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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

He blinked a few times at her words, hearing her statement about enjoying being around her, he gave her a sort of lopsided, lazy grin. She seemed pretty sure of herself on that, luckily for her if he said he didn't enjoy it he'd be lying, she was pretty amusing to him and was by far the most interesting thing he had encountered this afternoon. "I don't know your mom but I don't think she'd be frowning down at you just because you hit your head with a staff..." He spoke before briefly glancing around him up and down the corridor before looking back to the girl, shrugging his shoulder at the question of sticking with him "I don't see why not. Never been to mage class so I can't guarantee I'll find it on my first try" he admitted "I'll try to be a good tour guide" he said with a chuckle as he noticed her stand closer to him. "So...I'm guessing you are a new student from the obvious evidence, right?" He asked again, hoping she heard him this time at least

"S-Sorry. I just come from a long line of white mages and I have to continue by learning how to heal and protect humans." She said. "That's okay I've been wandering these halls all day." She said which was amazing as she had not been caught despite tripping and falling at lest 20 times today. "Yeah I am a new student. No one has told me where the mage class is so i have relied to Miss. Kurishitaru" She said showing her crystal hanging on a chain like a necklace. "She's really helpful back then when i lose my way back home." She said further outlining how clumsy she is.

He looked at her as she looked up lying next to him. His heart was beating loudly as he smiled. "That sounds marvelous, lets have a dinner date!" he spoke as he winced from the still healing wounds. Rini was taking good care of him, and he needed to do something for her. He thought that once he was well, he would find her a perfect gift. "I am glad you are here." he said to her as they laid there in the quiet of the room.

Nona Nona
Rini giggled "Yes, I guess it could be called that, a dinner date sounds nice" she answered, she noticed him wince but didn't comment on it, at least he was agreeing to rest himself. She had gone back to viewing the ceiling above her before he had spoken again, breaking the silence in the room. Smiling at his words first she then answered "Well...thats good because I'm glad to be here too, even if I will be leaving in a little minute" she said softly, her mind sort of pondering what she should bring back with her. She guessed her and Chiharu could cook something? Yes, that sounded much nicer than some kind of ready meal or something she smiled a little to herself at the thought.
Soon, a door appeared behind them and opened. It just lead them to the dark empty room they first was in. Seria looked behind her and sighed before walking towards the door, speaking. "I guess this is the end of the segment... Next one."
Elliot again had followed behind her when the next door had opened, glancing around the dark room they had started off in. It hadn't really brightened up or changed any it seemed. He guessed that there wasn't enough memories in the first door to trigger anything. Obviously whatever she was trying to forget was in one of the other two doors. He caught her sigh as she approached the next door, the sigh made it seem like she was reluctant to open this door just like the last one. He walked up until he was standing next to her Incase she needed encouragement or help. "Yup, ready to go?" He asked looking over at her.
"S-Sorry. I just come from a long line of white mages and I have to continue by learning how to heal and protect humans." She said. "That's okay I've been wandering these halls all day." She said which was amazing as she had not been caught despite tripping and falling at lest 20 times today. "Yeah I am a new student. No one has told me where the mage class is so i have relied to Miss. Kurishitaru" She said showing her crystal hanging on a chain like a necklace. "She's really helpful back then when i lose my way back home." She said further outlining how clumsy she is.
Levi smiled "Ah, that's my sister's lines of work. Though people normally label them as white witches rather than mages. They aren't picky on what term people use for them" he said with a chuckle "As for me I guess I just never bothered to get really into learning that stuff...not extensively like they are anyways" he admitted. He had began walk at through the corridors at this stage, assuming the girl will follow. He furrowed his brows slightly before speaking again "So...you wandered around here all day? And no one thought on trying to direct you?" He asked, glancing over at her for a moment, grinning "Wow. Nice buddy system we have here I must say... Actually you're the second person I've helped out today" he chuckled to himself, honestly he was the furthest thing from the shining example of a student even now he was skipping class so he didn't really know how he ended up with doing this twice. He did find it amusing though. "Miss Kurishitaru? Someone's living in that thing? Or it that just a nickname for it" he asked staring at the crystal, he was tempted to ask how often she got lost on her way home since she actually had a trinket to help her with that but refrained from it.
Elliot again had followed behind her when the next door had opened, glancing around the dark room they had started off in. It hadn't really brightened up or changed any it seemed. He guessed that there wasn't enough memories in the first door to trigger anything. Obviously whatever she was trying to forget was in one of the other two doors. He caught her sigh as she approached the next door, the sigh made it seem like she was reluctant to open this door just like the last one. He walked up until he was standing next to her Incase she needed encouragement or help. "Yup, ready to go?" He asked looking over at her.
She nodded before looking towards the door and extended her arm to open it. Instead, a loud bang came from it and caused Seria to jolt back, flinching. The door then burst out towards them as flames enveloped Elliot and Seria as she covered her face using her arm. When she came to, they were at the barracks again, however it was all on fire. Knights and demons seemed to be clashing and a battle raging in flames as the sounds of steel clashing, shouts and cries of men and the occasional echoing roar from a demon. They were not in the watch tower, they were in an area not far from the battle where wounded are carried and tended to. The younger Seria was there, running around delivering bandages and aid. She was actively helping the wounded and tending to their wounds along the help with some nurses and healers. The younger Seria was also using her own magic to heal the patients, but in some, it wasn't enough. It was a demon attack, and it seemed no one was ready for it.
Levi smiled "Ah, that's my sister's lines of work. Though people normally label them as white witches rather than mages. They aren't picky on what term people use for them" he said with a chuckle "As for me I guess I just never bothered to get really into learning that stuff...not extensively like they are anyways" he admitted. He had began walk at through the corridors at this stage, assuming the girl will follow. He furrowed his brows slightly before speaking again "So...you wandered around here all day? And no one thought on trying to direct you?" He asked, glancing over at her for a moment, grinning "Wow. Nice buddy system we have here I must say... Actually you're the second person I've helped out today" he chuckled to himself, honestly he was the furthest thing from the shining example of a student even now he was skipping class so he didn't really know how he ended up with doing this twice. He did find it amusing though. "Miss Kurishitaru? Someone's living in that thing? Or it that just a nickname for it" he asked staring at the crystal, he was tempted to ask how often she got lost on her way home since she actually had a trinket to help her with that but refrained from it.

