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Realistic or Modern The Fab Five



"I just mov--"


The bell rung out, warning the two that it was time to head to their homeroom classes. Jarrod sighed, the prospect of actually making a genuine friend temporarily stalled. "Hey, I'll meet up with you at lunch, okay?" he said, waving as he went and headed off to his own class. Looking down at his schedule, again, he saw that the name of his homeroom instructor was the same as the one on his detention slip. Suppressing a groan, he trudged off to the English Professor's classroom. When he got to the door--labeled
GRAYSON; ENGLISH, he entered the doorway and wanted to throw himself out of a second-story window.

There she was, the Queen herself, flanked by the jock-a-zoid he'd flipped off on his way to the office. Jarrod avoided eye contact, but heard the end of her telling some tall guy off for mentioning the Hot-Dog thing again. Apparently, she thought cocktail wieners was something that needed to be explained. Was food some issue that hit her harder than he intended? The fact that the Jockhead joined in on her defense only confirmed what Jarrod thought. He glanced at her once, unwilling to let the earlier situation scare him. He was made of something different and she would learn that or just have to wage a war against him.

"It doesn't take class to eat a sausage, your Lowness." he piped up, taking a seat two desks to her right. The seat between them was glaringly obvious, personifying the tension that built between the two. "You do know that, right?" he added, not giving her the satisfaction of being looked at. He pulled out a copy of his favorite urban fiction novel. He pretended to read, but was really gauging the reaction of his new-found arch rival.

give me a sign @Amora Aurora @Semblance
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=Azaiah Richmond=

Azaiah gave Jill a cheesy grin, scratching the back of his neck in slight embarrassment at her small teasing of telling him he’d taken too long.

“Yeah, sorry about that.” He said with a small shrug. “I was going around and putting up the rest of my posters. I hadn’t put them up last week like I’d done with the others. But it’s alright though. I’m here now and I’m not going anywhere.” He said, maneuvering himself behind her as he let go of her hand to wrap his arms around her waist.

“I’m here.” He mumbled, pressing a kiss to her neck. “Forever and ever. Until you want to get rid of me and even after that I’ll still stick with you.” He teased, kissing her neck once more before letting go and continuing his walk with only one arm wrapped around her waist.


“Anything interesting happen over the summer that you didn’t tell me about?” Azaiah asked, looking down at Jill with curiosity. “Though you nearly talked my ear off with what you’d done just last week. Not that I minded. I must admit- I was missing the sound of your voice.” Azaiah paused for a second before chuckling. “I sound like a love struck puppy guy you see in those movies. I’m probably embarrassing you.” He said, waving at a few of the underclassmen that walked past and had greeted him. “Oh yeah before I forget- Aiden told me to tell you hi. I would relay a message but I’m sure we’ll see him in the first class. Speaking of class, some guy already gave me the middle finger. I didn’t even start my job as President and already people are disappointed in me.” He said with a laugh.

He lead Jill over to the class and paused for a moment. He wasn’t exactly a big fan of Mr. Grayson. The guy was nice sure- But he spent way too much time with his girlfriend and her friends. If he kept it up, someone would certainly start thinking things and nowadays rumors ended up being a lot more deadly than the truth. He forced the thought of Grayson possibly messing around with the girls and pulled Jill just a bit closer to his side as he led her into the classroom.

Most of the students seemed to be there already and Azaiah grinned when he saw Aidan and Heidi. Though their faces certainly didn’t let him know that everything was alright. Already- the basketball team was starting up problems. Along with them it was the guy from before. The one who’d thought it was okay to stick his middle finger up at!
“Isn’t this a small world…” Azaiah mumbled before clearing his throat and slowly letting go of Jill.

