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Fandom The Firefly and The Rattler { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Seth Levinson
Former Firefly | 22 | Current location ;; California

He happily laid on the boat. There wasn’t anything else that he could do. He was far too tired to do anything else. Honestly, he was shocked that he was still awake. Why wasn’t he dead yet? Maybe if he closed his eyes, he could fall asleep and never have to wake back up. This wasn’t a horrible way to die. It was crazy really. He thought that pillars would be worse than that. “Hm?” he tried to look up, and mostly everything hurt now. He chose to look back down until he was lifted up and was moving again. He couldn’t tell what was happening all over again. “I liked fire beetle.” He kind of smiled at his own joke, and then he passed out.
Gaige Hannon
Former Rattler | 24 | Current location ;; California

As Gaige got them off the boat and up the beach into a small crop of trees hidden from view, he noticed that Levi had passed out. He gently set him down on the ground before making a quick bed using the blanket he'd stuffed in his pack, and laid him on that. Gaige sat down a few feet away, leaning back against a tree as he watched Levi. He knew the man would need rest so he would keep watch to allow him the chance to get some rest before they began the search for the Fireflies on the island.
Seth Levinson
Former Firefly | 22 | Current location ;; California

Death was an awful lot like sleeping when sick. Sometimes he was asleep and sometimes he was awake and rolling over to try to find a good position. Sometimes he was awake from all the pain that came from being mostly dead. He curled. He splayed. He moved much. He probably could sleep for the rest of time, except that he kept waking up from all of the uncomfortable that he was. He slept the most and longest several hours after that. Time meant nothing to him. Nothing meant anything. When he opened his eyes some undetermined amount of time later, he was filled with the memory of the face Gaige made when he shoved the pendant back at him. It hung over him as he lay… on the ground? What happened to being on a pillar?
Gaige Hannon
Former Rattler | 24 | Current location ;; California

Gaige sat there, sleeping occasionally but mostly watching Levi. Making sure he was okay, and he watched him roll over and shift. Splay himself a little before he finally seemed to sleep. Gaige yawned and got a few hours of sleep himself, but he was awake when he noticed that Levi was awake as well. "Good morning Levi." Gaige said as he looked at him, arms crossed over his chest and a small smile on his face as he leaned back against the tree. He wondered how much the man remembered from before his nap.
Seth Levinson
Former Firefly | 22 | Current location ;; California

The last thing that he remembered was that he was dying on a pillar, and he had the most bizarre dreams. Dreams. It had to be dreams. Because it was just too bizarre. He rolled his head to look over at Gaige and scrunched his eyebrows together. Now he was definitely confused. He had no idea where he was. He had no idea why he was there. Why was Gaige there? Why? That was the question. Why? “Um. Hi.” When he tried to pull himself up, he was for sure still feeling the was once strung up on a pillar and was mostly dead. “Where… are we?” He looked around at the unfamiliar island. It was still hot, so they could not be far from where they were. “And why?”
Gaige Hannon
Former Rattler | 24 | Current location ;; California

Gaige saw Levi roll his head so they were looking at each other. “Hi.” He repeated, smiling a little bit at him. He heard the question and wondered just how much Levi remembered about the boat trip. “We’re on Catalina Island.” He said as he got up and headed for the pack he’d given Levi. He grabbed the water and some food. “Here. You need your strength. As for why? I didn’t want to lose my light.” He said, watching him, curious for his reaction to the same reason he gave when asked before.
Seth Levinson
Former Firefly | 22 | Current location ;; California

Catalina Island. Oh. Okay. And food. And water. Right. Reasonable for suddenly being on a mythic island with an enemy. And. And light. He looked only at the water and the food as he took all of that in. He stared for what could have been ages but might not have been that long. In his mind, it was both. Finally, he looked up at Gaige with that little smile he was not used to seeing. “So. I didn’t dream that then?” He picked up the water and took a drink. Then the food and took a bite. A significant portion of his hair had fallen out of the bun and was a mess all around his face.
Gaige Hannon
Former Rattler | 24 | Current location ;; California

Gaige watched him as he stared at the food and water for a few moments and then saw him look at him. Gaige shook his head as he watched him take a drink of the water and a bite of the food. "No, you didn't dream that." He replied as he saw that a good amount of his hair had fallen out of his bun. "You uh can let your hair down by the way, we're free." He replied as he shifted a little. "How are you feeling by the way?" He wanted to make sure that Levi was okay, after all, even a day and a half on the pillar can be hard.
Seth Levinson
Former Firefly | 22 | Current location ;; California

