The Experiments [Inactive]

The warden's eyes widened as the water came towards him, "Someone he--!" He cried before being interrupted by the blast of water, throwing him backwards towards another cell. Another warden came out of the break room, hearing the commotion, to see Lira spraying water at the other warden. "What the..." He motioned for other wardens to come as well, three to be exact.
Lira left her cell and saw the three guards. She unleashed 3 blasts of water at the wardens but in doing so, she felt very tired. She was in no condition to fight and it was likely that the rescue would fail. She hoped she could rescue Rachel but started to doubt herself.
Still calling out Rachel tried everything frantically trying to get out hoping Lira could hear her as she tried to reassure the girl that they will get out soon.
"I'm coming!" Lira shouted as she attacked the wardens with her powers and hoped that she could get the pair of them out before succumbing to exhaustion.
The wardens struggled against the water blasts, but noticed Lira becoming weaker and weaker. One of them jumped behind the corner to shield from the water, pulled out his tranq gun and shot multiple times at her, until no tranqs were left. Out of six shots, 1 missed, 3 were deflected by the water, and 2 hit Lira, one in her chest, one in her shoulder.
Lira stumbled backwards after being hit by the tranqs. She tried to fight their effects but the lack of food and exhaustion got the better of her. "Rachel, i'm sorry." She said before falling onto her back and succumbing to the tranqs.
"Ah yessss. The skeleton and the witch."

The Head's silhouette shook asa deep chuckle resonated from the void. The blank features of their surroundings rapidly shifting to what appeared to be hundreds of images taken of Jeff and Arabella's escape.

"I've been watching their amusing little flight"

At this, Dr. Mooriales's eyesight open before he whipped out a scalpel and sawed though the flesh covering his mouth. He spat out some blood before frowning

"You obviously know where they are, just give us their locationso we can sic the military on them!"

"No, that wouldn't be as FUN"

A chair materialized behind the Head, he promptly sat in it before it began floating in midair.

"But this is serious!"

The Head waved his hand again, the flesh regrew over the Doctor's mouth.

"Yes I know, but no I don't care. In away, you could say that I've been helping them a bit."

The images morphed to that of a printer's shop. It showed the owner's eyes turn into a bright aqua color. They returned normal, and he then drew up a map of the prison. It was finished just in time to be sold to Jeff.

The Doctor once again sawed through the flesh on his mouth.


"Yes, it was quite entertaining."


"Because it was fun, besides... IF YOU TWO WANT TO **** THIS UP, MIGHT AS WELL BE CHALLENGING."

The Head descended into a loud bout of laughter.

Inside the maintenance tunnel, two Runners had felt the deaths of the other group. They knew that the targets would be coming soon. One of them wrapped the other in duck tape and explosives. He would be the one to gain favor with the MASTER. Upon hearing the sound of approaching tires, the Runner pointed down tunnel and sent the suicide Runner towards the oncoming van. The other Runner was about to celebrate until he watched the suicide Runner detonate WAY too early. The explosion caused a cave-in. The surviving Runner jumped back to avoid the avalanche of concrete and stone. When he looked up again she him completely cur off from the other side of the cave in. He growled as several more Runners ran up from behind him, having been attracted by the sound of the explosion. The surviving Runner scrambled to his feet and entered a nearby maintenance tunnel, The others following.

They had to make sure the targets were truly dead.
The wardens were sprawled out on the floor, limp and soaked. The one that had shot Lira carefully walked over and picked her up, placing her back on the cot in the cell. "How do we keep her from breaking out again?" He asked the others quietly. "Just put her in the isolated cell with the other one." Another warden muttered. The first warden nodded and picked her up, and slipped her quickly into the isolated cell with Rachel, before locking the door behind him and going to help his coworkers.

Ryan watched the Doctor's and the Head's interactions. He didn't know which of them he was more scared of now. "But, sir, if you helped them, wouldn't that mean that you've assisted in jeopardizing the mission?"
"I assisted in jeopardizing YOUR mission."

