The Final Exam

Tristan watched as hope grabbed some bacon. She grabbed a cooked one for her and a raw piece for the ferret. "I guess they eat bacon" He thought to himself. He turned around and continued cooking, still confused. He was glad she was eating though. They hadn't ate anything since they met after all, and that was an entire morning ago. He was dieing, he could only imagine how she must have felt. The ferret to. He finished the French Toast that were cooking as she walked in and turned around dropping a couple on her plate as well as a few pieces of bacon. "Bacon and French Toast??"

Tristan responded as he placed the pieces on the plate. He assumed it was a joke. He grabbed a plate for himself and got some food.
"So..." He hesitated. "What langu-" and yet again the bell rang as he was about to speak. Sighing Tristan walked to the kitchen door, "The dinning room is through that door over there." With that he walked to the front door and answered. It would easily be shown that he was still tired, and the hunger was really bugging him by now.

(Unsure if your character is wet or not, as well as bleeding. So I'll make a few short responses, just act according to the situation of whichever is correct)


The girl from last night was at the door, soaking wet. He was shocked when he realized it and quickly offered her some dry clothes.


The girl from last night was at the door, and Tristan noticed the blood right away. His pupils shrunk and his breathing was short and rapid. He gritted his teeth. Suddenly, he realized who was at the door.
"Uhh, hi. Sorry about last night." He forced himself to slow his breathing, but he was still quite tense.


Tristan yawned as he opened the door for the girl from last night. He still hadn't realized who was there. Seeing the wet clothes shocked him and he was about to quickly offer her dry clothes, until he saw the blood. He was about to freak when he realized who was there.
"Uhmm, Hello. Sorry about last night." He was completely confused. "The hell happened last night??" He thought, but showed no signs of that thought.


Tristan yawned as he opened the door for the girl from last night. He didn't know who was there, and honestly, he didn't care. He rubbed his right eye and looked the person in the face.
"Oh, hey again. Sorry about last night." He sighed. He didn't mean to send the person off, but things were already weird as they were. Not that now was any different. He had a girl in his house after all. He barely even talked to anyone, let alone let them in his house for a night!! He didn't care all that much. He was just shocked. Now this girl is back. "Need help with something??"
She is Bleeding, yet somewhat wet.

Kimberly shrugged. "It's okay." The girl looked down at her dress, sadly, hating the swirls of blood. She also hated blood.
As Jasper and the rest of the boys continued throwing dodgeballs at the girls, he noticed them charging forward towards their direction, with some of them even tackling a few of the boys. Watching the situation unfold, Jasper was about to move on to the second phase of his attack plan when he spotted Rhys out of the corner of his eye and grinned as he mouthed back, "Bring it on!" and readied the two red dodgeballs he had in his hands before throwing the one in his right hand directly at Rhys's legs.
Rhys' smirked widened before she blinked behind her sunglasses as the ball was thrown at her. Baking a little up, she watched it carefully, timing it, before sliding her leg out, kicking it. She felt a sting as it connected with her shin, but that was soon gone with pride as it soared over head.

Putting her empty hand on her hip, she looked at Jasper and stucked her tongue out, before pitching one of the bouncy balls as hard as she could at him.
Before Tristan answered, he piled the food on her plate and Hope’s mouth watered with the prospect of eating,

"Bacon and French Toast??"

French toast…she hadn’t heard of it when she was in the magic realm, but it looked yummy to her at the moment. Tristan talked to her while she examined the food, poking holes in it with a fork all while eating another piece of bacon. Her chewing stopped the moment he started a question and she was, literally, saved by the bell...the door bell, that is.

Someone was at the door and Tristan was compelled to break away from his fragmented sentence, offering her directions to the dining room before leaving her. Slowly starting to chew again, her eyes darted in between the door to the hallway and the door to the dining room. She ultimately decided to listen to Tristan this time, and entered the dining room, finding a place to sit at the table.

Looking at her food again, she decided to wait for Tristan to return before starting on the meal; her stomach had waited a day, it could handle longer...
"Oh? Not bad..." Jasper remarked as Rhys did something unexpected and kicked the ball away. Holding the dodgeball in front of him, Jasper blocked the incoming bouncy ball with it, sending the bouncy ball flying away from him. He started to move backwards, grabbing another dodgeball that had rolled toward him and threw it at Rhys's chest as fast as he could.
Tristan sighed. He wasn't surprised he was about to flip. No amount of time would cure him. Looking at the girl he considered her height. She was very small, guessing about 5'2". "Uhh, about how tall are you??" He didn't know he was wrong about her height. He considered letting her use some of his moms clothes. They should still have clothes in their rooms drawers.
Smirking softly, Rhys held her arms out as the ball came towards her before skidding back a little as it connected with her, arms wrapping around it as she caught it. With a pain in her chest, she winced a little before straightening back up and pushing her sunglasses up as well.

