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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

At this point, Nyn had decided that it was best to go to the library first. Being strong is important, but not if she can't understand half the things going on. However, If she had to choose between reading and hanging out with Yoichi, she'd probably go for the second option. Not only she would learn a thing or two from him, but she would also have some fun aswell. " You're welcome. I'd be pretty dumb for someone else to think that, you wouldn't avoid someone who you just told you are friends right?" She answered as she walked along him. The question she asked had a pretty obvious answer, but since she wasn't quite sure about how things work, she couldn't know the truth for certain. " Like.. a muscle?" His explanation was weird to her at first, but she quickly understood it. " I see, It is quite complex but I think I got it. So you mean are saying that if for example, you hate me and I want you to see me as a friend, It would be pretty difficult to accomplish?" She was sure she understood what Yoichi explained. The concept of rivals and intimate relationship caught her attention, and while she wanted to know what they meant, she didn't want to overload him with too many questions. When he told her about becoming better friends, she looked at him with a smirk. " Yes, I'll try my best to strengthen that muscl-.. bond we have. So we can become better friends." She then looked at her front, her expression soon returning back to her unreadable expression. She wasn't aware of her smirk, so there was no way she could have faked it.
As the two of them continued on their way to the school, and conversed about how a friendship worked, Yoichi found himself curious as to why Nyn started wondering about friendship anyways. Not that he was against talking to her about it or anything, but he figured that maybe the concept was one of the many things she had forgotten, or just never ended up learning. When she asked if he he wouldn't avoid someone he just told that they were his friend, he rubbed the back of his head. "Depends on who they are, Nyn. Fortunately, you aren't one. I wouldn't stand you up, because you don't give me a bad vibe. You're obviously someone who is worth trusting. If you were to give me a bad feeling, I wouldn't think twice about avoiding you though, but like I said before, that isn't the case." Yoichi responded, answering the question quite well in his opinion. Hearing Nyn say 'like a muscle' almost questioningly, he chuckled a bit. "Yeah. Weird comparison... I know." She seemed to quickly understand what he was getting at though. Muscles are a complex thing to understand, and care for at that, and friendships were the same way, because they were hard to work out and the emotions one may feel is also complicated when it comes to understanding them... For some that is. "It would be difficult. Very. But I'll also try my best too." He said, just so things wouldn't be one-sided, but because he meant it. After all, he did promise to lend her a hand when she needed it. Wouldn't want someone you don't consider your friend helping you with personal affairs, and also because she supported him on his goal.​

Akane trusted that what Makoto was telling her was true. While the bear may look normal, that didn't mean it was. After all, it would be her first time coming in contact with a bear like that. Raising a hand to her chin, she placed a finger on it, almost as if she were cupping it. "Alright. Hopefully that's true. Keep your guard up though. Bears typically live close to their food and water supply, and I'm gonna assume this may be the only close to it." She said, looking around a bit, just to make sure nothing was around them. Couldn't risk being taken out by a bear... That is if a bear was able to kill her. Soon she began to walk, continuing on their path until water came into view. Apparently the water led to a larger body of water, one deep enough that a person could swim in it. "Alright, we have two options when it comes to catching the fish, Makoto. We can try our luck right here, or we can do down that way and dive in. Which do you feel would be easier for you personally?" She asked, wondering what Makoto herself would do in the situation, after all she was doing this to learn more about Makoto's thought process.​
Makoto thought about the ways they could catch fish, but she sort of wondered what can she do to acquire and keep them? She guessed they could try their luck but how were they going to obtain it? She thought of trying something. She went by to one of the trees and cut down a straight and sturdy branch in which she tied her knife on the end of it. She then took off her shoes and her leggings. At least she was wearing a skirt which is what actually mattered. "I guess we could try here first. I think I can see a few..." She said before going into the shallow part of the river and stood there patiently with her new spear ready. She focused on a big particular fish that was coming down stream. When it got closed, she trusted her spear in the water and quickly pulled it out with the fish impaled by the knife. She was surprised she actually got one. She looked at Akane and smiled. "I got one!"
Makoto thought about the ways they could catch fish, but she sort of wondered what can she do to acquire and keep them? She guessed they could try their luck but how were they going to obtain it? She thought of trying something. She went by to one of the trees and cut down a straight and sturdy branch in which she tied her knife on the end of it. She then took off her shoes and her leggings. At least she was wearing a skirt which is what actually mattered. "I guess we could try here first. I think I can see a few..." She said before going into the shallow part of the river and stood there patiently with her new spear ready. She focused on a big particular fish that was coming down stream. When it got closed, she trusted her spear in the water and quickly pulled it out with the fish impaled by the knife. She was surprised she actually got one. She looked at Akane and smiled. "I got one!"
Akane watched as Makoto created a spear, understanding what she was planning to do the moment she started gathering the materials for it. "Alright, I'm in your hands after all. Whatever you catch has to feed the both of us." She said, following Makoto as she went to the shallow part of the river. The girl was a innovative thinker, while many may have come up with this idea, she managed to come up with it faster than they would. Then again, with powers like theirs which is based on creation, she'd need to be an innovative thinker. As time went along, and Akane continued to watch Makoto wait on a fish, she found herself looking down to the deeper side of the river. For a moment, she was daydreaming, until Makoto told her that she had caught one, which caught her off guard, making her jump a bit. "Really?! That's great. If you catch a couple more, that should be enough for some dinner, then we can take them back to camp, get rid of their scales and if you'd like, we could go for a swim. A way for us to relax before our training session soon. What do you say?"
Akane watched as Makoto created a spear, understanding what she was planning to do the moment she started gathering the materials for it. "Alright, I'm in your hands after all. Whatever you catch has to feed the both of us." She said, following Makoto as she went to the shallow part of the river. The girl was a innovative thinker, while many may have come up with this idea, she managed to come up with it faster than they would. Then again, with powers like theirs which is based on creation, she'd need to be an innovative thinker. As time went along, and Akane continued to watch Makoto wait on a fish, she found herself looking down to the deeper side of the river. For a moment, she was daydreaming, until Makoto told her that she had caught one, which caught her off guard, making her jump a bit. "Really?! That's great. If you catch a couple more, that should be enough for some dinner, then we can take them back to camp, get rid of their scales and if you'd like, we could go for a swim. A way for us to relax before our training session soon. What do you say?"
"Sure. Maybe I could try lifting some rocks underwater." She asked as she was walking out of the water. She then took the fish from her spear and got some rope before attaching it to a branch and tying the rope around the tail so it would stay there as Makoto got more fish. She returned to the water and patiently, got more fish. In the end, she caught seven fish that were pretty big. She then remembered when Akane jumped. She thought it was sort of funny that she got caught off guard by her. As she got out of the water with her last fishing, tying it to the rest, she spoke letting out a sigh of relief. "Alright I'm gonna wash up really fast. I got some blood on me from the fish." She then went back to the water and proceeded to wash the blood off her hands. She was glad that it didn't get on her clothes. She then wondered where in the world were they, so she asked Akane. "Akane, do you think anyone knows we're here?"