Not a dream. This was real. He was really on an island with someone he thought was an enemy who treated him the way that he did because of developing feelings. Cool. He turned his attention to his hair and realized that it was still trying to be up. He gently raised a hand and let it down. In cascading waves, it fell down to his shoulder and beyond. Free. Free on an island. This was the island Abby wanted to go to. That Lev would have been free on. They didn’t make it here. When he looked at Gaige, he didn’t know how he felt about that. He continued consuming the water and food as Gaige spoke. “Like you tied me to a pillar and left me there to die.” It wasn’t an attack like it would have been a few days ago. He really didn’t know how else to describe it.
Gaige Hannon
Former Rattler | 24 | Current location ;; California

Gaige watched as Levi lifted his hand and let down his hair. He bit his lip as he watched fall, he’d never seen Levi’s hair down before. A few strands here and there but nothing all of it. It was.. beautiful and he wanted to run his fingers through it. He shook his head and dismissed those weird feelings. Though was it weird to feel them when he’d already admitted that he was developing feelings for him? He looked at Levi, hearing those words and sighed heavily. “Right. Uh I guess I should’ve known that.. Do you need more time to rest? We can stay here until you’re ready to move completely.” He said softly, looking at him.
Seth Levinson
Former Firefly | 22 | Current location ;; California

Yes, it was weird since the admission of feelings or at least now that he was feeling significantly better, it was definitely weird now. What was he even supposed to do with this? He could not reciprocate something like that with someone who was literally trying to kill him not too long ago. However, he could not deny that there had to be a reason that they even tried to converse instead of having the same silent relationship as every other slave and guard. There had to be a reason he pushed so hard to find the Firefly inside of Gaige. Maybe Lev was right. He didn’t know who Gaige really was. He also didn’t know who he was. Levi? Seth? Someone else entirely? The fact that someone else was willing to try to find out with him was strange. He had not had so much as an acquaintance until he found Abby and Lev. “We can move. I’m probably good enough to walk.” He finished eating and stood slowly. It was not easy nor was it well. He stumbled, falling forward. This was starting off great already.
Gaige Hannon
Former Rattler | 24 | Current location ;; California

Gaige had a fear that this wasn’t going to go well, but he found it was going better than he’d thought. Was this something that could even happen or would Gaige end up losing the only other light he’d found in life? He bit his lip and nodded as he stood up. Though the moment he saw Levi stumble and fall forward, he dashed the few feet over and caught him before he fell. Steadying him on his feet, he had one arm around his waist and then a soft blush hit his face. “Uh sorry. I didn’t want you to fall. And I’m sure I just made this even more weird..” Gaige admitted but he didn’t want to let go of Levi if he was going to fall again. “Are you sure you don’t need more rest?” He asked concerned.
Seth Levinson
Former Firefly | 22 | Current location ;; California

The world was a constant state of confusion. Since the moment that he noticed the Firefly pendant around Gaige’s neck, Levi was lost. There were too many wavering factors that jumped from one thing to another. He could not understand why any of it was the way that it was. As Gaige held him up, keeping him from collapsing again, Levi looked at a face that was so different to the one that used to glare at him. For a moment, he wanted to touch those blushing cheeks. His hair fell around his face and neck like it was trying to consume him. “I can make it.” A slight smile punctured through all of that confusion and lingering distaste. “Even if it is a little weird.”
Gaige Hannon
Former Rattler | 24 | Current location ;; California

Gaige looked at Levi as he caught him, and when he looked at him, he could see his hair falling around his face and neck. He reached his free hand out to brush the hair out of his face. "Okay. We'll take this one step at a time. I'm going to move to you a tree so I can pack everything up real quick." Gaige said as he moved them towards a tree to give Levi some support. He saw that slight smile and bit his lip. "Well, I think we passed a little weird a while ago." He said with a soft chuckle as he packed everything up and slung them over his shoulders. He walked back to Levi and slipped an arm around his waist. "Ready to find them light of mine?"
Seth Levinson
Former Firefly | 22 | Current location ;; California

