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Realistic or Modern The Fab Five

Tegan Arden-Redding


All eyes were on the Fab Five as they strode through the parking lot. Arms linked, feet perfectly in step - if high school was a monarchy, these girls were the queens. Tegan couldn't help but notice the jealous stares, the people who wished they could be them, be in bed with them, or both. The girl smiled at the outsiders out of pity. One wrong step and she could be one of them, so she might as well get used to them now. Turning back to Heidi, Tegan began to speak. "My summer was pretty decent, as long as you consider hanging out in this boring-ass town decent," she began, but her sentence was cut short as Heidi stopped dead in shock, her heels no longer clicking rhythmically on the pavement.

There, at their designated table, sat a boy who looked to be about their age. As far as boys go, he wasn't bad looking, though Tegan wasn't exactly the expert on what constituted a good-looking male. He was well dressed and clean shaven, the exact opposite of the boys the Fab Five went for. If Heidi weren't already majorly pissed off at him, Tegan decided that she could live with fake-dating this boy for the sake of keeping her sexuality a secret. Something about him and the way he carried himself made him seem different, and she made a mental note to talk to him later, after he had escaped Heidi's wrath. In her mind, it wasn't a big deal. A table was just a table, and they could easily find another. But she knew that Heidi wasn't going to let the boy get away that easily, and so she leaned on Heidi's shoulder and gave the boy an intimidating glare.

Feigning ignorance was a skill that Tegan had learned over her years with the Fab Five, and now was the perfect time to use it. Crossing her arms over her lacking cleavage, she thought of all the things she wanted to say. Heidi's a bitch, don't mind her. I'm Tegan, are you gay? Welcome to hell on earth. But she said none of these things, instead just focusing on Heidi's talking. Though she zoned out some of the words, she knew that her blonde friend's tone was not the happiest. She heard something about moving, and a negative response from the boy, before she let any words come out of her mouth.

Grabbing her best friend's hand, Tegan pulled Heidi to the table and sat down, inviting the girl to do the same. "Come on love," she said, a devious smile at the corner of her lips. It was time to play the devil again. "Let's sit down at our table. If this nobody doesn't like it, then he can move," she added, looking at the boy seductively. "But I'm sure there's nothing wrong with sitting with girls as beautiful as us," she laughed, mentally congratulating herself. Over the years, she had picked up enough from Heidi and Sofie to know how to get a boy wrapped around her finger, despite the sick feeling inside that it gave her. Today was no different. Tegan fought the taste of bile rising in her throat and smiled at her group plus the newbie. Way to play it straight Tegan, way to play it fucking straight.


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=Azaiah Richmond=

“Last one and… Done!” Azaiah said, letting out a sigh of relief as he stapled the final poster up to the bulletin board on the wall. During the duration of the ten minutes he’d been inside, Azaiah had made sure to make his way around the whole school and post up different boards about coming back to school as well as the newest events that would be happening. He stared up at his latest work, a grin on his face.

“Looks good Mr. Richmond. I hope you’ll keep this up for the whole year?” One teacher asked, as she walked past.


Azaiah’s smile dropped for a moment and he sent the woman an annoyed look before masking it.
“Oh thank you Ms. Nonez. I assure you this will be something that continues for a while. It’s not stopping anytime soon. So please, let’s not doubt my perseverance in what my performance as being the class president will be this year. You’re not going to meet another president like me… I’m gonna make sure I leave my imprint. Whether it's wanted or not.” He said, smirking at her and watching as the teacher frowned and quickly walked off, deciding to ignore him.

Azaiah watched the teacher. Along with having been the president this year, he’d also grown sort of attitude- Ready to shut down all those who believed he wouldn’t be able to do his new job. Teachers included. Having finished up, Azaiah checked the clock on his phone and noticed they had only a few minutes until it was time for the first class. He shrugged to himself and began to make his way back outside where everyone was to see if Jill had gotten there yet.

He however was stopped when his dark brown eyes flickered over onto one of the younger students of the school.

“Ellie!” He greeted, smiling widely at the cutie. “Hey! It’s nice to see you! How have you been? I didn’t get a chance to visit your house this summer. How are the rents?” He asked, grinning at her as he leaned against the locker, beside her. “Ready for the new year?”

There were a few stragglers not beginning to walk in and despite having a conversation, Azaiah made sure to tune in to what they were saying. Apparently something was going on outside with the Fab Five of the school. With some new guy-

“Fuck.” He said, bringing a hand to his forehead and sighing in disappointment at himself. That’s why the new guy had stopped him. The dude had been sitting at their table. He could have stopped this from happening. He could have saved the newbie from embarrassment. He glanced up at Ellie and sent her an apologetic smile at his small outburst as she spoke. “Sorry about that… Just realized something.”

He waited as she was finished. Azaiah had been ready to leave her once they were finished talking to go find his girlfriend but the disappointment of her declining his drive along with the fact that she was most likely bullying
again before school had started didn't particularly make him truly want to see. He'd rather see her later when his anger had simmered down. No point in getting into an argument so early. Besides, he wanted to have a quick make out session- Not yell and cause a scene. Being President along with having one of the most popular girls as his girlfriend in the school meant eyes were on him and he was going to make sure his image was kept clean... To a point. “Ready to go to class? We should be starting in a bit. I’ll walk ya like I did when you were a freshman.” He teased her, playfully messing up her hair and laughing.

Interacts with: Ellie


Mentions: Pretty much the whole Fab Five crew




Sofie waited for a text. No one. Not a soul wanted to help her. Of course she knew that that wasn't strictly true, she was just paranoid. She wasn't looking forward to the next few days. It was funny how he could change everything with just a few words. Sofie closed her eyes and let herself rest for a minute. She felt seriously under the weather. But, as she was in the middle of feeling sorry for herself, Sofie was interrupted by a way too chipper voice. She looked up and saw the bright face of Azaiah. He seemed his usual happy self. Jill and him were happy. He was Class President and she was always considered the Smart One. Sofie wanted that. She wanted an easy relationship. Either an easy one, or none at all. That was how she could see it now. She didn't want to put in hard work. Love was meant to be easy, and it felt so pushed with him.

She smiled up at Azaiah, who was probably picking up on her glum face, and felt her phone buzz. She looked down at it, brushing a strand of hair out of her face; it was sticking to her lip gloss. It was Jill. Before she had time to reply, she heard the joyous voice of Heidi above her. Her head flitted up and she smiled at the girl. Sofie felt normal again. Everyone wanted her attention. It was taking her mind off of the real matter at hand. "Hey girl! You look stunning today." She nodded towards Heidi, who was already off, talking about handling something. Sofie pulled a half confused, half amused face and followed Heidi with her eyes. She soon realised what was happening. Some kid was sat at their table. It was a boy, too. Sofie chuckled. God, he did not know who he was messing with. Heidi would rip him to shreds.

Sofie watched, amused, letting her mind relax. She saw someone, in her periphery, approaching her. She took her eyes away from the scene and saw Jill. Sofie smiled, Jill was one of her favourite people. She was always funny and up for a bit of a joke, but she had a serious, collected side that was always a good tool to wield. She could see that Jill was staring at the boy too. Sofie followed her gaze. Jill told her that this intruder was her neighbour, Jarrod. "Yeah, I've got a feeling he hasn't got the memo on the seating arrangements. Even the principle has a copy of that." She sneered.


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Aiden leaned his muscular back against the trunk of the large tree where he and the other football players were hanging out. His arms crossed across his black shirt and navy varsity jacket, his hazel eyes narrowed slightly as he saw Heidi's new boyfriend, Alfie, join her in confronting the new student. He wondered if the guy knew that he and his girlfriend had hooked up multiple times, even after the couple had started dating. The faded brunette teenager fought the urge to roll his eyes as he watched Alfie try to fit in with the group.

