The Exalted 3 Kickstarter Is Up!

Ah yeah they touch on that, the deathlords have been totally reworked for the third edition. They only have a preview of the new bishop in the spoilers, so not sure if the deathlords are essentially all on the same team now or still quarreling with each other.
I thought the Bishop preview was a bit contradictory and a bit of 'meh'. If he hates himself so much, how did he become a Deathlord in the first place?
Not sure. His background as a Solar is never really explained and left up to the ST essentially. There are many theories around surrounding his shame which pushed him to become a martyr/frustrated.
I have also received a pledge for the map and the screen as a donation to me.

This community rules.
I'm in for $1 right now as a placeholder. The KS ends a day or two after the payday that will be funding my real pledge.

The $125 pledge for book + screen is happening. I'm also in the air about the map. It'd look great framed on the wall...but now we're talking not only bumping my pledge to $180, but also paying for's a tough call.

But my group and I are just waiting for the book to start playing. We've been playing since late 2001 and 1e, and had two campaigns lasting multiple years in real time. I always run the game, and the players always want to play Solars. So the most exciting reveal so far for me has been the Exigents, as being able to design one-off, unique Exalts to the exact specifications that the storyline demands is an AMAZING prospect. It'll be nice to no longer have to go, "I have a storyline slot for an Exalt here...which of the seven types of Exalt can I wedge into it?"
Psychopomp said:
I'm in for $1 right now as a placeholder. The KS ends a day or two after the payday that will be funding my real pledge.
The $125 pledge for book + screen is happening. I'm also in the air about the map. It'd look great framed on the wall...but now we're talking not only bumping my pledge to $180, but also paying for's a tough call.

But my group and I are just waiting for the book to start playing. We've been playing since late 2001 and 1e, and had two campaigns lasting multiple years in real time. I always run the game, and the players always want to play Solars. So the most exciting reveal so far for me has been the Exigents, as being able to design one-off, unique Exalts to the exact specifications that the storyline demands is an AMAZING prospect. It'll be nice to no longer have to go, "I have a storyline slot for an Exalt here...which of the seven types of Exalt can I wedge into it?"
You are not charged right now so you can pledge whatever you want. You will be charged when KS is over so there is no need to hold back to get whatever peldge level you want
Greenstalker said:
You are not charged right now so you can pledge whatever you want. You will be charged when KS is over so there is no need to hold back to get whatever peldge level you want
I know, but I figure that I might as well wait to see what my finances shake out to being before I up the pledge. Six of one, half dozen of the other.
Psychopomp said:
I know, but I figure that I might as well wait to see what my finances shake out to being before I up the pledge. Six of one, half dozen of the other.
Think it like this if you up your pledge to what you think at minimum now we are closer to next goal :P
Exalted 3 is now the highest funded RPG Kickstarter ever, and we've got the better part of a week left to go.

This community does rule, indeed.
What was the previous highest?

Also, if they reach 10 times the goal, what sort of stretch goal do you think they'd make. I think it'd be something quite extraordinary.

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