Little weird. A lot weird. He may not have been as delirious as before, or at least what he assumed was delirium, but he was still confused. Who was this kinda sweet guy? He didn’t know him. Had a pain really unlocked this part of him? Levi leaned against the tree as he watched Gaige pack it all up and do so much work for Levi specifically. So it was his job to be the light. As the arm moved around his waist, he swallowed. Before they moved he touched the pendant on Gaige’s neck and then his own. “If you told me three days ago that this is where we were going to end up, I would have punched you. Laughed in your face and punched you.” Then he started attempting to walk which was not easy. “I don’t hate it though.”
Gaige Hannon
Former Rattler | 24 | Current location ;; California

Gaige knew this was a little weird, a lot weird but it could be weirder. He bit his lip when he slipped his arm around his waist. Gaige wasn't expecting for Levi to touch the pendant on his neck and then watched him touch his own. "I'm kind of glad you haven't punched me since I've freed you. And that you don't.. hate this." He admitted as he stepped forward in time with Levi. He looked around at the area, wondering how long they'd have to walk before they run into someone. "Did they tell you where on the island they were located?" He asked curiously, looking sideways at Levi.
Seth Levinson
Former Firefly | 22 | Current location ;; California

He couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “You’re lucky I wasn’t at my full strength or awareness when you did. The last time I felt like me before that, I would have done more than just punch you.” When he was on the pillar, before the madness kicked in, and even a little when it did, he allowed himself to imagine a lot of things that he would do to the people who did this not only to him but to everyone else on those pillars. To Lev. He turned his head back like he would be able to see that beach. That kid was going to die, and there was nothing he could do about it. He could run back to that boat with full strength, go straight there, and it would probably be too late. He didn’t even know how long it had been. “No,” he finally answered as he turned his attention forward once more. “They didn’t know anything more than the island. This was their last chance. We have to find them.”
Gaige Hannon
Former Rattler | 24 | Current location ;; California

He chuckled as well, hearing those words with a smile on his face. "I'm sure you could and would've. You certainly seem like a scrapper." He said as they moved. He looked at him as he saw his head turn back towards the boat and sighed knowing he was probably thinking about the two that he'd left behind. "Okay." He said softly before nodding his head with a determination in his eyes. "We will find them." He promised as they moved further inland, the trees blocking out any sunshine that might've been shining. "So. I was a little surprised to see you came from Vegas when I first found your pendant." Gaige said softly, flicking his gaze over to Levi as they moved.
Seth Levinson
Former Firefly | 22 | Current location ;; California

That was a good impression to give people in this world. If someone thought that you could handle yourself, they would leave you alone. Sometimes it meant that they did not underestimate you and then tripled their forces, which was how he got caught by the Rattlers in the first place. He beat up one and then suddenly there were so many of them surrounding him. He couldn’t take everyone all at once. If only he had been smart enough to run away after the first. He moved with Gaige as he thought. His mind was pulled back to Gaige with the sudden change in their conversation. It was unexpected. Everything about this was unexpected. “Why? Because you were born there? Me too.” That much he did remember. It was a bit strange that they shared a birth place. He still wondered what it would be like had they met then. Which versions of themselves would that they know. Was this Gaige closer to the Gaige from before? Would he even have liked the Seth that he was all those years ago?
Gaige Hannon
Former Rattler | 24 | Current location ;; California

Gaige nodded as he heard him. “Mostly. Not many people made it out of Vegas alive.” Gaige said, knowing about the rumors. “So many infected, I was surprised that they even tried to turn it into a QZ in the beginning of this whole mess.” He said as they walked. “The Fireflies sent my family away to California because my parents were really good soldiers and wanted them to help protect it. And give me a chance to be a soldier.” He said, though his voice was bitter as he did. Some soldier he became. Getting his best friend’s brother? Because of a rookie mistake? He went silent as they headed further inland. Gaige stopped them when he heard a voice. “Who’s there?” A patrol of Firefly soldiers was coming towards them. “Well, here we go.” Gaige said as he saw them coming closer through the trees.
Seth Levinson
Former Firefly | 22 | Current location ;; California

