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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

• Rini Yelil •
Rini's eyes were shut as she tried to focus on what she was doing. She hoped she was doing it correctly and wasn't screwing it up, she didn't want to end up accidentally making him worse instead of better. She could feel her own energy leaving her, so she must have been accomplishing something, right? Not long after that, she had felt a hand place itself on her cheek. Her eyes fluttered open to see Misafune looking over at her, he looked to be a little better now. She had stopped when he asked her to not being able to help the smile that was now making its way to her lips happy that Misafune was okay and proud that she had managed to help out with him without screwing up like she had feared beforehand. "I'm happy to hear that" she said softly "I do hope you take proper rest until the rest of your injuries are healed up naturally though" she said after, not in a scolding tone, but she did mean what she said, thinking back on their previous misadventures, it wasn't unheard of for him to be reckless while still not at full strength.
Lumina Lumina


He smiled, but really needed a bath. "May I use your wash room, I am afraid I have a lingering smell." he asked politely, while trying to sit up. He was in her house! He has never been in a girls house before, and this was the house of the girl he liked. Misafune's brains exploded with the realization that despite Chiharu being there, he was virtually alone with Rini. His repressed teenaged feelings bubbled to the surface, and he tried to calm the stormy ocean of puberty within his mind, but it was proving to be far more torrential than he had anticipated. He really liked Rini, and he was alone with her. But he did not know what to do next, so he figured a good shower and some more rest would fix everything...

Lumina Lumina
Nona Nona

He smiled, but really needed a bath. "May I use your wash room, I am afraid I have a lingering smell." he asked politely, while trying to sit up. He was in her house! He has never been in a girls house before, and this was the house of the girl he liked. Misafune's brains exploded with the realization that despite Chiharu being there, he was virtually alone with Rini. His repressed teenaged feelings bubbled to the surface, and he tried to calm the stormy ocean of puberty within his mind, but it was proving to be far more torrential than he had anticipated. He really liked Rini, and he was alone with her. But he did not know what to do next, so he figured a good shower and some more rest would fix everything...

Lumina Lumina
Nona Nona

• Rini Yelil •
Rini offered a smile back at him as he spoke nodding and moving back a bit when he had asked to use her bathroom so he could sit up "Uhm, yes, of course! It's just through that door over there" she answered, pointing him in the right direction "I'll go ahead and make something to eat in the meantime" she said before glancing over to Chiharu who was beside her. She then turned her attention to her, she had noticed the dirt and blood on her dress. Humming in thought a moment she tried to think on what she could do about that, because she of course couldn't leave the girl this way, but Chiharu was so small there was no way on this earth she would have a replacement dress that would fit "I'll have to let you wear one of my t-shirts, they'd be big enough to fit as a dress for you while I wash up the one you have" she said to the girl, placing her hand to her chin in thought "Then tomorrow maybe me or Miyaka can take you to buy some nice new clothes, how does that sound?" She suggested with a gentle smile.
Lumina Lumina

EmeraldKane, the Candyman.

Kane has already finished his ice-cream, as he looks at her eyes. He liked her eyes. They were a weird brown that reminded him of chocolate. He liked chocolate.

“My day has been great, thank you. But you are right – day is still young.”

Kane sighs heavily as he happily breathes the fresh air. He then looks back at Rosalie.

“Would you like to ‘hang out’? It would be shame to waste day like this.”
Nona Nona
EmeraldKane, the Candyman.

Kane has already finished his ice-cream, as he looks at her eyes. He liked her eyes. They were a weird brown that reminded him of chocolate. He liked chocolate.

“My day has been great, thank you. But you are right – day is still young.”

Kane sighs heavily as he happily breathes the fresh air. He then looks back at Rosalie.

“Would you like to ‘hang out’? It would be shame to waste day like this.”

Nona Nona

• Rosalie Dalton •Rosalie pursed her lips in thought for a moment or two before nodding "Sure, I have no other plans this afternoon" she answered with a smile. She didn't know why this guy was asking to spend the day with her when they hadn't really spoken before this much. But he seemed like an okay guy and she doesn't have any plans with anyone else so it wasn't like she was going to refuse.


+ Raven Karasu +
~ One Winged Raven ~
Raven was at a cafe near the train station. It was pretty occupied with people but she had a table to herself. Soon, one of her family members came to the cafe and set the letter on the table and left. It took awhile before she reached for the letter and grabbed it, opening it up and examining its contents.

The letter read this in neat handwriting:

"Salutations. I heard of you and your clan's little 'war', and I was wondering if our organization can be of some assistance. We heard your clan is low on financial budget so we're prepared to make an offer for you. We'll share some of our millions with you in exchange of the assassination of both a man named Han, a man named Kaz, and a man named Keith. They should be at the station headed for our location. We would like them taken out before they can reach us. If you can do that, we'd be more than happy to provide money, reinforcements, and any other sort of support."

