The Experiments

oh ym god you guys it's s o late over here why is everyone posting replies right now chill out

I don't usually do anything on school nights unless the world is ending, meteors are raining and my father is on his death bed, but look at me now

i'm kidding good night!!

(also speaking of teams, maia, rylan, and isa have all agreed to get together at some point and we're team lizard toast)
I support the Tillor ship! You can be a proud supporter of it, too! It's either that, or it's death! Totally not a communist.
Ah shit, I didn't calculate in my warp factors. So, I've just had a big boom in my RPs, I'm sorry to say, but I won't be able to participate, sorry for the uncalled for hype.
Is it okay if there was somehow a conviniently placed key in front of the cell? I swear we'll be stuck all day in there with bread girl's useless power and lizard boy's useless willpower x_x
meet me in the pit breakfast bread.

Also you're right omg they are going to hurt themselves we need this key
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@Bagel if we weren't in control of our characters i would bet actual money that as soon as isa and rylan break out of their cells they'll run screaming from everything and get attacked by burly evil men and die

(i feel like i post in the ooc chat way too much o o ps)
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@sitanomoto Maybe I should also use their names to specify who he's talking to. He asked Elyse for his knife because she manipulated them using her power earlier.

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