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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Makoto was still in a daze after what she had done, and being dragged out annoyed her and she sort of whined half awake. "Stop commenting about my panties. They're not even that fancy!" She then started to walk normally out with Akane wondering what she had to do. She was also even more annoyed that the Annora part was bullshit. "What's the rush anyway?"
Akane wasted no time in making another comment about Makoto's panties, "They're fancy enough for someone your age. I mean, you are only like 16 right? With that thought, this entire situation has become weird. I give you two years before I start making comments about them again." She said, and in a way it seemed like she was enthusiastic about the situation. "As for the rush. Perfect is the reason. When you were in the bathroom, he told me about his plan to overtake CROSS. The same one he told you while I was asleep." She told Makoto as the two of them made it to the door. Akane opened it, allowing for Makoto to step out first. Perfect soon came to the door, and just before Akane stepped out completely, he touched her hand, accepting the power that she was offering him. The two then spoke telepathically, "I trust you, Perfect. Change CROSS. Do anything out of hand and I'll come for you myself." Perfect then responded, "Don't worry. I won't let this chance go to waste." He then closed the door, an evil smirk forming on his face as Akane left with Makoto. "Thanks to Akane, I'm able to change into my complete form, but this isn't enough power to put me at full strength. Smart of her to only give me so little." As Akane walked alongside Makoto, she looked at her. She couldn't tell her what she just did, it might make Makoto lose trust in her, but if she didn't Makoto would have become a target, and everyone else too. "Makoto? How about we stop for a snack or something? I'm sure after today's training, some ice cream or something cold would suffice. What do you think?"
Akane wasted no time in making another comment about Makoto's panties, "They're fancy enough for someone your age. I mean, you are only like 16 right? With that thought, this entire situation has become weird. I give you two years before I start making comments about them again." She said, and in a way it seemed like she was enthusiastic about the situation. "As for the rush. Perfect is the reason. When you were in the bathroom, he told me about his plan to overtake CROSS. The same one he told you while I was asleep." She told Makoto as the two of them made it to the door. Akane opened it, allowing for Makoto to step out first. Perfect soon came to the door, and just before Akane stepped out completely, he touched her hand, accepting the power that she was offering him. The two then spoke telepathically, "I trust you, Perfect. Change CROSS. Do anything out of hand and I'll come for you myself." Perfect then responded, "Don't worry. I won't let this chance go to waste." He then closed the door, an evil smirk forming on his face as Akane left with Makoto. "Thanks to Akane, I'm able to change into my complete form, but this isn't enough power to put me at full strength. Smart of her to only give me so little." As Akane walked alongside Makoto, she looked at her. She couldn't tell her what she just did, it might make Makoto lose trust in her, but if she didn't Makoto would have become a target, and everyone else too. "Makoto? How about we stop for a snack or something? I'm sure after today's training, some ice cream or something cold would suffice. What do you think?"
"Can we just hit an arcade? Actually, there's a place I want to go to right now..." Makoto said before she remembered what Akane said about the estate. "Wait, wasn't there something you needed to do at the estate? If you need to do that, let's just get a treat later after that." Makoto said as she continued to walk beside Akane. Makoto was starting to become more awake as time passed, but it's gonna take awhile before she can fully fight again because she did just shoot herself in the head. She would call it 'Kermit Seppuku' or reseting her psychological state while retaining her memories so she would process them slowly and prevent PTSD.
"Can we just hit an arcade? Actually, there's a place I want to go to right now..." Makoto said before she remembered what Akane said about the estate. "Wait, wasn't there something you needed to do at the estate? If you need to do that, let's just get a treat later after that." Makoto said as she continued to walk beside Akane. Makoto was starting to become more awake as time passed, but it's gonna take awhile before she can fully fight again because she did just shoot herself in the head. She would call it 'Kermit Seppuku' or reseting her psychological state while retaining her memories so she would process them slowly and prevent PTSD.
Akane had almost forgot. She was going to have to tell Roman about what had happened. She knew that he was up to something with someone, having to deal with CROSS. She heard them talking about it in his office before they left. Seemed like an investigation. "Damn it, I almost forgot. Thanks for reminding me, Makoto." She said as the two of them walked. Akane soon placed her hand on Makoto's shoulder, making them appear outside the gates of the estate. When they did, she immediately caught eye of two people standing in front of them. Blonde short girls to be exact. "Seems like we have visitors. Should be impossible though. Not many normal humans know of this place... Then again their energy is something different. Not really human. Fae-like." She said, walking towards the entrance to the estate grounds. "Excuse me! Are you two lost?" Akane called out to them. "No, I'm sure this is the place we were looking for. More specifically, we're looking for a person. White hair. Wears a mask. His eyes can be pretty scary when he's upset." One of them said, without turning around. "Oh. He should be inside." Akane said as she stood alongside the girls. "What are you looking for him for?" She asked. "He's our dad." The other one said. With that bit of information being shared, Akane simply froze in place as the gates opened. The two girls began walking inside, making their way to the front door of the home.
Akane had almost forgot. She was going to have to tell Roman about what had happened. She knew that he was up to something with someone, having to deal with CROSS. She heard them talking about it in his office before they left. Seemed like an investigation. "Damn it, I almost forgot. Thanks for reminding me, Makoto." She said as the two of them walked. Akane soon placed her hand on Makoto's shoulder, making them appear outside the gates of the estate. When they did, she immediately caught eye of two people standing in front of them. Blonde short girls to be exact. "Seems like we have visitors. Should be impossible though. Not many normal humans know of this place... Then again their energy is something different. Not really human. Fae-like." She said, walking towards the entrance to the estate grounds. "Excuse me! Are you two lost?" Akane called out to them. "No, I'm sure this is the place we were looking for. More specifically, we're looking for a person. White hair. Wears a mask. His eyes can be pretty scary when he's upset." One of them said, without turning around. "Oh. He should be inside." Akane said as she stood alongside the girls. "What are you looking for him for?" She asked. "He's our dad." The other one said. With that bit of information being shared, Akane simply froze in place as the gates opened. The two girls began walking inside, making their way to the front door of the home.
Makoto watched before things started to click in her head. Her eyes lit up and she began to run towards the girls and hugged them both. "Ohhhhh~?! Assana! Miyuki!! It's been awhile! Where have you guys been? You two are well, right?! Ugh, we need to catch up sometime!" Makoto asked totally losing her composition that she's able to meet her friends. Not only they were her friends, they were her favorite out of all of them.
Makoto watched before things started to click in her head. Her eyes lit up and she began to run towards the girls and hugged them both. "Ohhhhh~?! Assana! Miyuki!! It's been awhile! Where have you guys been? You two are well, right?! Ugh, we need to catch up sometime!" Makoto asked totally losing her composition that she's able to meet her friends. Not only they were her friends, they were her favorite out of all of them.
Assana and Miyuki didn't know that Makoto was with the woman who they were just speaking to, so when they heard her voice, it was a surprise to them too. "Ah! Makoto!" They both said in unison as she ran over to hug them. Both Assana and Miyuki hugged Makoto back, taking in the moment of reunion with their friend. "We've been travelling. I wish we could have told you we were leaving, but it was a serious time for our family. I'm sure Himeragi told you everything that had happened." Assana said, smiling as she told Makoto the situation. Miyuki then spoke up, her voice still as soft as it was in the past, "Y-Yeah. Thank you for worrying about us. We've experienced some hardships, but ultimately, we're okay. We would love to catch up too, but our father is our top priority. I'm sure you understand." Akane eventually walked over to the three of them. "Oh, Makoto, who is that? The lady you're with. She seems stiff. Like she can't believe what's going on."
Assana and Miyuki didn't know that Makoto was with the woman who they were just speaking to, so when they heard her voice, it was a surprise to them too. "Ah! Makoto!" They both said in unison as she ran over to hug them. Both Assana and Miyuki hugged Makoto back, taking in the moment of reunion with their friend. "We've been travelling. I wish we could have told you we were leaving, but it was a serious time for our family. I'm sure Himeragi told you everything that had happened." Assana said, smiling as she told Makoto the situation. Miyuki then spoke up, her voice still as soft as it was in the past, "Y-Yeah. Thank you for worrying about us. We've experienced some hardships, but ultimately, we're okay. We would love to catch up too, but our father is our top priority. I'm sure you understand." Akane eventually walked over to the three of them. "Oh, Makoto, who is that? The lady you're with. She seems stiff. Like she can't believe what's going on."
Makoto seemed to give an expression that Himeragi didn't her anything. Like there was a twitch in her smile. When she was asked who Akane was, she casually answered. "Oh. She's Akane. Your dad's mom. I guess she's your grandma now. I'm her apprentice and she just started training me today." She then looked at Akane and wondered if she remembered who they were. "You remember them, right? Roman and Snow's kids?"

