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Fandom The Firefly and The Rattler { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Gaige Hannon
Former Rattler | 24 | Current location ;; California

Gaige had gotten them far enough away that he could turn the engine on. He heard Levi’s words and hummed. Catalina Island. He’d heard that from a few prisoners over the last few months. There were supposedly Fireflies on that island. “Okay. To the island.” He replied as he turned the engine on and then noticed him writhing. Gaige went to the second pack and grabbed the water, he knelt beside Levi and held his head up. “Drink this. Please.” He said as he held the water bottle to his lips. “I’m not about to lose another light.” Gaige added as he tried to coax Levi into drinking some water.
Seth Levinson
Former Firefly | 22 | Current location ;; California

In this strange amorphous life that he was currently leading. Levi couldn’t tell what was going on. Water. Boat then? Was he on a boat? That seemed strange. The words came from Gaige. He knew this voice so well already. He thought about it constantly, and he had only really been paying attention to it for a few days. The world felt heavy as his head moved. The pressure of the bottle confused him momentarily until he understood. Drink. Okay. So he did. Or at least he tried. He didn’t resist as Gaige coaxed him into drinking. Not this time. He drank as much as he could get from him, and then he pushed a hand into the bottom of the boat and made himself sit up. He was absolutely not feeling up to it, but he would not let himself continue to fall apart. Even if he felt like dying. And was utterly miserable.
Gaige Hannon
Former Rattler | 24 | Current location ;; California

Gaige noticed that Levi drank the entire bottle and for the first time in forever, he smiled. “Good job.” He said as he watched Levi push himself to sit up. He went into the bag and grabbed some food, turning back to him. It wasn’t anything heavy. Just enough for him to start getting his strength up. “Take a bite of this.” He said as he handed it to him. “We’re heading to Catalina Island.” Gaige added as he shifted so he was sitting beside Levi but he could still control the boat. “When we get there, I have clean clothes for you. Oh! And here.” Gaige said as he grabbed the pendant and slipped it over Levi’s head to rest around his neck again. “There you are. A proper Firefly once again.”
Seth Levinson
Former Firefly | 22 | Current location ;; California

His legs were bent, one hand pushed against a knee as the other hung towards the boat. He rested his head mostly on his knee except for when he tried to sit up a little better. The water was great, though it hadn’t settled in his body quite yet. Hopefully it would soon. He held out his hanging hand to take the light food. He hated when he was so hungry that he didn’t want to eat. He stared at it a moment before suddenly Gaige’s hands seemed like they were going to be around him probably in some sort of murderous way- uh. Oh. He looked down at the pendant hanging from him. He could still read the upside down letters. Seth Levinson. That was him. With food in his hand and pendant resting on his chest, he finally looked up at the other man beside him. The confusion was evident on his face. “What are you doing?” Because he didn’t understand. He didn’t understand any of this.
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Gaige Hannon
Former Rattler | 24 | Current location ;; California

Gaige looked at him and hummed a little as he felt him take the food. He saw him stare at it as he put his hands around Levi to put the pendant around his neck. Then he sat back, watching him as he saw Levi finally look at him. What was he doing? Leaving behind what he had become, what he had found bad or good, and he was in a boat, heading for Catalina Island. "I.. am saving the only light I've seen for years. And possibly saving myself." He said as he locked brown eyes with Levi's. "I've been lost so long in the dark, I forgot what the light really was until I met you." He said softly as he turned his head away to look out at the ocean around them.
Seth Levinson
Former Firefly | 22 | Current location ;; California

There that was again. Talk about the light and the dark. It was such a big part of being a Firefly. Levi didn’t know that in bringing it up before that he was going to be starting something between them. He didn’t know that there could be anything other than your average slaver and slave relationship. Levi was the light? “You sure you aren’t the one who’s delirious out there?” It certainly sounded like it was Gaige and not him. He took a bite of the food and swallowed. It was hard. He felt so shaky and heavy. He would not recommend being strung up on some pillars if one could avoid it.
Gaige Hannon
Former Rattler | 24 | Current location ;; California