“Come on guys.” Azaiah called out, raising a hand as he walked towards the middle of the class. “This is the first day of school and the day hasn’t even started. Are we seriously starting up bullshit already? Calm it down and at least wait till the end of school to fight like children?” Despite the easy going smile, there was a hint of something in his tone- As if daring any of the people who would want to retaliate to try. “We’re all grown ups here. Let’s keep the pettiness at home. Or at least with the freshmen of the school. Good day today alright? Okay!” He said, clapping his hand. “All of you, don’t forget about our spirit week coming up. It’s in two weeks but it’s never to early to start spreading the word.”

With that Azaiah made his way over to Jill, taking her hand and leading her over to sit where the rest of the Five would sit. He sat down in his own seat and began digging through his bag for his notebook and pen, ready to get the day started and done with. Though that was only wishful thinking and Azaiah knew that wouldn’t be the case.

A man could dream though and Azaiah
certainly would continue to do that.

Interacts with: Jill


Mentions: Heidi
@Amora Aurora

Jill Wednesday Olsen


Jill laughed lightly, "Well, what can I say? Last week was an exciting week. Could you blame a girl for wanting to tell her boyfriend every single, tedious detail?" The spot on her neck felt warm where he kissed it, and all of a sudden she felt all blush-y and giggly again, like a normal teenage girl. It was weird and somehow even unnerving how Azaiah managed to do that whenever they hung out and they both just happened to be in good moods. Maybe it was her built-in superiority complex that told her she should know better than to be dependent on a boy, but Azaiah wasn't just some boy. Call her a hopeless romantic, but he was everything she looked for in a person: smart, sweet, well-dressed... not to mention hot. There were more reasons than one that led her to believe they were perfect for each other.

"You're embarrassing all right," she teased, nudging him playfully, "But you're lucky I'm into love-struck puppy guys." Ah, the honeymoon phase. Jill called it that whenever they weren't in a fight or were at least maintaining civil conversation with each other. Lately, they didn't seem to be all that chaotic, but it was an impending doom that was bound to happen sooner or later. Give it a week, and either her or Azaiah would find a flaw to point out in the other. But that was what it means to be in a relationship, right? You'd be with them, no matter what. Jill thought this at the same time Azaiah decided to speak. "Oh yeah before I forget- Aiden told me to tell you hi. I would relay a message but I’m sure we’ll see him in the first class. Speaking of class..." At the mention of the name of an old friend, Jill's head turned to look at Azaiah, all the while attempting to keep the expression on her face seem uninterested. "Oh," was all she said, before giving him a small smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "Give him my regards then." She sent her boyfriend a look that said, I'm not going to be speaking to him there. Please do relay a message. She could only hope he understood.

She didn't want to admit it, but she was definitely still bitter about Aiden. It wasn't like they even dated or anything - she knew Heidi held
that right to bitch about him more than she did. But she couldn't help but think about how Aiden threw away his friendship with her just because of Darcy. Sure, it was a selfish thought, and Heidi had the bigger receiving end of hurt when their relationship ended. But it wasn't like anybody stopped to comfort her when she lost a friend. She never even had her chance to get petty revenge. Her only form of vengeance was bringing her anger out on Darcy, who was part of the reason why she and Aiden weren't on speaking terms anymore (they talked, but only if Aiden spoke to her first. Then she completely ignored him).

Even Darcy, not too long ago, was someone Jill held affection and even respect for. Now, she treated them one and the same, probably holding a bigger grudge than Heidi was now. Jill turned to Azaiah with a friendly smile - an automatic response for whenever he shared something with her. "Well, they'll change their minds once they see what you do this year. People hold too high a standard that even they can't reach it." she told him encouragingly, giving his arm a squeeze as they entered the classroom. She was almost completely unsurprised when she found that someone was already stirring trouble with Heidi, and even expected it when Azaiah slid out of her grip as he went over to break it up.

