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Fantasy The Five Kingdoms - The Fall of Sarthenfall - OOC

Should we timeskip...

  • The rest of the game and jump to the two month timeskip?

  • Skip over the next round and play the last round

  • Don’t skip at all, and play all rounds?

Results are only viewable after voting.
Azalea: *still glowering, takes the ice pack* Yeah sure..teas great *slowly pulls flask out of pocket*
Raymond: *moves both hands down his face and through his hair after noticing her expression* . .
Baxter: *looks around* He needs a translator.
So basically a Dark Katniss Everdeen lololol
I was about to say “WHERE THE HELL ANGIE AT” but then I realized, eh... Angie’s probably getting injured too much.
When Annabel is dangerous.

Imao, I’m thinking scary dangerous. Like, a person you’d run like hell from xD

Raymond: *moves both hands down his face and through his hair after noticing her expression* . .
Baxter: *looks around* He needs a translator.

Azalea: *snickers* He does
Imao, I’m thinking scary dangerous. Like, a person you’d run like hell from xD

Azalea: *snickers* He does
Ivanna: Nah. Let him be oblivious *sips tea*
Angie: I know, right? Girls.
Raymond: . . *furrows his brows* Yeah, yeah. *walks into his room, calmly shuts the door, jumps onto his bed, wears noise cancelling ear buds, and falls into a nap*

Baxter: *watches Ray shut the door* Not going to lie. That was unexpected.
Raymond: . . *furrows his brows* Yeah, yeah. *walks into his room, calmly shuts the door, jumps onto his bed, wears noise cancelling ear buds, and falls into a nap*

Baxter: *watches Ray shut the door* Not going to lie. That was unexpected.
Ivanna: ...........*laughs* Hot head hurt the boy’s feelings.
Raymond: . . *furrows his brows* Yeah, yeah. *walks into his room, calmly shuts the door, jumps onto his bed, wears noise cancelling ear buds, and falls into a nap*

Baxter: *watches Ray shut the door* Not going to lie. That was unexpected.
Ivanna: ...........*laughs* Hot head hurt the boy’s feelings.

Azalea: *sighs, feeling guilty and mutters* I’ll go get him. *gets up and slightly opens Raymond’s door to check on him*
Baxter: *bluntly* It means keep drinking tea if it puts your conscience at ease.

Raymond: *sleeps like a baby under two blankets*

Azalea: *relivedly sighs and quietly snoops around in Raymond’s room for something to write an apology note on instead*
Funny, I was also thinking Bax lol

Azalea: *freezes and watches Raymond before grabbing a pencil and a half-crumpled paper and beginning to quickly scribble an apology down*
Raymond: *mumbles something in his sleep*

Annabel: *Hugging Clyde. "Nobody touch my nephew."
Clyde: I think you're all wrong! Ivanna respects me. *suddenly gets pulled into Annabel's embrace* Oh, hello! *smiles and waves at his auntie*

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