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Fandom The Farmhouse Dream { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price, Jordan DeShay, Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis and Cameron Harris (and the Smith Clan)
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler, Former WLF, Former Seraphite, Former Firefly | 19, 27, 30, 26, 27, 23 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Kaiden looked at Nate as he shook his head. "Not really, the trail was clear and maybe a handful of infected in the supermarket. They like to get in there sometimes." He said, shrugging his shoulders. "Lucky you, spending time with dad. I got to spend my morning with Theo." Kai said, though his voice and smile betrayed the way his words sounded. He loved spending time with his brother. Josh chuckled as he looked at Hayden and then Nate. "And just what kind of medical fun did you two get up to?" Josh asked curiously, looking at them as he kissed Hayden's head gently.

Jordan grinned into the kiss and wrapped his arms around Asher, before he pulled back to breathe. "We should slow down gorgeous, otherwise our new brothers will walk in on something. And we need to get moving once they show up so we can make it there during daylight." Jordan said, slowing his breathing down a little. "Why don't we lay down on the couch and relax until they came in?" He suggested with a small smile.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, Asher McCoy, Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Emmett Adler (and the Smith Clan)
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter, Former Seraphite, Former WLF, Former Firefly | 21, 25, 32, 29, 25, 24 | Current location ;; Wyoming

It occurred to Nate in that moment that Theo was not there. He looked around, and he was correct in his earlier assessment that Theo must have disappeared at some point. Apparently he was not in the mood to be around all these couples. He turned his attention back to the rest of them. “I miss being with my brothers like that. It was certainly something else. The messes we could get into-“ He shook his head with a smile. Hayden grinned as he leaned into Josh’s touch. “Nothing too interesting.” “Other than Killian’s dislocated arm,” Nate added. Hayden nodded. “I wouldn’t call that fun. In fact, I would call that the exact opposite. Though, before that excitement, we were possibly occasionally going over the potential breaking of my leg.” He shrugged like it was nothing. It was going to have to be nothing since Ezekiel was coming back in. “I got it! Okay!” He held the newly sealed ring in his hand and all but jogged up to Alex as he held it out. “How’s that?”


Asher chuckled, bringing a hand up so that he could lightly stroke Jordan’s cheek with his fingers. “Are you afraid they’ll see something indecent?” He asked with a laugh. “Maybe they like to watch, too.” He stole one more long kiss before he slid to the side so that he was off of Jordan’s lap and nestling into his side. “Is this because Nathaniel is unable to handle anything that anyone does or talks about? Because that boy is going to have a hard time living with you and Carlos.” He sighed, and as he let out his breath, his body relaxed. He could relax. Well, he could try to relax.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price, Jordan DeShay, Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis and Cameron Harris (and the Smith Clan)
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler, Former WLF, Former Seraphite, Former Firefly | 19, 27, 30, 26, 27, 23 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Kaiden was quite content with how patrol went as he looked at Nate, nodding and listening to him. “You should’ve seen me and Theo when we were younger. We were quite the pair.” He said with a chuckle. Josh flicked his gaze over to Kai and snorted a little laugh at that. He looked back at Hayden, feeling him lean into his touch. “Oh? Poor kid. But he had the best medical team to fix him up.” Josh said as Kai nodded. He looked up as his partner came out. Alex looked at the ring and nodded. “It’s perfect!” Alex said as he took the ring. “Red and black just like Jordan wanted.” Alex added as he smiled. “Should probably head back the farmhouse my love. Get the lovebirds their ring so they can be off.” Alex said as he looked at Nate.