The surrounding images faded as the white expanse shifted to black.

"In all honesty, none of you were in control of this operation whatsoever. In the end, whether you bring them back and torture them to death. Or if they destroy the prison and kill both of you in the process. I'll still get my entertainment. How do you know that I gave them an accurate one? You ridiculous mortals are always making assumptions."

"This is bull. You can't just help fund an operation like this and then turn around and help in the escape of troublesome kids!" Dr. Mooriales seethed before his lower jaw promptly retracted into his throat. He grasped at it and then began cutting holes lower than it to reattain a proper airflow.

"Yes I can. I didn't just fund the project. I am the very reason it exists. Those paranoid diplomats would've never been able to build this facility without me. I BUILT THIS VERY ISLAND, I CAN DO WHATEVER THE **** I WANT WITH IT!!!!!"

The Head delved into another fit of laughter as a large horizontal line appeared in the darkness behind him. It grew open into the form of a massive eyeball, which had the image of the earth itself as an iris.

"You're all just players in this little game. And no matter who seems to come out on top, I'll always win."
Several hours later, Lira started to stir back into life. She slowy opened her eyes and felt the cold hard floor touching her back. She felt the pain in her legs returning due to Ryan's drug wearing off. "I'm sorry." She said to Rachel as she stared at the ceiling. She was exhausted because of her failed attempt at breaking out and would have trouble walking because of the bruising around her ankles starting to cause her pain again.
Rachel had seemed to take up the hobby of yelling pointlessly at the wardens very easily and now sat with a sore throat in the corner of the cell balled up looking at the floor, she spoke with a quiet and horse voice. "its fine Lira its not your fault."
"We can't escape untill i'm stronger." Lira informed the Neko as she slowly sat up. "I couldn't stop them." She said as rubbed her aching legs. "I've made things worse, haven't I?" She asked Rachel in a worried tone and hoped that she was wrong. She hoped that the Wardens would leave them alone.
"It won't! They'll experiment on us and kill us afterwards!" Lira said to Rachel. She was starting to feel scared and believed that they would both die at the prison.
Rachel would look up and just give Lira this blank faced look for a bit, before softly speaking to her "Lira.. listen to me.. I havent been experimented yet in this prison but once when I first woke up here and I was been dragged out of the lab area. Now Im not sure why they havent experimented more on me. but you can be d*mned sure I wont let them do it any more. I swear to you Lira, I wont let them hurt either of us any more." It was at that moment after speaking Rachel would turn into her cat self and start to scratch at the floors and everything with her claws, almost like she was trying to sharpen them.
"They'll experiment on us and kill us or worse, keep us alive so that they can try to turn others into things like us." Lira said to Rachel before watching the woman turn into a cat. She continued to rub her ankles and asked "What are you doing?"
Rachel's voice was more high pitched as a cat but still sounded like her mostly "Im sharpening my claws to fight when we try and break out again, Im not letting them hurt you any more and Im not staying here any more we're living creatures just like the humans and deserve better then this. We're getting out of here as soon as we can."
"We'll just get caught or worse, killed." Lira told Rachel whilst massaging her ankles. "Even if we do get out of here, they'll hunt us and kill us once they find us." Lira said to the cat and looked down at the floor.
"not if I can help it they wont, now you just focus on resting and getting out of that f*cking depression" Rachel would say a little sternly still scratching at the floor and walls
"You're right. I can't let myself get depressed unless i want to be experimented on." Lira said to Rachel whilst massaging her ankles. "I don't think i'll be able to walk." She informed the black cat in the cell. "It's too painful and i'll end up slowing us down unless we can get something for the pain." She told Rachel before giving up on her ankles and laid down on her back to stare at the ceiling.
"that is a problem to be taken care of another time Lira, right now, just rest and re build your strength please" Rachel would say a bit nice now.
"Shall do." Lira said as she slowly closed her eyes. "Promise me that you'll still be here when i wake up." She said to the cat before drifting off into sleep.
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