Before the Bad Boy had started dating the Queen Bee, he was just another student who faded into the background, submitting to the social hierarchy, just like everyone else. However, Aiden could sense the guy's discomfort in the sudden attention he had received after the relationship went public, and the faded brunette assumed that Alfie's act of confrontation was another attempt to seem like he belonged. He wasn't jealous- No, that was the last feeling he felt. It was a mixture of sympathy and relief. Sympathy because Alfie had no idea what he had just gotten into, and Aiden was the only one who understood the impending drama that Heidi was about to cause. And relief because for once, the quarterback wasn't the one who was expected to back the Queen Bee in another one of her meaningless display of social power.

Aiden's piercing hazel eyes shifted to a dark brunette girl, Jill, who had just stepped onto the scene to join her brother and friend. His gaze filled with longing and nostalgia as he watched her join the group. He couldn't help but sigh as he reflected back on all the fun memories and late night conversations they had together. She was one of his best friends, platonic of course, until the cheating scandal happened. Aiden knew that they wouldn't be able to stay friends, at least not publicly, from fear of Heidi's wrath, but he also knew that she missed his company and friendship, just like he did. She was the first person he always went to whenever he and his father got into another one of their heated arguments, and for a moment in time, he thought that nothing could break their friendship. Aiden's green gaze pierced the dark brunette for a few seconds, hoping to catch her eye, before shifting over to a curly blonde who had just joined them.

The tall muscular teenager watched Tegan try to placate the situation by grabbing Heidi's hand to sit down at the table. He smiled a little- she was always the peacemaker and completely different from the rest of the girls. There was a reason why she and Darcy had been such good friends, always closer to each other than to the rest of the girls. Aiden felt the tension in the air immediately lift as the Artist attempted to ease the apprehensiveness in the air and he breathed a small sigh. After he was sure that the situation was handled, he nodded a goodbye to his football friends and headed into the school.

The first thing the faded brunette noticed when he walked into the school were all the new posters that one of his good friends, Azaiah, had put up. He was the Class President, after all, and Aiden knew how much he cared about positively influencing the school. That was one thing he had always admired about his friend- his passion and drive. His hazel eyes swept the hallways until they landed on Azaiah himself, talking and walking with one of the new sophomores. He was confused as to why his friend wasn't outside greeting his girlfriend since they hadn't seen each other all summer, but Aiden figured it was most likely because Azaiah didn't want to get involved with the drama. He knew how much the guy cared about keeping a clean image. The quarterback picked up the pace until he had joined the Class President on the other side.
"What's up, man? How was your summer?" he asked, smiling at him. "I saw your girlfriend outside, by the way. I think she was looking for you, but Heidi was tending to another one of her.. Queen Bee business," he added with a grimace, trying to sum up the situation. If there was one thing they had in common, it was their disapproval of the Fab Five's social tyrannical ways.

@pulpfiction @JujuBee

@DuskerTem @Freddie @QuixoticKitten @Amora Aurora
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Jarrod couldn't hear the red head's attempts to cool the situation over the the sound of his blood boiling. A small, rational part of his felt for the girl. The words, though smooth, sounded a little forced--like back when he used to tell himself he wasn't gay. If he felt bad for anyone involved in the moment, it was the blue eyed girl.

But that's where feelings stopped.

Some blonde, wanna be greaser thug meets Zac Effron asshole decided to lazily get up and defend his lioness like an animal. And got in Jarrod's face, which is something you definitely don't do. He instantly had enough of the bullshit before it began. Jarrod refused to be someone's stepping stone for a year. Slipping his hand into his pocket, he stood up and looked the guy squarely in his chest region. 'Fuck, I'm short.' he cursed through the haze. In a move so fast that reacting would be of no use, Jarrod took out the Mace pepper spray and shot it cleanly into the guy's eyes. After dousing his face enough that he was down for the count, he kicked the guy in the balls.

"It's just a god-damn table!" he yelled at the guy, itching for a reason to put the fighting skills his mom taught him into good use. "And you?" he turned to the blonde, whom he hoped would get the picture from this one act alone, "I don't care that you are a selfish Prima-Ballerina who could probably swallow a whole pack of Ball Park franks in one sitting. I don't even care that you take out your daddy issues in any masochistic way you know how. But, when your goons get involved, it's a whole different story. Next time you come at me, come correct." he said, swiping his messenger bag up with a scowl that would make the devil whimper.

Jarrod started to walk away, but turned back around and threw the Mace canister at her feet. "Maybe you can use that to keep the Asswipe off your baby-cranker. Heaven knows, we don't need another copy of either of you" He then turned and walked across the green, into the school, where he planned to sit in the principal's office and await the judgement that would come from his outburst of temper. Passing a guy putting up posters and a golden boy, he flipped them off out of sheer anger at everything.

interacted with: @Amora Aurora, @DuskerTem, @QuixoticKitten, @JujuBee, @Semblance
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Jill Wednesday Olsen


Azaiah did not turn to look at her. She couldn't say she was surprised, but as she watched him turn around and talk to a bunch of people, she couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. And ignored, but she knew it wasn't his fault that he didn't see her. Jill was just overthinking everything again. Shaking the thoughts out of her head, her eyes lingered elsewhere - specifically, to the people her boyfriend was talking to. A small smile appeared on her lips as she recognized Ellie, the girl they'd sort of adopted. She definitely liked her, and if Heidi approved, then she did too. The smile quickly disintegrated as her dark eyes landed on Aiden, however. Aiden, the boy she used to talk to for hours on end. Aiden, who would copy her homework over her shoulder whenever he didn't feel like it. She knew he was smarter than he let on, though. She could tell whenever they talked.

Jill tried to keep herself from frowning at the thought of her ex-friend. She'd shifted her gaze back to Azaiah, but her train of thought plummeted through memories of Heidi, Aiden, and the rest of the gang together. Sure, she was glad that Heidi and Alfie were dating now. But Heidi breaking up with Aiden meant not ever speaking to Aiden again, and she found herself wishing she had the privilege of choosing her own friends. In some ways, Heidi was like that possessive boyfriend who kept you on a tight leash - minus the sex.

The voice of her dear friend Sofie, however, was enough to make her snap back to reality and quickly return her attention to the matter at hand. The matter being - well, the boy who was sitting in their spot.
"Yeah, I've got a feeling he hasn't got the memo on the seating arrangements. Even the principal has a copy of that," Sofie said. Jill nodded in agreement, "He's not very smart, is he?" The brunette proceeded to stare the boy down as she eavesdropped on the ongoing conversation. Well, technically not eavesdropped. The whole crowd had shushed down just to hear what was going on, and the voices of Heidi, her brother, and the new kid were clearly heard by those who stood nearby. And that included Jill and Sofie.

It had all seemed relatively civil, especially when Tegan intervened. Tegan, ever the peacemaker. Jill smiled a little at the thought of her friend - but her attention was snagged just as fast as she'd gotten distracted.
"Guy giving you trouble?" she heard Alfie say, but despite his supposedly menacing demeanor she couldn't help but make a particularly unladylike snort. "Oh my god." she said, laughing a little under her breath. For some reason, it was always hard for her to take him seriously, especially with moments like this, when his uncaring attitude seemed to fade away just for Heidi. The fact that her little brother (even if he's only a little over a year younger than her) was supposedly a 'Bad Boy' made her catch the giggles, cause she only ever knew him as that angsty teenage boy who liked to lock himself up in his room at home.

The moment for reminiscing was short-lived. Jill did not get to laugh for any longer, because before she knew it, Jarrod kicked her brother where it hurts. Where it
really hurts. And what was worse, was the fact that he sprayed mace all over his face right after. That was going to sting. Almost immediately, her expression turned dark as she strode over to them, an even bigger crowd forming. Jarrod was shouting all kinds of stuff as he walked away, but she made no attempt to stop him. There would be plenty chances to chat with that boy, what with him being her neighbor, of all things. For now, she would tend to her brother, who she guessed wasn't coping too well. Coming to his aid, she said, loud enough for the whole crowd to hear: "Jesus, was he raised in the jungle or something?"