Jordan chuckled as he felt Asher’s hand on his cheek. “I’m not afraid of them seeing anything indecent, but they aren’t quite ready for that yet.” Jordan replied as he smiled at the stolen kiss. “It’s mostly because of Nathaniel, and we’ll work on him. I’m sure.” He said with a grin as he held Asher to his side. “Relax baby.” He said softly.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, Asher McCoy, Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Emmett Adler (and the Smith Clan)
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter, Former Seraphite, Former WLF, Former Firefly | 21, 25, 32, 29, 25, 24 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Nate wanted to hear all about Kaiden and Theo as kids. He wanted to tell stories about himself with Max and Ben. Now did not seem to be the time though. Maybe later. He anxiously awaited the reveal of this mysterious ring as Ezekiel reappeared. He leaned around Alex to look at it in his hand. “That is pretty cool.” Ezekiel smiled and nodded in thanks. “If I had more time, I would have done something a little more intricate, but this is as good as I can get and not waste any more of their time.” He let out a breath before leaning his head against Kaiden’s shoulder. “I think I’m done for today. Wish Jordan luck for me?” He asked Alex as Nate agreed that it was time to go. Hayden, who was not entirely apprised of the situation, raised both brows. “Oh, now that is certainly something, isn’t it?” He grinned at Josh. “Theo is going to be so upset that he didn’t get this insider information. That’s on him for running off.”

Asher laughed again. That poor boy was like the younger brother that somehow was sheltered his entire life. Though, what could Asher say? He was not experienced and willing at the very beginning either. Granted, he was quick on the uptake unlike that boy. Eh, he was sure that with more exposure, Nate would get used to more. “I am relaxed,” he insisted, though they both could tell that he wasn’t entirely. He was getting there. He curled into Jordan, and the more he did that, the more he was practically relaxed for himself.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price, Jordan DeShay, Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis and Cameron Harris (and the Smith Clan)
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler, Former WLF, Former Seraphite, Former Firefly | 19, 27, 30, 26, 27, 23 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Kaiden nodded as he heard Nate’s comment. “I agree. You did a fantastic job my love.” Kai said as he felt Ezekiel lean into him. Alex looked at the ring and sealed it in a small wooden box he’d made while he was helping Ezekiel. “It’ll be perfect, and I’ll let him know.” Alex said as he took Nate’s hand. Josh looked at Hayden and nodded. “He certainly will be upset at this, and I’m sure he’ll find out eventually. After Jordan and Asher are gone.” Josh said with a chuckle. “Well my love, we should probably let the young ones go, I think it’s time to go relax. What do you think?” Josh asked as he saw Kai taking Ezekiel’s hand. Alex looked at Nate before waving to everyone. “See you all tomorrow!” He said as he smiled at Nate so they could head out.

Jordan chuckled as he looked at Asher. “I know you are.” He replied as he felt his partner curl closer into him. He was ready to get out of here and he hoped that Nate and Alex would be back soon.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, Asher McCoy, Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Emmett Adler (and the Smith Clan)
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter, Former Seraphite, Former WLF, Former Firefly | 21, 25, 32, 29, 25, 24 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Hayden nodded. All he wanted was to go home with his husband. He loved his son. He loved their growing family. He still wanted to go home. Ezekiel raised one hand to wave as Nate and Alex were the first to leave. As they walked out, Nate looked at the box. “So. What’s with the rush order for the proposal ring?” They moved out onto the streets where Nate walked with hands in his pockets. “I feel that I missed something today.” They moved through the city quicker now that he was learning enough of where they were not to be horrendously lost all the time.

Asher closed his eyes as he laid against Jordan. He draped a hand across Jordan as he sunk a little further down onto the couch. If he let himself go like this, he would be honest to goodness laying there like he was trying to take a nap or something. He came a long way from who he used to be. “Hey.” He looked up from where he was. “I love you.”
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price, Jordan DeShay, Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis and Cameron Harris (and the Smith Clan)
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler, Former WLF, Former Seraphite, Former Firefly | 19, 27, 30, 26, 27, 23 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Josh smiled as he looked at the others and then at Hayden. Kai waved to the two before he hugged his parents and then looked at Ezekiel. "Let's head home love." He said. Josh led Hayden out after they'd said goodbye to their son. Alex looked at Nate as they walked out of the workshop. "Well, Jordan asked Ezekiel to make him a ring so he could propose to Asher yesterday. Initially he wanted it in four days time, but then he came in today and asked if it could rushed. I think last night really got to Asher and Jordan's trying to help him." Alex said, shrugging his shoulders as they made it to the gate and through to the path.

