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The Fallen Angel and the Lion

Tannis finally moved, creeping slowly to the flame. His steps were silent for once, nothing could be heard.
the flame died in front of tannis's nose. falling in sparks to the grass burning a small batch. the darkness grew more prominent as the fire was gone and the sun completly blocked no moon or stars made it that much more dark and bleak looking.
"Stay here. Something is gravely wrong..." Tannis told Dasuke before he dashed off into the deeper part of the forests.
Dasuke went to take off after him but with his wounds he had no way of catching up with Tannis. As he ran the smell of blood hit his nose. Two different bloods one held a familiar poison. There was begining to show points of damage in the forest burns and dagger slashes both as well as littered metallic feathers of obsidian color.
Tannis has a feeling this meant Shania was gravely hurt. He had seen it before in their travels, but only a few times. He continued his run to the more familiar of bloods. I didn't think her dead, but he surely hopped her enemy was.
When he got to the sorce Shania was leaning her sword all that was holding her up as it was in the ground her markings had spread due to overuse of darkness what she called dark poisoning it gave her a short burst of amazing power but after she was weak and sick untill she rested it off her stance told Tannis this fight was not over. A flash of black wings and a deep laugh met the mantacores ears. "Such a strong little girl, too young to fight skill with raw power and win," the voice taunted.
Tannis leaned low in the ground in the trees. He still had the element of surprised. Tannis leaned down, this must be Dasuke's brother. With a tap of his paw, the spot under Hiro lit up in a small warm spot of fire.
"still strong enough for fire tricks little girl?" Hiro asked flying high into the blackend sky. He was heavily injured as well Tannis could tell his entire left side was burned.

"Stupid bird," Shania hissed pulling hersword from the ground shhe lifted it for one last attack.
Of course he flew into the sky, the fire on the ground suddenly shot upward in a giant spiral of flame. This was no untrained flame like he had been fighting with Shania.
Suprise took him and he quickly flew to the side the fire licking the tips of his wing shania's attack flashed a demonic energy from her blad cut through the arch angels defence and cut him along his chest

"stupid child!" he took hold of her wrist and threw her to the ground with a rather loaud thud and enough force to make the ground break and crack. "I'll finish you off one day," he promised and began to retreat. Dasuke was almost to Tannis by this point.
Tannis almost growled, but he hit the ground again covering Shania in flame before he caste his fire in tinny little flames around hiro, they began to follow him, some touching his wings, others just hovering around him.

Tannis took several long stride into the circle of fire he put around Shania, but his eyes were on Hiro.
Hiro was amazing at arial manuvering flying away rapidly in a complex pattern.

Shania was breathing slow and pained. Dasuke saw the fire then saw the retreating angel.
When Hiro was gone Tannis collapsed on the ground and his paws came around Shania, "What have you gotten yourself into?" He asked her, his voice coated with worry.
She looked at him with a soft grin "he attacked me," she said her voice was weak.

Dasuke ran up to the fire but no further "Tannis?" his voice was coated in worry.
"That a girl, Just as I taught you... don't pick a fight, but you finish it." He told her fondly. When Dasuke's voice rang, Tannis let the fire down so that he could come to him.
Dasuke took one look at the girl and knew instantly who she was and also she was seriously hurt. "Tannis... is she?" he asked

Shania looked at Dasukeand then to Tannis she just felt like sleeping now she trusted Tannis though so she was not going to be agressive but let him handle anything he sees fit.
"My daughter." Tannis told him. He knew what Dasuke was really asking. Tannis couldn't do anything for her injury... but he knew she would stabilize and heal herself soon... she just needed time. "He is alright Shania, can you climb on my back? I'll take you to safety."
"let me see her wounds," Dasuke said "with plants comes a natural knowledge of healing," he told Tannis.

Shania closed her eyes and shook her head no "I don't think I can," she said
"Rest then... I will hold you till you wake..." Tannis told Shania. He looked to Dasuke and gave him a nod.
Dauske was a bit hesitant the rumers of her power mixed with her agression made it to where he did not want to aggitate her, He looked for the worst injuries and found that none of them were leathal "he was playing with her..." Dasuke said softly.
Tannis looked grin, "Why would he do that...." Tannis's paws drew Shania closer to him, into the deep of his main and chest fur when Dasuke seemed done.
"because she is a strong opponent, he is sick and twisted he likes to bring the mighty down... and to break people, he most likely never wanted to kill her but just torture her," Dasuke told Tannis. "I can make a slave to keep the wounds from reopening till she heals,"
"She heals quickly....As long as she is still she is fine. The fact that she is actually sleeping will help. I'll need to go get food for her soon..." Tannis said, though he looked up to Dasuke a few moments later, "I'm surprised you've not left. If I'm not scary enough to deture you, Shania usually is."
"she does not look so terrifying right now," Dasuke said softly. "besides I do not know her it's not my place to judge," he was still debating on making the salve maybe even getting some herbs ment to make her blood replenish faster.
"I raised her since she was just a kit. Or a Pup in her case. She was so small then." Tannis said looking down at Shiania. It was plane to see Tannis cared a whole lot for her.

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