• Rosalie Dalton •


She flashed a joking grin and gestured towards herself "They will totally need all your prayers that's for sure! I'm ruthless" her voice sounded in the same joking tine as previously. She stared at him blankly when he had called himself rock man, keeping her stare before bursting into silent giggles "Rock man." She repeated as she giggled "Wow. Alrighty Rock man, I feel I'm being challenged now. I may not launch a prank now, one tomorrow or even this week. But I will and it will catch you out. I know it" she added, her giggles now calming down.

Rosalie blinked when he had described her "voice" as relaxing "You think so?" She responded, blinking a few times "Well, uhm. Thank you" she beamed a smile. She nodded when he said he didn't blame her for breaking a few vases, offering that same smile,

She raised her brows when he said he felt the same about meeting her. "Charismatic?" She repeated before offering an amused grin. "I mean cheerful, sure. I get that a lot...but Charismatic? I don't know about that one..." she said scratching the side of her cheek with her hand. He definitely was charismatic in his own way, he wasn't afraid to be a little silly for a laugh, she guess she appreciated that and it was almost endearing to her in a way. but she wasn't sure if she was charismatic herself.

Somehow hearing that his phone used to always crash to zero sounded rather funny her, even if it was rather unfortunate. She was glad she wasn't the only person that had... complications. "Yeah, I did break a lot of stuff, pretty sure my parents still use plastic cups and plates back home" she admitted with a bashful expression "It must really suck to have that happen, stuff like that must be common for electricity users right? My friend has those kinds of problems...or well the opposite. We had a sleepover at Halloween and she set her phone on fire because she got spooked while we were watching a horror. Set off all the fire alarms and everything" she was letting another silent laugh thinking back on it.

When he asked if he was underestimating his intelligence she at first looked panicked, raising her hands to wave then but quickly realised that he was in fact, kidding which caused her to stop and smile back at him "Phew. Thought I had actually upset you there. I don't think you are unintelligent at all! I just thought, you know, just one word wouldn't hurt before we went onto actual learning whenever that would be. The fact you already know a different language already is pretty cool!" She answered before falling silent (or well, her voice) for a bit and tapping her chin. "Hmm, actually yeah. Maybe you can teach me some Spanish too! That would be awesome!" Her voice chirped enthusiastically, her expression just as enthusiastic to match.

He couldn't help but smile when she was calling him Rock Man. " A challenge?" He paused momentarily, thinking about the thrill of being pranked at any time sounded exciting to him. " Sure, I challenge you Prankster Rosey. If you manage to make me flinch with one of your pranks you win. I will do whatever you want for a week. Shall you give up however, you'll have to refer to me as.. Rocky?" He chuckled abit at his last line. " Anyways, you up for the challenge" He looked at her hoping that she would accept it.

He raised his brows upon hearing her questioning her charisma. "Guess Im the first to tell you that huh? You joke around and make me smile. You're pretty positive too, aren't those the traits of someone charismatic?" He replied, offering her a bright smile. Her enthusiasm was really contagious. He was not expecting to have such a good time in this place.

Hearing her mention his parents using plastic cups and plates got a smirk out of him. That and seeing her timid expression was pretty cute. " Poor Rosey. Though using plastic cups or plates isn't too bad. It'd be worse If you'd have fire powers or something, everything would have to be fire-proof." He said, his amused smirk still intact. Mat nodded at Rose s question " I cannot speak for others since I've never met someone else with electric powers. In my case though, I have to constantly keep my energy output in check or else I might blow up my phone or zap someone unintentionally." He rubbed the back of his head, restraining himself all day, while it wasn't very hard to do, it was still a chore nonetheless. He couldn't contain his laugh when she mentioned her friend s problem. " Oh man that's funny. I symphatize with her though. That's why I almost never carry my phone with me when I go outside."

Seeing her panicking was a funny view indeed. It made him smile abit. " My bad, I didn't meant to scare you that much. How could I possibly be mad at you anyways?" He chuckled " I think the starting from there is a good option though. I'd probably forget some stuff If you teach me so much in one day. Gracias Rose!" He thanked Rose in spanish, even though she probably wouldn't understand. Her enthusiasm about learning spanish surprised him. " Really? That's good to hear! Spanish is somewhat hard but I'll teach you two simple words before we go into the real thing someday. Gracias means thank you, and Hola means hello. Hola Rosey!" He said, her enthusiasm quickly infecting him aswell.
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"Sure. Maybe I could try lifting some rocks underwater." She asked as she was walking out of the water. She then took the fish from her spear and got some rope before attaching it to a branch and tying the rope around the tail so it would stay there as Makoto got more fish. She returned to the water and patiently, got more fish. In the end, she caught seven fish that were pretty big. She then remembered when Akane jumped. She thought it was sort of funny that she got caught off guard by her. As she got out of the water with her last fishing, tying it to the rest, she spoke letting out a sigh of relief. "Alright I'm gonna wash up really fast. I got some blood on me from the fish." She then went back to the water and proceeded to wash the blood off her hands. She was glad that it didn't get on her clothes. She then wondered where in the world were they, so she asked Akane. "Akane, do you think anyone knows we're here?"
Akane nodded and started to look around a bit as Makoto continued to fish, just making sure there weren't any animals around. Animals of the hostile variety that is. There was no signs of the bear neither which was nice. Making her way back to Makoto, it seemed she had finished catching some fish, and when she told Akane that she was going to wash up, she simply nodded, "Alright." Akane then continued to look around the area, waiting on Makoto. She then heard Makoto as if anyone knew they were here, and she shook her head, "No, not really. Those who can sense things like power signatures do though... That is if you don't know how to suppress your power. You do, right?" She asked, crossing her arms. "Its not much of a big deal, but it comes in handy."
Akane nodded and started to look around a bit as Makoto continued to fish, just making sure there weren't any animals around. Animals of the hostile variety that is. There was no signs of the bear neither which was nice. Making her way back to Makoto, it seemed she had finished catching some fish, and when she told Akane that she was going to wash up, she simply nodded, "Alright." Akane then continued to look around the area, waiting on Makoto. She then heard Makoto as if anyone knew they were here, and she shook her head, "No, not really. Those who can sense things like power signatures do though... That is if you don't know how to suppress your power. You do, right?" She asked, crossing her arms. "Its not much of a big deal, but it comes in handy."
Makoto finished washing up and dried her hands on the grass. She looked up and spoke to Akane when she finished. "I didn't know you could do that. No then. I don't know how to. Can you teach me how to sometime?" She asked as she was going to grab the rope tied to the fish. She checked the fish, seeing nearly all the blood poured out. She then went to the river again to use the water to wash off whatever blood stayed on the fish. She actually never done this before, just watched some videos on the internet when she went internet surfing.
As the two of them continued on their way to the school, and conversed about how a friendship worked, Yoichi found himself curious as to why Nyn started wondering about friendship anyways. Not that he was against talking to her about it or anything, but he figured that maybe the concept was one of the many things she had forgotten, or just never ended up learning. When she asked if he he wouldn't avoid someone he just told that they were his friend, he rubbed the back of his head. "Depends on who they are, Nyn. Fortunately, you aren't one. I wouldn't stand you up, because you don't give me a bad vibe. You're obviously someone who is worth trusting. If you were to give me a bad feeling, I wouldn't think twice about avoiding you though, but like I said before, that isn't the case." Yoichi responded, answering the question quite well in his opinion. Hearing Nyn say 'like a muscle' almost questioningly, he chuckled a bit. "Yeah. Weird comparison... I know." She seemed to quickly understand what he was getting at though. Muscles are a complex thing to understand, and care for at that, and friendships were the same way, because they were hard to work out and the emotions one may feel is also complicated when it comes to understanding them... For some that is. "It would be difficult. Very. But I'll also try my best too." He said, just so things wouldn't be one-sided, but because he meant it. After all, he did promise to lend her a hand when she needed it. Wouldn't want someone you don't consider your friend helping you with personal affairs, and also because she supported him on his goal.​
As she walked forward, she felt a cold breeze going through her, making her shiver briefly. She was certain it wasn't natural, it felt weird yet strangely familiar. Suddenly realizing she was holding something on her right hand, she lifted it up for her to see. It was a cube made entirely out of darkness. She inspected it closely, not having the slight clue of how it got there in the first place. Maybe she made it? She closed her eyes briefly, the image of a circle appearing in her thoughs. When she opened her eyes, she now saw a dark ball in her hands. " I.. I think I've discovered a new power." She said with some degree of excitement fairly noticeable in her voice.
It was good to hear that Yoichi trusted her. She though he was trustworthy aswell, after all he did help her quite alot today. " Thank you, I feel I can trust in you aswell." She replied with a slight smile. She assumed he chuckled to her reaction about his comparision, making her chuckle aswell. " Yeah, it was somewhat weird at first, but the more I think about it the more sense it makes. Its hard to strengthen a muscle, and its harder to make it be exactly what you want, right?" She stated, understanding his point of view about friendship. Hoping their bond would only get stronger from this point out. After hearing him saying he'll try his best too, she nodded at him, her smile from a few minutes ago still holding.