For the first time since he'd come to Santa Barbara, Gaige chuckled as he shook his head. "No, I'm not delirious." He said softly and he figured that perhaps sharing a little of himself was needed. "Years ago, probably eight I think, I was sixteen. I was living in San Francisco, training there alongside the others. I made friends with a boy younger than me by a year. His name was Cameron Harris. By knowing him, I was able to meet a scout's son and his best friends. Nathaniel, Ben and Max. Ben was my first light, though I didn't realize it until he stopped coming around but I had developed a crush on him. When he stopped coming, I left three months later. To help in Denver at eighteen. That was when the darkness started to creep in." Gaige paused his words, his knees pulled to his chest as he wrapped his arms around them and he looked out over the ocean. "It's been five years since I'd seen true light."
Seth Levinson
Former Firefly | 22 | Current location ;; California

Slowly, Levi kept eating. He knew that if he kept going, he was going to regain some of that strength. He had to wait for his body to work itself out. He kept his head lower as he listened. How could a person be a light? Yeah, he got the metaphor. It was his metaphor. He never thought about it as a person though. Maybe some of the higher ranking members of the Fireflies. They were always people to look up to. They were really fighting for the cause. But some other kid? And then what? Levi imagined a younger Gaige mooning over some boy. A crush. It was almost funny. It was actually kind of- wait. As he finished his little snack, he rolled his head to the side so that he was looking up at this guy. “And I’m your new light? What exactly does that mean?”
Gaige Hannon
Former Rattler | 24 | Current location ;; California

Gaige noticed while he’d been talking that Levi had started to eat slowly. A smile came to his face as he looked at him. Good. He needed the food. He swallowed hard as he heard the question. What did it mean. “Well. I think I might be falling for you.” Gaige admitted not looking at Levi. “I know I was.. the man keeping you from freedom and who tied you to the pillar so I’d understand if you don’t want anything to do with me. I just wanted you to survive and I was able to get the chance to save you and myself. That pack is for you. Food, water, medical supplies and a pistol are inside it.” He said pointing to the pack he’d gotten for Levi.
Seth Levinson
Former Firefly | 22 | Current location ;; California

That was the most surprising thing that he had heard in all these days of him dealing with nothing but one surprise after another. Falling for him? As in this dude, this guard who ordered him around, put cuffs on him, forced him to work, and denied every attempt at conversation didn’t only like him but thought he might have feelings for him? Not at all negative and possibly romantic feelings for him? He had half a mind to think that maybe he was still delusional and strung up on that pillar. He was dying, and the best thing his brain could come up with was his least favorite guard confessing his attraction. What is this, brain? He looked at the pack. That was for him. Gaige found Levi’s pendant, tried to give him water on numerous occasions, and now not only risked his life to get him out but both of them out, brought a whole pack of supplies, and they were on their way to the Firefly island. What the actual hell was happening? “I’m not your Ben.” He also didn’t look at him. He stared at the rocking boat’s bottom.
Gaige Hannon
Former Rattler | 24 | Current location ;; California

That was.. unexpected. Though not surprising at all either. He blinked as he looked over at Levi, hearing his words. "I know your not my Ben. Ben is gone. He has been for years. I fear he's not just gone but.. gone gone." He admitted as he looked back at the ocean. "And yet, there is something in you that calls to me. You weren't afraid to challenge me, to speak however you wanted even when I put you on the pillar. Even when I made your life hell. You aren't afraid to call me out. And that is what calls me to you." He admitted as he shoved his legs out in front of him and stood up so he could steer the boat. He wasn't sure what else to say at this point.
Seth Levinson
Former Firefly | 22 | Current location ;; California

At least there was that. At least this wasn’t some sort of thing where Levi was just enough like this Ben guy for it to haunt Gaige or whatever. He wasn’t trying to recreate some lost love in him. Right? “Did he?” It was a bit of a strange conversation to be having on a boat sailing towards what they could only hope was their freedom. They were both trapped in a bad world. Both. As in also the other man too. Trapped. How did someone get trapped in that? It was like it was a mental trap instead of a physical one like Levi’s. “Did he do that too?” He wasn’t even sure that the answer meant anything. He simply wanted to know. Who was this important light if Levi was the new one now? What did it mean to be someone else’s light? He didn’t even like this someone else. He didn’t think he did, anyway. Did he?
Gaige Hannon
Former Rattler | 24 | Current location ;; California

Gaige looked over at Levi, tilting his head slightly. "No. Not really. But we didn't really have any fights before he left. Though, the first time I met him, we went to play a card game, and he said 'hit me' so I did. I didn't realize it was a term for cards until Cameron told me, but Ben just laughed it off and hit me back." He said with a small smile. "I think if we'd actually gotten into fights or I was being stupid, he probably would've." Gaige added as they drew closer to shore. "We should be there at daybreak." He added as he looked out over the ocean once more.
Seth Levinson
Former Firefly | 22 | Current location ;; California