How long had Celaena dreamed of this moment? Reuniting with her Ayen after all the years in the crystal, supposedly dead? Even still, somehow, Celaena dreamed of this. Getting to hold him close again, be held close by him, that was all she really wanted. Not anything of what had happened. So to be here, back in Ayen's arms, Celaena finally felt like she was home again. Like a breath of fresh air, or taking a breath for the first time after not being able to breathe. Everything felt like it was falling back into place the way it was supposed to. And in her emotional state, she was having a bit of a hard time keeping it together. Feeling him nudge her cheek caused her to nudge back, bringing her hand up to touch his face as if to make sure it actually was there. His face felt just like she remembered. She didn't really even notice where it was that he was taking her, only that she was finally being held by him again. She really didn't even notice anything other than his embrace until he had set her on the bed, which momentarily took away her attention. It was now that she noticed they were in his room, and memories from their past together began to bubble to the surface, mainly of the last time they were like this. "I do remember that." she answered once Ayen was done speaking. Celaena looked up at him, tears still falling down her cheeks as she managed a smile. She would never know why it was that he had chosen her of all the potential partners he had been offered. But she loved him anyways, so she it made her happy that he wanted her by his side. "It's just been so long, I was worried you would have forgotten about me or moved on after I..." her voice trailed off as her throat tightened, though her strain was broken by a teary laugh when Ayen rubbed his nose against hers. It was a teary one, but genuine nonetheless. Her hand gripped his, holding tightly as if it was the only thing anchoring her to this world. There seemed to be some kind of gentle urgency between the two, one that both of them seemed to need.​

Hearing Celaena's word's hurt Ayen a little as if he could forget her. Of all he's seen, of everything he'd done, heard, and felt, of all of that, she was the one thing Ayen always held closest to his heart. The thought may be cruel to his children that he's offered so much to, the kids the but so much trust in him, but he always valued Celaena more. That being so, Ayen couldn't help but let a childish smile break out upon his face as his heart was now so close to him, returning Celaena's tight grip on his hand with an equally tight grip. He, however, felt a different sensation than Celaena, that if he let go of her that she would disappear again as if she was never there, to begin with. Then sensation swelled in his chest, feeling like his heart was being slowly squeezed before a heat was born and fueled his next action. Not waiting another moment Ayen stole Celaena's lips with his own, needing to feel her, to have her again. It had been so long his he had done such a thing that he had clumsily fumbled over her lips for a moment before getting it right as he held it there for a moment, then two, then three. When Ayen pulled away he looked Celaena in the eyes once more as he whispered to her. "Never. I would never forget you, move on from you, have anyone but you at my side. Anyone that would, wouldn't be me." As Ayen fell silent again he wiped her tears away gently with his free hand.​
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After sitting down, Hyou took his phone out of pocket, checking his messages, hoping to have gotten one for Alejandro, telling him if he and Astrid were okay. Much to his dismay, he had gotten nothing from him. He knew he had nothing to worry about though. Miss Akane had came and took care of it, along with that weird guy in the orange karate clothes. He just wanted to know what the two of them were up to afterwards. He wasn't sure if Skylar noticed since she had just got free, but Astrid looked sort of sad. It was strange to him that he noticed, but being with Skylar, it was a skill he had picked up. Guess he was more prone to looking for the emotion one may be feeling now that he had someone so close to him that he cared about. Putting his phone away, he listened to what Skylar was telling him. What she wanted to do, and the places she wanted to visit. When she stopped and told him that she'd like to hear what ideas he had in mind, he looked at her and raised a brow. "You aren't going deaf are ya, shorty? But since you asked, what I wanna do is treat you to the things you wanna do. We can do what I wanna do a different time. Now, if there's anything else you wanna do, let me know. I'm gonna take a shower." He said, taking out his phone once more, calling Lily. "Oh, and can you throw these away for me?" He asked, pointing to his current outfit. It was still in tatters from the fight with Perfect. "I put it on because I was planning on heading straight back to my place, but I'll just have Lily bring some clothes over and shower here." As Hyou finished talking, Lily picked up the phone and he hopped up and they started talking. Hyou then hung up and put his phone down on the counter, giving Skylar a quick kiss before he ran off to her bathroom. "I shouldn't be long!"