That was when she spotted Jarrod again.
God, this boy had a thing for always being around when his company wasn't wanted. Couldn't he have just sunk back into the background after his whole incident with Alfie earlier? Was that not enough? Jill made her way to them, and watched as Azaiah told them off, before whispering into his ear. "I think I'll sit with Heidi for now. Catch you later." With that, she promptly walked over to Heidi and Jarrod, and occupied the vacant seat in between them without batting an eyelash. "Hey neighbor." she gave him one of her most genuine-looking smiles. "Jarrod right? Your mom's told me a lot about you." That was true, but Jill had barely listened to the woman at the time, mostly because she'd seemed so intent on setting her and her son up. That was what it looked like, anyway. "Anyway, I have to talk to my friend here. Talk to you later, yeah? I'm sure you'll like Mr. Grayson." she explained, giving him a friendly shrug before turning to her friend.

Jill only took a moment to mouth the words:
"Not worth it" to her friend Heidi, discretely shaking her head in the slightest to emphasize her point. She only hoped Heidi wouldn't take offense. She would have all the opportunities in the world for revenge afterwards, anyway. "So, how was your summer, babe?" she grinned, hoping neither of the two would jump at each other's throats right then and there.

tagged: @AlwaysYours




Richard's voice cut over the buzz and humdrum of the entire class. The students hadn't heard him come in and he'd seen the mini-altercation that occured between Zack and Heidi. Or, more importantly, the fact that the new student had the balls to say anything else. The guy was either an idiot or brave, the way he delivered a crass statement about sausage products. Both Jill and Azaiah added words to defuse a reaction, but the way the room felt split was made him weary. This was escalating fast. Even in a few weeks, this wouldn't be something for Heidi to forget.

"Alright, welcome to your senior year. If you are in the college English course, you'll be here for two hours and thirty minutes each day--due to the fact that I scheduled the it so you guys had an easy time settling in the course." He leaned back on his desk, fidling with the cuffs of his shirt. "Get to know me. Get to know your classmates. And get to know the material, because even though this is a college course, it is still pass/fail." He smirked, eyeing his students down. "There will be an underlying theme with my curriculum this year. This semester, we will be diving into the works of both J. R. R. Tolkien and George R. R. Martin and comparing them. Any questions?"

He was sure that no one would catch on, but he gave the new kid a sympathetic look. He knew not what he'd done. Hopefully, he could go toe to toe with the goddesses that made the Fab Five.

Timeskip, anyone?
Darcy Paige Beckett – The Outcast

Darcy stood leaning against a wall behind the school, her foot tapping anxiously on the ground. Without thinking, her fingers rose to rub the scar behind her ear that she’d gotten as a kid, a habit of hers that was always present when she was nervous. She tried to put on a straight face in case Tegan really was spying on her for Heidi, only half-succeeding. And then Tegan walked though the back doors of the shool and was heading right for her. Darcy realized then just how much she’d missed the girl. Even though Heidi had always been Darcy’s closest friend, Darcy had still been close with Tegan. Hell, Tegan was the only person Darcy had ever told about secretly hating the way the Sexy Six had treated people. She’d even considered telling Tegan about her secret hookups with Aiden and how she actually had real feelings for him. She’d been mad at her for not saying something all those times Heidi had insulted her or publicly humiliated her, but she couldn’t stay mad, not really.

As Tegan approached, Darcy noticed her try to subtly wipe away tears from her eyes. Concern jolted through Darcy. What was the cause of Tegan’s distress. Before she could say anything, Tegan spoke.

“Darcy, oh God, how do I say this? I wanted to talk to you because I’ve always been scared to say this, but now that you’re not close to Heidi anymore… Darcy, um, I hope you are okay with this, but I’m a lesbian.”

Oh my God, that was it? Tegan wasn’t hurt or in trouble or anything like that, she was just gay! Darcy could almost laugh, she was so relieved. But she didn’t laugh. Instead, she started to cry. She could feel the tears coming on before the fat drops started to flood down her cheeks. She pulled Tegan into a tight hug, wrapping her arms around the other girl.

“Oh, Tegan,” she mumbled softly into Tegan’s mass of blonde hair. “Of course I’m okay with it.” Oh, how she wanted to catch up with her former friend. She didn’t want them to be former friends anymore. She wanted to be able to talk to her again, to see her without fearing whatever Heidi might do. Losing Tegan had been like losing a family member. She hadn’t realized just how lonely she’d been without her.