Taking a few deep breaths, she looked at Jasper and smirked wider. "That all you got?" She whipped the ball back at him, pitching behind it the last of her bouncy balls.
Kimberly looked at Tristan odly. "Um.." The girl walked over to one of the walls outside of Tristan's house and put her back to it. Then, she put her hand where her head was and stepped away, keeping her hand there. "About 5 feet, maybe 4' 11". " She said, somewhat happy she was small for her age.
Tristan just watched as she estimated her height using his wall. He assumed it took skill to get your height off of standing next to a wall. When she said she was barely 5foot, he sighed. "Alright then, my moms clothing is about 5inches too big. Would that be alright with you??" He walked over to the dinning room door "Someone's here, she's got wet clothing and blood coming out of her forehead. I'll be back in a minute. Just going to show her my parents room, k." He noticed the food was untouched "Thanks for waiting, but you can go ahead and eat right away."

Tristan looked back towards the girl. Ready to lead her to the room.
Kimberly nodded. "I think I should dry off before I enter your house. I don't want anyone to slip on the floor." She said, trying to be polite.
Tristan shook his head. "It would be worse if you got sick and passed out." he motioned in the direction of the stairs. He didn't mean to rush her, but he was both hungry, and worried about this girl. Who knows how long she's been drenched, or even how long the wound was there for. "Is there anyone I should call while you change??"
Kimberly stepped onto the floor. "Thanks." As she walked upstairs towards Tristan's parents room, she stopped. "No. I.. I have no one." She said sadly, then walked into the room. She soon found a closet filled with clothes. Kimberly looked around and soon spotted something that looked just like the right fit. The girl then looked around for the "stuff" and slipped everything on. Something fell from a dress. It was some sort of note or something. Kimberly kept it on the floor and ignored it. She found a bathroom and a brush and started to brush her hair, trying not to touch the spot that was cracked. "My hair is to long." She whispered to herself and with that, found some scisors and cut it, so when it curled it reached a little above the bow on the dress. "Perfect." Kimberly smiled and put the headband on, starting to walk downstairs. "Maybe I should show him the note, whatever it says on it." So carefully, the girl took the note and brought it downstairs, not reading it. "Knock knock." She said as she walked into the dinning room, seeing Hope and Tristan. "Oh hi there! I'm Kimberly." She said sweetly to the girl, the slipped the note onto Tristan's lap. "I found this in the dress. I don't know what it says.." She whispered into his ear, then sat down.


The girl had decided to go on up the stairs without him. He knew it wouldn't be hard figuring out which room used to be his parents. Sighing again he walked into the kitchen through the dinning room. He knew Hope could still see him when he was in the hall way, but that didn't matter. He was in the kitchen now and it's not like anything bad was happening. He grabbed some food and went into the dinning room. "Should we wait for her??" It wasn't much longer until she walked into the room.

OOC - (I'll have Tristan recognize the note in a minute... just need Kagu to do something k Pie)
Whoever was at the door was taking their sweet time with Tristan and Hope was about to check up, when he popped his head in.

"Someone's here, she's got wet clothing and blood coming out of her forehead. I'll be back in a minute. Just going to show her my parents room, k."

Surprised, Hope nodded, and wondered what happened to her that she was bleeding from the forehead. Leaning forward in her chair, she tried to peek through the doorway until Tristan told her that it was okay to eat. Glancing back down at her plate, she obliged, deciding her hunger was more important than her curiosity at the moment.

She figured the girl would be down soon enough, as Tristan had stood in the hall waiting for a moment before submitting to his own hunger. When he was back from the kitchen with his own plate of food, Hope had already eaten half of her first piece of toast, plain. Although she liked the meal, it felt a little bland in her taste and she realized that her friend had put something on top of his pieces.

“What’s on it?” she questioned the same time he asked his question.

Blushing, she looked up when the girl had made her entrance with some comical onomatopoeia and greeted her. The first thing Hope noticed was the blood in her hair, some managing to even seep onto her forehead. She slipped a note into Tristan’s lap but before she sat down, Hope shot up;

“Are you okay?” she asked, quickly making her way over and examining the wound, gingerly.

“How’d you do this?” she questioned, brushing the hair lightly away from the wound;

In the back of her head, she ran through the many spells that she knew to heal.

[[OOC: Pie, I need you to tell Hope how bad it is (If it’s healing or etc), it will decide my next move]]
(kk to both of you.)