Skylar Ainsworth

Of course Skylar had date ideas. She had far too many date ideas, if she was being honest. Ever since they officially became a thing back at the hospital, she had thought about them. She couldn't really do much else while she was there except think. Her imagination was more wild than most, since her powers kind of depended on it and from how often her nose was stuck in some kind of book or story. Admittedly, a lot of the stories were about grand adventures with romance subplots, so it wasn't hard to have romance on her mind. And now that she had Hyou, well... those thoughts were now more real, since they could potentially be applied to her now. But this was their first date they were talking about, she didn't want to go too overboard if she couldn't help it. And plus, since it was going to be their first date, she kind of wanted it to be something they could plan together. But he seemed insistent that it be up to her and that he wanted to do what she wanted to do. It didn't seem quite fair to him, but that seemed to be what he wanted, so who was she to deny him that? "A-Alright then." She agreed, before Hyou went on to ask her to throw out his clothes. She looked over at them in confusion before he explained that they were all ripped up and that Lily would bring him some new ones, and how he was gonna take a shower. Skylar barely had enough time to react before Hyou was kissing her and walking toward the bathroom. She stood there a little overwhelmed before a bright red blush suddenly came to her cheeks. Hyou was going to be showering. In her dorm. Her mind filled with a jumbled mess of thoughts before she brought her hands to her cheeks and shook her head in a vain effort to calm herself down. She turned back to the glass of water she had ignored and downed it, hoping that would cool her head a bit while she waited for him.​

Hearing Celaena's word's hurt Ayen a little as if he could forget her. Of all he's seen, of everything he'd done, heard, and felt, of all of that, she was the one thing Ayen always held closest to his heart. The thought may be cruel to his children that he's offered so much to, the kids the but so much trust in him, but he always valued Celaena more. That being so, Ayen couldn't help but let a childish smile break out upon his face as his heart was now so close to him, returning Celaena's tight grip on his hand with an equally tight grip. He, however, felt a different sensation than Celaena, that if he let go of her that she would disappear again as if she was never there, to begin with. Then sensation swelled in his chest, feeling like his heart was being slowly squeezed before a heat was born and fueled his next action. Not waiting another moment Ayen stole Celaena's lips with his own, needing to feel her, to have her again. It had been so long his he had done such a thing that he had clumsily fumbled over her lips for a moment before getting it right as he held it there for a moment, then two, then three. When Ayen pulled away he looked Celaena in the eyes once more as he whispered to her. "Never. I would never forget you, move on from you, have anyone but you at my side. Anyone that would, wouldn't be me." As Ayen fell silent again he wiped her tears away gently with his free hand.​


Even though she knew that this was all real, there was some part of Celaena that was scared it was all a dream. That all of this was some kind of iron poisoning fever dream and she was still stuck back in the crystal in the forest from her home land. It was probably because she was having a hard time truly grasping the fact that she was alive, that her life hadn't ended all those years ago like they both had thought. But either way, as she laid her in Ayen's embrace, it became increasingly clear just how much she needed him, and how much he needed her. Despite the circumstances in their lives that might have tried to tear them apart, they were two parts of the same whole, destined to always find their way back together. Even death couldn't seem to keep them from finding each other, and Celaena wasn't going to let him go ever again. Not if she could help it. She was going to try her hardest to stay by his side if she could. Her worries about having been forgotten or replaced seemed to melt away at the feeling of his lips on hers. It had been ages since their last kiss so she too had to fumble through it, though it was mostly due to being overcome with emotion than anything else. As he kissed her, Celaena felt herself bring her free arm up around his neck to bring herself closer to him. The world around them seemed to fade away for the moments they were locked together in the kiss, unfortunately coming back into view as their lips parted. A small relieved smile fell across her face as Ayen spoke, and she leaned into the hand that was wiping away any tears that were remaining in her eyes and her face. "As have I. Any moments that I was able to think while in the crystal were thoughts of you. I can't lose you again." She spoke, her eyes closing into the embrace of his hand on her face. Oh how she missed this.​

• Rosalie Dalton •


Rosalie nodded as she laughed silently "Yeah! Silly, but definitely a good one to keep in mind for someone else" she said with a smile. "And yeah, good idea to keep them to yourself...I mean, unless you're making yourself prank proof on purpose...even if you are ill still catch you out somehow" she grinned enthusiastically. She tilted her head in a curious manner when he seemed to only be getting her joke after a few moments "It's fine, don't worry about it...what were you thinking about?" She blinked before quickly waving her hands "Nevermind. I probably shouldn't ask something like that" she quickly added.

She couldn't help but giggle along with him when he had called himself their queen or well, king. Either way she still found their antics really cute. She smiled brightly when he mentioned her enjoying his company, immediately nodding "I do! You're really interesting, Mat! I'm glad I didn't decide to just take a seat somewhere else or something" she answered in response to his question and curious smile, which she had caught.

Hearing his odd joke about her powers, she raised her brows at first before laughing a little "Oh yes. I definitely couldn't hold back if a gummi dragon was taking my things." She joked back, obviously had noticed his attempt to pick up the mood of the conversation even though it wasn't exactly guaranteed to work, thinking it was rather sweet of him to try do so. "I can't imagine if I had only discovered my powers recently...they've already taken this long for me to even get them to work properly...I've accidentally smashed a lot of vases and windows" she answered, her tone sounding like a joke near the end of her sentence...but she wasn't joking full, the breaking things part was pretty true...kind of embarrassing if anything.

She paused in her movements as he apologised about making her talk about difficult things. Blinking a few times she smiled gently and shook her head a little "It's fine, don't worry about it...don't feel guilty either, it's not like you really made me as such..." She assured him with a slight nod "Either way...I've been told talking about it is a good thing... or yeah...apparently..." She shrugged her shoulders, she wasn't sure if it was or not, but she normally avoided such topics. "So...uhm...thanks for talking to me about it" she answered softly. Her expression remained somewhat serious for a moment, like she was thinking. Which she was, he had asked to change the subject after all. After a moment of silence thought she looked towards Matsui for a moment before offering a smile. Moving forward a little she took both of his hands making them face eachother first before letting them go them holding her own hands the same way. She then held up her two index fingers straight before bending them towards eachother "That's how you say hello" she explained as she made the motion "I'm not making you study lots and lots right now or anything, I just atleast knowing how to say hello is a good start before you actually start right into studying, right?" She tilted her head and beamed a smile, she had also been trying to give him the option to change the subject like he had asked