-Sincerely, The Cartel
Han followed Keith, jumping through the trees.
Keith had arrived at the station with Han, taking a moment to scan his surroundings. He wanted to make sure somebody didn't already plan to stop them. Once he was sure the way was clear he made his way to the ticket booth and bought them some tickets.
Wicked Jester Wicked Jester

The letter read this in neat handwriting:

"Salutations. I heard of you and your clan's little 'war', and I was wondering if our organization can be of some assistance. We heard your clan is low on financial budget so we're prepared to make an offer for you. We'll share some of our millions with you in exchange of the assassination of both a man named Han, a man named Kaz, and a man named Keith. They should be at the station headed for our location. We would like them taken out before they can reach us. If you can do that, we'd be more than happy to provide money, reinforcements, and any other sort of support."

-Sincerely, The Cartel

As Raven read the letter, it wasn't true that they had a financial crisis, they just needed more money to buy more weapons and ammo than they know what to do with. But the question that lingered in her mind was: how did this information leak? Or perhaps this Cartel organization does a lot of recon work and possibly stumbled on one of the events between the clans. But what made her more on edge was that they heard about her, even, when she had never made any major appearances. This organization doesn't seem reliable, but she guessed doing away with a few people wouldn't be too much of a problem. She got up from her seat and put on her mask. She placed the letter under her gauntlet before taking her katana, unsheathed it and sliced at the air and opened a portal when everyone was too busy talking among themselves. When they finally noticed the portal, they would only see it close after Raven went through it. And then, the only thing she can do is locate and wait...

She appeared at the station shortly before turning into a Raven and perched herself on one of the trees. Now that she was here, she wasn't sure who was who. She figured that she would up her luck on herself and when she took a guess, she would nail it. When she saw two people arrived at the station after jumping from tree to tree, she noticed one of them looking around as if making sure they were alone. This has to be them. She soon began flying towards their direction and then going to her human form before she leaped at Han and Keith with such speed. She decided to attack Keith first since he was the most obvious. She performed a diagonal stroke and then a vertical stroke straight after, being swung so hard and her technique being so refined that it can break steel armor. She then sheathed her blade because of her habits. She then waited for one of them to speak. Possibly, they would say each other's name. Then Raven can confirm her kills.
Roman Roman - Han
Wicked Jester Wicked Jester - since you were tagged by Dragoon.
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EmeraldKane, the Candyman.

“What would you like to do?”

Kane didn’t really have any plans, either. He just usually practices his magic or his cooking in his spare time, or work out if he’s getting overweight. He was somewhat surprised that she accepted his request to chill with him. Despite his appearance and powers, he’s just another face in the crowd.
Nona Nona

• Rini Yelil •
Rini offered a smile back at him as he spoke nodding and moving back a bit when he had asked to use her bathroom so he could sit up "Uhm, yes, of course! It's just through that door over there" she answered, pointing him in the right direction "I'll go ahead and make something to eat in the meantime" she said before glancing over to Chiharu who was beside her. She then turned her attention to her, she had noticed the dirt and blood on her dress. Humming in thought a moment she tried to think on what she could do about that, because she of course couldn't leave the girl this way, but Chiharu was so small there was no way on this earth she would have a replacement dress that would fit "I'll have to let you wear one of my t-shirts, they'd be big enough to fit as a dress for you while I wash up the one you have" she said to the girl, placing her hand to her chin in thought "Then tomorrow maybe me or Miyaka can take you to buy some nice new clothes, how does that sound?" She suggested with a gentle smile.
Lumina Lumina



To the young girl, it seemed like so much was happening all at once in a short time span. First she's left alone for what feels like forever, then she gets trapped on the top of a building with no way down, then Rini saved her, then Misafune nearly dies, and now they're in Rini's house. For a five-year-old girl, that was a bit much to handle. Even as Misafune recovered, Chiharu sat on the floor, slightly trembling and crying, stressed out from everything during the day. It didn't help that she was still cold and her knees were scraped raw and she was covered in dirt. While she was glad that she was found and that Rini and Misafune were nearby, she wished that today could have gone differently. Part of the young girl still wondered where Rini and Misafune had gone off to to leave her alone for so long. In reality, it wasn't even that long, but Chiharu didn't know any better. But despite all that... Chiharu was just glad that the two people in her life that she cared about most were back. Rini was commenting on her clothes, saying how she'd have to wash her dress and let her wear a tshirt. And then there was something about going shopping with Miyaka... ah yeah, Miyaka. It had been a while since the young girl had seen Miyaka. Sniffling a bit still, Chiharu looked up at Rini with a tired and innocent expression. "...okay."

Extra Info

Rini's house

Scared, but feeling better

Sitting in the living room


Interacting with: Rini
EmeraldKane, the Candyman.

“What would you like to do?”

Kane didn’t really have any plans, either. He just usually practices his magic or his cooking in his spare time, or work out if he’s getting overweight. He was somewhat surprised that she accepted his request to chill with him. Despite his appearance and powers, he’s just another face in the crowd.