"Well, I don't really mind what I am called. I just want to help people out." She smiled walking along with him really in the hazard of tripping again. "You must be a good person. I'm sure you will be blessed" She smiled. "A spirit resides in this Crystal." She said She tripped again over the corner and stumbled before sighing with relief. "That was close." She said. "I'm just so clumsy at times." She said giggling as she followed him regardless of where he went or how fast he was moving.

Nona Nona
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She nodded before looking towards the door and extended her arm to open it. Instead, a loud bang came from it and caused Seria to jolt back, flinching. The door then burst out towards them as flames enveloped Elliot and Seria as she covered her face using her arm. When she came to, they were at the barracks again, however it was all on fire. Knights and demons seemed to be clashing and a battle raging in flames as the sounds of steel clashing, shouts and cries of men and the occasional echoing roar from a demon. They were not in the watch tower, they were in an area not far from the battle where wounded are carried and tended to. The younger Seria was there, running around delivering bandages and aid. She was actively helping the wounded and tending to their wounds along the help with some nurses and healers. The younger Seria was also using her own magic to heal the patients, but in some, it wasn't enough. It was a demon attack, and it seemed no one was ready for it.
As the flames flew out from the door and surrounded them, Elliot flinched as he also shielded his eyes, the fire obviously wasn't real so it didn't burn or anything but it was extremely bright. He entered through the door behind Seria looking at the now crumbling version of the environment they were just in through narrowed eyes after passing through. He looked all around him studying the violent scene infront of them "What the... What's happening here?" He asked with furrowed brows. He guessed this was maybe one of the memories Seria was trying to forget.
"Well, I don't really mind what I am called. I just want to help people out." She smiled walking along with him really in the hazard of tripping again. "You must be a good person. I'm sure you will be blessed" She smiled. "A spirit resides in this Crystal." She said She tripped again over the corner and stumbled before sighing with relief. "That was close." She said. "I'm just so clumsy at times." She said giggling as she followed him regardless of where he went or how fast he was moving.