Matsui chuckled abit at her saying it would use his idea on someone else. " Oh I pray for whoever is the next victim of Prankster Rosey.. I bet they wouldn't even get near pies once they see one talking at them" He chuckled once again at this. When she stated she would find a way to catch him off guard he smiled slightly. " Oh really? Good luck with that because im the toughest boy in town. Infact they used to call me Rock Man because of how pranks did not affect me at all, though who knows.. maybe you might make me jump a little someday" He bluffed in a joking manner just to see her reaction about it. When she asked him to tell her what was on his mind and then apologising for asking he laughted abit as he shook his head. " Oh its fine, its a silly thing you see.. Its just that your voice has something to it.. like its very relaxing to listen to." He told her, her smile getting a grin out of him. As he listened her complimenting him he looked quite baffled she was that much happy she got to meet him, he then offered her a bright smile " Wow! I feel flattered to be honest. I feel the same though, im glad I sat here and meet someone so charismatic and cheerful." He found her very sweet and likeable even though they've just met an hour or less ago. He noticed his weird joke made her laugh abit which made him feel satisfied that he could make the mood lighther even for a few seconds. " Of course, gummy dragons nowadays are big bullies so you should keep an eye open for them." He joked back, once she mentioned how she smashed some vases and windows with her voice in the past he wasn't quite sure whether she was joking or not. " Well yeah.. It is hard to use powers properly, Im pretty sure that managing your voice is way harder than absorbing electricity.. so I dont blame you if you've broken a few vases or windows." He added with a slight smile. " Back then I used to absorb whatever device I had in my hands. When I charged my phone and picked it up for the first time imagine my reaction when the batteries suddenly reached 0%" He laughed abit, he wanted to make Rose feel less ashamed about it by sharing his experience with his powers.
He listened her assuring him to not feel guilty about it which made him feel slightly better, he understood very well that talking about the past wasn't always happy memories. Upon hearing her thank him for making her talk about it she looked at her with a comforting smile. " You're welcome...I do agree that talking about bad experiences can help you get over them with more ease.. I know its not much but hey.. If you ever need to vent out about something you can trust me about it." He had though that she probably had other friends who she would tell everything about so he doesn't really expects her to accept his offer. But if it could atleast make her feel more comfortable about it then he would feel happy for her. He furrowed a brow as she took both of his hands, he noticed her smiling at him which he soon returned the favour. When she explained that's how to say hello in signs he quickly understood she was changing of subject like he had suggested. " Ooooh I see... Are you underestimating my intelligence?" He wanted to fake an offended look but he couldn't help to smile at the end of his sentence, which was obviously a joke. "Thanks for teaching me though.. It sounds very basic but the first steps are the most important." He noticed Rose tilting her head with a beaming smile.. it was a charming sight. " Oh! This whole thing just reminded me of something, I used to study spanish back in my school. Im not an expert but I'd dare say I know how to write and speak quite well."
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Ryft nodded in response as Zero agreed to lead the way, glad to hear that. How embarrassing would it be to get lost at a time like this? The thought made Ryft stop and think for a moment, surprised that he was thinking like this. Now he was thinking about things in terms of getting embarrassed? That was kind of a new emotion, even though he had technically been programmed that way. If he remembered it like he did, the last people that were his Wielders were the people who had created him. That was the last time he experienced what they called "emotions." Everything was explained to him in technical terms of what he was programmed to be able to do, but none of it really made sense. How do you explain happiness or sadness or regret to a literal weapon? But then when they broke the contract to let Ryft go to school, they couldn't have predicted that any emotions he might have been feeling (from being able to connect to someone who naturally felt emotions) would begin to wane until they were nothing but foreign concepts yet again. So it was strange to Ryft to feel any emotions really, partly because he didn't know what they meant and partly because he wasn't sure why there were happening now. "Great, lead the way!" he spoke before exiting the room and following Zero to wherever it was he had in mind for food.​
Zero was pretty happy to be able to hang out with Ryft. Really it'd been a bit of time since he last hung out with a friend, everyone seemed to start getting busy planning for their future or already getting started with it, which didn't seem to involve spending much time with him. Really Zero probably should have been doing the same, since he had no idea what he wanted to do, but he didn't really care enough to think about it anytime soon. He held in a sigh, glancing over at Ryft. Maybe Ryft wouldn't be as busy as everyone else and he could just hang out with him, he liked that idea. Ryft seemed like a cool and pretty nice guy and he wanted to get to know his new friend more. "So, what kind of things do you like to do in your free time?" He asked. He knew it was a lame question, a very lame one indeed, but he wanted to start off small.
Yoichi yawned a bit, starting to show that he was rather tired from all the walking and constant movement from earlier in the day when Nyn had passed out. While today had been an interesting, it was just as tiring for him, especially since he had planned to do a quick training session then head back to his dorm for the day. Not like he was against the day's events though. In the end he made a friend, and got a burger for lunch. When she suggested tomorrow, he thought about it for a moment. "If I'm free tomorrow, I'll come tell you. If I can't come to you, then I'm for sure too busy, but don't take it the wrong way. Its not like I'd be trying to avoid you or anything. We are friends after all." He told her, as he continued to walk, kicking a can that was on the sidewalk in front of him. He continued to kick the same can a few times as they went along.
Nyn noticed Yoichi yawning, she didn't know just how sleepy she was until she let out a yawn aswell. It surprised her that, a few minutes ago, she felt like she could walk all day, however the lack of sleep soon catched up with her. " I understand, If you're free and you wish to see me, I'll probably be either in the school's library or gym. Just so you know where to look for first." Nyn added " And thanks for reassuring me, I just hope I don't get to be as annoying as the people you usually encounter." She wanted to treasure this friendship as if it were gold. However this made her afraid of screwing it up and ending the relationship. Talking about friendship brought a question to her. She gave him a curious look as he kicked a can several times along the way. " What's the difference between people that are friends and those who aren't?"
Zero was pretty happy to be able to hang out with Ryft. Really it'd been a bit of time since he last hung out with a friend, everyone seemed to start getting busy planning for their future or already getting started with it, which didn't seem to involve spending much time with him. Really Zero probably should have been doing the same, since he had no idea what he wanted to do, but he didn't really care enough to think about it anytime soon. He held in a sigh, glancing over at Ryft. Maybe Ryft wouldn't be as busy as everyone else and he could just hang out with him, he liked that idea. Ryft seemed like a cool and pretty nice guy and he wanted to get to know his new friend more. "So, what kind of things do you like to do in your free time?" He asked. He knew it was a lame question, a very lame one indeed, but he wanted to start off small.