Lily had been resting back at his and Hyou's place. He had come to Skylar's dorm at first, but left once Hyou went into her room and never came out. While he was happy that the two of them were happy, he wished they would have rested instead of jumping into... That. When Hyou called and asked for some clothes, he quickly obliged, happy to hear from his friend. Maybe their conditions had gotten better overnight, which would be extremely reassuring. Getting the clothes, Lily quickly took to the skies from a window in Hyou's apartment, closing it before he took off. As he flew to the Skylar's dorm, which wasn't too far away, he began mumbling to himself, "Hyou sounded excited over the phone... Maybe something is up. I should also use this chance to check up on Skylar... She is my friend too." He said to himself, his hand on his chin as he continued to fly through the sky. After a few minutes, Hyou emerged from the bathroom with a towel around his waist. Lily had just made it Skylar's window, knocking on it to get someone's attention. "There he is." Hyou quickly made his way over to the window, opening it for his cat friend, "Be back after I get dressed!" Hyou exclaimed as he took the clothes from Lily and going to put them on. After giving the clothes to Hyou, and watching him scurry off to get dressed, "You're welcome, Hyou." Lily went over to Skylar, a smile on his face. "Hey Skylar, I'm assuming you're better now, right? You were pretty messed up last night. I was worried about you both."
Skylar Ainsworth

Skylar was sitting and waiting for Hyou to finish showering, taking occasional sips of her water. She had wanted to stand waiting, but she still felt kind of off, so she figured it was probably best to sit down in the meantime. She stared off in thought as she sat there, her mind replaying the events from everything that happened. She couldn't really remember much, but from her guess she had been absorbed for a few days at least. Maybe that's why she was feeling the way she was. She couldn't quite pinpoint what it was that was off, either. She just didn't feel all that normal. Like her body was weakened or something and it was kinda hard to think? Thankfully with her powers her mind was set to think fast anyways so she could make decisions normally, but she knew that she'd be out of luck if she was in some kind of danger where she had to think fast. Well if anything she would be with Hyou so she'd be fine on that front... it was just kind of concerning in the meantime. Then again, it hadn't been that long since everything had happened, and she was probably a bit tuckered out from last night's activities, so that was probably it. Nothing to worry about... right? Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard knocking on her window. Her face, which had been scrunched up in worry and thought, snapped into an almost surprised expression at the sound before momentarily relaxing and then bursting out into a blush at the sight of an almost-naked Hyou grabbing his clothes from Lily, who was the cause of the sound at the window. She gave herself the time between Hyou leaving to get dressed and Lily coming over to her to calm herself down from the sudden blush, and she gave the cat a small smile as he asked how she was doing. "Truthfully?" She asked, holding her water in her lap. "I'm not really sure. I don't feel like myself, like something's just... off... a-and I know it hasn't been that long since everything happened, but its still a little worrying." She laughed softly, looking down at the glass in her hands. "We're supposed to go out on a date today, so I haven't told Hyou because I don't want him worrying about me any more than he already does. He's done so much for me, he doesn't need that." She sighed almost sadly, before looking up at Lily. "You can't tell him, okay?" Her voice was almost pleading, but not demanding, since she didn't usually like bothering people with requests like this. Really though, she had to learn to take care of herself again, since it seemed like Hyou had taken it upon himself to do that for her. She could handle this... hopefully.​

Sitting in his apartment, Perfect finally decided it was time to act on his plan. His plan to take CROSS and make it his own. He had been planning this ever since he had his first run in with them, but with the way things went last time, he wasn't able to kick his plan into motion. Fortunately for him, Jack is gone. Some guy named Vigil became the acting leader, and Perfect figured he'd just kill this guy, take the organization for himself and lead it to fame and glory as the most feared terrorist organization in Japan. Standing up from his couch, Perfect called out to his roommate and sidekick, Ribbon, "Hey Ribbon! I have someth-" Just as Perfect turned around to look at her, the door closed, and he was standing there with a smile on his face, looking like an idiot. Didn't take long for the smile to vanish though. "Ok. I guess she has more important things to do." He said, turning around. It was time to start the first part of the mission: recruitment. Perfect was gonna need a group of loyal people to fight as his side. Some people who would want something out of their partnership with him of course. Making his way towards the door, Perfect put on his shoes and then grabbed his coat off of the coat hanger. He then clapped his hands, turning the lights in the apartment off. "Time to get started." Perfect said quietly to himself as he walked out of the apartment, closing and locking the door behind him.

To gather his own little group, his first stop would be a bar. There was always a ton of gossip of what's going on around the city in those places, especially the smaller establishments. Perfect was hoping to at least hear about 2 people at least while in a bar. Putting his hands in his pockets, he made his way outside of the building, and soon started walking down a street. If he wasn't mistaking, he was getting a strong metal smell, but figured it was just because he was in the city. Made sense, buildings usually had medal foundations anyways, but at the same time this smell was stronger than usual. It smelled like there was an entire construction site in front of him. As he continued on his way to the bar, he heard someone saying they saw a girl turn something into metal, well from the sounds of it, she was turning more than just one something that is. Perfect figured this would be a good opportunity for him, and decided to go check it out to see what all the chit-chat was about. Following the strong smell of metal, Perfect soon began to see the traces of things being turned to metal. He continued to follow these things, the amount of objects being turned to metal starting to grow even larger in both number and size. Perfect continued to look around until he found the person who was causing all of it, feeling this may be the first person he recruits.