Nona Nona
Levi blinked when she said he was a 'good person' Levi wasn't the worst guy in the world, he wasn't really a bad person but it wasn't often he was referred to as 'good' either. He simply smiled at the girl continuing to walk, only slowing down when she nearly tripped over the corner. He was ready to catch hr but she had righted herself before that could happen. He chuckled a little before walking his normal speed again "So a spirit huh? Does she help you out with other stuff too? Or just directions" he asked before pausing "Actually, before you answer that. I just realised I still don't know your name...mines is Levi" he said, grinning as he introduced himself. It would be odd having her follow him around if he didn't know her name after all.
Kenai raised a brow "You are?" He asked before laughing lightly. He knew it was a joke but he honestly didn't really mind if that was the case, he liked having Asako around and it wasn't like he had actually met someone. He placed his head in his hand when speaking about his classmates dragging him "Well, on that occasion not even stubbornness was working on them, I was more less dragged to the car and taken there" he admitted with an awkward smile. He paused looking to Asako before rolling his eyes at her housewife comment "Wait..A Housewife? To who?" He laughed "I hope you're kidding. Not only would that put your hard work to waste it would be an insult to my teaching too. I did help you prepare after all"
(I've decided to take a break today, so rp time, yey ^~^)
Asako immediately nodded, she refused to share her friend with anyone else. When he asked who she'd be a housewife to she took a moment to think but she couldn't come up with anything so she just shrugged. "You're right~ I guess it would be an insult to your teaching skills~" She said and grinned. "Besides~ I wouldn't be able to be lazy in bed all day, I 'd have to clean and cook.... I'm not allowed to cook, it makes Hakuru freak out, considering I somehow start a fire making pancakes" She said and laughed a bit. It didn't stop her from trying to cook, she just had to do it when Hakuru was gone, though it didn't taste very good.
As the flames flew out from the door and surrounded them, Elliot flinched as he also shielded his eyes, the fire obviously wasn't real so it didn't burn or anything but it was extremely bright. He entered through the door behind Seria looking at the now crumbling version of the environment they were just in through narrowed eyes after passing through. He looked all around him studying the violent scene infront of them "What the... What's happening here?" He asked with furrowed brows. He guessed this was maybe one of the memories Seria was trying to forget.
"It's a demon attack, maybe one of the reasons---" Shortly, she was cut off by the younger Seria which grabbed their attention and looked at her when she exclaimed. "Hey! What are you doing idling around for?! These men need medical attention! And the demons are coming closer!" She then somehow, she looked towards Elliot and spoke. After that she spoke to Seria separately. It seems this is a memory, but they were playing as someone from the memory fragment. "You! Help me deliver these bandages and tend to the wounded. And you, go out there and retrieve any wounded you find! We cannot afford to lose any more men! Especially our brothers and sisters!" The older Seria looked at Elliot. "I guess we're to play along then..." She spoke as she got out her sword and proceeded outside.
(I've decided to take a break today, so rp time, yey ^~^)
Asako immediately nodded, she refused to share her friend with anyone else. When he asked who she'd be a housewife to she took a moment to think but she couldn't come up with anything so she just shrugged. "You're right~ I guess it would be an insult to your teaching skills~" She said and grinned. "Besides~ I wouldn't be able to be lazy in bed all day, I 'd have to clean and cook.... I'm not allowed to cook, it makes Hakuru freak out, considering I somehow start a fire making pancakes" She said and laughed a bit. It didn't stop her from trying to cook, she just had to do it when Hakuru was gone, though it didn't taste very good.
((Yeeey c: ))

