell into the babbling brook they were both by. The orange leaf disappeared into the distance as it was carried off by the river. "Orin," she calculated him briefly before smiling brightly. "Orin!"

Orin was captivated by the faerie who didnt run away from him. Her hair reminded him of the night sky he would watch each night. His attention turned to the leaf that landed in the river. It had been the leaf's time to fall, but it was not through with life just yet. That's what marvelled him about nature. It never stopping giving and taking. Pushing and pulling. Some days he too could feel that push and pull.

He was startled out of his thoughts when the girl shouted his name. "Y-Yes...! That's me." He smiled back at her. "A-And your name? May I have it?"
"I," she giggled, "Don't think so! It's my name after all!" Laughing brightly, she landed and dared to edge closer to the water's edge, sitting down next to her shoes on her knees. Since the male hadn't attacked her, she had no need to fear him. Her wings folded behind her back, and she smiled back at him. She hummed quietly, "Orin has a nice ring to it!"

Orin smiled and laughed at her response. He figured that's what she would say. He sat down on the other side of the river. "Thank you. It means pine tree." He laughed softly. "May I know your name?" His wings finally lowered. He shivered slightly as the grass tickled the thin membrane of his wings.
"You should know better than to give your name to a Faerie," she giggled, "We're tricksters, according to the humans." Her wings rustled against the grass as she talked animatedly, making various gestures with her hands. "It's Violetta, though." She smiled, her eyes squeezing shut.

"Well that's not true between Faeries." Orin laughed softly. "Besides I gave you mine." He smiled when she gave him her name. "That's a pretty name."

"You never know, with Faeries," her eyes fell shut as she leaned back, wings folding into her form. "Does Orin have a deeper meaning, or does it just sound nice?"

"Orin means pine tree. I protect the forest." Orin smiled softly. His wings fluttered softly. He loved the forest.

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