The Exalted 3 Kickstarter Is Up!

I just got a very very very very very very very generous gift from a community member.

The Legendary Exalted Tier...I'm extremely honored.
I put out for a book and a GM screen ($125). Debating whether the $55 is worth the map...

Now I am excite.
Mei said:
I put out for a book and a GM screen ($125). Debating whether the $55 is worth the map...
Now I am excite.
From what I see map worths it especially considering there won't be a printed one in PoD version of book (though they said it will be available through other means like as an electronic file) and it would be a bother to open Deluxe Edition book just to show map.

EDIT: On an unrelated note I wonder who plans to get orichalcum edition in here? We know Wizard will get since Legendary Exalted pledge level gives out that but who else pledge on that level or paid extra to get one?

To be fair to my own question I also pledge on Legendary Exalted just to get Orichalcum Edition.
My character is already ready. Wll on the conceptual side at least all i need to fit whatever character generator they will be trowing at us but I doubt my attributes and abilities will change too much (since most of concept is about them) What could be change though his caste. It can be dawn or night depending what we will get for each caste.

So who is ST'ing one at october? (since I think most people will have pdf by than)
Goddamnbatman said:
Saw the 3e combat spoilers? that's what I'm talking about!
Yeah, more fluid combat! Maybe one won't have to choose between 10 different combat charms every turn or spend all his XP on combos anymore. I'd love that.
Combos were not an XP thing in 2.5... So, yeah.

I have my flame piece-wielding Night Caste concept... Or something. I have many ideas floating in my head.
2.5 is with the errata right? We use a bit of that but none in my group really knows it well enough to really use it.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]I really disliked combos, I was glad they were not a thing in 2.5.

I actually liked the idea of combos but it could be interpreted better into system. Something like some charms that has combo-ok also having some different text when they are used in combo. For example an extra attack charm could say "One extra attack when used in a combo" or "one extra attack if a MA, melee or ranged supplement is used in same combo" etc.
Greenstalker said:
I actually liked the idea of combos but it could be interpreted better into system. Something like some charms that has combo-ok also having some different text when they are used in combo. For example an extra attack charm could say "One extra attack when used in a combo" or "one extra attack if a MA, melee or ranged supplement is used in same combo" etc.

I just mean I did not like that they costed XP.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Yeah!
I just mean I did not like that they costed XP.

I guess they needed to cost something to not make them broken (at least when the concept of exalted thought) For example when they removed cost of combos dragonblooded concept took a blow (though they manage to compensate that with some other ways)
Annnnnd Exalted beated W20's record also at the same time it is now 3rd highest tabletop rpg that kickstartered. :P

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