Almost immediately, whispers and accusations rippled through the multitude of people. Jill had found out long ago how fast rumors spread in high school, but she only recently learned how to use the power of suggestion on a particularly large group of people. This was the type of situation where it applied. It was only then that Jill leaned over to examine her brother, who was still bent over after god-knows-how-long. "Do you... need a nurse or something?" she asked carefully, placing a hand gingerly on his shoulder, as if he was as fragile as glass. She could see that his face was already swelling up. How would a nurse even take care of an injury such as Alfie's? Was there a cure for "bruised balls"? In the end, she didn't think she wanted to know, but she knew something had to be done. "Where's Azaiah?" she asked after a bit of thought, to no one in particular.

tagged: Sofie @AlwaysYours

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Alfie should've expected such a thing to happen from a new student in school. But since he was so used to people just not talking to him and causing trouble, he didn't really think of the possibility that the guy would actually hit him in the nuts and then yell out so many horrible things. He was simply too shocked to register what happened until the pain really hit him, and he leaned down, letting out heavy breaths. It hurt like hell. Not to mention he was hit with pepper spray in the eyes, so he was both in pain and he couldn't open his eyes without them hurting. But despite the pain, he opened them, and then immediately regretted it. His focus was on his eyes as well, then. He started rubbing them. They were a bit watery, he realized.

He didn't realize how many people were staring until he squinted his eyes. Most eyes were on him and the scene that happened. Then people started to talk. Talking was a dangerous thing in this school, so he had to be wary. But that wasn't what was bothering him. It was the attention on him. If there's one thing he hated, it was that. So he turned around and tried to steady his breath, which was fast from both the pepper spray and the blow he got.
Such a wonderful day, isn't it? he thought to himself.

His sister came over to him, seemingly to check on him. "Do you ... need a nurse or something?" she had asked. He had a hard time believing she was smart. She knew he didn't like going to the nurse. Besides, what could she do to him? It wasn't like he needed much. He had read about pepper spray once on the Internet since he liked to surf through it every once in a while. The burning effect should go. That wasn't the main problem, though. He needed to sit down and breathe for now. Instead, he glared at his sister and rolled his eyes. The burning came again, and he rubbed his eyes. Darn that guy. Whoever he is.

If he was still here, Alfie might have attempted to hit him, show him that he shouldn't mess with him. Alfie could be brutal when he wanted to, though he didn't choose to be that all the time. Just when he's around people who pissed him off. And now, this guy, he just gained Alfie as an enemy. And he wasn't going to be gentle on him. He'd pay for this. It helped that he was taller and more muscular than him. He could beat him up if he wanted to. But he shouldn't be rash, and he knew it. He'd only get into a fight when the time was right. At the moment he didn't seem like it.

Heidi groaned audibly, like a child who wasn't getting her way, when Tegan insisted on sitting at the table despite this elf's presence. She smiled lovingly, though, when Alfie made an appearance to stand up for her. It wasn't that Heidi needed standing up for. She would destroy this boy before the day was even half over, but it was sweet to know she wasn't alone. She threw one leg over the seat in preparation to sit, but didn't get another word in before the new guy flipped out and pepper sprayed her boyfriend before pulling a bitch move and kicking him in the balls. Once the shock faded, Heidi had to laugh a little at his pathetic move. That was the best this guy had? And what man carried around pepper spray, anyway?

His words stung more than she would ever admit. Comments about her weight were the best way to get to Heidi, but she did damn well to make sure none of her enemies knew that. A dainty hand subconsciously fell to her stomach in an insecure gesture, and she watched the guy walk off yelling more bitchy insults. She kicked the pepper spray away from her feet and dropped to her knees, despite her very new, very cute skirt, to comfort Alfie enough to help him stand.
"I have no idea what just happened. I'm so sorry, babe." She said in a soft voice, feeling guilty for his injury. She knew men, and especially Alfie, well enough to know not to baby him or make a big scene about his pain. He wasn't one for attention or weakness, so once he was standing again, she let him go and kissed his cheek delicately. "I'd love to stick around and make sure you're alright, but we both know I'd be doing much more for you if I hurried up and got this taken care of. Go rinse your eyes in a water fountain, honey, I'll catch up with you later."

She nodded once towards Jill, making sure she had Alfie from here on out, and turned to hurry away, waving a hand to offer Tegan and Lux to come with her. Heidi wasn't sure what her plan was just yet, but she knew exactly where to start. Stalking through the halls, Heidi didn't even bother waving or smiling at anyone who said hello. Gossip spread fast around New Hope, so they probably all knew what she was currently dealing with anyways. Her first stop was Ellie's locker, where the tiny, adorable girl was collecting books.
"Hey, gorgeous! Listen, there's a new kid. And he just assaulted my boyfriend for no reason, I need you to find out everything you can, capiche? I want all of his dirt."

She wasn't sure if it was the weight comment, the daddy issues jab, or even just questioning her authority that was fueling Heidi's current rage, but she wanted this dude socially dead.
Now. The next step was just to get him out of the way until she figured out what the actual next step was, and until Ellie got her some good information. That meant her mother.

Heidi heavily disliked her mother. Be it because she deprived her of a father or just because she lacked any sort of backbone, she just really didn't like her. It seemed heartless to others, but others didn't know Ms. Florence like Heidi did.
"I want him gone, Rebecca." She stated, slamming the principal's door behind her and the girls. "I don't know who he is, and I don't care, I want him out of here. Not forever, because I still need to destroy him, but now." She insisted, stomping her left foot, once again resembling a child in the midst of a tantrum.

"Who?" Her already stressed mother asked, smiling politely at the other girls before raising her fake glasses up into her graying dirty blonde hair. The glasses were just for appearances sake, and it was the one thing Heidi almost admired about her mother: dressing for the job.

"I just told you I don't know. He's new, I guess. And he's a dick. He just assaulted Alfie and screamed like thirty insults at me for asking him to move tables." Heidi replied, raising her voice, exasperated. "Politely!" She added in afterthought, throwing her hands up dramatically. "Now, Rebecca. He needs to be suspended right now."

"It's the first day of-"

"I don't care!" She cut her off, and swung blonde hair over her shoulder, slamming the door behind her once again and returning outside to collect the girls and get to her classes, scoffing in Jarrod's direction as she passed him, but grinning to herself when she heard her mother call his name.

@AlwaysYours @Saaaaaarah @QuixoticKitten @DuskerTem @Freddie

Thinking he could slip by without being involved, Richard was called into the principal's office with his new student. It took a lot of strength not to audibly groan at the task. When he entered the office, he noted the look of complete and utter shock as Rebecca looked into the face of the young man. Whatever was going to happen to the guy was beyond Rich, who was already on the in of the situation. Apparently, he'd peppered Heidi's current chew toy of a boyfriend and she didn't like it. Of course, she'd have already taken measures into her own hands.

"Take a seat young man, this is a very serious offense." Principal Florence clipped, already donning her professional appearance. The boy sat down, crossing his leg in a very smooth manner. "You violated several of the school codes before the first bell even went off. Possession of a weapon on campus, endangering your fellow peers. Assaulting another student." Her voice seemed to rise with the ticking of the clock. "What exactly do you have to say for yourself?!" she ended, cupping her hands together in a brisk movement.

The new kid looked up at her, and Richard could swear the look he gave her would have ended war, hunger and won him a Nobel Peace Prize. "I felt completely justified. Coming from a school where it would be wise to carry Mace around, I didn't know what to do when he came and provoked the situation. And, being that he did start the attack, I wouldn't want to see myself or your daughter's boyfriend getting
suspended for me acting in self defense."