Jordan had one arm wrapped around Asher as he laid there, eyes closed. He felt the hand drape across him and his partner sink a little further down. He opened his eyes and looked down at Asher. "I love you too gorgeous." Jordan said softly, smiling at Asher like he was the only one in his world, and he was. To Jordan, Asher was the only that ever truly mattered, no matter how many temptations, deaths and lost loves pulled at him.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, Asher McCoy, Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Emmett Adler (and the Smith Clan)
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter, Former Seraphite, Former WLF, Former Firefly | 21, 25, 32, 29, 25, 24 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Ezekiel closed up the workshop after Josh and Hayden left before he and Kai went home as well. Nate was fascinated by this. He had to help Jacob fix a dislocated arm of a little boy while suddenly Alex and Ezekiel were making engagement rings. Everyone was having an exciting day. “Poor Asher. I wish we could help him more.” He poked his finger against the box. “Okay, maybe not quite like that.” He laughed. He was not ready to commit to someone that dramatically who he only met a few days ago. That and he was happily taken. They walked down the path and opened up their gate to walk through. Nate closed it behind them.

Asher gently squeezed his arm he had draped across Jordan. That little bit of physical contact was so nice. He couldn’t help but smile. Despite having such a hard night before, struggling during the day, and the many, many days of struggles before, he felt so good laying against Jordan now. Before he could say anything else, he heard the gate. “I think our boys are back.” He sat up, hands on his legs, and then he was standing. He never was patient.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price, Jordan DeShay, Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis and Cameron Harris (and the Smith Clan)
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler, Former WLF, Former Seraphite, Former Firefly | 19, 27, 30, 26, 27, 23 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Alex looked at Nate as they walked, hearing him as he poked the box. "Definitely not like this, we'll let Jordan keep that pleasure for himself, but I'm sure this and getting away for a few days will be very helpful." Alex said as they walked through the gate to their farmhouse as Nate closed it behind them. He took his partner's hand again and squeezed as they walked up. "Those must be the horses they plan to use." Alex commented, seeing the two horses standing there. He opened the farmhouse door to see Asher standing there while Jordan was still lying lazily on the couch. Well, until he saw Alex. Jordan popped up like a spring and pulled the young former Seraphite to the side. Alex had tucked the box where Asher couldn't see it, and then looked at Jordan. "Here it is." He said, handing him the box. Jordan peeked inside and his breath caught in his throat. "Perfect." He said, tucking it into his pocket. "Thanks Alex and thank Ezekiel for me too." He said as Alex nodded and looked at Jordan. "Ezekiel said good luck by the way." Alex said as Jordan smiled and turned back to Asher and Nate. "Alright, well we should be on our way before the sun gets any lower. We didn't want to leave until you guys came back."
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, Asher McCoy, Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Emmett Adler (and the Smith Clan)
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter, Former Seraphite, Former WLF, Former Firefly | 21, 25, 32, 29, 25, 24 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Nate was not sure how Alex was supposed to get Jordan this secret present, though, it turned out that Asher was working for them. He met them at the door and was immediately moving away to check all of their supplies and bags again. Nate moved with him so that he could be some sort of lookout. Asher was listening off everything they had and exactly what they would need it for. Nate, who was used to the constant travel and therefore potentially coming across any kind of obstacle or hazard, had never been so prepared. He should have been traveling with Asher. “You know,” Nate interrupted at some point, “I think you got it all. You’re gonna have a great time.” Asher smiled as he hefted up as much as he could. “Thank you. We appreciate you being so… lenient with this.” Nate waved a hand dismissively. “Jordan. Oh, Jordan.” His entire body relaxed. “Are you ready?”
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price, Jordan DeShay, Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis and Cameron Harris (and the Smith Clan)