Kenai laughed softly when she nodded, thinking she was joking about it. His idle glancing over at her turning into a confused stare when she said she managed to set pancakes on fire "How do you even-?!" He paused before laughing out "I can see why she'd get freaked out. Maybe you'd need a house husband that can cook instead maybe" he joked shaking his head lightly.
((Yeeey c: ))

Kenai laughed softly when she nodded, thinking she was joking about it. His idle glancing over at her turning into a confused stare when she said she managed to set pancakes on fire "How do you even-?!" He paused before laughing out "I can see why she'd get freaked out. Maybe you'd need a house husband that can cook instead maybe" he joked shaking his head lightly.
"Ooh~ Then I wouldn't have to make my own food!" She said. "I'll have to make sure I marry the best cooking house husband out there!" She grinned. Obviously, she was joking, like always. "Honestly me getting married sounds impossible, I'd look like my partner's daughter in public, with my height and the way I act."
Levi blinked when she said he was a 'good person' Levi wasn't the worst guy in the world, he wasn't really a bad person but it wasn't often he was referred to as 'good' either. He simply smiled at the girl continuing to walk, only slowing down when she nearly tripped over the corner. He was ready to catch hr but she had righted herself before that could happen. He chuckled a little before walking his normal speed again "So a spirit huh? Does she help you out with other stuff too? Or just directions" he asked before pausing "Actually, before you answer that. I just realised I still don't know your name...mines is Levi" he said, grinning as he introduced himself. It would be odd having her follow him around if he didn't know her name after all.

"Ah! I am Seiko Yuubari." She said bowing respectfully. "Nice to meet you Levi." She smiled. "Anyways, the spirit that inhabits this crystal is usually just to help me with directions." She smiled. "If I need help I can turn to Matsuko." She said taking out of her bag a doll. It could move it's mouth like a puppet and it could talk on it's own. Or Seiko is just good at ventriloquism.
Gren was walking on his way out of school when a friend of his confronted him and asked him if he could help him with carrying some boxes to their club room. Due to his good nature, he couldn't help but nod and smile. "Sure! I'll do my best!" He stated as he took the boxes. They weren't particularly heavy so he had no issues putting them away. His friend thanked him and gave him a hashbrown that he had bought earlier. Gren looked at it in awe. "Whoa! I don't think I've received a special gift like this in ages! Thank you so much!" And with that, he proceeded to head on his way back outside. He looked distracted and lost in thought now, which meant he really wasn't paying attention to what was in front of him at this point.
((Feel free if anybody wants to get his attention >;o))​

She woke up feeling..strange. She was still dressed in her uniform, and yet, it was well into the afternoon. Why did she wake up so late? Holy crap, I need to freshen up. she thought as she quickly stripped and dashed into the shower for a spit rinse. Once clean she dressed in her out clothes and left the dorm. She felt in a weirdly positive mood. She actually wanted to skip and hum a tune. She started to when she collided with something in her haste to do something.

TheDragoon TheDragoon
Gren, being clumsy, bumped into her causing her to fall down. He wobbled a bit, almost falling but managing to quickly recover. He then, bewildered and confused looked down to see Serra. "Oo-oops! Sorry! My apologies, are you alright?" He asked, offering a hand to help her up. "I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, my mistake. I've been a bit distracted." He whimpered apologetically. He decided to take this opportunity to look at her carefully as well, since he was still a bit dazed. She seemed fair in his opinion, but that was judging based solely on appearance. Gren knew better than to judge a book by it's cover. "M-My name's Grenidera, but everybody calls me Gren because it's easier to say..." He laughed nervously, a little scared she would be angry at him. He didn't even notice he dropped his hashbrown.
Jofune Tsurabisu Jofune Tsurabisu
Gren, being clumsy, bumped into her causing her to fall down. He wobbled a bit, almost falling but managing to quickly recover. He then, bewildered and confused looked down to see Serra. "Oo-oops! Sorry! My apologies, are you alright?" He asked, offering a hand to help her up. "I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, my mistake. I've been a bit distracted." He whimpered apologetically. He decided to take this opportunity to look at her carefully as well, since he was still a bit dazed. She seemed fair in his opinion, but that was judging based solely on appearance. Gren knew better than to judge a book by it's cover. "M-My name's Grenidera, but everybody calls me Gren because it's easier to say..." He laughed nervously, a little scared she would be angry at him.