Rececca's moth dropped at the boy's lines, earning an inward chuckle from Richard. "Well...erm..." Rich could tell that she was deciding over the lesser of two evils: having Heidi bitch about being disobeyed or having Heidi bitch about her boyfriend being punished like a peasant.

"Principal Florence, if I may, I'll take the load of punishment off your hands." Richard turned his gaze upon the new kid while Rebecca sighed in relief, not having to make that dreadful decision. "I'll be seeing you for the next month, in Detention, Mr. McAllister. Now get to class." Richard said in his sharp voice, exiting the room quickly to avoid the obligatory parent-call.

He swiped the lock on his phone, sending a quick text to Sophie in his wake. The smile the boy gave before he left was a dangerous one--he knew he'd won the battle in the end.

interacted with @SpectroVector, @Amora Aurora

=Azaiah Richmond=

Azaiah looked up when he heard a familiar voice he hadn’t heard during the summer, turning to see one of his good friends, Aiden.

“Aiden, my man! What’s good?” He greeted happily, one of his usual charming smiles flickering onto his face. Playfully, Azaiah got Aiden into a head lock, ruffling up his hair a bit before letting go.


“My summer was pretty damn good. I spent a lot of it, getting the school ready and prepared for the school yea.r Threw a few school functions as well as a few parties on the side more for my own enjoyment. It’s just been one of those usual things, you know?” He said with a small shrug and grin. His dark eyes flickered to the ground and Azaiah quickly dipped forward, grabbing a piece of trash from the floor. He looked over and threw it, making it perfectly into the trash can across the hall.

He nodded his head when Aiden spoke of Jill being outside. Of course he knew that. He’d known his beauty had been there the moment the drama had started out there. Though he couldn’t help the flinch he did when Aiden spoke of the
‘Queen Bee business’.

“I hate when they do that shit…” He mumbled under his breath, a frown coming to his face at the thought of the beautiful group of young woman he had come to love (well not all of them. Maybe two or three… Not even) degrading yet another student. He could feel his heart go out to the unfortunate victim who would most likely be ostracized now, ridiculed, and bullied senselessly until they dropped out of the school. Aiden made a mental note to be sure to search for the one they had decided to be their first target for the year just so he could try and help them. It was the least he could do.

However the view of an angered student walking past them caught his attention and he looked over at the guy. This was someone new. Now was the time to greet them and possibly make a new friend. What surprised him though, was the fact that before he could even open his mouth to do his usual greeting the guy had already flipped them off. His confident smile was replaced by a confused frown as he watched the guy walk away.

“…What’s that guy’s problem?” Azaiah asked, looking over at Aiden. “Did we do something wrong? I don’t even know the guy. Damn, if this is how it’s gonna be as president I’m not sure I want to be one anymore.” He shook his head in disappointment before sighting and deciding not to dwell on that kid and his problems with the world.

“How was your summer man? After I talk to you I figure I’ll go find Jill before class starts. I haven’t seen her in a bit. I must admit I’ve been craving for her attention. I’m sure she’s been wanting to give her attention to me too. Who am I to neglect that?” He joked, backing up once Aiden was finished his explanation. “See you later man!"

Interacts with:


Mentions: Everyone else

Ellie Spencer-Jones

Ellie grinned when Azaiah asked if she'd like him to walk her to class, like old times. Family friends meant that even though she was going into the new school blind, she had someone to help her along if she needed. And he certainly had to help her along- she was really lost for the first couple of months. And then she started to find her place, and people to look up to. Not that she didn't look up to Az, after all, her was probably the nicest guy ever. But female role models- and ones that weren't scientists. They were the most popular and respected students, and while Ellie didn't agree with all that they did, she longed for the control they had. If she couldn't control her life at home, she could at least control the school.

Speaking of the Fab 5, Heidi was rapidly approaching. She smoothed the hair that Az had messed up, and straightened out her clothing. She blushed when Heidi addressed her as gorgeous- sure, she knew she was alright looking, and her fashion sense was impeccable. But gorgeous? No, never. Then, when Heidi told her her mission, her jaw nearly dropped. Never before had she been trusted with something by the Queen Bee herself, and she wasn't going to screw this up. She sighed when she realized the work this would entail- Heidi wasn't much for specificity, but there had to be at least a dozen new kids there. She wouldn't shy away from the work, though, she had something to prove. "Yes ma'am!" she replied to Heidi, somewhat jokingly- enough to show that she wasn't a serious robot like her family, but not enough to make Heidi think she'd slack off.

Now... where would she find the new kid? Heidi mentioned something about him assaulting someone for no reason, and he assaulted Heidi's boyfriend. She shuddered, thinking of what would happen to him. But that at least gave her a clue to where he would be- the office, if Heidi had any say in the matter. And Heidi always had a say in the matter. So that's where she would head, and hopefully find the new boy. She really hoped he wasn't nice and just misguided- it was always so much harder to watch the nice ones get destroyed. But that was the survival of the fittest, and Ellie had no plans on falling behind and dying off.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Az, who must have moved away at some point when Heidi was approaching. The nicest guy ever... Ellie sighed, not wanting to know what he thought of her actions. Becoming one of the ones that wrecked other people, not built them up like Az did. Other than the Fab 5, Az's opinion of her meant more to her than anyone else's. Maybe it was because he was basically her big brother the first year she went to real school, or maybe it was because he knew her since forever. Hell, maybe it was just because he had a moral compass, which Ellie seemed to be rapidly losing. But she hardened herself- there was no room for pity if she wanted to be on top, after all. She checked her make-up one last time, and headed to the office to spot the new boy. Her teachers would deal if she missed her first class- this was more important.

She saw a boy exiting the office, striding down the hall angrily. Yeah, she thought, This must be him. She ran towards him, blocking his path. "Hi," she said, "I'm Ellie. You're new, I can help. I was new a little while ago and this school was hard to navigate, now I know the ropes. And I can teach you them too." Despite being physically tiny, she could be scary if she wanted to be, and she wanted the new kid to know that there was no room for discussion there- she was helping him out, or at least that's what he'd think she was doing.

Interacted With: @AlwaysYours


Aiden let a playful scowl cross his face as Azaiah put him into a head lock and ruffled his hair. The quarterback knew that if it came down to it, he could probably kick his friend around like a rag doll, since his entire football career rested on his physical strength and his ability to maintain his muscles, but he let the guy have his fun. Smoothing out his faded brunette hair, the tall football player listened intently as Azaiah gave him a rundown of his summer. Aiden wasn't surprised that his friend had planned school functions and prepared for the upcoming school year, as he knew that the Class President took his job very seriously. His sharp hazel eyes noticed Azaiah's slight cringe as he informed his friend about what had happened outside, and he found himself nodding in agreement.
"I know, man," Aiden agreed softly, sighing. "One last year, then we're out of here," he added reassuringly.

Suddenly, the same new guy that he had seen outside confronting Heidi came storming by and flipped the pair of boys off. The quarterback glared at the new kid and instinctively clenched his fists, but he knew that the guy was most likely fuming from whatever had happened outside. After all, Heidi and her posse had that effect on people. Aiden looked over at Azaiah when he heard his friend question Jarrod's hostile actions.
"That was the new kid. He sat in the Fab Five's usual middle table this morning and refused to leave when Heidi confronted him. I left before I saw what happened, but from what it looks like, Heidi is back to her social tormenting," he informed the Class President with a grimace on his face.

Just then, Aiden noticed the Queen Bee angrily storm into the school towards her mother's, the principal's, office. He watched as Mr. Grayson and the new kid entered the office a little while later, no doubt dealing with Heidi's anger. Out of the corner of his hazel eyes, the quarterback saw Heidi leave the office and make a bee line towards the sophomore that Azaiah was talking to earlier. His eyebrows furrowed as he watched her speak something urgent to the younger girl before storming off again.