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler, Former WLF, Former Seraphite, Former Firefly | 19, 27, 30, 26, 27, 23 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Jordan walked over to Asher, grabbing his back and throwing it on his back along with the guitar and grinned, taking Asher's hand. "I'm more than ready gorgeous." He said as Alex walked over to Nate, taking his hand gently. Jordan kissed Asher's cheek before he waved to the others. "Come on love, we've got places to be." Jordan said, all but dragging Asher out with a laugh to the horses waiting for them. Alex shook his head and chuckled softly as he watched them. "I think I'm ready to go call it a day, what do you think love?" He asked his partner as he headed for the door to lock it behind them. Meanwhile Jordan let go of Asher's hand once he was outside and hooked his pack to the horse's saddle and swung the guitar over his back and mounted his horse and smiled over at Asher, ready to get away for a few days.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, Asher McCoy, Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Emmett Adler (and the Smith Clan)
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter, Former Seraphite, Former WLF, Former Firefly | 21, 25, 32, 29, 25, 24 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Asher looked back at the other two long enough to laugh as he had to jog to keep up. Nate waved as they left and sighed as Alex closed the door behind them. “Yes, I think you’re right.” He brought Alex’s hand to his cheek as he turned and walked up the stairs. Outside, Asher was still laughing as they made it to the horses. He hopped up on his horse and looked to Jordan. “Alright, lovebug. You’re awfully eager for us to go. Take us wherever we’re going then. Because I can’t read your mind, and no one else knows your plan.” He started his horse at a walk since he really didn’t know where they were going. He circled Jordan and his horse.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price, Jordan DeShay, Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis and Cameron Harris (and the Smith Clan)
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler, Former WLF, Former Seraphite, Former Firefly | 19, 27, 30, 26, 27, 23 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Alex was more than happy to head upstairs with Nate, and as he entered their room, shut the door behind them both. Yawning as he did and headed right to bed, arms open for Nate with a tired smile. Meanwhile Jordan was eager as he mounted his horse, looking at Asher as he circled him. “I’m just ready to spend some quality time with my handsome partner. And I promised Maria to check the mountain trail so come on.” He said, turning his horse towards the gate. He opened the gate from the horse, walked through and waited for Asher before shutting and locking it behind them. “You know the way to the mountain trail, so try and keep up.” Jordan said with a laugh as he urged his horse forward into a canter.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, Asher McCoy, Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Emmett Adler (and the Smith Clan)
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter, Former Seraphite, Former WLF, Former Firefly | 21, 25, 32, 29, 25, 24 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Nate wasted no time in climbing into the bed and curling into Alex’s arms. It may still have been a little early, but with their earlier hours now, it was not so bad. From his horse, Asher rolled his eyes. He rolled his eyes a lot. He did as Jordan opened and closed the gate. He did as he teased him. He was not sure if this was for speed or for playing, but Asher wasn’t going to question it. He raced his horse forward, determined to be close enough to easily talk as they went. “Ah, so you’re just so excited to do this for Maria? Uh huh. No ulterior motives at all.” They moved quickly with their horses at canters. In this race against time, Asher was certain that they were winning. Part of him was intrigued by this and liked the mystery. Another part of him was having a hard time without being aware of the plan. Thankfully, the thrill of having days without anything to come between them was overruling everything else.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price, Jordan DeShay, Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis and Cameron Harris (and the Smith Clan)