After a moment, she pulled away, rubbing her fists into her eyes until the tears stopped flowing. “There’s so much I want to say to you, but we, um, we should probably get inside or Heidi’ll get suspicious. I just want you to know that I’m always here for you. For anything. I mean it.” Darcy bit her lip. “I’m going to go now. You might want to wait a bit before going to class so Heidi doesn’t realize we’ve been talking.” Darcy looked at Tegan for a second before turning to walk through the door. As her hand gripped the handle, she paused and turned to look back at Tegan for just one second more. “Hey, Tegan?” she said, smiling a genuine smile for what felt like the first time in a century. “I’ve missed you.” And with that, she opened the door and slipped inside, letting it shut quietly behind her. She felt bad just leaving the girl there like that, but they had to get to class. Perhaps there would be some other time for them to talk again in the future.

The buzz of her phone in her pocket broke Darcy out of her wandering thoughts. The name of the sender sent a jolt of anger through her. She quickly typed back a message to Aiden that summed up how she felt at that moment.

Hey, are you coming to class?
Fuck off.

Darcy half-ran the rest of the way to her first class, slipping through the door as quietly as possible. As silent as she’d tried to be, people immediately turned to stare at her. She swung herself into one of the only seats left – next to the new kid who’d yelled at Heidi and kicked Alfie in the nuts – not even bothering to look at the teacher. He was a creep, anyway. Who invited a bunch of teenage girls to their house? What a weirdo. And speaking of weirdos, she had to talk to this new kid, to find out what his deal was, but also to hopefully gain an ally in taking Heidi down. He was probably batshit crazy, but hey, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, right? Ripping a scrap of paper from one of her notebooks, Darcy scribbled out a note to this mystery new guy with the crazy anger problems and passed it over to his desk without making eye contact.

I’m guessing you hate the "Queen Bee" over there nearly as much as I do, considering how you reacted to her and her lapdog of a boyfriend. We should talk after class.



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Heidi Florence 9:07 am Monday

Heidi was struck for a moment, brain searching a mental database full of experienced comebacks to shoot back at this goddamn relentless new kid. Not coming from a very wealthy family herself, Heidi hadn't experienced her fair share of fancy parties, but cocktail sausages definitely sounded like something you needed class to eat. She wouldn't know, she'd just seen them on cooking networks, noticed how ugly they were, and stored them in her insult database. She didn't even get time to revel in the fact that Aiden had taken up for her before the boy that Jill later dubbed as Jarrod lightly verbally attacked her again.

He wasn't even supposed to be
in school, let alone in her class. Her ignorant cow of a mother would definitely be hearing about this tonight. Still, the basketball douches weren't paying attention at this point, and although listening ears had obviously overheard Jarrod's remark, at least Zack hadn't. She couldn't handle many more peasants thinking they could shoot insults her way. Her head cocked to the side in annoyance when she witnessed Jill being far too polite to Jarrod, as he was the same guy that had just tried to humiliate her in front of everyone.

Was she just losing

Richie started class (Thank God) not much later, saving her from any further altercation's, and giving her a bit of time to think while he went on about The Lord of Thrones or whatever. It regularly fascinated her how someone so severely sexy could be so depressingly nerdy. Now was not the time to wander such things, though. She had bigger, lamer fish to fry.

Halfway through class she took an announced bathroom break. She mouthed the word 'bathroom' to Richie, out of respect more than following the rules, and promptly left the class to jog to the little girls room and do exactly what she'd been obsessing over for an hour. Outside the stall, she wiped her mouth with a paper towel before resting both hands in a tight grip on the sink and staring into the grimy mirror. Always the theatrical soul, she assumed this film-worthy stance would give her some sort of idea as to what to do now that she felt like she had some sort of control over her life. And for the first time, it worked.