Aiden tore his gaze off of Heidi and shifted his attention back over to Azaiah when his friend asked about his summer.
"My summer was solely focused on preparing for the upcoming football season," Aiden answered, trying to keep the dismay out of his voice. It was hard to act passionate and excited for something that he mainly did for his father. "My father worked my ass off every single day. You know him," he added, rolling his eyes, as he thought back to the breathless practices and workouts that his father had made him do. The tall brunette boy gave his friend a goodbye nod as Azaiah excused himself to go see his girlfriend. "Seeya in class, man," he told the guy before turning to walk towards his class. "Actually before you go, could you do me a favor?" Aiden asked right before he turned around. "Tell Jill I say hi," he told Azaiah and quickly walked away without even waiting for an answer.

As the quarterback turned the corner in one of the hallways, he ended up coming face-to-face with Heidi. The sudden appearance of the Queen Bee caught him off guard, so Aiden took a couple steps back with a look of surprise on his face.
"Hey," he said after a moment of silence, the words getting caught in his throat. The last time the two of them had seen each other was before she had left for summer camp. They had hooked up in the backseat of his black Acura the night before she left, even though she had already started dating Alfie. "How was summer camp?" Aiden asked her, his hazel eyes meeting her light ones.




Sofie stood with Jill, who laughed along to her joke, noting that the kid really must be dumb. She looked on over the slowly escalating scene, but nothing could have prepared her for the next few actions. She could hardly believe her eyes. Of course, Alfie had swooped in to save the day. But not before being a little bit of a dick about it, then again, this new kid stooped to a whole new level. The argument had even kicked off before the new kicked sprayed a shit load of mace in Alfie's face. Sofie would have laughed, but his sister was standing right next to her.

The five that were at the scene gathered around Alfie, and so Sofie followed suit. She stood awkwardly next to them. She wasn't totally bothered about what was happening to Alfie, but totally fixated by the new kid who was promptly flipping Azaiah and Aiden off. She laughed a little, knowing that, unlike most guys, Azaiah and Aiden wouldn't retaliate. Sofie looked back at the surrounding areas. People were watching videos back of the fight and laughing, and pining little girls were looking on to see if Alfie was okay. He'd be fine, Sofie knew that. But it didn't stop people from making a fuss of him. Somehow, no one was following the new kid.

Sofie crept away as she felt her phone buzz and Rich's name popped up on her screen. She went to her car and locked it before opening her phone. She sighed. No. She wasn't going to stand for this. He had ignored her requests, so she would ignore his. Deleting his message and turning off her phone, she returned to Jill, who was spying for Azaiah. "We can go find him together, if you want." She said. She needed something to take her mind off of things.


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"Hi, I'm Jarrod. And I'm currently pissed off." he sharply replied, catching himself in the moment. This girl wanted nothing more than to show him around. He'd have to lay low anyway and if sticking to an underclassman was the way to do it, then so be it. "Sorry about that, I just..." Jarrod could help but stop his pace, turning to the tiny girl. He analyzed her and determined she was cool. Anyone who rocked the plaid was cool in his book. "Nice duds, very grunge chic." he noted before getting to his point.

"Who is she? I mean, she obviously has
the social standing around here. Give me the scoop." He chuckled at the fact that he just went from warlord to Clueless in a moment. Maybe there was hope in finding someone to talk to in what already seemed like the 13th circle of hell.

give me a sign @Freddie
Heidi wasn't sure if she was angry, stressed, or already exhausted. It wasn't very often that her social stature was challenged, let alone on the first day of school. She had ruled this town for the greater part of her young life, and this was her senior year. She had in mind several amazing parties, hopefully falling in romance-novel level love with Alfie, smooth sailing as an average student through her classes, and spending every waking moment with her best friends. Contrary to popular belief, it wasn't the bossing everyone around or fear in others' eyes that made her love being Queen Bee. Every girl secretly loves attention, if they tell you otherwise they're lying and, in fact, trying to get attention by claiming not to want it. She wasn't abnormal in her obsession with being on top, she was just the only one with the skills to do so and the lack of fear for repercussions. It was nice to be looked at, what girl wouldn't want heads to turn when they walked by and sway over the student body and staff? It wasn't the catty drama that drove her actions, but the lack of self esteem. Heidi had to remain on top of the social food chain to avoid being eaten alive. She had to be popular to feel important.

The cause was certainly not daddy issues or lack of parenting. Her mother spent years trying to be her best friend and letting her do whatever she pleased, so her rebelliousness might have stemmed from that, but not her father. She didn't care that he didn't want her. She barely ever even thought about having a father. As these thoughts circled her head, Heidi tried desperately to cling to any small trace of the rage and anger she'd recently felt coursing her veins, but it was gone, replaced with the new kid's words. It wasn't exactly a secret that Heidi Florence was a spoiled brat. The only person to ever put her in her place was her first love, and it was infuriating but sexy when he did it. She wasn't used to be talked down to. She'd
never been talked down to, come to think of it. Why was this random loser having such an affect on her? She knew she was selfish. She knew she should be heading back to her injured boyfriend who was in pain thanks to her need to control every situation, but first, she needed to control this one. She wasn't going to be able to focus on anything else until the self-hatred faded and she gained some control.

With this new plan in place, she took a sudden, unexpected left turn, changing her destination from the courtyard to the ladies room. She couldn't change anything he'd said about her, other than that one thing. She couldn't fix anything except for the fact that a stranger guessed that she could chow down on hot dogs just by looking at her. She hadn't eaten since the previous nights dinner at her friends house, but just the thought of the chili made her stomach flip. It needed to evacuate. Now.

She stopped dead in her tracks when she rounded another corner only to come face to face with a mixture of a Greek God and Abercrombie model. The sight of Aiden completely deflated her. She felt her shoulders slump in defeat and- was she looking at the ground? Her brown eyes snapped up to his at the realization. Ground-staring was sign of weakness, and Heidi Florence was anything but weak. She watched his mouth move, forming words that she couldn't hear above the nervous ringing in her ears. She'd once loved to watch those lips, so fortunately, she was decent at reading them. They were asking about camp.

Summer camp had only been less than twenty-four hours ago and it already felt like weeks. Oh, how she longed to be back on the lake giving boy advice to pre-teens. She'd been so excited for school, but this wasn't what she had in mind.
"It was really good" she finally managed to answer, fighting her hands apart when her fingers started fidgeting with one another. The fattening chili still on her mind, now she had to wonder how disgusting she looked standing in front of the one that got away. "Thanks for asking. I see your father didn't send you into some sort of exhaustion coma. There's a silver lining." She added in a joking tone with a small smile. She was trying her damnedest to round up every ounce of bravery and strength she had in her. She couldn't appear as stressed and defeated as she felt. It wasn't as though she had ever really discussed the pressures of her position with Aiden before, so it wasn't a longing to lean on his shoulder blocking up her throat so much as a wish that she still had him there to bug the shit out of her again, begging her to tell him what was wrong even though she always refused to say anything. Ever the drama queen, Heidi did tend to freak out over the smallest of inconveniences, and then make him guess what she was upset about. It had been some strange, rewarding game she'd played to remind herself that he cared, though she didn't fully realize until the relationship ended and she fell (hard) out of the love-induced craze she'd been tangled in.

Interacted with @AlwaysYours
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Darcy Paige Beckett

Darcy strode towards the school's main entrance, head down and eyes on the ground, when she noticed the direction of the crowd of students' focus. Her gaze flicked up and over to the central table - the Fab Five's table, where she used to sit every day. She could still picture the view from right where she used to sit, on Heidi's right side. The center table was the perfect place from which to watch over the school. Like how medieval castles were often built on hills to provide the optimal view of the kingdoms over which they reigned, the table was the Fab Five's vantage point and an intimidating symbol of their rule.