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler, Former WLF, Former Seraphite, Former Firefly | 19, 27, 30, 26, 27, 23 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Jordan honestly, didn’t care about winning, but he loved the running. He’d always enjoyed it, on foot or even now on horseback. “Yes, just Maria of course.” He teased his partner as they cantered past the gate and towards the mountain trail. He was going to spend tonight getting things set up for camping and tomorrow, he convince his partner to try and be a little lazy, and as the stars came out, he’d propose. Then from there, that would determine how the rest of their trip went. He had never been more excited for this time alone with his partner and the beautiful ring sitting in the box in his pocket was just as exciting.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, Asher McCoy, Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Emmett Adler (and the Smith Clan)
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter, Former Seraphite, Former WLF, Former Firefly | 21, 25, 32, 29, 25, 24 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Asher ran behind Jordan. Yeah, he knew the way. He knew how to get to all the routes in case he needed to fill in for someone. He went out with Jordan sometimes to patrol. He helped out when someone was sick. Those kinds of things. He stayed away from it being a permanent part of what he did. He knew that it would get too close to his past. Still, he knew. He kept close enough. “Where exactly are we going today? Are we riding the whole trail or do you have a plan?” He didn’t mind whatever Jordan had planned, and he clearly had a plan. It was sweet how much he was trying for… something. It was definitely romantic. Asher assumed this was because he was trying to make things right between them. He was doing a good job so far.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price, Jordan DeShay, Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis and Cameron Harris (and the Smith Clan)
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler, Former WLF, Former Seraphite, Former Firefly | 19, 27, 30, 26, 27, 23 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Jordan looked back at Asher as they got to the base of the trail. He slowed his horse down to a trot and motioned for Asher to come up beside him. “Well, we’re going to do just enough of the trail to say we checked it.” Jordan replied as he headed up the trail. “We’re going to duck off it near the top of the mountain.” He added as he continued that steady trot. There was a small unused trail that Joel showed him once, it sat just off the main trail and led to a beautiful clearing near the top of the mountain and you could see the areas around for miles. “I promise this will all be worth it in the end.” Jordan said as he glanced at Asher.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, Asher McCoy, Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Emmett Adler (and the Smith Clan)
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter, Former Seraphite, Former WLF, Former Firefly | 21, 25, 32, 29, 25, 24 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Just enough. That was good enough for Asher. He was not much of a patrol guy anyway, so whatever little he had to do was good enough for him. They wouldn’t hunt until they were on their way back for the freshness of the meat. That meant they had time for whatever Jordan wanted. He followed up the trail. “You know, this is how people get horrifically murdered. They are led far off from everyone else by a beautiful man, no one knows where they are going, and then they are never seen again.” He did not believe that for a second, but it was an entertaining thought.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price, Jordan DeShay, Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis and Cameron Harris (and the Smith Clan)
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler, Former WLF, Former Seraphite, Former Firefly | 19, 27, 30, 26, 27, 23 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Jordan looked at Asher and chuckled, hearing his words. “And we both know that I can’t kill you and you can’t kill me. You love me too much gorgeous as I love you too much.” Jordan replied as he headed up the trail. They were about halfway up and soon he turned his horse inward. “Come on love, this way.” He said as he urged his horse up the single horse trail. It took a few minutes before it opened up into a clearing. It was a beautiful spot and had a little space of trees just before it that they could use for their camp. The rocky clearing could sustain a fire and not burn down everything and the view was perfect. Jordan led his horse in and to the side to allow Asher the full view. “Well gorgeous. What do you think?”
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, Asher McCoy, Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Emmett Adler (and the Smith Clan)
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter, Former Seraphite, Former WLF, Former Firefly | 21, 25, 32, 29, 25, 24 | Current location ;; Wyoming