Lumina Lumina

Elyse Glenn

It had been... a rough time for the orange haired-girl. On top of her boyfriend seeming to disappear into thin air yet again, her control over her powers had pretty much all but reverted back to the way it had always been. So once again, she was stuck being unable to touch anything without turning it into metal. Her guess was that there was some remnants of the living metal left in her body when the nanomachines had replaced it, so over time they were just over taken by that living metal, reverting her body back to how it was. This left her looking a little ragged, with her eyes losing any of the soft brown that they used to hold as well as her skin gaining a slight silver gray hue. Knowing all of had set off her mood to the point where she was pretty numb, feeling pretty hopeless and lost about life.

She never wanted to be that person, but this whole ordeal made her realize just how much of her happiness had come from Kili. It was probably from the fact that any happiness she had shown before meeting him was just a mask to hide how messed up she actually was inside, and he was the only source of genuine happiness she had in her life. He had given her a purpose, made her feel wanted, hell he had even helped her gain control of her powers so that she could actually exist normally in the world. But now that he was gone, and the control she had over her powers was gone, it was like he hadn't even existed in the first place. So the same went for the happiness she thought she had. She was back to the messed up shell of a person, who really wasn't even a person anymore. Just some kind of vessel for this living metal that ruined her life. With no real purpose anymore, Elyse found herself wandering a lot. She didn't really need to eat, since the living metal pretty much took care of everything for her, and it even provided her with enough energy that she didn't need to sleep, so didn't have to worry about stopping. She figured there really wasn't a point to life anymore, so why not wander and see what happened? On this particular night, she found herself in a bit of a shady part of town, slowly meandering around. Without really thinking about it, she had found herself tracing her hand across a wall of an alley near a well-known bar of the area, the walls and ground around her slowly turning into metal as it spread with her movements. Normally she would have been careful not to let this happen, since she wasn't exactly sure of how far the spread would go if she wasn't minding it, but she had no reason to care about it anymore.

Elyse continued to walk until she felt footsteps on the metal far behind her, feeling the vibrations from the steps through the metal to her own feet. This stopped her, though she didn't turn around. She glanced sideways at her hand, realizing that he probably followed her from this. Her guess was that it was someone here to talk about the damages she was causing, and to maybe take her in so that she couldn't destroy anything else. With that, she dropped her arm to her side, calling out at the figure behind her. "I'm assuming you're here to take me in for causing damages to the city?" Her voice sounded almost defeated, with a very slight metallic edge to it.​
Abigail Black-Coat & Diana Young
10:48 AM
ΩDevils CanvasΩ

(tags Roman Roman Luna Malveaux Luna Malveaux CasualTea CasualTea )Abigail sat at the bar as the tables began forming, the dance floor turning into normal tiles as the tables formed out of smoke, a "Private Lounge" sign forming as a large red velvet curtain formed floating without bars to protect it from prying eyes. Diana sat next to her with a bored expression, spinning her finger around the rim of a wine glass as the usual customers came in, some of them from the rooms from upstairs while the gang members began taking their seats, the purple demon that was cleaning glasses behind the counter up until now moved out from behind and over to the tables placing down card decks as glasses with scotch or vodka formed.

Abigail sat silently as some of the newer faces looked at the two of them with usual looks, to which Abigail sighed, "If you would turn your eyes back to your cards before I remove you from my bar," Stopping mid sentence to quickly shoot over to them standing in front of them, her golden and red crimson eye flashing at the same time, "I'd greatly accept that as an apology for looking at me as such." She said giving a smirk before moving back to her seat, taking a sip from her whiskey, the liquid burning her throat before subsiding.

Diana let out a scoff from the occurrence as they all had either surprised or pissed expressions, moving to their bosses table as they merely let out a laugh, "Now that was a bit rude don't you think Abigail?" Diana said giving a short laugh at the thought, "Not at all," She said in a cold tone devoid of emotions as the smoke from the cigarettes began rising.
Abigail Black-Coat & Diana Young
10:48 AM
ΩDevils CanvasΩ

(tags Roman Roman Luna Malveaux Luna Malveaux CasualTea CasualTea )Abigail sat at the bar as the tables began forming, the dance floor turning into normal tiles as the tables formed out of smoke, a "Private Lounge" sign forming as a large red velvet curtain formed floating without bars to protect it from prying eyes. Diana sat next to her with a bored expression, spinning her finger around the rim of a wine glass as the usual customers came in, some of them from the rooms from upstairs while the gang members began taking their seats, the purple demon that was cleaning glasses behind the counter up until now moved out from behind and over to the tables placing down card decks as glasses with scotch or vodka formed.

Abigail sat silently as some of the newer faces looked at the two of them with usual looks, to which Abigail sighed, "If you would turn your eyes back to your cards before I remove you from my bar," Stopping mid sentence to quickly shoot over to them standing in front of them, her golden and red crimson eye flashing at the same time, "I'd greatly accept that as an apology for looking at me as such." She said giving a smirk before moving back to her seat, taking a sip from her whiskey, the liquid burning her throat before subsiding.

Diana let out a scoff from the occurrence as they all had either surprised or pissed expressions, moving to their bosses table as they merely let out a laugh, "Now that was a bit rude don't you think Abigail?" Diana said giving a short laugh at the thought, "Not at all," She said in a cold tone devoid of emotions as the smoke from the cigarettes began rising.
Himeragi thought that a night of drinking wouldn't hurt. She decided to stop at a bar and took a seat. She didn't exactly look around to see who else was there. She only sat at the counter and looked for the bartender. Once she did, she called for them and wanted to order a strawberry sunrise. She began to look around and notice some of the customers here were gangsters. She looked back at the bartender and smiled with her left blue eye and her red right eye. It usually surprised others if she mentioned that she had heterochromia to such an extent. She smiled and waited for the bartender to tend to her order. "Strawberry sunrise please. No ice."
Abigail Black-Coat & Diana Young
10:48 AM
ΩDevils CanvasΩ

(tags Roman Roman Luna Malveaux Luna Malveaux CasualTea CasualTea )Abigail sat at the bar as the tables began forming, the dance floor turning into normal tiles as the tables formed out of smoke, a "Private Lounge" sign forming as a large red velvet curtain formed floating without bars to protect it from prying eyes. Diana sat next to her with a bored expression, spinning her finger around the rim of a wine glass as the usual customers came in, some of them from the rooms from upstairs while the gang members began taking their seats, the purple demon that was cleaning glasses behind the counter up until now moved out from behind and over to the tables placing down card decks as glasses with scotch or vodka formed.

Abigail sat silently as some of the newer faces looked at the two of them with usual looks, to which Abigail sighed, "If you would turn your eyes back to your cards before I remove you from my bar," Stopping mid sentence to quickly shoot over to them standing in front of them, her golden and red crimson eye flashing at the same time, "I'd greatly accept that as an apology for looking at me as such." She said giving a smirk before moving back to her seat, taking a sip from her whiskey, the liquid burning her throat before subsiding.

Diana let out a scoff from the occurrence as they all had either surprised or pissed expressions, moving to their bosses table as they merely let out a laugh, "Now that was a bit rude don't you think Abigail?" Diana said giving a short laugh at the thought, "Not at all," She said in a cold tone devoid of emotions as the smoke from the cigarettes began rising.