Someone she didn't recognize - must be a new kid, she thought - had sat down at their table. She chuckled under her breath. Boy, was that a mistake. He probably couldn't have done something stupider on his first day at the school. But just then, he did. Heidi, of course, had walked up to him and "asked" him to leave. Whenever Heidi was faux-polite, what she really meant was "you're about to do exactly what I say, or else." Out of the blue, instead of apologizing like anyone else would've, he just completely flipped out, shrieking insults at her and - oh my god, was that Mace? - assaulting Alfie with a spray can and a kick to the family jewels. Straight-faced as Heidi was, Darcy knew the comment about her body must've been killing her inside. A twinge of sorrow for her former best friend stabbed at her insides like she'd been impaled by a shard of glass. If they'd still been friends, Darcy would've been the first to go kick his ass. However, as she and Heidi stood, she knew the new kid was probably her only potential ally. She almost chuckled at the thought that, hey, now there were enough people to start a "bring Heidi down" club. Or at least there would be when Heidi brought about his social ruin, and his suspension, too, if not his expulsion.

Then it hit her. With an ally against Heidi and the Fab Five, she could accomplish so much more. If she had someone on her side, maybe, just maybe, she could get others to join. Tegan had never really liked being part of the group as much as the rest had. Perhaps she was a possible new recruit. Darcy could almost miss her if she wasn't so damn spineless and weak. Then again, that spinelessness might make Tegan too fearful to abandon the Fab Five. She pitied her, really.

Darcy stepped through the school doors, the crowds parting on either side of her. Before her downfall, people would get out of her way because of who she was, or, if she was being honest with herself, probably mostly because of who her best friend was, but now, nobody wanted to be within a ten-foot radius of her. She walked up to her locker, unlocking it and shoving her purse inside. A piece of paper fluttered to the floor. Reaching down to pick it up, she already knew it would say something about how she was a whore or slut or ugly homewrecking bitch or something like that. She wasn't surprised when it said "Go fuck yourself, you stupid bitch." She sighed and shoved the note, now crumpled into a little ball, back into her locker. She grabbed her books for the next class and steadied herself against the row of lockers, suddenly dizzy. The thought of being at school made her feel sick to the stomach, but the idea of just letting Heidi win, letting her get away with all the things she'd done, sickened her even more. Darcy walked through the hallways packed full of students and made her way to her first class, bracing herself for when she'd inevitably have to interact with the Fab Five again.
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Tegan Arden-Redding


Tegan was in pure disbelief. That boy, the one who had seemed so polite and well-dressed, wasn't nearly as polite as he had seemed to be. He had just...the redhead couldn't even bring herself to think about it again. Alfie's crumpled form, Heidi's angered expression - it was all too much for the first day of school. Who the hell carries mace around on a daily basis anyways? She shook her head, curls bouncing lightly. God, it was like a scene out of some dumb 'Mean Girls'-esque high school movie. Except, this time, the Regina George of this movie had just indirectly gotten her ass beaten.

By the time Tegan recollected herself, Heidi was long gone. The redhead assumed she had probably stormed off to complain to her mother, a typical Heidi move. Maybe if she realized that this wouldn't have happened if she hadn't been an egotistical bitch, Tegan thought, but the past was in the past. There was nothing she could do to fix it, and by now, Heidi probably had her mother wrapped around her finger so tightly that it was beginning to turn blue, another typical Heidi move. It wasn't necessarily fair or just, but it had allowed the group to get away with things they probably shouldn't have, including Sofie's "extra-curricular" activities with their English teacher and Heidi's blatant harassment of everyone who threatened her. Mrs. Florence simply turned a blind eye to them, and while Tegan did appreciate it at times, she couldn't help but feel the tug in her stomach telling her it was wrong.

It was the same thing with her sexuality. Tegan knew she liked girls; heck, she had known she liked girls since the eighth grade. It was an important part of her, but every time she was around the Fab Five, she felt the weight on her shoulders like an anvil. Keeping petty secrets was one thing, but something as big as this hurt her deep down. She knew Heidi would never forgive her though. What would happen to the quintuple dates, the boy gossip, and the sex talks? Tegan had hooked up with a guy once at a party, but the rest of the group was incredibly unamused when all she could say was, "It was okay." What else was she supposed to say? He was some soccer player, sweaty and gross, whose only focus had been on his own pleasure rather than his. It was less than desirable.

She had never been able to confess her sexual wants, fantasies, and desires to anyone before, because most of the time, a minute alone was a gift. Heidi was most often always around, and her unwanted listening would surely bring shame to Tegan. She loved most of their clique dearly, and had even thought of confiding in Sofie for advice on what was considered "normal" in sex. With all the sleeping around that girl did, Tegan wouldn't be surprised if she was accepting of what she did in bed. However, the girl's closeness to Heidi made her question her real intentions, just pushing her further into the closet. Darcy was, well Darcy, but she had been close to Heidi. With her expulsion, however, it was worth a shot. Things between the two had been tense, to say the least, but Tegan was tired of carrying such a huge secret around. This year would be the year she would change. Quietly departing from the remaining group, she shot a text message to her ex-friend and crossed her fingers, hoping the girl wouldn't ignore her, or worse.

Can we talk? Somewhere in private, where H isn't going to listen in.
I miss you.


Alfie: @DuskerTem

Heidi: @Amora Aurora

Sofie: @SpectroVector

Darcy: @sgbd
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=Azaiah Richmond=

Whistling to himself, Azaiah made his way around the school. Dark eyes flickered this way and that as he continued smiling at those who greeted him or simply just gave him a glance or smile. He wasn’t going to stop them in the hall and talk though, he was on a mission. He still hadn’t seen Jill since he’d gotten here though he’d certainly heard what she’d done with her friends even though it was more so the queen B f the group than his Jill.

But she was there and certainly could have stopped it. She wasn’t as innocent as she probably believed and while Azaiah wanted nothing more than to scold her on her bullying ways he knew it wasn’t the time nor place for it. It would cause a huge commotion between the two which would probably bring in the other girls who loved drama just a little bit too much and if they came in it meant the other guys of the group would be brought in against their own will and the whole school would in a huge uproar and just- Absolute bullshit. Something he didn’t need right now. He wanted his school year to be as clean as he could get it which meant not buying into any of the Fab Five’s shenanigans.

Now with a skip in his walk, Azaiah had a huge smile on his face. Looking at the sea of heads, still meandering around he saw two people he knew and quickly changed direction towards them. It didn’t take him long to reach them, wrapping an arm around their shoulders and sending them a grin.

“Good morning to you two.” He greeted, sending Sofie a grin before looking at Jill. His smile softened and he reached down, pressing a kiss to her forehead before giving her a gentle kiss. “Good morning love.” He said softly to her, a small grin on his face. “How have you been this fine morning? May I have the honor of walking you both to class?"


Ellie smiled sweetly at the boy. She was glad he didn't argue about introducing himself, it would be a lot harder trying to get to know him if she seemed like the annoying kid who wouldn't leave him alone. "Hi currently pissed off Jarrod," she said, trying to keep the mood light and completely forgetting her inability to be sarcastic and joking. "I'm Ellie. Like I said before. And that's a very good question you ask, and I'm glad you asked it. See, people didn't teach me this before I got to school. Well one did, but he was a family friend and thus had an obligation to do so. You're lucky that I'm doing this from the goodness of my heart, because you'd be drowning is social mistakes right now if not for me." Ellie attempted to smirk, which didn't really work in her favor.

Okay, so maybe she should drop the routine she's seen the Fab Five do so many times- it just didn't fit her. She'd find something better, more Ellie. Just because she looked up to Heidi didn't mean she had to emulate her in every way, and her creativity might just keep the school on their toes when it came to her to rule the school. She paused, still walking next to the boy, trying to find a way to draw out information from him in a way that was more her style. Manipulation wasn't her strong suit yet, and neither was bitchiness. Kill them with kindness, that would be her new motto.

