The Final Exam

Lydia was walking down the side of the road, toying with the warm orange heart in her pocket. Would she have to give up this heart to Foster and all other hearts that she would take in the future? She had sworn her loyalty to him and knew better than to betray him or test him. Shaking her head she looked forward to where the shop was and forced herself to smile though in the end her lips shrank to an apathetic line. Just as she was about to walk in she stopped short, sensing that Foster was not alone. "What is this?" she mused, her hand dropping to her side.
Ending up in her favorite place, Rhys strolled through the park before standing on the odd shaped spinning wheel. Gripping the bar, she pushed a foot on the ground and started the thing spinning as she leaned back on it, just watching the world. As she made it go a little faster, she sighed in contentment as all the colours blurred around her.

Sitting down on the base of it, keeping her feet tucked close to her, and not on the edge of it, she kept one hand on the bar over her head, while leaning against the middle post. It was going to be a cold night, wasn't it? If it was, did she want to go home? No, Rhys really didn't, her mood was too happy for them to like it, and she really didn't want to have something broken. Again.

(What she's on :
Cole fully walked in and up to the counter next to the man with the girl on his shoulder "Are. You. Open?" He said putting his hands on the counter. "Apparently you didn't hear me at the door maybe you'll hear me now?" He looked at the clerk.
Cory set Kimberly down on a chair close to him, then looked at Cole. "Duh, he's open! If he wasn't, I wouldn't be here right now." He rolled his eyes at the man. Kimberly woke up from Cory's yelling. She tried to move, but then she remembered she was tied up. "Help me!" She tried to say, but her mouth was duc-taped shut.
Tristan was concentrating on slowing his heart and breathing. He knew someone was inside the house now. He's be damned if he was going to let another person do anything here that he did not approve of. "When I think they leave the room, I'll get out and trap them in my room or along the way upstairs." Though his breathing was quicker, it was panicky, nor was his heart.

As the bag was tugged, it pulled onto the door/wall that Tristan was leaning on. Alerted at how close the intruder was, he stepped forward, turning mid-step while swinging the up and around towards the center of the wall. The only noise created was that of the sword hitting a couple of hanging, metal weapons, as well as the hissing of the blade through the air. As the blade came at ready, he thrusted through the wall towards where he supposed the intruder would be.
Foster fished out the phone book,and rested it on the counter. "There's a motel a few blocks East. Maybe you could try there. Besides that,no idea;sorry." She's just outside...Great. If she assumes the worst,I'm screwed!

Then he turned to the other man. "Sir,if you're going to make things uncomfortable for this man and little girl...I'll have to ask you to wait until they leave." I need to get them out! The girl's wriggling drew his eyes to her,and Foster immediately noticed the duct tape gag. Hmm...Not my problem...But interesting. Foster used his Necrokenesis to full effect,and nabbe a bone fragment from the first man and the girl with him,from the ankle. If they felt anything,he could pass it off as a spider bite.
A panel of wall moved as Hope pulled her bag and she stopped, examining the wall in further detail until a miniscule gap caught her interested. Leaning forward, the crack could fit something like a penny or dime and she ran her fingernails along it. Some shuffling could be heard on the other side and Hope almost backed up a step before she heard the sound. It was two slight pops, at speed where they were heard as one, larger, hollow noise; a burning sensation attacked her shoulder blade in the next moment.

A low hiss sounded from her mouth and her overalls felt a lot looser, as well as wet with the distinct smell of blood. Her blood…

“Tristan!” she croaked, fresh tears springing to her eye;

Pain had never burnt her this bad before, and she found herself swallowing her breakfast as she pulled away from the blade. Her hand shook as she grabbed at the bag once again; sticking her other arm in as she dug around. Cursing as she couldn’t find what she was looking for, she called again

Another boy brushed passed Lydia as he walked into the store causing Lydia to shake her head and lean against the display window. She knew that he had seen her by now though she wasn't sure what he had to say about it. From what she could tell everyone in there were no creature other than humans and to her knowledge Foster had no purpose for them. Regardless of this realization Lydia found herself walking away from the shop, or at least making it seem that way. She would be waiting for him in the back, curious as to what his explanation would be.
Tristan was seconds away from stabbing through the wall again until he heard her voice. His eyes widened and he dropped the sword. Hitting the button the door slid open quickly, though it seemed like minutes with how fast his heart was racing. Had he just killed someone who meant him no harm?! "Hope!!" The door was finally open and he saw her lying on the ground bleeding from her shoulder. Though it didn't seem serious the blood still made him feel sick. He had caused her to bleed!!

"One second I'll be right back" He began to run for the door.