Ramona had finally managed to find herself some free time, and with it she headed to a bar for a quick drink... Well at least she thought it was gonna be a quick drink. Turns out she ended up staying a little longer than she thought. She went from drinking small drinks and slowly made her way to bigger quantities. Surprisingly she was able to hold her liquor pretty well for awhile, but unfortunately it didn't last for long. Ramona picked up her cup, tasting a new drink that she hadn't gotten to try yet. The taste surprised her, causing her to jump a bit. There was something about it that made it special. It tasted damn good too. "Where have you been all my life?" She quietly mumbled as she took another drink of it. Accidentally, she ended up downing the entire thing. With a sigh, Ramona shook the cup a bit, upset that she was all out. Ramona then hopped out of her seat and made her way over to the bar, placing the cup down and taking a seat next to a blonde girl who had came in not too long ago. "Hiya there." She said happily. Ramona smiled and held out her hand to the girl, it was slightly obvious that she was a bit tipsy, but not too much. "Came here for the drinks? They're pretty damn good."

Luna Malveaux Luna Malveaux CasualTea CasualTea
Kagura really had no idea what kind of place she stumbled upon, but from what she was seeing, people seemed to be enjoying themselves, and she could faintly smell something that immediately caught her attention. It was sweet but... strong? Whatever this sweet smell was, she wanted it. Immediately, she made her way towards the bar, brushing past anyone that was in the way, not really caring about anything but figuring out what it was, and if it tasted as good as it smelled. Upon approaching the bar, she went ahead and sat down as she saw other people doing, pulling some skittles out of her pocket and popping them into her mouth and looking at the person behind the bar, "Do you have anything sweet perhaps?"
Abigail Black-Coat & Diana Young
Diana looked over at the people coming up the bar that weren't the usual grime balls with sleazy attitudes, giving a short laugh as Abigail cast an intrigued look over at everyone. Her red and gold eye flashing a bright color as she drank more of her scotch. The purple demon had since came back tot he bar, he was dressed in usual bar attire with a tie and suit, he had four large horns protruding from his skull with black eyes, though he looked scary to most he was a kind person if you weren't rude to his boss. ( Roman Roman ) Walking over to the blonde woman who was near drunk beyond belief he waved his hand over the cup as liquid began filling it back up before he made his way over to the kid that had just sat down at the bar, ( Luna Malveaux Luna Malveaux ) giving a nod before he brought out a clear Sunday glass before it began filling with ice cream, cherries and some sprinkles appearing on it when it was done as he walked over to another blonde lady who wasn't as drunk as the other one.

( CasualTea CasualTea ) Giving a curt nod he brought a large cider glass placing it on the table before it began filling up with liquid. As the entire building creaked slightly as multiple tables vanished with a bit of a strange sparkle before it was replaced by a jukebox that had placed itself near the bar, placing "Fly Me To The Moon" by Frank Sinatra, Abigail giving a short laugh at the taste in music the bar had obtained, half the demons fault and most of the old timey gangstas who had blasted it from their rooms.

Ramona had finally managed to find herself some free time, and with it she headed to a bar for a quick drink... Well at least she thought it was gonna be a quick drink. Turns out she ended up staying a little longer than she thought. She went from drinking small drinks and slowly made her way to bigger quantities. Surprisingly she was able to hold her liquor pretty well for awhile, but unfortunately it didn't last for long. Ramona picked up her cup, tasting a new drink that she hadn't gotten to try yet. The taste surprised her, causing her to jump a bit. There was something about it that made it special. It tasted damn good too. "Where have you been all my life?" She quietly mumbled as she took another drink of it. Accidentally, she ended up downing the entire thing. With a sigh, Ramona shook the cup a bit, upset that she was all out. Ramona then hopped out of her seat and made her way over to the bar, placing the cup down and taking a seat next to a blonde girl who had came in not too long ago. "Hiya there." She said happily. Ramona smiled and held out her hand to the girl, it was slightly obvious that she was a bit tipsy, but not too much. "Came here for the drinks? They're pretty damn good."

Luna Malveaux Luna Malveaux CasualTea CasualTea
Kagura really had no idea what kind of place she stumbled upon, but from what she was seeing, people seemed to be enjoying themselves, and she could faintly smell something that immediately caught her attention. It was sweet but... strong? Whatever this sweet smell was, she wanted it. Immediately, she made her way towards the bar, brushing past anyone that was in the way, not really caring about anything but figuring out what it was, and if it tasted as good as it smelled. Upon approaching the bar, she went ahead and sat down as she saw other people doing, pulling some skittles out of her pocket and popping them into her mouth and looking at the person behind the bar, "Do you have anything sweet perhaps?"
Abigail Black-Coat & Diana Young
Diana looked over at the people coming up the bar that weren't the usual grime balls with sleazy attitudes, giving a short laugh as Abigail cast an intrigued look over at everyone. Her red and gold eye flashing a bright color as she drank more of her scotch. The purple demon had since came back tot he bar, he was dressed in usual bar attire with a tie and suit, he had four large horns protruding from his skull with black eyes, though he looked scary to most he was a kind person if you weren't rude to his boss. ( Roman Roman ) Walking over to the blonde woman who was near drunk beyond belief he waved his hand over the cup as liquid began filling it back up before he made his way over to the kid that had just sat down at the bar, ( Luna Malveaux Luna Malveaux ) giving a nod before he brought out a clear Sunday glass before it began filling with ice cream, cherries and some sprinkles appearing on it when it was done as he walked over to another blonde lady who wasn't as drunk as the other one.

( CasualTea CasualTea ) Giving a curt nod he brought a large cider glass placing it on the table before it began filling up with liquid. As the entire building creaked slightly as multiple tables vanished with a bit of a strange sparkle before it was replaced by a jukebox that had placed itself near the bar, placing "Fly Me To The Moon" by Frank Sinatra, Abigail giving a short laugh at the taste in music the bar had obtained, half the demons fault and most of the old timey gangstas who had blasted it from their rooms.
Himeragi looked at Ramona who was already hammered and she just gave a nervous chuckle and waved at her before she was given her drink. She then spoke, thanking the bartender before taking a sip from it. She usually doesn't drink strawberry sunrise, but it's nice to try new things. "Thank you." She then heard Ramona speak again and thought she would just answer her truthfully. "Yeah. I got off work and my daughter is off training somewhere. I figured I would just have some fun being young again on my own, y'know?"



...♆It had been a few months since Kuroh had been away travelling the cosmos, checking up on his mother's constellation, as well as helping out the various worlds with their problems. When he'd finally returned, which was the day previous, Kuroh checked up on his mother and father, along with his siblings. His hair had grown much longer since he left, and his body had become much more toned, naturally from the battles he'd endured. He'd also grown slightly taller, which filled out his frame. In the first ten minutes of his return, Haruo tried to prank him, which ended with his little brother being pranked due to a backfire, Hikari and Kioko tried to give him all of their sweets, which Kuroh kindly refused. He didn't want to take all of his little sisters sweets, especially since the sweets were their favourites, so he declined. His mother and father welcomed him home with a party, along with his grandparents, Ariadne and Ragnarok giving him some Euphorian alcohol. Instead of drinking it at the party, he stored it in his bedroom's cupboard, to use for a special occasion. They'd partied in true Sanctum fashion, with beer for the adults, juice for the young adults and a massive feast, capable of feeding the Sanctums and half-Sanctums until they were full. It was a day of celebration, and Sanctums did enjoy a reason to drink and eat en masse, so which reason could be any better for Akira and Asuka than the return of their eldest son after a long period away. After the party was over, the Fukushima family went to their respective rooms and fell asleep. Kuroh awoke first, and decided to go and train while his family slept. He put on some casual attire and left his room. He had numerous small, white plasters over his arms, as well as one on his left cheek. He had taken a few hits in his travels, so he used them to cover up the small cuts. The plasters were unique, being that his mother had created them. The plasters sped up the healing rate of his body, to fix the cuts in a matter of a few hours, as opposed to weeks. A few hours passed, and he stood in the Fukushima Estate's courtyard, sweating and swinging his bokken at a padded tree trunk, both to train his strength, speed as well as his mind. He'd used them quite a lot over the past few months, and his father had ingrained training into his mind so that his skills wouldn't erode from neglect. Taking a deep breath, Kuroh took a small step back and lowered the wooden training sword to his side, all the while speaking to himself as he wiped his brow of the sweat that lingered♆...