Heidi Florence spent the rest of the school day giving out personal invitations to both the pre-game and post-game parties for New Hope Seniors last 'first game of the season. She now had less than five days to plan
two parties that would salvage her reputation before Jarrod what's-his-face destroyed any chance it had. It was a feat never attempted before, but as long as she scored cool locations and a ton of booze, the rest usually worked itself out.

4:30 pm | Friday | Football Rally

Due to Principal Florence's little interest in sports, pep rallies were always voluntary, and usually took place after school or in the last half hour. Heidi, who had dressed accordingly, attended for reputation and appearance sake. She'd planned the after-party as promised, locating it on the small but beautiful piece of the Connecticut river that passed through NorthHampton.

The gymnasium was alive with stomping and yelling when she entered, hanging back by the door to wait for the rest of the Fab Five. It had been the absolute worst week of her life so far, and she was ready to drown everything out in alcohol and attention, but first she had to watch the football game and mingle. Cheerleaders were screaming in the middle of the floor and shaking their flat asses while guys hooted and hollered, and the entire scene was a little mundane for her taste, but being Aiden's ex, she was used to attending all of the football events.

Heidi was just excited to not be home or in class. Her mother had been acting unusual all week. Annoyingly peculiar, honestly. She was walking on egg-shells more often than usual, never putting up a fight or stating any opinions on Heidi's behavior. And, more than a couple times the blonde teenager noticed, her mother had asked about Jarrod McAllister. Not asking if he was bothering her or what she could do to help, but Rebecca had just generally been bringing him up quite often, and it was bugging the hell out of Heidi. Tegan was also acting exceedingly more strange than usual, as was the entire student body since it had been revealed that their Queen Bee was an actual human who could be just as embarrassed as the rest of them.

It was past time for a little release.



Aiden looked over as the new kid, the boy who had flipped him and Azaiah off earlier in the hallway, made his own jab at Heidi about the sausage joke. He couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the boy, as no one ever talked like that to the Queen Bee without social suicide. A smirk crossed the quarterback's face as he realized that this year was definitely going to be different with all these new additions to the school. He could only hope that someone would finally tear down the insane social hierarchy that existed at this god-forbidden school.

Just then, he saw Azaiah and Jill enter the classroom together and he gave them a nod in greeting. He locked eyes with Jill and gave her a small smile. Aiden hoped to reconnect with her now that it was a new school year, as he really did miss her company after the whole cheating scandal blew up last year. His piercing hazel green eyes shifted over to the Class President as he tried to do some damage control in the classroom, as per usual.

Suddenly, the phone in his pocket buzzed and the quarterback pulled it out, reading the "Fuck off" text from Darcy. The tall muscular brunette sighed, knowing that there was a long way to go before he would ever even have a shot at her again, but he didn't blame her. He had really hurt her, and it was all his fault that everything had turned out so horribly. As if on cue, Aiden looked up as the door swung open to reveal Darcy walking into the room. His piercing gaze followed her as she took a seat next to Jarrod and pass a note to him.

Sighing again, he slunk into his seat as Mr. Grayson began class, his eyes occasionally darting over to Darcy. He was determined to patch things up with her. It didn't help that his football friends were giving their quarterback knowing smiles and laughing amongst themselves, no doubt making jokes about the whole mess between Darcy, Aiden, and Heidi.
"Shut up, guys," the tall muscular teenager growled at them, shooting them a glare. That text from Darcy had shown just how much he needed to do, and he was tired of the football team constantly reminding him of his mistake.

4:30 | Friday | Football Rally

Aiden and the rest of the football team were lined up behind the back door to the gymnasium where they could hear the roaring cheers of the crowd already. They were clad in their matching football uniforms and each of them sported their own jersey number, his being 23. He was first in line, being the quarterback, and he could practically hear his heart thud loudly against his chest as he listened to the cries from the crowd. He had been in this situation many times before, but it seemed like this time was worse. Pretending to be all spirited about a sport he had begun to care less and less about wasn't exactly what he wanted to do on a Friday afternoon. But, as always, he knew his father would kill him if he ever missed any football event.