As the pair walked outside toward wherever this place was that Zero had in mind, Ryft couldn't help but steal a few glances over at his new friend. He didn't know why he was doing this, but maybe it was just that he seemed to still be a little in shock that someone was actually being nice to him and hanging out with him, and he wanted to make sure it all was really happening. His first real friend... it was kind of sad to think that this guy, a guy who was only really around the first time to save him from bullying, was his first real friend, but it seemed to be true. Sure he had met people around the school and around everywhere since his creators had let him out into the public, but nobody ever stuck around long enough for him to actually develop a friendship toward. Heck, he hadn't really even heard from the people who created him except for the occasional ping from his internal messaging system that they wanted a service diagnostics report. Other than that, nothing. It hadn't been long since he was released out into the wild, so to speak, so he supposed they probably just wanted to collect more data before he could come back. So that meant for a pretty lonely life. Until now, at least. As Zero spoke, Ryft looked over at him, this time keeping his gaze on him because he actually had a reason to now. “Ah, well...” he paused, taking a moment to think about it. What did he do for fun? “I dunno. I’m still not used to the way humans live or act so I read a lot on human and humanoid behavior so I don’t completely fall behind. Other than that, I can connect to the internet easily so I go on there a lot... I’m not really that interesting of a person, sorry...” Ryft averted his eyes again as his words finished, wishing he could say more about himself than that.​
"Alright. I'll try my best." She said before she took the rifle and inspected it before turning away to find the materials they would need. First, she would want to find a river. With the river, they have water and maybe fish. Or she would find a lake or a pond. She kept walking until she found some herbs on the ground and took some. She didn't have a extensive knowledge on herbs so she only took the ones she knew that were healthy. It was very few, but after that she heard the sound of a river and walked over. Indeed, she found a river and it had a fair amount of fish, but she also found a bear on the other side who saw her and stood up tall to look intimidating. Makoto didn't really pay no mind to it and walked back into the woods. On the way, she was carrying a small notebook and started to sketch out a map of where she went. From the camp, to the herbs and the river. She remembered that she had to get some firewood, so she put the herbs in her backpack and climbed up the tree to kick down some branches. Once she kicked down a fair amount, she carried it back with her to the camp. When she got back, it was a few hours after she left the camp to search for the things she was tasked for. She put the wood in the middle of the camp and told Akane about her findings. "I don't have very good knowledge on herbs so I only brought a few that I remembered were good. There's also a river nearby but there's also a bear lurking around on the other side of it. It also has fish too, and they seem pretty big. I didn't run into any animals on land so far, I think I scared them off with my shots from earlier."
(((( From this point. ))))

Akane had been putting the finishing touches on their camp while Makoto was looking for the stuff she asked her for. She had to make sure the tents were perfectly put up, and that the area was a bit safer than the surrounding parts. She made sure to pick an area that had a lot of animals though, just for the practice. It was a test on how well Makoto could work when put in a situation similar. Having no one to count on to be exact. Akane was just there to give advice and tell her what she would need to do for the day. What she had to do was do it correctly. For a split second, Akane felt as if someone had been watching her, but quickly dismissed it as a rabbit jumped from a behind a bush, clearing her suspicions. "Maybe I should set up some traps... Or have Makoto do it. That'd be much better. If she knows good places to put them, we could catch some extra food." She said, rubbing her chin in thought as she looked around their camp for anything else that might need a quick fix. Everything seemed fine now, so Akane simply waited for Makoto to return. When she did, she noticed that she had some firewood, which was going to come in handy for the night, especially for the cooking. "Good. As long as you know they're good, we'll be okay. We can take care of the bear now, and catch some fish once we do, as for the animals that ran away, we should most likely see them around sooner, seeing as there is a river here. When they feel things are safe enough that is. Now... Lets go take care of this bear and catch us some fish." Akane said, giving Makoto a thumbs up. She then began to walk in the direction Makoto had come from, following the sound of the river, going in whatever direction that would make the sound of it more clear.
Nyn noticed Yoichi yawning, she didn't know just how sleepy she was until she let out a yawn aswell. It surprised her that, a few minutes ago, she felt like she could walk all day, however the lack of sleep soon catched up with her. " I understand, If you're free and you wish to see me, I'll probably be either in the school's library or gym. Just so you know where to look for first." Nyn added " And thanks for reassuring me, I just hope I don't get to be as annoying as the people you usually encounter." She wanted to treasure this friendship as if it were gold. However this made her afraid of screwing it up and ending the relationship. Talking about friendship brought a question to her. She gave him a curious look as he kicked a can several times along the way. " What's the difference between people that are friends and those who aren't?"

It was obvious to Yoichi that Nyn was willing to hangout with him whenever he had the chance, which was okay with him. He wouldn't mind spending time with her again, but it was all just a matter of his schedule. He was going to train for sure tomorrow, but he had classes also, so he wasn't sure if he'd be tired after his session in the training room. "Thanks for being so understanding. Pretty sure someone else would immediately think I'm trying to avoid them. I'll keep that in mind too, so if I find myself with the time I'll drop by those places to see if I can find you." He told her as he continued to walk, kicking the can a few more times, only for it to roll into the street, now out of his reach. When asked what was the difference between being friends and not being friends, Yoichi looked at Nyn and rubbed his head as he thought. "All depends on what you mean by that. Not being friends can mean a lot of things. Could be rivals. Could be a intimate relationship. I guess you mean in most cases though. Being friends with someone brings a bond. Think of a bond like a muscle. If you don't work out that muscle, it only becomes weaker and weaker, but if you keep on working it out, it becomes stronger. Not being friends usually results in a disliking towards someone else. If that disliking is strong enough, it can become hatred. Its possible to make that person see you in a different light, but it isn't easy... You understand, right?" Yoichi explained to Nyn, asking if she understood what he was getting at in his explanation. "Like us. We have a newly formed bond. From this point, we both only hope to strengthen that bond we've formed. To become even better friends."

Skylar Ainsworth

Of course Skylar had date ideas. She had far too many date ideas, if she was being honest. Ever since they officially became a thing back at the hospital, she had thought about them. She couldn't really do much else while she was there except think. Her imagination was more wild than most, since her powers kind of depended on it and from how often her nose was stuck in some kind of book or story. Admittedly, a lot of the stories were about grand adventures with romance subplots, so it wasn't hard to have romance on her mind. And now that she had Hyou, well... those thoughts were now more real, since they could potentially be applied to her now. But this was their first date they were talking about, she didn't want to go too overboard if she couldn't help it. And plus, since it was going to be their first date, she kind of wanted it to be something they could plan together. But he seemed insistent that it be up to her and that he wanted to do what she wanted to do. It didn't seem quite fair to him, but that seemed to be what he wanted, so who was she to deny him that? "A-Alright then." She agreed, before Hyou went on to ask her to throw out his clothes. She looked over at them in confusion before he explained that they were all ripped up and that Lily would bring him some new ones, and how he was gonna take a shower. Skylar barely had enough time to react before Hyou was kissing her and walking toward the bathroom. She stood there a little overwhelmed before a bright red blush suddenly came to her cheeks. Hyou was going to be showering. In her dorm. Her mind filled with a jumbled mess of thoughts before she brought her hands to her cheeks and shook her head in a vain effort to calm herself down. She turned back to the glass of water she had ignored and downed it, hoping that would cool her head a bit while she waited for him.​