Phew! Keeping my skills sharp sure is hard work! Who'd have thought thirteen thousands swings in the morning could make you sweat so much. I should probably take these plasters off soon, my cuts seem to be fully healed. On another note, there's not much else to do right now, school's on temporary break, the world is mostly at peace, my siblings are still asleep and mom and dad are still in their bedroom. Though, I wonder where uncle Kenji is. He's been gone for a day without word. Dad isn't worried, so I guess there's nothing to get worked up about. I wonder how Himeragi and Makoto is doing. It's been a hot minute since I last saw them. I should get in contact with her and let her know I'm back.

Character Information

Fukushima Estate Courtyard.




Interacting With: No one.
Tags: None.


Elyse Glenn

It had been... a rough time for the orange haired-girl. On top of her boyfriend seeming to disappear into thin air yet again, her control over her powers had pretty much all but reverted back to the way it had always been. So once again, she was stuck being unable to touch anything without turning it into metal. Her guess was that there was some remnants of the living metal left in her body when the nanomachines had replaced it, so over time they were just over taken by that living metal, reverting her body back to how it was. This left her looking a little ragged, with her eyes losing any of the soft brown that they used to hold as well as her skin gaining a slight silver gray hue. Knowing all of had set off her mood to the point where she was pretty numb, feeling pretty hopeless and lost about life.

She never wanted to be that person, but this whole ordeal made her realize just how much of her happiness had come from Kili. It was probably from the fact that any happiness she had shown before meeting him was just a mask to hide how messed up she actually was inside, and he was the only source of genuine happiness she had in her life. He had given her a purpose, made her feel wanted, hell he had even helped her gain control of her powers so that she could actually exist normally in the world. But now that he was gone, and the control she had over her powers was gone, it was like he hadn't even existed in the first place. So the same went for the happiness she thought she had. She was back to the messed up shell of a person, who really wasn't even a person anymore. Just some kind of vessel for this living metal that ruined her life. With no real purpose anymore, Elyse found herself wandering a lot. She didn't really need to eat, since the living metal pretty much took care of everything for her, and it even provided her with enough energy that she didn't need to sleep, so didn't have to worry about stopping. She figured there really wasn't a point to life anymore, so why not wander and see what happened? On this particular night, she found herself in a bit of a shady part of town, slowly meandering around. Without really thinking about it, she had found herself tracing her hand across a wall of an alley near a well-known bar of the area, the walls and ground around her slowly turning into metal as it spread with her movements. Normally she would have been careful not to let this happen, since she wasn't exactly sure of how far the spread would go if she wasn't minding it, but she had no reason to care about it anymore.

Elyse continued to walk until she felt footsteps on the metal far behind her, feeling the vibrations from the steps through the metal to her own feet. This stopped her, though she didn't turn around. She glanced sideways at her hand, realizing that he probably followed her from this. Her guess was that it was someone here to talk about the damages she was causing, and to maybe take her in so that she couldn't destroy anything else. With that, she dropped her arm to her side, calling out at the figure behind her. "I'm assuming you're here to take me in for causing damages to the city?" Her voice sounded almost defeated, with a very slight metallic edge to it.​

Perfect had continued on the trail of metallic things. It had become obvious to him that this person had no care for the area around them, or they literally couldn't control what the hell they were doing. While he was all for destruction, he'd like for there to be something other than metal for him break when the time came. While he followed the trail, he had been trying to contact, Ribbon, but she wasn't picking up. He was starting to understand the problem with human teenagers this time around. Some old guy in the grocery store was complaining about them, and well... Perfect was roommates with one, and never really understood that she was at the point in her life until everything he heard was pretty similar to the way she acted. In this case, she wasn't answering her phone. He didn't even care where she was at. He just wanted to ask for some help.

After awhile, the trail slowly started to consist of less metal. Maybe he was closing in on whoever was doing this. Perfect began to look around, sighing he thought it was hopeless until someone came into view. A girl. She was just standing there. Perfect started walking towards her, chuckling a bit when she asked if he were there to take her in. "Me? I'm the last person you should expect to arrest anyone. I actually took time to find you for an entire different reason. I'm looking for some people and... That power of yours. It caught my attention." He said, giving her a reason. The sound of her voice made him wonder. Most people who were in trouble would get all defensive, but she seemed like she was willing to be taken away if it were the case. "Before I continue on anymore... You're obviously having some sort of problem. I may be a stranger, but I'm willing to listen if you're willing to talk." He added, walking closer towards the girl. As he did so, Perfect saw a crate on the ground. It was turned into metal, but it'd still make for a good seat. Taking it, he placed it in front of the girl. "Take a seat. Talk to me. Maybe I can help you."
Himeragi looked at Ramona who was already hammered and she just gave a nervous chuckle and waved at her before she was given her drink. She then spoke, thanking the bartender before taking a sip from it. She usually doesn't drink strawberry sunrise, but it's nice to try new things. "Thank you." She then heard Ramona speak again and thought she would just answer her truthfully. "Yeah. I got off work and my daughter is off training somewhere. I figured I would just have some fun being young again on my own, y'know?"
Ramona looked at Himeragi. Blinking, she just sorta inspected her appearance. Be young again? "Say, you don't look in the slightest bit old." She said, titling her head a little. Once he cup was filled back up, she thanked the bartender man. "Hmmm, are you like me?" Ramona asked, opening her mouth and revealing her fangs. "A vampire." She said, taking a sip of her drink. The sweetness of the liquor making her a bit happy. It was a taste she'd never forget.

Luna Malveaux Luna Malveaux Depresso Espresso Depresso Espresso
Abigail Black-Coat & Diana Young
Diana looked over at the people coming up the bar that weren't the usual grime balls with sleazy attitudes, giving a short laugh as Abigail cast an intrigued look over at everyone. Her red and gold eye flashing a bright color as she drank more of her scotch. The purple demon had since came back tot he bar, he was dressed in usual bar attire with a tie and suit, he had four large horns protruding from his skull with black eyes, though he looked scary to most he was a kind person if you weren't rude to his boss. ( Roman Roman ) Walking over to the blonde woman who was near drunk beyond belief he waved his hand over the cup as liquid began filling it back up before he made his way over to the kid that had just sat down at the bar, ( Luna Malveaux Luna Malveaux ) giving a nod before he brought out a clear Sunday glass before it began filling with ice cream, cherries and some sprinkles appearing on it when it was done as he walked over to another blonde lady who wasn't as drunk as the other one.

