The Fleets of Talavah

Has anyone heard anything from @RubyRose ? Also, while we wait for Ruby and @Lucya Kunzenov to return from their absence perhaps you can all add some stuff to the Lore-tab? The Peltin for example? Or perhaps the clan Zazjh comes from? Perhaps something about the Starbegotten guy who killed Hins father? What do I know :) Feel free to add!

Also! I will soon finish the Art of Dezdin, and some doodles with Gohlar and other stuff along with it!
Guys, guys!

I'm really sorry! I ended up falling sicker than before and I've just been out for the week. I am so behind in everything! Work and school and role plays and I am sorry. I don't know what the heck I got hit with but... this last week was just... sleeping. And medication.

I really am sorry, though- I'll get caught up and start working on a reply asap T^T
Sorry about the lack of post folks. It was my birthday earlier this week and I was screwing around, then I've had a late night every day this week at work. But they can't keep me on a damn Friday (...well, ok, they totally can but since I'm already 15 hours overtime this week I've been given confirmation I can leave a bit early) so I'll be working on the post as soon as I get home tomorrow evening.
@Wavebird Hey what direction DID they come from? Because Zazjh can answer that by knowing which direction they came from in orientation to where the sun rose. But since we never really said anything about that in detail and just said they passed him at one point I don't really know. I could just make something up if it doesn't matter, but I figured I'd check and see if you had a plan for which direction they should have come from.

Also while we're at it and I've got them in mind are we using traditional N,W,S,E directions or something else? And how long is a day on Dranoh'ce? And does the sun rise East to West like it does on Earth, the opposite, or some altogether weirder axis? Just for future reference.
Goldenkitten said:
@Wavebird Hey what direction DID they come from? Because Zazjh can answer that by knowing which direction they came from in orientation to where the sun rose. But since we never really said anything about that in detail and just said they passed him at one point I don't really know. I could just make something up if it doesn't matter, but I figured I'd check and see if you had a plan for which direction they should have come from.
Also while we're at it and I've got them in mind are we using traditional N,W,S,E directions or something else? And how long is a day on Dranoh'ce? And does the sun rise East to West like it does on Earth, the opposite, or some altogether weirder axis? Just for future reference.
N, S, W, E should do perfectly since we're already using them for the Fleet territories. As for the planets axis and stuff, let's make it similar to Earth just to keep it simple. They came from the West.

Perhaps I should make some maps n stuff?
I'm happy to see that we're starting to get things moving again! :) I updated the art on the Character Sign-in tab, check it out! And also, here's a new height-thingy:

Irubus said:
Not much, but I hope it'll be enough.
Don't worry about length, so long as it isn't just a sentence or two all that matters is if you're happy with your contribution :)

Also, Shifra should stop standing on Aliz boot before someone gets mean :< (jk)

As of Ruby's last post I just want to make things clear (as always). The idea of Jed defeateing the Fleet, single-handedly, is crazy! Just read up about the fleet in question in the Lore-Tab and you'll see why :) However, I am sure Jed is refering to the handfull of people from said fleet, that are in town right now (6 people in total). Still, that'd probably be hard, just as Jed reasons.

Anyway, as for Jed and Shifra who where in a clan which used to attack and raid fleets: They probably went about it in a rougeish style, in cover of darkness and so on. But a striaght up fight against a Fleet? Nope.

To sum things up: I am trying to say is that we must not underestimate the fleets, as they're authority in Talavah. Fighting Fleet folk and being outnumbered is something only Skadian military should ever try with hopes of coming out victorious.

Are there still questions about this? Did anyone have to rethink? And if so, what was your initial idea? (All good for discussion!)

I am clear on this ^.^

Sorry if I was unclear at any point in the post. It's why Jed was trying to get Hin to join at least on the people raiding... and considering convincing Hin to get the town to fight against them.

That is until Hin brought up that allowing the Fleet to see the town as a threat would bring worse down upon the town. A concept Jed hadn't considered because he's used to the Fleet thinking of him and his clan as a threat... and they deal accordingly.

Anyway, I understand that attempting to take the Fleet on single handedly would be suicidal at the best.
RubyRose said:
I am clear on this ^.^

Sorry if I was unclear at any point in the post. It's why Jed was trying to get Hin to join at least on the people raiding... and considering convincing Hin to get the town to fight against them.

That is until Hin brought up that allowing the Fleet to see the town as a threat would bring worse down upon the town. A concept Jed hadn't considered because he's used to the Fleet thinking of him and his clan as a threat... and they deal accordingly.

Anyway, I understand that attempting to take the Fleet on single handedly would be suicidal at the best.
Alright, just wanted to make sure, you know ^^ Keep it up!
Sorry, I suppose my post wasn't entirely helpful with that :/

But no, lets have our characters get drunk! That was a turn in pace... sounds like fun though xD
Glad to see you guys posting :) I'll probably run late with my post as I am very busy from now and the entire weekend (but I'll do what I can). Skip ahead of me if needed :)
There! Posted! :D

Hope you all have had a nice Easter! I sure have :) ! But eggs, bunnies, witches and Jesus aside! Let's get back to what's really important - Talavah! xD

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