Finally, when they were given the signal from their coach, the doors sprung open and a cloud of white smoke exploded in front of them. The football team dashed into the gym, between the lines of skimpily-dressed cheerleaders and the loudly-drumming marching band. "LET'S GO, JAGUARS, LET'S GO!" the crowd cheered excitedly as the fans waved their flags and tooted their party tooters. Aiden forced a wide smile on his face and ran across the gym with the other football players following closely behind, waving to the wild crowd. He spotted the Fab Five sitting amongst the bleachers along with Azaiah and a few of their other friends, so he let out a shout in greeting towards them. His hazel green eyes shifted over to the podium where Principal Florence, Heidi's mother, was standing with a bright smile on her face, no doubt waiting to start the pep rally.
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Jarrod looked at the piece of paper doubtfully and eventually balled it up to throw bheind himself. He heard an ouch and flinched, ducking his head out of shame. There was no way he was teaming up for his quest of vengeance, especially with the mousiest girl in class. Now, if she was on caliber with the Queen Bitch, that'd be another story. Speaking of which, it seemed that his neighbor's allegiance was pledged to her. He could tell just by the way they spoke to one another. Jarrod was surprised that she didn't get up for the restroom when the other did--the way she was up her ass was absolutely appaling. Jarrod let his head hit the desk in a slump. The day hedn't started and he was already fed up.

Great...A pep rally 4:30

Jarrod walked into the gym, sans his button down. A cup of pudding flew his way during chorus--don't ask--and it just so happened to be chocolate. It was a godsend that the class was his last for the day, but he had to attend the pep rally in his muscle shirt. And, even though he was getting whistles and cat calls from all areas of the gym, it was still embarrassing. He never showed this much skin. Ever. The fact that his mom made him work out with her everyday since he was fifteen was luck of fate. It was also a great trade off for the fact that she was the one making him participate more with school spirit and whatnot. Jarrod sat down and prayed to the heavens that no one would try anything while he was in this state. And by anyone, he meant the Bleh Five.

give me a sign @Amora Aurora @Semblance
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4:36 PM | Friday | Football Rally


Cameron was running late to the damn pep rally. She knew that much, but she'd had to speak to one of her teachers about a missing assignment that she was absolutely positive she'd turned in. Turns out that the teacher had misplaced it. After that whole ordeal was over, she shouldered her bag and made her way to the location of the rally. She hadn't been in contact with Heidi since their last class together, which could have been considered odd, but she thought nothing of it.

Upon entering, Cameron spotted Heidi almost immediately since she was directly next to the door. "You look like you're having fun," The brunette observed as she approached her best friend. She was being sarcastic, of course. Her friend looked absolutely miserable. "First week has been in the ass, eh," She questioned, even if she already knew the answer to that question. That was a definite yes. It would get better for the blonde. Or, so she hoped.

"Senior year is going to be great. Don't worry too much about it, H," Cameron reassured her friend, before turning her attention to the dance floor. She grimaced slightly at the cheerleader's routine. She had considered being a cheerleader her freshman year, but was glad she hadn't joined. Most of them were bony and looking as if they hadn't eaten a day in the past month. And their routine was distasteful, as well as their skirts. Cameron could go on and on about the faults of being on a cheer team, but she preferred to be positive for now.

Tegan Arden-Redding


The rest of the day had been a blur for Tegan. All that she could do was replay the scene in her head - the way that Darcy had hugged her, the comforting smell of Darcy's favorite perfume, just Darcy in general. God, Tegan had missed her best friend. It felt so good to get everything out, to tell someone. Hell, if it were a perfect world, she could tell everyone. She could stand up on the bleachers and scream until the whole town, maybe even the whole world heard her. Tegan Elizabeth Arden-Redding is a giant lesbian and she doesn't give a damn what you think about it. Tegan smiled to herself, biting her lip to keep from laughing excessively. Wouldn't that be great? A giant middle finger to Heidi would be amazing; Tegan considered it more and more every day.