( CasualTea CasualTea ) Giving a curt nod he brought a large cider glass placing it on the table before it began filling up with liquid. As the entire building creaked slightly as multiple tables vanished with a bit of a strange sparkle before it was replaced by a jukebox that had placed itself near the bar, placing "Fly Me To The Moon" by Frank Sinatra, Abigail giving a short laugh at the taste in music the bar had obtained, half the demons fault and most of the old timey gangstas who had blasted it from their rooms.

Himeragi looked at Ramona who was already hammered and she just gave a nervous chuckle and waved at her before she was given her drink. She then spoke, thanking the bartender before taking a sip from it. She usually doesn't drink strawberry sunrise, but it's nice to try new things. "Thank you." She then heard Ramona speak again and thought she would just answer her truthfully. "Yeah. I got off work and my daughter is off training somewhere. I figured I would just have some fun being young again on my own, y'know?"
Ramona looked at Himeragi. Blinking, she just sorta inspected her appearance. Be young again? "Say, you don't look in the slightest bit old." She said, titling her head a little. Once he cup was filled back up, she thanked the bartender man. "Hmmm, are you like me?" Ramona asked, opening her mouth and revealing her fangs. "A vampire." She said, taking a sip of her drink. The sweetness of the liquor making her a bit happy. It was a taste she'd never forget.

Luna Malveaux Luna Malveaux Depresso Espresso Depresso Espresso
Kagura's could feel herself starting to drool upon the arrival of the sundae in front of her. Whatever it was, she could taste it just by the smell alone, and that pleased her. She wasted no time in digging in, paying no mind to the women next to her, though she was, in fact, listening in. Her eyes wandered over upon seeing fangs. Her eyebrows raised and she turned in her seat, sliding the spoon out of her mouth and placing it back in her sundae glass. "Oh? I have those too! I mean mine are slightly different but that's neat" She stated before opening her mouth, using her fingers to open it a bit more to give them a better view. "I'm not a vampire thing though"

Roman was relieved to hear that Mal was still willing to go and spend some time after the fiasco with Masahi and Kaori. And despite the smile Roman was showing, he was actually still quite troubled. Yes, the smile was genuine. He was truly happy, but his mind was trying to figure out ways to apologize to Kaori for his actions and reasons behind them. She didn't deserve to hear what he said, and he was a tad bit upset that Masahi would even go and say that, but seeing as he did, it allowed him to tell her the truth, so he wasn't super pissed about it. Looking Mal in the eye, Roman chuckled, "Then its settled. We'll go out and get dinner together, we'd have to wait for Alejandro if we even wanted to go as a family anyways." Roman said, taking off his mask and forehead protector, placing them on the bed. Upon doing so, he changed forms, his hair no longer pointing upwards, and no longer was it white. Roman smiled, "Well, standing here won't make things happen. Come on." Roman then held out his hand to Mal, waiting for her to take it. "Is there anything you're hungry for in specific? I'm starving, and can pretty much eat anything right now."
Mal was glad to see him revert into the form she was most familiar with. This was the one she loved the most, not that she didn't love any of the other, it was still Roman after all, but this form meant that Roman felt safe and at peace and intended on relaxing, which made her the slightest bit happier everytime she'd see him change to it. She nodded, agreeing with his statement about waiting for Alejandro. Her youngest seemed to be busier these days, but at least he was staying out of trouble. She didn't really have to worry about Misaki since she seemed to be more interested in staying at home outside of school... at least she hopes that's what she was doing. That child could be incredibly sneaky at times, as nice as it was she got that after her father, it could be pretty troubling at times. "Chinese sounds really good right now, I've been craving it but never really had a reason to go get some." She responded, happily taking his hand when he offered it.

As the pair walked outside toward wherever this place was that Zero had in mind, Ryft couldn't help but steal a few glances over at his new friend. He didn't know why he was doing this, but maybe it was just that he seemed to still be a little in shock that someone was actually being nice to him and hanging out with him, and he wanted to make sure it all was really happening. His first real friend... it was kind of sad to think that this guy, a guy who was only really around the first time to save him from bullying, was his first real friend, but it seemed to be true. Sure he had met people around the school and around everywhere since his creators had let him out into the public, but nobody ever stuck around long enough for him to actually develop a friendship toward. Heck, he hadn't really even heard from the people who created him except for the occasional ping from his internal messaging system that they wanted a service diagnostics report. Other than that, nothing. It hadn't been long since he was released out into the wild, so to speak, so he supposed they probably just wanted to collect more data before he could come back. So that meant for a pretty lonely life. Until now, at least. As Zero spoke, Ryft looked over at him, this time keeping his gaze on him because he actually had a reason to now. “Ah, well...” he paused, taking a moment to think about it. What did he do for fun? “I dunno. I’m still not used to the way humans live or act so I read a lot on human and humanoid behavior so I don’t completely fall behind. Other than that, I can connect to the internet easily so I go on there a lot... I’m not really that interesting of a person, sorry...” Ryft averted his eyes again as his words finished, wishing he could say more about himself than that.​
Zero looked at Ryft as he finished speaking. He couldn't imagine what it'd be like in Ryft's shoes. To be blunt, it would suck, to not know basic things like what people do for fun, or not even know basic human emotions. "I find you interesting, Ryft. You're different from everyone I know, but not in a bad way. You might not be familiar with the way us humans live but that makes you unique in your own way." He stated, wanting Ryft to see that being unfamiliar with things wasn't a bad thing. "Besides, if you don't know what you like to do in your free time, I can show you some fun things you could try, its the least I could do." He nodded before using his thumb to point at himself. "I'm officially going to take it upon myself to help you get adjusted to the way us humans exist."

Perfect had continued on the trail of metallic things. It had become obvious to him that this person had no care for the area around them, or they literally couldn't control what the hell they were doing. While he was all for destruction, he'd like for there to be something other than metal for him break when the time came. While he followed the trail, he had been trying to contact, Ribbon, but she wasn't picking up. He was starting to understand the problem with human teenagers this time around. Some old guy in the grocery store was complaining about them, and well... Perfect was roommates with one, and never really understood that she was at the point in her life until everything he heard was pretty similar to the way she acted. In this case, she wasn't answering her phone. He didn't even care where she was at. He just wanted to ask for some help.

After awhile, the trail slowly started to consist of less metal. Maybe he was closing in on whoever was doing this. Perfect began to look around, sighing he thought it was hopeless until someone came into view. A girl. She was just standing there. Perfect started walking towards her, chuckling a bit when she asked if he were there to take her in. "Me? I'm the last person you should expect to arrest anyone. I actually took time to find you for an entire different reason. I'm looking for some people and... That power of yours. It caught my attention." He said, giving her a reason. The sound of her voice made him wonder. Most people who were in trouble would get all defensive, but she seemed like she was willing to be taken away if it were the case. "Before I continue on anymore... You're obviously having some sort of problem. I may be a stranger, but I'm willing to listen if you're willing to talk." He added, walking closer towards the girl. As he did so, Perfect saw a crate on the ground. It was turned into metal, but it'd still make for a good seat. Taking it, he placed it in front of the girl. "Take a seat. Talk to me. Maybe I can help you."