(OOc - Tristan is still in the room if ya wanna stop him.)
“No! W-wait!” Hope called,

Her breathing was rough, and she managed to turn towards him, bag finally free from the door’s hold. Arm still in it, she grabbed hold of a container and drew it out slowly upon realizing it was what she was looking for. The healing salve, which she quickly tossed towards Tristan;

“Use that” she noted, running a clenched fist through her hair before pulling it away from the wound on her left shoulder.

Wringing her hair out, she looked worriedly at Tristan and then at the blood that was starting to slow. He couldn’t handle himself around blood, Hope noticed, so she was careful to keep her back away from him.

“Please…” she pleaded with a frown
Cory rolled his eyes at Cole, then took the phone book. "Thanks." A scream was heard and Cory turned towards Kimberly. Her eyes were watery are tears were falling from them. "Oh NOW what?!" Cory said angrily and ripped the duct tape off of her mouth. "Something pinched me!" Kimberly cried, then bit off a piece of duct tape that was on her hand. Now that one of her hands were free, she ripped the rest of the tape off of her. "Something is wrong with you." She growled then kicked Foster, knocking the fragments out of his hands. Thinking that was trash, Cory picked it up and put it in his pocket. "I"m sorry." He said, then put the phone book down and dragged the girl out of the store. Once he was out, he noticed a girl walking by. "Um... excuse me? Do you know where the motel is?"
Tristan stopped, now at the door way. Hope had called out to him again, asking that he use some jar filled with a salve she pulled from her purse. She looked pretty bad and may have a hard time using her arm for awhile as the wound is right along her shoulder blade. She moved her hair, which had been in her wound. "How is this going to help??" He now had the jar, as he opened it he could smell it right away. The scent was strong, but not overwhelming. Taking a bit in his fingers, he began rubbing the salve onto the wound. The feel of the open flesh shot pain through his entire arm and caused his very recent headache to quintuple. Having caused the injury however, he would take the pain a hundred times over, hoping for forgiveness. Tears began falling down his cheeks, though he didn't notice.
Tristan had stopped at the door way, holding the jar in his hand as he judged the content’s usefulness in the situation. Hope knew he would soon find out for himself as he opened the jar and the scent wafted towards her, he followed. The sticky substance felt cool on the wound and she hissed at the minor sting before the pain dulled.

As he rubbed the wound, it closed, leaving only the blood behind; she rolled her shoulders in response and looked up at Tristan. Surprised, she shifted in her spot and reached up, glad that no pain came with the task of wiping away Tristan’s tears.

“Old family remedy” she noted, hands still on either side of his face

“I’ll be fine” she assured, as her tears were already dry.
Lydia looked up as she was confronted by Cory, deciding to just answer his questions and get him out of the way. She raised an eyebrow and bit back a laughter of amusement seeing that he was coming at her with an entire phone book, surprised that someone who was actually from this world would use something so out dated. "Ah, well I'm very sorry but I'm not from around here. You could say that I'm visiting..." Her eyes trailed down to Kimberly who's cheeks were streaked with tears and were also red and blotchy from the duct tape that had been pulled from her mouth.

"Why is this child..." she leaned down so that she was eye level with the girl (although seeing as Lydia wasn't very tall to begin with this didn't do much.) "What happened to you?" she asked, her voice kind as she allowed her powers to cautiously probe the girl's mind, looking for an answer to her question. The probing stopped when she saw that the girl had kicked Foster and Lydia found herself being considerably less interested in helping the girl.

Looking back up at Cory she shrugged her shoulders. "I suppose it isn't really my business..." Standing up straight she put on a smile. "You know, actually there is this lovely inn that I stayed at that isn't too far from here. It's just down the road and then you make a left. Very cozy." After saying goodbye to the two Lydia walked off, shaking her head in disbelief. Glancing down at her watch Lydia decided that it was well beyond the time that Foster had told her to meet up with him and that she would just let herself in through the front door.

"That was quite a show." she remarked, walking through the front door. "Are all of your customers like that, Foster?" It was obvious that she was grinning, even if someone wasn't seeing her face.
Cole looked at Foster then ran out of the store following Cory and the girl,Fury ran through him "HEY! What is your problem and why is she tied up?!" Cole yelled at Cory.
Foster was getting ready to pull out the skeleton of every human in the room,but,thankfuly,they all left. Then Lydia walked in. He pulled the bone shards from the ground to his hand. "Thank you. And no. They're usually placid twits that want curios that they believe hold magic power." He began to absently scry the bone shards. They were still fresh,and had some blood on them. He could still get a heart reading. It'd just take some time. "Now..." Lady LeBlanc walked in.