Speak of the devil... As Tegan turned the corner into the already packed gym, she spotted Heidi through the crowd, of course with Cameron at her side, ready to do her bidding. Tegan shook her head and took a deep breath, waving at the blonde and the brunette. The two were already decked out in their school colors, maroon and white. Tegan was no exception, an artistic vision in a maroon tank top, white leggings, and a glittery silver tutu and headband. She carried small tubes of washable paint in her backpack, pulling them out to create spirited patterns on her face and others'. The hand-printed face was a staple, as was the polka-dotted curve across the face. Girls painted the numbers of their football-playing boyfriends on their face, and boys, being boys, all wanted to take the paint and draw phalluses on each others' faces. For herself, Tegan had chosen to paint little wings in the corner of her eyes, representative of the school mascot, the nighthawk.

After successfully getting in the spirit, Tegan made her way over to where Heidi stood, watching the pep rally with a look of discontent on her face. The blonde was obviously less than happy to be there, and made it known to everyone around her. Cameron seemed disinterested as well, but for reasons other than Heidi's. Only God knew what went on in those seemingly empty heads of theirs. Tegan waved and smiled at them, a little too enthusiastically for her own good. Ever since the incident earlier in the week, she knew that Heidi had gotten suspicious, and didn't want to risk anything that would come with it. For the rest of the week, she had been Heidi's obedient lapdog. As much as it had made her want to vomit, she knew that at least Heidi trusted her. Funny that the only way she could do that was to cater to the queen bee's every need.

Putting her negative thoughts aside, Tegan smiled and joined in the cheering. At the cheerleaders' prompt of, "Are you proud to be a nighthawk?" she gleefully responded, "YES! WE! ARE!" School spirit wasn't always her thing, but she couldn't help enjoying herself at pep rallies. Anyhow, there was a great party to follow, and the more she pretended to like everyone, the more fun she had at parties. It was easier to let go when she was seemingly happy. The strawberry-blonde bounced on the balls of her feet, clapping and occasionally yelling, "Go Nighthawks!" She had promised herself that she'd make it look like she was having fun tonight, and now, it was time to fake it like nobody's business.

=Azaiah Richmond=

Azaiah certainly had understood the look she’d given him when he spoke of Aiden and it was then that he remembered just who those two relationship was. He’d forgotten that Jill felt as though she was slightly betrayed as well as Heidi when Aiden had cheated on the Queen of Fab Five. Not that he necessarily cared. Aiden was his main man. His A1 Day 1. They hadn’t always been friends but when they both were roped into the Fab Five, they were all the other had and damn on never truly knew a person until they were caught up in the situations both had to face.

So when Aiden had told Azaiah of his feelings for Darcy, Azaiah was all for it. He wanted his friend to be happy. But when it finally came out into the opening, his girlfriend was completely against it. Azaiah knew he could go on for hours arguing with her over what was right and wrong in the whole situation but knew it wouldn’t help anyone. So he sat back in his seat, dark eyes flickering this way and that as he looked at everyone in the room before hunching over and letting his thoughts keep him prisoner.

Friday- Pep Rally

A small sigh escaped the lips of the Class President as he walked down the hallway. The week had been absolutely busy but despite that it wasn’t something that would drain Azaiah out the way he was now. No way. Schoolwork and his job as president was no problem. The
problem was the person holding his hand.

Dark brown eyes flickered over to Jill as they walked in the crowded hallway, the stray high schoolers immediately moving out of their way and greeting either or as they walked to the pep rally. Azaiah kept up his usual, chilled out personality. Smiling and having quick convos with those around him. Though he wanted nothing more than to leave the school and take refuge at his house with his favorite dog. But that wouldn’t be happening anytime soon.