Elyse Glenn

Elyse didn't bother to move from the spot she stood in, more waiting to see what this stranger would do or say. She'd be able to feel through the metal under their feet if he started moving, so there was no need to make a move yet. If she was being honest with herself, she was surprised that it took someone this long to actually come up to her, but she figured they were probably all scared of her or just kind of weirded out by her. That was fine. She was nothing more than a freak anyways, a shell of a human for a living metal host, a freak experiment gone unfortunately right. They had every reason to avoid her... yet this guy seemed to actively be searching her out. Wanting to maybe find out the reason why, Elyse finally willed herself to turn around, her eyes finally resting on the figure of the man now in front of her. He didn't quite look as she expected he would. His voice made him sound a little more imposing than he looked, but looks could be deceiving. She was the living definition of that, after all.
This stranger's words did pique her interest a bit. He was purposely seeking her out? Because her powers caught his attention? What did that mean? Her powers that seemed to only cause trouble? What kind of guy was he? Her expression was neutral, almost blank and lifeless as she stared at him. “Well I’m sorry to disappoint you, I’m not worth putting any attention on.” Again, her voice sounded defeated with a metallic ring. However he seemed to be really insistent in at least trying to looks like he really was interested, and her eyes fell to the crate he placed in front of her. It was turned all to metal of course, as it would be since it was in the alleyway that was still continuing to be turned to metal. The longer she stood here, the more the metal spread, not that she cared. She looked down at the crate before looking back at the stranger, still trying to wrap her head around why he was here. He seemed to be acting like he wanted to talk to her, like some kind of counselor or therapist. “I’m not sure what you’re trying to accomplish by talking to me, but whatever kind of person you’re looking for obviously isn’t me. I mean, look at me.” She held out her hands, showing her palms and a silver spiderweb pattern that interlaid itself there. The pattern seemed to also spread a bit up her wrists, and a further look at her would show a very light etching of the pattern across the rest of her skin. Her face, however, was clear of it. “You don’t want to get involved with... this.” She sighed, her arms falling to her sides. “Besides, I don’t care about anything, anymore. Why should I be interested in why you’re here? What would you want with something like me?” Her curiosity about this man still seemed to peel through her obvious hatred of herself and her situation, and how genuinely lost she felt.
Himeragi looked at Ramona who was already hammered and she just gave a nervous chuckle and waved at her before she was given her drink. She then spoke, thanking the bartender before taking a sip from it. She usually doesn't drink strawberry sunrise, but it's nice to try new things. "Thank you." She then heard Ramona speak again and thought she would just answer her truthfully. "Yeah. I got off work and my daughter is off training somewhere. I figured I would just have some fun being young again on my own, y'know?"
Ramona looked at Himeragi. Blinking, she just sorta inspected her appearance. Be young again? "Say, you don't look in the slightest bit old." She said, titling her head a little. Once he cup was filled back up, she thanked the bartender man. "Hmmm, are you like me?" Ramona asked, opening her mouth and revealing her fangs. "A vampire." She said, taking a sip of her drink. The sweetness of the liquor making her a bit happy. It was a taste she'd never forget.

Luna Malveaux Luna Malveaux Depresso Espresso Depresso Espresso
Kagura's could feel herself starting to drool upon the arrival of the sundae in front of her. Whatever it was, she could taste it just by the smell alone, and that pleased her. She wasted no time in digging in, paying no mind to the women next to her, though she was, in fact, listening in. Her eyes wandered over upon seeing fangs. Her eyebrows raised and she turned in her seat, sliding the spoon out of her mouth and placing it back in her sundae glass. "Oh? I have those too! I mean mine are slightly different but that's neat" She stated before opening her mouth, using her fingers to open it a bit more to give them a better view. "I'm not a vampire thing though"
Abigail Black-Coat & Diana Young
Abigail perked up at the mention of vampires and fangs, grabbing her glass and moving to the left of Kagura, taking a sip of her drink before he set it down, "Well, glad to see at least some Vampires have entered my club," A smile that seemed half hearted pointed towards the both of them. Offering a hand to Kagura with a more sincere smile, "Abigail Black-Coat, pleasure to be of acquaintance." She said flashing her pearly whites, her elongated fangs that looked like small knives shining slightly from the light.

Diana let out a sigh, "Abigail don't scare away your customers. You pay on the way out by the way, the buildings very sensitive to not being payed for it's services," Diana said letting out a short laugh taking another sip of her drink before the Demon walked over to Abigails' side and filled up her glass with a clear liquid that shot out sparks before shining slightly inside it's glass, mixing with the previous liquid that remained. Abigail giving a curt nod to the demon before she took a sip from her glass, a relieved sigh, "Great stuff, shame it's been replaced by such shitty brands of alcohol."
Kagura's could feel herself starting to drool upon the arrival of the sundae in front of her. Whatever it was, she could taste it just by the smell alone, and that pleased her. She wasted no time in digging in, paying no mind to the women next to her, though she was, in fact, listening in. Her eyes wandered over upon seeing fangs. Her eyebrows raised and she turned in her seat, sliding the spoon out of her mouth and placing it back in her sundae glass. "Oh? I have those too! I mean mine are slightly different but that's neat" She stated before opening her mouth, using her fingers to open it a bit more to give them a better view. "I'm not a vampire thing though"
Abigail Black-Coat & Diana Young
Abigail perked up at the mention of vampires and fangs, grabbing her glass and moving to the left of Kagura, taking a sip of her drink before he set it down, "Well, glad to see at least some Vampires have entered my club," A smile that seemed half hearted pointed towards the both of them. Offering a hand to Kagura with a more sincere smile, "Abigail Black-Coat, pleasure to be of acquaintance." She said flashing her pearly whites, her elongated fangs that looked like small knives shining slightly from the light.

Diana let out a sigh, "Abigail don't scare away your customers. You pay on the way out by the way, the buildings very sensitive to not being payed for it's services," Diana said letting out a short laugh taking another sip of her drink before the Demon walked over to Abigails' side and filled up her glass with a clear liquid that shot out sparks before shining slightly inside it's glass, mixing with the previous liquid that remained. Abigail giving a curt nod to the demon before she took a sip from her glass, a relieved sigh, "Great stuff, shame it's been replaced by such shitty brands of alcohol."
Ramona looked at Himeragi. Blinking, she just sorta inspected her appearance. Be young again? "Say, you don't look in the slightest bit old." She said, titling her head a little. Once he cup was filled back up, she thanked the bartender man. "Hmmm, are you like me?" Ramona asked, opening her mouth and revealing her fangs. "A vampire." She said, taking a sip of her drink. The sweetness of the liquor making her a bit happy. It was a taste she'd never forget.

Luna Malveaux Luna Malveaux Depresso Espresso Depresso Espresso
Himeragi shook her head. "Ah no. I'm not a vampire, I'm an Intoner. What I mean is, I'm living on my own with my daughter and right now she went with a friend of mine to train somewhere so I'm spending some time by myself when I didn't have such responsibilities." She said as she smiled nervously, seeing as how she wasn't the same as the people she's speaking with. She then took another sip of her strawberry sunrise and then looked back to the group. "And before you start asking about the father, he went out to family business I believe. He never really said when he would be back though..." She then picked up her drink and downed the rest of it and looked to the bartender. "Could I get a refill please?"

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