Not one to give away secrets, she let herself fall on her bottom. She made some doe eyes at the boy. "Ouchies" she said as she closed one eye and made a show of rubbing her bottom. None of it was true though. She would not feel the pain from such a slight accident. But for some reason doing this made more sense than being normal, using threats or violence to cajole the boy into her servitude. "Nice name, my name is Serra." she spoke taking his hand, remembering to use a light grip, as she was helped up.

TheDragoon TheDragoon

Not one to give away secrets, she let herself fall on her bottom. She made some doe eyes at the boy. "Ouchies" she said as she closed one eye and made a show of rubbing her bottom. None of it was true though. She would not feel the pain from such a slight accident. But for some reason doing this made more sense than being normal, using threats or violence to cajole the boy into her servitude. "Nice name, my name is Serra." she spoke taking his hand, remembering to use a light grip, as she was helped up.

TheDragoon TheDragoon
Being a rather lax person Gren did not really see through her at all and just smiled as he helped her up. He then finally noticed his hashbrown and panicked slightly. "Whoops! I was just gonna eat it too..." He said as he picked it up. He went over to the trashcan and threw it away before beginning to walk away. He didn't really want to stick around the school too much longer. He looked back and waved at Serra, his hair blowing gently in the wind. "If you ever feel like talking or hanging out I'm usually hanging out at the park or somewhere close to nature. In fact, I'm going to the park right now if your interested." He said, keen on making friends. "What do you say?"
Being a rather lax person Gren did not really see through her at all and just smiled as he helped her up. He then finally noticed his hashbrown and panicked slightly. "Whoops! I was just gonna eat it too..." He said as he picked it up. He went over to the trashcan and threw it away before beginning to walk away. He didn't really want to stick around the school too much longer. He looked back and waved at Serra, his hair blowing gently in the wind. "If you ever feel like talking or hanging out I'm usually hanging out at the park or somewhere close to nature. In fact, I'm going to the park right now if your interested." He said, keen on making friends. "What do you say?"


"Well I will walk with you to the park, but I need to do some personal shopping, so after we get there, we will catch up later if possible." she spoke not trying to ditch the boy as she did have to hit the pharmacy and clothing shop before they closed, but it felt nice to walking with someone, and her stomach turned slightly. Was she always this personable? She tried to think back and her memories were fuzzy like tv static. So she walked with Gren.

TheDragoon TheDragoon
Gren seemed content, as he nodded and began walking out of the school and out towards the park. "So uhm... I'm not much for conversation, but do you have any hobbies? A bit of a lame question, I know, but it's all I can come up with right now." He said in a bit of a joking manner, but being pretty honest. Since she seemed interested in hanging out with him he thought it'd be best to get to know her since they may run into each other again. He seemed to be a pretty confident guy despite having not too much confidence in his answers. He was more of the 'gentle' type of person so he liked to keep things simple rather than overly complex.
Jofune Tsurabisu Jofune Tsurabisu
Gren seemed content, as he nodded and began walking out of the school and out towards the park. "So uhm... I'm not much for conversation, but do you have any hobbies? A bit of a lame question, I know, but it's all I can come up with right now." He said in a bit of a joking manner, but being pretty honest. Since she seemed interested in hanging out with him he thought it'd be best to get to know her since they may run into each other again. He seemed to be a pretty confident guy despite having not too much confidence in his answers. He was more of the 'gentle' type of person so he liked to keep things simple rather than overly complex.
Jofune Tsurabisu Jofune Tsurabisu


She blinked. Of course she had hobbies. Sewing, Mischief, and generally doing whatever she pleases. But for Gren's sake she kept it tame. No need to freak him out as he might be useful to her later. "Yeah, I like to sew and I am into fashion styles outside of the mainstream." she replied mildly. He seemed like a good guy, but despite that it was best to not get too chummy with him, because who knows when this weird mood might leave her and she might actually end up wrecking him on general purposes.