Lily had been resting back at his and Hyou's place. He had come to Skylar's dorm at first, but left once Hyou went into her room and never came out. While he was happy that the two of them were happy, he wished they would have rested instead of jumping into... That. When Hyou called and asked for some clothes, he quickly obliged, happy to hear from his friend. Maybe their conditions had gotten better overnight, which would be extremely reassuring. Getting the clothes, Lily quickly took to the skies from a window in Hyou's apartment, closing it before he took off. As he flew to the Skylar's dorm, which wasn't too far away, he began mumbling to himself,
"Hyou sounded excited over the phone... Maybe something is up. I should also use this chance to check up on Skylar... She is my friend too." He said to himself, his hand on his chin as he continued to fly through the sky. After a few minutes, Hyou emerged from the bathroom with a towel around his waist. Lily had just made it Skylar's window, knocking on it to get someone's attention. "There he is." Hyou quickly made his way over to the window, opening it for his cat friend, "Be back after I get dressed!" Hyou exclaimed as he took the clothes from Lily and going to put them on. After giving the clothes to Hyou, and watching him scurry off to get dressed, "You're welcome, Hyou." Lily went over to Skylar, a smile on his face. "Hey Skylar, I'm assuming you're better now, right? You were pretty messed up last night. I was worried about you both."
(((( From this point. ))))

Akane had been putting the finishing touches on their camp while Makoto was looking for the stuff she asked her for. She had to make sure the tents were perfectly put up, and that the area was a bit safer than the surrounding parts. She made sure to pick an area that had a lot of animals though, just for the practice. It was a test on how well Makoto could work when put in a situation similar. Having no one to count on to be exact. Akane was just there to give advice and tell her what she would need to do for the day. What she had to do was do it correctly. For a split second, Akane felt as if someone had been watching her, but quickly dismissed it as a rabbit jumped from a behind a bush, clearing her suspicions. "Maybe I should set up some traps... Or have Makoto do it. That'd be much better. If she knows good places to put them, we could catch some extra food." She said, rubbing her chin in thought as she looked around their camp for anything else that might need a quick fix. Everything seemed fine now, so Akane simply waited for Makoto to return. When she did, she noticed that she had some firewood, which was going to come in handy for the night, especially for the cooking. "Good. As long as you know they're good, we'll be okay. We can take care of the bear now, and catch some fish once we do, as for the animals that ran away, we should most likely see them around sooner, seeing as there is a river here. When they feel things are safe enough that is. Now... Lets go take care of this bear and catch us some fish." Akane said, giving Makoto a thumbs up. She then began to walk in the direction Makoto had come from, following the sound of the river, going in whatever direction that would make the sound of it more clear.
Makoto didn't say anything else and just followed Akane. She started to clean her glasses using her sleeve. When she put them back on, she nearly tripped on a rock. She made a slight yelp but caught herself as she just continued walking with Akane to the river. She was curious as to how they were going to get their fish. She also wondered when will she get stronger to wield those cannons the way she wanted? She decided to ask the most relevant question for now. "So... How are we gonna get our fish?"

Roman was enjoying his time with Mal, disregarding all that had just happened before. Her smile was the most distracting factor in it all. It may have just been a smile, but to him it meant a million other things, and it they all made him happy. Listening to the things she had to say, taking it all in. She was right, everything she had been saying, was completely right. Hell, he could even relate to it all too. When she brought up flowers, his eyes widened a bit. He wasn't planning on going straight home after his work with Masahi, even though he said he was. He must've have mentioned flowers to Masahi or something, but thankfully he had told Mal, or else he would have completely forgotten. Taking Mal's hand in his, he looked in her in the eyes and smiled, "No no! We can go together, because truthfully, the flowers were for you. I wanted to surprise you with flowers and dinner with my free time, but with everything that happened, I might as well tell you. Kinda hard to make something a surprise after that, am I right?" He said, rubbing the back of his head. "I wasn't sure when I was going to have some free time on my hands again, so that's why I was going to do all of that... I know I've been busy lately, and my time spent with you has been almost a bare minimum. I felt bad, having to put my work above both you and the kids. Unfortunately, I want to take just you out for dinner this time, and then if Alejandro is home, we can take them and go as a family another time. Sounds good, right? A family dinner." Roman suggested, giving Mal a thumbs up. "So, how about it? Still want to go and get dinner together?"
Mal was a bit confused at first when he took her hands in his, but her confusion was soon replaced with awe as he spoke. He wanted to give her flowers? The thought caused her to smile again, and with the mention of going out to dinner, she immediately nodded. After everything that just happened, she'd definitely love going out for dinner with just her and Roman. She listened to him talk about taking the kids out with them another time, and she couldn't agree more. She understood he was busy with work, and she'd always support him with what he was doing, but she missed being able to just relax and spend time with him. At his question, she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him. "Yes! I definitely still want to go get dinner with you. We can go with the kids another time, I love them but sometimes I just want time with you for myself" She admitted, looking to the side feeling a bit selfish for what she said but she was just being honest.
Makoto didn't say anything else and just followed Akane. She started to clean her glasses using her sleeve. When she put them back on, she nearly tripped on a rock. She made a slight yelp but caught herself as she just continued walking with Akane to the river. She was curious as to how they were going to get their fish. She also wondered when will she get stronger to wield those cannons the way she wanted? She decided to ask the most relevant question for now. "So... How are we gonna get our fish?"
Akane heard something behind her, and turning to look behind her, she saw Makoto trip a bit, which caused her to chuckle a little bit, "Be careful back there. Would be a shame if you get injured because you're being a bit clumsy." She then continued to speak, answering Makoto's question, "The old fashioned way. We're gonna have to catch them with our hands. That actually gives me an idea. I'll tell you about it once we clear the area of that bear." Akane said, starting to hum a song in her head as the two of them continued. There were stories going around at some point between a few hunters that would come into a bar she liked to go to. Apparently there was a forest with animals that... Utilized special powers. Sort of like how the supers did these days. Unfortunately she wasn't sure of which forest they were talking about, so that meant that had to be careful when approaching animals here, especially big ones like a bear. "Hey, when you saw that bear you mentioned, did it look... I don't know... Strange? 'Out of the norm kind of strange'? I used to hear stories about animals who were able to fight using elements like fire, or earth... Things like that. Could have just been drunken tales by hunters, but you never know in our society."
Mal was a bit confused at first when he took her hands in his, but her confusion was soon replaced with awe as he spoke. He wanted to give her flowers? The thought caused her to smile again, and with the mention of going out to dinner, she immediately nodded. After everything that just happened, she'd definitely love going out for dinner with just her and Roman. She listened to him talk about taking the kids out with them another time, and she couldn't agree more. She understood he was busy with work, and she'd always support him with what he was doing, but she missed being able to just relax and spend time with him. At his question, she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him. "Yes! I definitely still want to go get dinner with you. We can go with the kids another time, I love them but sometimes I just want time with you for myself" She admitted, looking to the side feeling a bit selfish for what she said but she was just being honest.