"Foster! I'm back. I see you've had a few--Oh,je desole,madamoiselle! I am Lady LeBlanc,owner and proprieter of thise establishment. How may we serve you?" Internally,Foster groaned. What next in this parade of constant obstacles!? "Madame,the young Lydia is with me. Am I free to go?" LeBlanc waved her hand. "Of course! Please,be free. Your next shift is two days from now,noon to ten." Foster nodded. "Merci,madame. Au revoir." Foster walked to the back of the room,and opened the door for Lydia,which lead to the back yard. "After you,Lydia."
There was something about Foster right then that was almost able to make Lydia forget about the horrible blood pact she had made with him. He wasn't exactly flustered but he certainly wasn't put together. "Touchy, touchy." she remarked, allowing herself to enjoy this one moment knowing that in the future things would be much grimmer and without laughter.

"Ah, Lydia Mieux. Charmed, I am entirely sure Madame." she said in response to the shop owner, though she was quickly waved off by Foster. Sighing Lydia nodded her head and left the shop with him, looking back as she heard the soft closing of the door. Lydia was unaware of the bone fragment that Foster had taken from her just the day before, though putting together the fragment he had taken from her today as well as what he had taken from the boy and girl in the store previously it left her curious with what he was planning. Even though she had sworn her loyalty to Foster she wasn't so sure that he was going to let her in on everything.

"What have you got planned tonight?" she asked her gaze straight ahead and away from him.
"Simple. We will ressurrect your friend. Then,we begin our search." A screech resounded from above them,and a black figure,the size of a large watermellon,leapt onto Lydia's head. It was Llamar. It's needle-like legs dug slightly into her head,and a beak could be felt at her crown. "Llamar. Off. She's our ally. You may feast if she refuses to co-operate." Foster walked up beside Lydia,as Llamar leapt into it's carrying bag at Foster's thigh. "Bring me to the corpse."
Lydia wasn't even able to react before Llamar found his way on to her head. She stiffened up though never made a sound, only letting out a breath when Foster scolded the creature and it left her. Her hand balled into a fist as she heard him talking to Llamar, saying that she was not to be attacked unless she refused to cooperate. Self consciously she reached up to her head and rested her hand there, as if to assure herself that she was still in one piece.

When asked by Foster to bring him to the corpse she bit her lip. "I sent it back to our world where it belonged." she said quietly.
Foster nodded. "Then you can bring it back." Foster crossed his arms. He was close to gaining two useful allies. He didn't want delays so late in the plan.
Foster needed to remember what he had agreed to; Lydia had told him that she would not swear Stratos's allegiance to him. Looking up at the half crescent in the sky Lydia in a breath. She could feel the fear creeping up her neck as if she were a child again. Suddenly the thought of showing Stratos to Foster repulsed her, but in the end she still found herself chanting the words that would bring him back. She was immediately at the ground, looking down at Stratos's body almost getting as choked up as she had been when she had first found him.
Foster noted the degree of decay that had taken hold. It would be a very tough job. He began to take samples;blood,bone,muscle,sinew. You name it,he taken a sample. "This will require a lot of preparation. And an uninterupted ritual of twenty-four hours length. We don't have that kind of time available yet." Foster deposited the samples into special phials,then into his pockets. They didn't clkink,they didn't rattle. "Now,walk with me. Talk with me. We need to know his psyche if we're to bring the mind back with the body."
As Foster took samples from Stratos's body Lydia was quiet, looking down at his cold lifeless face and memorizing how he looked right then compared to how he had looked when she had first found him, then when she had seen him before his murder. Foster's cold, calculating demeanor angered Lydia and right then she felt hate bubbling in her chest. Stratos had not been a stranger to Foster, they had all been classmates at Magie Academy since the age of fourteen. How could he be so heartless?

Lydia got to her feet, her body stiff as she moved. "What do you need to know from me?" she asked.
Foster opened a portal to the magic domain under Stratos' body,and closed it immediately. "Everything. We have an entire mind to rebuild. I only know a little;I was never really close to him at the Academy." He began to walk to the street. He felt like going on a walk,tonight.


A man was walking down the street. He was a foul man;he wore a ratty wife-beater shirt,a baggy pair of jeans with a thick chain poking out of the pocket,and his black skull patterned boxers showing. He was lean,his face nearly skeletal,his brown eyes bloodshot. He was jittery,too. Withdrawal;he was addicted to heroin AND cocaine. He needed his fix,so,he was on the prowl.

As he passed the creepy voodoo shop,he heard tow people talking near the back yard. He jumped into a dumpster near the access alley,and waited.

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