That was even more interesting than the rest of it. So, this man when he was a kid crushed hard on some boy he didn’t get to see enough to even know how they would be together, and now he was yet again crushing on someone he didn’t know. That was what he was getting out of this conversation. Maybe Gaige was that kind of guy. He stared out at the ocean, realizing that he now had more strength. By the time they reached land, he would probably be able to walk on his own again. And then what? What was he going to do? He played with the empty bottle of water. It was a while before he spoke. “If you hit me right now, I would probably shove you off this boat. No laughing. I don’t think I’m as fun as him.” He rested both arms on his knees and hung his head low between them.
Gaige Hannon
Former Rattler | 24 | Current location ;; California

Gaige looked at Levi for a long moment, hearing him. "Well, in my defense, he specifically said 'hit me' and no. I won't hit you. I've grown a little bit since then. That and.. I can't swim so I would rather not be shoved off the boat." Gaige admitted as he turned his attention back to steering the boat. "Did I make this weird with this admission?" He asked, now that he was away from the Rattlers, his true personality was slowly seeping through. He was naturally curious, shy and even sweet-hearted. For five years he was stuck in this hard shell, each month adding another layer to it. Gaige was glad to be away from there, maybe.. maybe this would be a fresh start.
Seth Levinson
Former Firefly | 22 | Current location ;; California

Levi swept one hand back and forth on the bottom of the boat as they moved. His senses were coming back, and he was relishing in the way that the wood felt on his fingertips. He did not even look up when Gaige asked the question. The defense from before did not stick with him. He was not surprised by this lack of swimming. Why would he need to know how to swim? Fireflies worked on the land. Levi couldn’t swim right now either. Normally, he could do enough to hopefully not immediately die. The question of admission though was something he had not really considered until now. “I think it was weird before that.” Saying it out loud made him realize how true that was. “I antagonized you, you shackled me, I offered a peace between us, you denied it, then I renamed you different words for firefly, and you gave me the most personal thing you could have. I ran from you, you tied me to a pillar, I antagonized you, and then you saved me. So, actually, when I say it like that, becoming your light is the least weird part of this entire thing. Except.” He swallowed, and it hurt. He was still parched, but he was not about to waste more water. He shook his head. Never mind. He turned his head away trying to convey that he was done now.
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Gaige Hannon
Former Rattler | 24 | Current location ;; California

Gaige noticed him sweeping one hand back and forth on the bottom of the boat. His head tilted slightly as he heard his words, and as he listened to Levi's words, it made a lot of sense really. It was more weird than he thought honestly. "Well, you know? You're right. It certainly seems weird after everything we went through the last few days." He said as he shifted, looking at him. He tossed him his water bottle. "Here. I packed two for each of us but you can have one of mine. I don't need two." He said with a small smile playing on his lips. "And you know, the first thing you said to me about where did my light go, that really sat with me. I hadn't realize how far I'd fallen into the darkness until it was said out loud." Gaige admitted.
Seth Levinson
Former Firefly | 22 | Current location ;; California

His reflexes weren’t there yet, so the water kind of hit his hand and then rolled a little. Levi stared at it for a long time. This was the most bizarre thing that had ever happened to him, and that was saying something. He used to be a FEDRA cadet. Finally, he picked up the water bottle and opened it before he downed the entire thing. He really should have let Gaige give him the water before. The bottle slipped from his fingers and he sighed. He turned, studying this man beside in the boat with him. Was this the same man that put manacles on him? It didn’t feel like it. So he stuck out his hand like he was meeting someone for the first time. “Seth Levinson from Las Vegas originally and then Las Angeles.” Show me your light.
Gaige Hannon
Former Rattler | 24 | Current location ;; California

Gaige noticed the bottle had just kind of hit Levi's hand a little bit and then he did pick it up and drink it. He was glad that the man was willing to take the water. He smiled softly as he saw the hand stuck out and he stuck his own out. Gaige shook his hand with a smile on his face. "Gaige Hannon from Las Vegas and then San Francisco." He replied, his voice lighter and more musical like it used to be years ago. Before the deaths, before his life was changed forever. "It's nice to meet you. Do you prefer Levi or Seth?" He asked, head tilted slightly to the side in curiosity.
Seth Levinson
Former Firefly | 22 | Current location ;; California