Kimberly jumped as the girl started to shoot out questions. "Um.. yeah. I guess I'm fine. Well.. Last night. Ow!" SHe said as the girl accidentally touched the wound. "Sorry about that. Anyways, last night I was brushing my hair near the cave I live at when I must've fallen asleep and hit my head on a rock. This morning when I woke up, there was tons of blood. It is probably pretty deep because I felt pretty drousy and almost barfed when I stood up. Its not bleeding anymore, I think. But there still is some fresh blood coming out. It probably has healed but I'm not sure."
Kimberly flinched when Hope accidently brushed past the wound and she mumbled an apology, eying the wound carefully. Drawing her hands away, the girl started explaining her story as Hope continued moving her hands. First, she opened her left palm, which had some of girl’s blood on it, and she moved her right hand over it. In strokes, lines and circular motions that were like the alphabet in the back of her head, not having to draw her attention away from the girl’s story.

If Tristan was paying attention to the girl, rather than her meticulous hand motions, Hope would get off scot-free. If not, she knew he wouldn’t question her with the girl around; Hope sighed when she was done her explanation. There was fresh blood coming out of the wound, and Kimberly said it was healing…

“This might hurt” she warned the injured.

Lightly placing her left palm against the wound, a breeze passed through the room, and Kimberly’s wound started closing. Hope had already begun to feel the blood stop, and had no idea how the girl felt, as the spell hadn’t been used on her before. When the magic flow stopped coming to her hand, she withdrew it; blood had covered more of its surface.

“Maybe try some pain killers or ice?” she asked,

Playing as if she hadn’t done anything, Hope looked over at Tristan; wondering if he had either of the two things she asked, or was looking at the note.
Kimberly nodded as Hope warned and braced herself. A great stinging pain took over her head. It felt like 100 wasps stung her. The girl clenched her fists as the breeze hit her and tears started to form in her eyes. SHe was only 12 and never had she been in so much pain. "Pain killers? What are those?" She asked. Since she had never really been in a home before, she didn't really know what all types of medicines were.
Tristan had been paying attention to the two girl's, though it didn't seem so. He had continued eating. He knew there was a note he could read, but he didn't even understand why it was given to him, much less where it came from. He'd read it later, but there were two strangers in his house at this point in time. He noticed Hope looking at him. "Yeah, I'll get some us, give me a second please." Tristan stood up and left the room to get a bag of a frozen gel like substance.

Returning, Tristan noticed the girl about to cry. He leaned over and offered the bag to her.
"Put this on your forehead-" Tristan would have continued with a couple more words, but he had noticed a change in the blood. There was no new blood, but the current blood wasn't quite dry yet. The wound had to have healed recently, but then the blood would be dry.

Tristan stood upright after Kimberly accepted the Frozen Gel bag. He then returned to his seat.
"Sorry that took so long." he added before grabbing another bite. "There's food in the kitchen if you want anything."
As Jasper saw Rhys catch the dodgeball he threw, a childish grin appeared on his face. "Not bad at all...however!" With Rhys throwing the dodgeball back at him, he decided to block it with his dodgeball, causing his own dodgeball to temporarily come out of his hands before he caught it again...unfortunately, Jasper forgot about the bouncy ball that was approaching him. Due to the dodgeball block, it seemed like his guard was temporarily down! "Dang it..." Jasper said as he made up his mind and threw the dodgeball at the bouncy ball, causing it to fly away from him at the cost of his dodgeball. With the remaining dodgeball lying between the two rivals, Jasper made a mad dash for the ball in an attempt to seal his victory...
Smirking, she chuckled lightly, before noting he was running for the ball. Not bothering to move for it, Rhys folded her arms, looking over at the other children who seemed more keen on just having fun now, rather than winning, she laughed lightly. Pointing towards the kids, she smiled happily glad her 'plan' worked.

"God, I love children...." Completely forgetting Jasper for the moment, she flopped over onto the ground, sitting there, and just watching the little war, her smile never leaving her face.
Grabbing the red dodgeball, Jasper smirked as he prepared to throw the ball at Rhys, sealing his victory....however, as he looked at her, he noticed that she was watching the kids having intense fun. Shrugging and wondering what the heck he was doing, he chucked the ball away and sat down next to Rhys as he watched the children play. "Same here...they're just like precious little angels, aren't they?" Jasper commented as he smiled.
Glancing over at him, as he sat down, Rhys nodded her head. "Yeah...I hope who ever gives them a home thinks that too...." Feeling content, she started to wonder the time, and looked down at the cellphone for a moment before putting it back. It was still early, so she still had time. Leaning back on her hands, she smiled a bit wider. "So... Jasper, where do you come from anyway?"
As he watched the children running around, Jasper nodded his head and agreed with Rhys - after all, a child is certainly deserving of love and attention...whether that child is adopted or not, each one held tremendous potential. As Rhys asked where he came from, Jasper smirked and stared at her. "Well, I was born from my parents, of course!" he joked.
Rhys chuckled a little at his joke. "I kinda meant if you came from here, or somewhere else, or if you just visit here from time to time...." Shrugging, she looked up at the sky for a moment, then back at the kids. Letting out a light laugh as one of the girls smacked a boy with a bunny rabbit rag doll before the boy tried hugging her, covered in mud.

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