“Hm, perhaps. Though there are always crimes of great passion.” No, neither of them could ever kill the other with how strongly they felt for one another. Though, had things gone the way that they were going, and Asher fallen deeper into who he used to be, it was possible that he would do something far worse than that. He followed up the trail, watching the surroundings in an attempt to guess where it was that they were going. He could not. Once they reached the clearing, he showed no reaction, as was customary for Asher, though he was taken aback by the sudden beauty of it. The seclusion felt so intimate. He slowed his horse to a stop so that he could take it all in. Finally, he answered, “Definitely a place I could be horrifically murdered and no one would ever know.” He flicked his gaze over to Jordan and smiled.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price, Jordan DeShay, Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis and Cameron Harris (and the Smith Clan)
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler, Former WLF, Former Seraphite, Former Firefly | 19, 27, 30, 26, 27, 23 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Jordan chuckled as he shook his head, hearing his partner. Though when he was in his funk, he was tempted sometimes to just let Asher go. To tell him that he couldn’t be with him anymore. It wasn’t fair to either of them for so long. And yet, here they were. Back together and Jordan had never been happier. He noticed that Asher showed no outward reaction to the clearing but that was pretty standard for him. And Jordan didn’t think too much of it. He had no reason to. “Yes. You caught me. I plan to murder you here.” He said with a grin on his face as he saw Asher smile at him. Jordan dismounted from his horse and pulled his things off along with the saddle and tied the horse to a nearby branch. “Let’s make camp gorgeous. I’m ready for a good night’s sleep under the stars with my heart.” Jordan said with a small smile in his face.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, Asher McCoy, Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Emmett Adler (and the Smith Clan)
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter, Former Seraphite, Former WLF, Former Firefly | 21, 25, 32, 29, 25, 24 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Asher looked out at the beautiful expanse for a little while longer before he finally too dismounted. He first set his pack down then removed the saddle from his horse before tying him up. He picked up the pack and moved to be near Jordan for this little camp that they were to make. He placed his pack down as he pulled out a blanket to lay on the ground like they used to as they traveled. This time, though, he had the advantage of choosing the blanket. This one had a little more padding than the ones they had before. If they were going to go back to their roots, then they were going to do it without hurting so much. “Is that before or after you cut the heart out and leave me to die?” he asked with a grin.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price, Jordan DeShay, Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis and Cameron Harris (and the Smith Clan)
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler, Former WLF, Former Seraphite, Former Firefly | 19, 27, 30, 26, 27, 23 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Jordan had grabbed his own blanket, having chosen the thickest one he had. It was his favorite thing after Asher. Sorry Carlos but nothing beats the thick soft blanket especially with his love at his side. He looked over at Asher as he joined him and smiled seeing him having the other blanket. “I guess I should’ve asked if you brought a blanket. Oh well, we can use this one over us.” He laughed as he shifted the blankets. Jordan looked at Asher and hummed, biting his lip. “Before.” He said with a grin of his own as he sat down, grabbing his pack. “I even got us beans so it’s really like when we were traveling.” Jordan said, winking at Asher as he patted the ground beside him before pulling out a can of beans and two spoons for them.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, Asher McCoy, Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Emmett Adler (and the Smith Clan)
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter, Former Seraphite, Former WLF, Former Firefly | 21, 25, 32, 29, 25, 24 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Two blankets were better than one. Two blankets meant that they could be comfier and warmer. Asher was not complaining. He lowered himself down so that he was sitting across from Jordan. “Be still my heart,” Asher mused as he watched Jordan pull out the can of beans. My, how long had it been? Not long enough. He liked being spoiled in Jackson. He liked how they never had to settle and ration. Yet, here they were choosing to do this again. He plucked a spoon from Jordan and waved it. “This poor guy is going to get abused these next few days. Used to washing after every meal.” He shook his head.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price, Jordan DeShay, Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis and Cameron Harris (and the Smith Clan)
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler, Former WLF, Former Seraphite, Former Firefly | 19, 27, 30, 26, 27, 23 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Jordan looked up at Asher as he sat down across from him and smiled before he laughed, hearing his words. It had been three years since they'd stopped travelling and three years since they'd had to settle and ration like this. "Oh you poor thing. I'm sure you'll survive a few days without washing after meals. Though by the time we get done here, I might just have to force you to bathe because I won't be able to handle hugging you until you do.." Jordan teased as he took a few bites of the beans, looking over at Asher with a smirk on his face. He loved teasing his partner and he couldn't wait for tomorrow. The anticipation ran through his body like lightning as he looked at his true love sitting across from him.

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