For the first time in a long time, he smiled. A real smile this time and not one that I as filled with malice. He mostly felt kind of relieved that he was finally putting this in the past where it belonged. Gaige Hannon. Levi almost wished they met before when they were both still in Vegas. How would this have gone then? Who would they be now? He held onto the hand as best he could but eventually it dropped. So he was still working on the strength part. The endurance. He wasn’t expecting the question. He probably should have been. It was a reasonable thing to ask, though he was a bit surprised that Gaige even knew the nickname. He must have been listening. “I, uh. I don’t know. I haven’t been Seth in a long time. I don’t even remember who I was then.” He had not been out of the Firefly world too long, but it was enough not to know.
Gaige Hannon
Former Rattler | 24 | Current location ;; California

Gaige didn't want to stop holding the hand that he'd shaken, but then he felt it drop. He looked at him and bit his lip as he heard the response. "I see." He said softly as he nodded his head. "Well. How about we stick with the nickname? Unless you want to join me in a start over and we figure out together who Seth and Gaige are supposed to be?" He asked as he looked at him. Gaige made sure the boat was going the right way and moved to sit beside him for a moment. "Because, I'd love to meet my light the right way." He said, pressing his leg against Levi's with that smile still playing on his face
Seth Levinson
Former Firefly | 22 | Current location ;; California

This was a bizarre interaction. Was this actually happening? No. There was no way. This had to be the delirium. “I’m still on a pillar.” He looked out at the ocean and imagined seeing it from where he hung. It didn’t matter that he couldn’t see the rest of the people on pillars. He was zeroed in. Focused. “I’m mostly dead on a pillar, and I’m delirious.” He smiled and laughed. “Wish you were here to see this. You can go back to all your buddies to tell them you really drove one of them crazy.” He shook his head and laughed again, losing his balance a little and then a lot. He fell into Gaige and laughed again. “Because you do realize that you are the last person to admit there’s some sort of weird lost love connection here. And I’m sitting here like it’s normal and I didn’t want to strangle you like… well I don’t know how long.” He stayed there, totally using Gaige to hold him up now. “I don’t even know how I feel about you. First, you’re just one of them, and then you’re the most interesting thing in this whole place. But then you’re a person. And then you aren’t.” He raised a hand and waved everything away. “I’m delirious. The pillar isn’t even that uncomfortable anymore.”
Gaige Hannon
Former Rattler | 24 | Current location ;; California

Gaige looked at him, hearing his words and laughed. This was such a bizarre interaction and he couldn't keep the smile off his face. "Yes, that's it. You're still on the pillar." He said as he felt Levi fall into him. "You see, that's where you're wrong. I don't have any buddies there." He replied as he wrapped an arm around Levi to keep him stable and held up. He blinked as he listened to him. He wanted to strangle him? Well, that was tame considering what he was sure the others wanted to do. He was about to say something when the sun began to rise as the island came into view. "Seth. Welcome to Catalina Island. Should look out at it, it's beautiful." He said as he pointed it out, shifting so he could hold him up.
Seth Levinson
Former Firefly | 22 | Current location ;; California

For sure, he was on the pillar still. There was no other way to explain whatever was happening right then. He was being held up by the guy he could have done way worse than strangle not long ago, though he wouldn’t have. That was what made them different. He did not tie people to pillars when they did things that he didn’t like. He did kill people though. It was a war, after all. Once. There did not seem to be much of a war anymore. They all gave up. Except for the people on Catalina Island. Abby seemed so sure that this was where they needed to go. They were two hundred strong. He tried to sit up to look at what delirium Gaige was showing him, but he had absolutely no strength left. All he had was Gaige who had to hold him there. “Mostly looks like an island. Let’s do this dream island. Send me away happy or whatever.”
Gaige Hannon
Former Rattler | 24 | Current location ;; California

Gaige looked at Seth as he felt him try to sit up, and he helped him do so. He saw the island coming closer as he heard his words and chuckled softly. "Its not just an island, it's our new start." He said as he gently laid him down so he could guide them in and soon the boat hit the beach. "Alright, we should find somewhere to rest for now and then we can go looking for the Fireflies after." He said as he moored the boat and got out of it, grabbing both packs onto his back before picking Levi up in his arms. "Sound like a plan to you light of mine?"

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