Roman was relieved to hear that Mal was still willing to go and spend some time after the fiasco with Masahi and Kaori. And despite the smile Roman was showing, he was actually still quite troubled. Yes, the smile was genuine. He was truly happy, but his mind was trying to figure out ways to apologize to Kaori for his actions and reasons behind them. She didn't deserve to hear what he said, and he was a tad bit upset that Masahi would even go and say that, but seeing as he did, it allowed him to tell her the truth, so he wasn't super pissed about it. Looking Mal in the eye, Roman chuckled, "Then its settled. We'll go out and get dinner together, we'd have to wait for Alejandro if we even wanted to go as a family anyways." Roman said, taking off his mask and forehead protector, placing them on the bed. Upon doing so, he changed forms, his hair no longer pointing upwards, and no longer was it white. Roman smiled, "Well, standing here won't make things happen. Come on." Roman then held out his hand to Mal, waiting for her to take it. "Is there anything you're hungry for in specific? I'm starving, and can pretty much eat anything right now."
Akane heard something behind her, and turning to look behind her, she saw Makoto trip a bit, which caused her to chuckle a little bit, "Be careful back there. Would be a shame if you get injured because you're being a bit clumsy." She then continued to speak, answering Makoto's question, "The old fashioned way. We're gonna have to catch them with our hands. That actually gives me an idea. I'll tell you about it once we clear the area of that bear." Akane said, starting to hum a song in her head as the two of them continued. There were stories going around at some point between a few hunters that would come into a bar she liked to go to. Apparently there was a forest with animals that... Utilized special powers. Sort of like how the supers did these days. Unfortunately she wasn't sure of which forest they were talking about, so that meant that had to be careful when approaching animals here, especially big ones like a bear. "Hey, when you saw that bear you mentioned, did it look... I don't know... Strange? 'Out of the norm kind of strange'? I used to hear stories about animals who were able to fight using elements like fire, or earth... Things like that. Could have just been drunken tales by hunters, but you never know in our society."
"It looked pretty normal to me." Makoto said as she kept walking, watching her step more. "It probably is just drunk tales since I never heard of a bear attack which included magic incidents. That or there were just kids messing around." She said before they got to the river. The bear was gone now and it seemed like they could just start getting their fish with no one around. She looked at Akane and adjusted her glasses. "I guess we don't have to deal with it anymore."

It was obvious to Yoichi that Nyn was willing to hangout with him whenever he had the chance, which was okay with him. He wouldn't mind spending time with her again, but it was all just a matter of his schedule. He was going to train for sure tomorrow, but he had classes also, so he wasn't sure if he'd be tired after his session in the training room. "Thanks for being so understanding. Pretty sure someone else would immediately think I'm trying to avoid them. I'll keep that in mind too, so if I find myself with the time I'll drop by those places to see if I can find you." He told her as he continued to walk, kicking the can a few more times, only for it to roll into the street, now out of his reach. When asked what was the difference between being friends and not being friends, Yoichi looked at Nyn and rubbed his head as he thought. "All depends on what you mean by that. Not being friends can mean a lot of things. Could be rivals. Could be a intimate relationship. I guess you mean in most cases though. Being friends with someone brings a bond. Think of a bond like a muscle. If you don't work out that muscle, it only becomes weaker and weaker, but if you keep on working it out, it becomes stronger. Not being friends usually results in a disliking towards someone else. If that disliking is strong enough, it can become hatred. Its possible to make that person see you in a different light, but it isn't easy... You understand, right?" Yoichi explained to Nyn, asking if she understood what he was getting at in his explanation. "Like us. We have a newly formed bond. From this point, we both only hope to strengthen that bond we've formed. To become even better friends."
At this point, Nyn had decided that it was best to go to the library first. Being strong is important, but not if she can't understand half the things going on. However, If she had to choose between reading and hanging out with Yoichi, she'd probably go for the second option. Not only she would learn a thing or two from him, but she would also have some fun aswell. " You're welcome. I'd be pretty dumb for someone else to think that, you wouldn't avoid someone who you just told you are friends right?" She answered as she walked along him. The question she asked had a pretty obvious answer, but since she wasn't quite sure about how things work, she couldn't know the truth for certain. " Like.. a muscle?" His explanation was weird to her at first, but she quickly understood it. " I see, It is quite complex but I think I got it. So you mean are saying that if for example, you hate me and I want you to see me as a friend, It would be pretty difficult to accomplish?" She was sure she understood what Yoichi explained. The concept of rivals and intimate relationship caught her attention, and while she wanted to know what they meant, she didn't want to overload him with too many questions. When he told her about becoming better friends, she looked at him with a smirk. " Yes, I'll try my best to strengthen that muscl-.. bond we have. So we can become better friends." She then looked at her front, her expression soon returning back to her unreadable expression. She wasn't aware of her smirk, so there was no way she could have faked it.
Matsui chuckled abit at her saying it would use his idea on someone else. " Oh I pray for whoever is the next victim of Prankster Rosey.. I bet they wouldn't even get near pies once they see one talking at them" He chuckled once again at this. When she stated she would find a way to catch him off guard he smiled slightly. " Oh really? Good luck with that because im the toughest boy in town. Infact they used to call me Rock Man because of how pranks did not affect me at all, though who knows.. maybe you might make me jump a little someday" He bluffed in a joking manner just to see her reaction about it. When she asked him to tell her what was on his mind and then apologising for asking he laughted abit as he shook his head. " Oh its fine, its a silly thing you see.. Its just that your voice has something to it.. like its very relaxing to listen to." He told her, her smile getting a grin out of him. As he listened her complimenting him he looked quite baffled she was that much happy she got to meet him, he then offered her a bright smile " Wow! I feel flattered to be honest. I feel the same though, im glad I sat here and meet someone so charismatic and cheerful." He found her very sweet and likeable even though they've just met an hour or less ago. He noticed his weird joke made her laugh abit which made him feel satisfied that he could make the mood lighther even for a few seconds. " Of course, gummy dragons nowadays are big bullies so you should keep an eye open for them." He joked back, once she mentioned how she smashed some vases and windows with her voice in the past he wasn't quite sure whether she was joking or not. " Well yeah.. It is hard to use powers properly, Im pretty sure that managing your voice is way harder than absorbing electricity.. so I dont blame you if you've broken a few vases or windows." He added with a slight smile. " Back then I used to absorb whatever device I had in my hands. When I charged my phone and picked it up for the first time imagine my reaction when the batteries suddenly reached 0%" He laughed abit, he wanted to make Rose feel less ashamed about it by sharing his experience with his powers.
He listened her assuring him to not feel guilty about it which made him feel slightly better, he understood very well that talking about the past wasn't always happy memories. Upon hearing her thank him for making her talk about it she looked at her with a comforting smile. " You're welcome...I do agree that talking about bad experiences can help you get over them with more ease.. I know its not much but hey.. If you ever need to vent out about something you can trust me about it." He had though that she probably had other friends who she would tell everything about so he doesn't really expects her to accept his offer. But if it could atleast make her feel more comfortable about it then he would feel happy for her. He furrowed a brow as she took both of his hands, he noticed her smiling at him which he soon returned the favour. When she explained that's how to say hello in signs he quickly understood she was changing of subject like he had suggested. " Ooooh I see... Are you underestimating my intelligence?" He wanted to fake an offended look but he couldn't help to smile at the end of his sentence, which was obviously a joke. "Thanks for teaching me though.. It sounds very basic but the first steps are the most important." He noticed Rose tilting her head with a beaming smile.. it was a charming sight. " Oh! This whole thing just reminded me of something, I used to study spanish back in my school. Im not an expert but I'd dare say I know how to write and speak quite well."