He looked back over at Jill and wracked through his mind for something to say. It was usually easy for him too. He was Azaiah Richmond. He always knew what to say. But that suave, charismatic side of him seemed to always fail him when he was around Jill- Especially when they were arguing. To be honest he wasn’t even sure why they were arguing again. It seemed to be a new problem every day and the problem usually involved some girl at the school. If he was right, it was about… Angie? Ailee? Abby! Abby.

This time he was pretty sure it was about the junior who had been following him around lately. Azaiah wasn’t exactly sure why she followed him either, though she’d spewed some nonsense about wanting to see what exactly the president did. He was pretty sure that wasn’t it but Azaiah didn’t want to hurt the poor girl’s feelings and tell her to go do something else. But the way their argument went last night? That’s probably what he should have done. Though he felt as though the rest of that ‘Fab Five’ group had been whispering in her ear and starting all of the bull in the first place.

Before he knew it, they were both at the door, the screams signaling that the pep rally had begun. He lifted Jill’s hand, pressing a kiss to it as he looked her in the eye.

“Until later.” He said, letting go after that. He would usually pull her in for a kiss but now wasn’t the time. He nodded his head at Heidi and Cameron, not really wanting to speak to them, before making his way into the gym. He made his way over to the podium where the principal stood. The bright smile was on his face though anyone close enough to him would be able to tell it was fake. Made hi happy he wasn’t that class to anyone really. The smile turned genuine when Aiden looked over at him and Azaiah gave him a wave before looking around with a sigh.

This party tonight was very much needed.

Interacts with: Jill @Asylumnated

Darcy Paige Beckett

Darcy sped down the road in her bright red car, far above the speed limit. She knew that she was being reckless. She knew it, and she didn't care. All she wanted was to be home, alone with her thoughts, and far away from that stupid bitch Heidi, who had once been the most important person in her life, and that asshole Aiden, who she'd cared about more than she wanted to admit. Hell, she even loved him, she supposed, but what did that matter? Not a damned bit. None of it mattered. A peal of laughter spewed from her lips, but not happy laughter. There was something dark and bone-chilling about it. A part of Darcy knew that that night, she was going to do something that she would regret.

Squealing into her driveway, Darcy hit the brakes hard and stumbled out of her car, slamming the door behind her. Her parents weren't home. They never were at this time of day, so she had the house all to herself. She staggered into her house and somehow made it to the couch, where she collapsed, suddenly dizzy and exhausted. Being at school all day had sapped all of her energy. She simply had nothing left to give the world, and the prospect of having spirit enough for her school to warrant going to an actual pep rally was laughable at best, so immediately after the last bell had rung, she'd nearly sprinted to her car. For what might have been the millionth time since that video had leaked, she asked herself: What in the hell had she been thinking? How could she have been so stupid? Granted, she had never been and would never be as smart as Jill, but she'd always been prudent. She'd never done anything so completely moronic. She'd let herself be overwhelmed by a boy, of all things, and she'd betrayed her best friend who'd been there for her through thick and thin. She hated herself for her mistake, but she hated Aiden, too. It was his fault just as much as hers, if not more. He was the one who'd flirted with her. He was the one who should be blamed, not her.

Even so, Darcy missed him. For all the other relationships she'd lost in the last few months, somehow this one still mattered to her. All the other members of the Sexy Six, save Tegan, had had boyfriends, and the closest she'd ever gotten was a few half-hearted summer flings with whom she'd never gone farther than some light making out. But Aiden had made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside, as cliché and eyeroll-worthy as that was. Heidi, the rest of the Fab Five, and probably everyone else in the town surely thought her and Aiden had just been hooking up, but Darcy had had feelings for him. She'd thought he'd felt the same way, but she'd been starry-eyed and naïve to think so. He didn't stand up for her when she needed it, and by not doing so, he'd made his sentiments towards her perfectly clear: He thought she was an easily manipulated little whore.

Darcy stood up and made her way up the stairs and to her room, where she retrieved the bottle of vodka that lived under her bed for occasions just like this and laid down to wallow in her self-pity and nurse her sorrows with alcohol.

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