Firefly born and raised. Right. Of course. That… that was good for him. Unlike Levi. He was not that. He did not share that part of him very often. When he was younger and people asked him how he got to be so important so young, he would shrug and shake it off. Everyone has their talents. He was never proud of his heritage, so he let that part of him go. It was one of the reasons he also let go of Seth. That was the name of a boy born into evil. He did not get a chance to decide if he wanted to tell it or not. He didn’t think he was ready. Instead, there were people coming, and he was more than ready for that. He tried to stand up straighter on his own. Pulled away to be his own person. The patrol had a handful of people. It was more than he ever got when he was a Firefly. “You the infamous Fireflies on this island? Because we’ve been looking for you.” He didn’t bother trying not look like he was half starved and dehydrated. It was probably better for him if he looked like he’d been through a lot to get there. He flicked his pendant. “Seth Levinson. Gaige Hannon. Come to look for the light again.”
Gaige Hannon
Former Rattler | 24 | Current location ;; California

Gaige looked over at Levi, curiosity in his gaze as he wondered how he'd take this information. Until they ran into people and nothing more was said. He bit his lip as he felt Levi try and stand up straighter and he sighed softly. "Levi, don't hurt yourself." He whispered as he also felt him try and pull away. "Yeah. We are." The one who seemed to be the leader said. "Seth and Gaige? Nice to meet you. Come on. We've got a pretty big base of operations where we can get you fixed up and taken care of. Name's Oliver by the way. This is Irene, Keagan, and Lacy." He said pointing to a red haired woman, a black haired guy, and a blonde girl. "Nice to meet you all, lead the way." Gaige said as he turned to look at Levi. "Come on my light. Let's get you fixed up." He said as he followed them.
Seth Levinson
Former Firefly | 22 | Current location ;; California

Four Fireflies. After all that time trying to find something to light his way again, he was suddenly with four other Fireflies. It was strange enough to find Abby. It was strange enough to find Gaige. Now there were four more and he didn’t know how to handle it. Seth. That was the name Oliver used. It would be since it was the one he gave. He wasn’t sure that he liked it. He made him feel uneasy like he was expected to be someone that he wasn’t. He pushed the thought aside. He hadn’t gotten to be a true Firefly in a while. He wasn’t even sure if he was ready to be one again. That had to be why he wasn’t so nervous about it. He was masquerading at someone else. So maybe he could be Seth again. Freedom fighter. One of few left in Vegas towards the end. He followed, trying to hold his own, though he needed the support. He didn’t want to use Gaige though. It wasn’t necessarily Gaige. No, it was. He may have been presenting as a new person now, but that didn’t mean he could be trusted. Not yet. Even if he called him light. Even if he looked at him like he was better than everyone else. Did Gaige want him to be Levi? This was too much to handle. Nope. He was walking. “It’s good to finally find some others. I didn’t know we were banding together again until I heard about it a little bit ago.”
Gaige Hannon
Former Rattler | 24 | Current location ;; California

Gaige looked at him as he noticed that Levi was trying to hold his own. He knew he needed the support and Gaige was going to give it to him. He was going to do everything he could for him. Maybe it was leftover guilt from Denver. Maybe it was leftover guilt from not searching for Ben. Whatever it was, he didn't know, but he was going to help him. As they walked, he heard Levi's words as Irene looked at him. She was older, easily in her thirties. "Most of us didn't know about it until we'd come across others headed this way. Bases up and down the west coast were half active, a few Fireflies, but word spread through them. I was coming from Boston myself along with my brother Keagan here. We heard about this from a camp of Fireflies in Iowa." She explained as they drew closer and finally broke through the trees to see the large domed building ahead of them and easily a hundred Fireflies milling around there and a few smaller resort style buildings. "Welcome to Catalina Island base."
Seth Levinson
Former Firefly | 22 | Current location ;; California

As much as he wanted this, he was ready. He could never be ready for what he saw as they moved through the trees and finally saw the buildings. So many people. His eyes widened as he stared at it. It was almost breathtaking as he thought about the endless possibilities. “It’s not dead.” He didn’t say it to anyone in particular. He looked at Irene. Then at Keagan and the rest. This was more than he thought they would find. “I thought we were going to find some little encampment. I know she said two hundred, but I didn’t think she meant it…” The pendant around his neck felt like it was burning against him. He touched it, and every memory he had of trying to do the right thing came flooding back. He was so young. What’s your backstory, kid? He shook his head. “That’s something else.” The overpowering emotion was too much for his body, and he lost stability. He yet again collapsed into Gaige, because he was closest.

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