TheDragoon TheDragoon

She blinked. Of course she had hobbies. Sewing, Mischief, and generally doing whatever she pleases. But for Gren's sake she kept it tame. No need to freak him out as he might be useful to her later. "Yeah, I like to sew and I am into fashion styles outside of the mainstream." she replied mildly. He seemed like a good guy, but despite that it was best to not get too chummy with him, because who knows when this weird mood might leave her and she might actually end up wrecking him on general purposes.

TheDragoon TheDragoon
Little did Serra know Gren's powers hadn't really awakened yet so he was practically useless except being able to use his knife which was only a basic weapon at the moment. He had only just started studying mythology, magical science, and biology a few days ago. Gren seemed rather, unimpressed, but not disappointed when he heard about her hobbies. It was a strange reaction you wouldn't expect. Heck, he didn't even expect it himself. He didn't think her hobbies would be so basic so it left him with a bit of doubt but he let it slide for now. "Fashion? What type of clothing do you make outside of the mainstream? I know I'm no guru on fashion but I know there's many different kinds." He asked. He seemed rather interested in her response, but was lost in thought. He couldn't shake this uneasy feeling but he was guessing it was all in his head.
Ikuto's tail whipped back and forth on Sakura's bed. He was in catform, purring softly as he slept right smack dab in the middle of her bed. He looked docile and unmoving like a normal house cat. He had recently broken into her pantry and ate some of her cookies without her noticing, the ones shaped like fish. He liked to tease Sakura like this, mostly because he thought she was cute when she was angry so he'd always do stuff like this. He figured she was starting to get fed up with him though because that's how most girls he swoons react. He usually wasn't the type to search for long lasting relationships... But to Ikuto, Sakura was different. She made him feel strange. He decided he'd never admit it though because he never wanted to show her his weakness.
Luna Malveaux Luna Malveaux
Ikuto's tail whipped back and forth on Sakura's bed. He was in catform, purring softly as he slept right smack dab in the middle of her bed. He looked docile and unmoving like a normal house cat. He had recently broken into her pantry and ate some of her cookies without her noticing, the ones shaped like fish. He liked to tease Sakura like this, mostly because he thought she was cute when she was angry so he'd always do stuff like this. He figured she was starting to get fed up with him though because that's how most girls he swoons react. He usually wasn't the type to search for long lasting relationships... But to Ikuto, Sakura was different. She made him feel strange. He decided he'd never admit it though because he never wanted to show her his weakness.
Luna Malveaux Luna Malveaux
Sakura slowly opened the door to her room. When she was looking through the pantry, she had noticed missing cookies, and she knew exactly who it was. "Iku-" She cut herself off when she noticed he was asleep. As much as she wanted to get onto him for not asking, she didn't have the heart to do it when he was asleep, and the purring didn't help. She thought a bit before shutting the door behind her and walking over to her bed and poked him a bit, he shouldn't sleep all day anyways, she didn't need him up all night bothering her while she tried to sleep. "Ikuto.... Hey, wake up."
Sakura slowly opened the door to her room. When she was looking through the pantry, she had noticed missing cookies, and she knew exactly who it was. "Iku-" She cut herself off when she noticed he was asleep. As much as she wanted to get onto him for not asking, she didn't have the heart to do it when he was asleep, and the purring didn't help. She thought a bit before shutting the door behind her and walking over to her bed and poked him a bit, he shouldn't sleep all day anyways, she didn't need him up all night bothering her while she tried to sleep. "Ikuto.... Hey, wake up."
Ikuto began to stir as he woke up, looking a little groggy. Then he gave her a wink and a smirk. "Hmm... Falling for me already? You really ARE a naughty girl Sakura~" He snickered, trying to egg her on. Nothing he said really had any value right? He stopped smiling after a bit and sighed gently, taking on a more serious tone. "Yes? What is it?" He asked, figuring she was just itching to tear him apart. The suspense was killing him... Or maybe he just wanted to be petted.

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