"You just had the pleasure of pissing off Heidi, and you're correct in your assumption that she runs the school. She's not alone though, she has 4 others that help her maintain control over the school. They're called the Fab Five. Used to be the Sexy Six, until Heidi gave one of them the boot. Now she's an outcast. They control everything around here- not just the other students, but also the teachers and the administration. You should probably watch out for them, especially now that you pissed the ringleader off."

"Enough about them. They're just toxic anyways," this much was true, even if Ellie didn't like to admit it to herself. "So who are you? Where'd you come from? And what brought you here? I'll start. My name is Ellie, I'm a junior, I was homeschooled until high school, my whole family is full of geniuses and I'm not one, unless you count my amazing fashion sense." She shrugged, she had given enough away to make herself seem friendly, but she hadn't revealed her more important cards yet.

Interacted With: @AlwaysYours

Mentioned: Pretty much everyone
Jill Wednesday Olsen


Jill turned to her friend Sofie with a dramatic sigh. "No, that's fine. He's probably there already, anyway." With her boyfriend being class president and everything, she was quite used to him being the responsible one out of the pair. Her friends may have thought she was the most reliable person around, but seeing Azaiah and how he worked would change anybody's mind. It was even sort of a turn-on for Jill, when the fact that he wasn't around to accompany her wasn't downright annoying. Shrugging, she turned to Alfie, who was just standing there, eyes puffy and all. She resisted the urge to laugh. "Milk." she said, almost randomly, then elaborated: "It'll probably work on that." she said flippantly, gesturing to his face. It was common knowledge that milk was good for relieving burns and inflamed skin, but she hoped he had the good sense to apply it, not to drink it. Alfie wasn't even that stupid - or stupid at all - even if she liked to poke fun at him a lot.

She wasn't sure where exactly he'd even
get milk, but she knew her brother could handle himself. Turning, she told him a little more patiently, "Sorry Alfie. We need to head to class. Come with us if you want," she shrugged once again, then took Sofie's arm in hers. She smiled to her blonde friend, much more warmly, then studied her face. If she didn't know any better, her friend looked distracted, if not a little down. Jill could tell by the way her shoulders slumped just a little, even when every other inch of her seemed to be the epitome of confidence. She knew her friends enough to know their little quirks. "Hey darling, are you o--" she said, eyebrows furrowed.

Her question, however, was interrupted, when she felt a pair of warm lips on her forehead. She smiled into the gentle kiss before completely breaking into a grin, laughing. "Took you long enough," she told Azaiah, hooking her hand in his. "Morning. You better walk us to class. I missed you all morning," she said, smiling. Sure, the scene was the embodiment of a cheesy romance novel, but she liked it this way. Just being aware of his presence made her feel better, even taking her mind off of that new kid that morning.

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Aiden's piercing hazel eyes followed Heidi's light ones as they shifted their attention to the ground, only to snap back up a split second later. She had looked frazzled and stressed only a few moments ago, but now she seemed defeated. He fought the urge to pull her into a warm hug and a kiss on her soft blonde head out of habit since that was what he had always done to comfort her. After years of experience, the quarterback could tell instantly whenever his ex-girlfriend was anxious or stressed, and this was certainly one of those moments. And it didn't take a genius to guess that it most likely had to do with what had happened before school with the new kid.

After a brief pause, Heidi responded about her summer, to which Aiden replied,
"I'm glad. You looked like you had a lot of fun." It was true. He had seen the abundance of pictures on all of her social media accounts that summer, including Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram. Although she did a good job of publicly displaying her blast of a summer, he couldn't help but recall the emptiness in her eyes after the cheating scandal had been exposed. Knowing Heidi, her fun-filled summer pictures most likely only told part of the story. A twinge of guilt churned in his stomach as he was once again reminded of what he had done, and how much he had hurt two of the people he cared the most about.

When the Queen Bee made a joke about his father, Aiden couldn't help but crack a smile at that comment, for she was one of the only people who truly knew about the pressures that his father places him under for football.
"He came pretty damn close," he responded, his green eyes tinged with amusement, as he referred to his exhausting summer regime. "Always looking on the bright side, huh?" he smirked at her silver lining comment before feeling surprised at how quickly he fell back into his old comfort zone.

Just then, the second bell rang to signify their tardiness to class, and the tall muscular brunette looked down at the schedule in the slim blonde's hands.
"Looks like we have first period together," he noted when he saw that her first class was English, which meant the rest of the Fab Five were probably also in that class. Having her mother as the principal certainly helped Heidi and the rest of the girls coordinate their schedules together. "We should probably get going," he added as he turned around to make his way towards the classroom. "Thank god Rich is our teacher again. At least that's one class I won't have to worry about," he commented gratefully. Aiden remembered how close Mr. Grayson had gotten to the Fab Five last year, even finding his behaviors creepy at some point, but as long as the man ensured his A in the class, the quarterback didn't complain.

Darcy Paige Beckett

Darcy was almost to her first class when she felt the familiar buzz of her phone in her pocket. Reflexively, she pulled her phone out of her pocket and looked at the screen.

Can we talk? Somewhere in private, where H isn’t going to listen in.
I miss you.

Darcy was instantly surprised when she saw Tegan’s name at the top of the screen. She hadn’t spoken to Tegan since the video had been released. On top of the devastating dual blows of Heidi ruining her and Aiden leaving her to be tormented even though he’d been just as involved in the scandal as she had, it had been yet another painful injury to have Tegan ignore her, too. Tegan, who wasn’t cruel like the rest of them. Tegan, who Darcy knew didn’t want to be part of the Fab Five, not really. Darcy had had a spark of hope that she would leave the group when she did. They’d even talked about it in hushed whispers in the rare moments when Heidi wasn’t around to hear.

But Tegan wasn’t strong enough. She’d never been strong enough to stand up for herself, really. That used to make Darcy want to protect her, in a way, but when she didn’t have the guts to leave the group or even to not just stand there in silence while the rest of the Fab Five ridiculed Darcy, she’d had lost damn near all respect for her. She was completely spineless. Spineless and weak and far too vulnerable for her own good.

This vulnerability, however, was what made Darcy’s internal rage soften and melt away when she actually read Tegan’s texts to her. A little voice in her head was telling her that Tegan could well be trying to spy on Darcy on Heidi’s behalf, but she knew that wasn’t right. As spineless as she was, she would never actively try to hurt Darcy. It just wasn’t her. And she would never try to contact Darcy unless it was really important. As hurt as Darcy was, she couldn’t just ignore the girl that used to be one of her closest friends. She was too concerned for her. She quickly sent back a text, now anxious over what Tegan might have to tell her, and slipped out one of the school’s back doors to wait for her.

Can we talk? Somewhere in private, where H isn’t going to listen in.
I miss you.
Meet me behind the school.

Heidi Florence

Heidi found herself relaxing a few beats with every smile on Aiden's face and word he spoke. Her life was still a mess, and her first day was still ruined, but being around him at all was nice. She parted her lips to object walking to class with him, because regardless of how calm she suddenly seemed, she did still really need to get to the bathroom and relieve some stress and fat. She couldn't, though. Not only would walking the halls with Aiden help whatever dent the new kid had made in her reputation, but she had a hard time turning down any time spent with Aiden.

Her gaze fell on her schedule when his did, and she began walking in step with him on their way to English. Of course they had class together. Heidi very carefully planned all of the fab five's classes as well as their boyfriends and other relationships. It was a battle that her mother chose not to fight. The fab five attended every class together. She'd let Azaiah choose his own schedule as well as Alfie, Ellie, and a choice few attractive football players, and snuck Aiden into a few of hers. Just enough to seem friendly instead of obsessed. Mostly, she just asked that her mother give him 'bird courses' because she knew how much pressure he was in at home, and cheater or not, she was worried that his father was just going to absolutely break him one day. So he could at least get a break at school. Darcy? She was in everyone's least favorite classes. But her first and last periods were with the fab five, to ensure they could keep a good eye on her.