• Rosalie Dalton •


She flashed a joking grin and gestured towards herself "They will totally need all your prayers that's for sure! I'm ruthless" her voice sounded in the same joking tine as previously. She stared at him blankly when he had called himself rock man, keeping her stare before bursting into silent giggles "Rock man." She repeated as she giggled "Wow. Alrighty Rock man, I feel I'm being challenged now. I may not launch a prank now, one tomorrow or even this week. But I will and it will catch you out. I know it" she added, her giggles now calming down.

Rosalie blinked when he had described her "voice" as relaxing "You think so?" She responded, blinking a few times "Well, uhm. Thank you" she beamed a smile. She nodded when he said he didn't blame her for breaking a few vases, offering that same smile,

She raised her brows when he said he felt the same about meeting her. "Charismatic?" She repeated before offering an amused grin. "I mean cheerful, sure. I get that a lot...but Charismatic? I don't know about that one..." she said scratching the side of her cheek with her hand. He definitely was charismatic in his own way, he wasn't afraid to be a little silly for a laugh, she guess she appreciated that and it was almost endearing to her in a way. but she wasn't sure if she was charismatic herself.

Somehow hearing that his phone used to always crash to zero sounded rather funny her, even if it was rather unfortunate. She was glad she wasn't the only person that had... complications. "Yeah, I did break a lot of stuff, pretty sure my parents still use plastic cups and plates back home" she admitted with a bashful expression "It must really suck to have that happen, stuff like that must be common for electricity users right? My friend has those kinds of problems...or well the opposite. We had a sleepover at Halloween and she set her phone on fire because she got spooked while we were watching a horror. Set off all the fire alarms and everything" she was letting another silent laugh thinking back on it.

When he asked if he was underestimating his intelligence she at first looked panicked, raising her hands to wave then but quickly realised that he was in fact, kidding which caused her to stop and smile back at him "Phew. Thought I had actually upset you there. I don't think you are unintelligent at all! I just thought, you know, just one word wouldn't hurt before we went onto actual learning whenever that would be. The fact you already know a different language already is pretty cool!" She answered before falling silent (or well, her voice) for a bit and tapping her chin. "Hmm, actually yeah. Maybe you can teach me some Spanish too! That would be awesome!" Her voice chirped enthusiastically, her expression just as enthusiastic to match.


Sitting in his apartment, Perfect finally decided it was time to act on his plan. His plan to take CROSS and make it his own. He had been planning this ever since he had his first run in with them, but with the way things went last time, he wasn't able to kick his plan into motion. Fortunately for him, Jack is gone. Some guy named Vigil became the acting leader, and Perfect figured he'd just kill this guy, take the organization for himself and lead it to fame and glory as the most feared terrorist organization in Japan. Standing up from his couch, Perfect called out to his roommate and sidekick, Ribbon, "Hey Ribbon! I have someth-" Just as Perfect turned around to look at her, the door closed, and he was standing there with a smile on his face, looking like an idiot. Didn't take long for the smile to vanish though. "Ok. I guess she has more important things to do." He said, turning around. It was time to start the first part of the mission: recruitment. Perfect was gonna need a group of loyal people to fight as his side. Some people who would want something out of their partnership with him of course. Making his way towards the door, Perfect put on his shoes and then grabbed his coat off of the coat hanger. He then clapped his hands, turning the lights in the apartment off. "Time to get started." Perfect said quietly to himself as he walked out of the apartment, closing and locking the door behind him.

To gather his own little group, his first stop would be a bar. There was always a ton of gossip of what's going on around the city in those places, especially the smaller establishments. Perfect was hoping to at least hear about 2 people at least while in a bar. Putting his hands in his pockets, he made his way outside of the building, and soon started walking down a street. If he wasn't mistaking, he was getting a strong metal smell, but figured it was just because he was in the city. Made sense, buildings usually had medal foundations anyways, but at the same time this smell was stronger than usual. It smelled like there was an entire construction site in front of him. As he continued on his way to the bar, he heard someone saying they saw a girl turn something into metal, well from the sounds of it, she was turning more than just one something that is. Perfect figured this would be a good opportunity for him, and decided to go check it out to see what all the chit-chat was about. Following the strong smell of metal, Perfect soon began to see the traces of things being turned to metal. He continued to follow these things, the amount of objects being turned to metal starting to grow even larger in both number and size. Perfect continued to look around until he found the person who was causing all of it, feeling this may be the first person he recruits.

Lumina Lumina
"It looked pretty normal to me." Makoto said as she kept walking, watching her step more. "It probably is just drunk tales since I never heard of a bear attack which included magic incidents. That or there were just kids messing around." She said before they got to the river. The bear was gone now and it seemed like they could just start getting their fish with no one around. She looked at Akane and adjusted her glasses. "I guess we don't have to deal with it anymore."

Akane trusted that what Makoto was telling her was true. While the bear may look normal, that didn't mean it was. After all, it would be her first time coming in contact with a bear like that. Raising a hand to her chin, she placed a finger on it, almost as if she were cupping it. "Alright. Hopefully that's true. Keep your guard up though. Bears typically live close to their food and water supply, and I'm gonna assume this may be the only close to it." She said, looking around a bit, just to make sure nothing was around them. Couldn't risk being taken out by a bear... That is if a bear was able to kill her. Soon she began to walk, continuing on their path until water came into view. Apparently the water led to a larger body of water, one deep enough that a person could swim in it. "Alright, we have two options when it comes to catching the fish, Makoto. We can try our luck right here, or we can do down that way and dive in. Which do you feel would be easier for you personally?" She asked, wondering what Makoto herself would do in the situation, after all she was doing this to learn more about Makoto's thought process.​

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