She entered the class, head held high, because she was around others, and everyone stared when Heidi Florence entered a room, especially when her ex-boyfriend was at her side. She couldn't seem weak in front of these people. It didn't matter how weak she felt. She took her seat in the left, front-most corner, and glanced around to count who all wasn't in attendance yet. Members of the Fab Five being tardy wasn't a big deal. No one ever batted an eyelash. Even when teachers disliked the girls, what were they going to do? Send them to Heidi's mother? Doubtful. The worrisome thing was that Darcy hadn't shown up yet. Fortunately, Aiden was, so she couldn't worry that the two were together (Oh, god. If Aiden ever decided to be Darcy's friend, Heidi's reign of power would be seriously endangered. Jocks didn't care that Darcy was a whore. They'd just joke that Aiden was hitting a hot chick again and Darcy would accidentally rise back to some sort of popularity. This wasn't the first time the thought crossed her mind. She didn't like considering Aiden had as much power as she did, being the best looking guy in school, so she actively attempted not to think about such things.)

With the kind of morning Heidi had so far, she was definitely on the paranoid side, and it heavily bothered her that Darcy and a couple members of the Fab Five weren't in attendance yet.
"Hey, Heidi, I heard your daddy wasn't feeding you very often. I've got a hot dog you can have after class."

The lame joke came from the lips of Zack Harnett, a mouth-breathing basketball player who thought he was popular because of his participation in the world's stupidest sport. Basketball guys were what Heidi liked to call Goodwill jocks. If you want a shitty knockoff pair of boots, you go to the goodwill, or the basketball court. If you want name-brand, strong material boots, you go to the mall, or, in this metaphor, the football team. The only people who dated basketball players were cheerleaders and girls just below the fab five who needed to stay important but couldn't land a spot in the fab five or a guy on the football team.

The fact that this idiot thought he could talk that way to Heidi was a thousand times more insulting than his actual insult. She'd work on destroying him later, but right now she had to shut up his laughing friends.
"I don't like cocktail sausage, but thanks for the offer." She replied, eyes squinted in a deadly glare. His friends shut up and looked at each other silently for a moment and she snorted at them, with an eye roll, she explained herself. "Cocktail sausages are very small, wrinkled up hot-dog things. You would know that if any of you had any ounce of class in your ginormous beanpole bodies." She finished, and despite her insult, they laughed and slapped Zack on the back, quickly moving from laughing about his joke to laughing at him. Heidi turned around, her job finished, but internally, she was freaking out. The new kid had given these losers some sense of purpose. Because he had publicly insulted her and still lived, now they also thought they could throw jokes her way. Zack Harnett was no threat to her reign of power, that was certain. This nameless loser that sat at her middle table, though, apparently was.

Mentioned: @AlwaysYours

@sgbd @DuskerTem
Tegan Arden-Redding


By the time she felt the familiar buzz of her phone in her pocket, Tegan had twisted her stomach to knots in anxiety. What if Darcy had said no? What if she doesn't even want to be my friend anymore? Tegan couldn't even imagine what life would be like without Darcy; the two had been inseparable since the day they had met. She smiled, thinking back to a five-year-old version of herself, befriending Darcy at center time in kindergarten. It had been finger painting day, and Tegan, always the artist, had created a masterpiece with the help of her newfound friend. It was a memory that she could never forget, and it seemed so petty to let a friendship of almost thirteen years go to waste at a time like now. In fact, it was petty to let that friendship go at any time.

Thankfully, Darcy hadn't been heartless, and Tegan felt the knots in her stomach begin to untwist themselves as she walked rhythmically towards the back of the school. By now, Heidi was probably having a fit. Being late to class was an incredibly un-Tegan like move, especially on the first day of school. A momentary feeling of panic seized her; what would happen if Heidi found out where she really was? She thought for a minute, there had to be something to throw the queen off her trail. Quickly, she pulled out her phone and shot a message to the blonde.

Heidi <3
Hey bb - I'm coming late to class...extracurricular activities (;
Just cover for me until I come back. You know how Richie is

After leaving a general message up to interpretation, Tegan continued on her walk to the back doors of the school. She had to admit, Darcy was smart. The back area was open enough that she could leave unscathed if things were to turn ugly, but secluded enough that Heidi or one of her gossip-loving wannabes wouldn't be able to see what was going on. Heck, Tegan didn't even know what was going to go on herself. Her heart was pounding out of her chest just thinking of how she was going to tell her best friend. Darcy, I like girls - no, too straightforward. Let's get one thing straight Darcy, I'm not - definitely not. She couldn't even imagine telling her. How was she going to react, after all the two had gone through together? However, Tegan knew that it was now or never. If she could tell Darcy, maybe she would have enough strength to tell Sofie, or Jill, or even Heidi, God forbid.

Darcy was already standing there, leaning casually against the wall when Tegan arrived. The blonde took a deep breath in, swallowing every instinct to rush in and hug her best friend. This is strictly formal, she told herself. Despite every effort to convince herself, Tegan couldn't help but fear what Darcy would say. Her heart was beating out of her chest, the speed only accelerating the closer she got to her friend. God, how she had missed that face. She had missed everything about Darcy, her openness, her sense of humor, the way she would always be there for Tegan. No one else in the Fab Five was like that. Salty tears began to form in the corner of Tegan's eyes, but she quickly wiped them away, refusing to let this meeting turn into a sap-fest. Deep breaths, Teag. The words came out of her mouth suddenly, and once they were out she knew there was no holding back. "Darcy, oh God, how do I say this? I wanted to talk to you because I've always been scared to say this, but now that you're not close to Heidi anymore," Tegan could feel her sentences becoming run on; she stumbled over words and began to stutter, a nervous habit she had never been able to rid herself of. "Darcy, um, I hope you are okay with this, but I'm a lesbian." Holy shit. She had just done it, and now all she had was the agonizing wait before her friend said something back.

@Amora Aurora



All eyes fell on them as Aiden and Heidi walked through the doors of English class together. The quarterback was used to this kind of attention after having dated the Queen Bee for two whole years. In fact, he had noticed that he often captured the attention of girls even without Heidi at his side, but he didn't think too much about it. He had plenty of other things to worry about, especially the intense pressure that his father constantly placed him under. The football player knew that his easy schedule was a result of Heidi and her influence over the principal, and he was genuinely grateful that she had cared enough to give him a light workload.

Aiden immediately noticed a group of cheerleaders in the back begin to whisper to each other, periodically looking over at the quarterback and the Queen Bee, as they were no doubt talking about them. He knew that there was going to be gossip along the rumor mill about the two exes, the previous power couple, entering class together, but Aiden still cared about the slim blonde as a friend.

His piercing hazel green eyes rested on a basketball player as the arrogant boy made an insulting joke about Heidi's anorexia. The tall muscular brunette glared at the athlete, practically boring a hole into the guy's face. He knew that although the Queen Bee had made a smooth retort, successfully keeping her reputation in tact, that comment was going to stick with her for the rest of the day. Although the slim blonde appeared confident, Aiden had caught a glimpse of hurt on her face that lasted for a split second before being covered up by her harsh comeback.
"Actually I think you might need that hot dog more than her," Aiden responded with a smirk on his face, referring to Zack's skinny figure. The other basketball players cracked up at his comment, and his football friends were looking at him proudly, laughing amongst themselves as well.

His head held high, the quarterback took a seat next to the football team, loosely throwing his backpack onto the floor. He couldn't help but notice that Darcy hadn't arrived yet, for she was the first person his hazel eyes had searched for when he entered the classroom. Was she hiding in a bathroom stall somewhere, too scared of the Fab Five to show her face in class? Or had something bad happened to her? Or maybe she was so angry at Aiden that she couldn't even look at him? A million reasons swarmed through his head, his leg shaking restlessly against the chair in front of him, until he finally reached into his pocket for his phone. He typed out a text message to the Outcast and pressed send before he could convince himself otherwise.

Hey, are you coming to class?

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