Nona Nona
Rosalie blinked, oh. She thought maybe he had an idea on what he wanted to do when he asked that. She put her hand to the side of her face as she thought about what she wanted to do. Honestly, she just wanted to enjoy the lovely weather, nothing else was really on her mind. "Well, since the weather out is so nice, I don't really want to be cooled in from outside" she began to answer as she lowered her hand "How about we just go on a nice walk and see where that takes us?" She smiled sheepishly before her voice sounded again "I was never really one to plan things out, I've been accused of being impulsive" she admitted, laughing silently.
EmeraldKane, the Candyman.

“That is fine with me, but don’t worry about your hastiness. That is good in life! Don’t want to spend all day thinking about things when you can be living.”

Kane does enjoy a walk in the park sometimes. It refreshes the mind and soul to have a gentle meander in some green scenery and fresh air. He also doesn’t really think too much about things, and acts out of heart rather than out of mind.
Nona Nona



To the young girl, it seemed like so much was happening all at once in a short time span. First she's left alone for what feels like forever, then she gets trapped on the top of a building with no way down, then Rini saved her, then Misafune nearly dies, and now they're in Rini's house. For a five-year-old girl, that was a bit much to handle. Even as Misafune recovered, Chiharu sat on the floor, slightly trembling and crying, stressed out from everything during the day. It didn't help that she was still cold and her knees were scraped raw and she was covered in dirt. While she was glad that she was found and that Rini and Misafune were nearby, she wished that today could have gone differently. Part of the young girl still wondered where Rini and Misafune had gone off to to leave her alone for so long. In reality, it wasn't even that long, but Chiharu didn't know any better. But despite all that... Chiharu was just glad that the two people in her life that she cared about most were back. Rini was commenting on her clothes, saying how she'd have to wash her dress and let her wear a tshirt. And then there was something about going shopping with Miyaka... ah yeah, Miyaka. It had been a while since the young girl had seen Miyaka. Sniffling a bit still, Chiharu looked up at Rini with a tired and innocent expression. "...okay."

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• Rini Yelil •
Rini's gaze softened when Chiharu had answered her questions with an 'okay' she obviously wasn't paying 100% attention to her words. That was okay though, Rini knew she had been through a lot today so she wasn't expecting a big excited reaction from her at all. "Well, maybe we won't talk about tomorrow just yet then" she eventually said before lifting the trembling girl off of the floor "Let's get you cleaned up a little so you can rest" she explained to her, carrying her off to Rini's room. Was she doing the right thing to calm the girl down? She didn't know, probably not, having to care for a young child isn't something that comes naturally to a teenage girl. But she was trying to go with her gut and think on maybe what her mother would have said to her at that age. Reaching her own room she closed the door and set Chiharu down on the bed. Unlike the floor she was sitting on previous, it was soft and fluffy, along with the pillows there were a few different soft plushies. Most were gifts from her siblings some she had simply because she found them cute, she hoped these surroundings would be a little bit more soothing. Taking a seat on the edge of the bed as she searched her dresser, she began to pull out some t-shirts that Chiharu could wear in the meantime.
Jofune Tsurabisu Jofune Tsurabisu




To the young girl, it seemed like so much was happening all at once in a short time span. First she's left alone for what feels like forever, then she gets trapped on the top of a building with no way down, then Rini saved her, then Misafune nearly dies, and now they're in Rini's house. For a five-year-old girl, that was a bit much to handle. Even as Misafune recovered, Chiharu sat on the floor, slightly trembling and crying, stressed out from everything during the day. It didn't help that she was still cold and her knees were scraped raw and she was covered in dirt. While she was glad that she was found and that Rini and Misafune were nearby, she wished that today could have gone differently. Part of the young girl still wondered where Rini and Misafune had gone off to to leave her alone for so long. In reality, it wasn't even that long, but Chiharu didn't know any better. But despite all that... Chiharu was just glad that the two people in her life that she cared about most were back. Rini was commenting on her clothes, saying how she'd have to wash her dress and let her wear a tshirt. And then there was something about going shopping with Miyaka... ah yeah, Miyaka. It had been a while since the young girl had seen Miyaka. Sniffling a bit still, Chiharu looked up at Rini with a tired and innocent expression. "...okay."

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no slide

• Rini Yelil •
Rini's gaze softened when Chiharu had answered her questions with an 'okay' she obviously wasn't paying 100% attention to her words. That was okay though, Rini knew she had been through a lot today so she wasn't expecting a big excited reaction from her at all. "Well, maybe we won't talk about tomorrow just yet then" she eventually said before lifting the trembling girl off of the floor "Let's get you cleaned up a little so you can rest" she explained to her, carrying her off to Rini's room. Was she doing the right thing to calm the girl down? She didn't know, probably not, having to care for a young child isn't something that comes naturally to a teenage girl. But she was trying to go with her gut and think on maybe what her mother would have said to her at that age. Reaching her own room she closed the door and set Chiharu down on the bed. Unlike the floor she was sitting on previous, it was soft and fluffy, along with the pillows there were a few different soft plushies. Most were gifts from her siblings some she had simply because she found them cute, she hoped these surroundings would be a little bit more soothing. Taking a seat on the edge of the bed as she searched her dresser, she began to pull out some t-shirts that Chiharu could wear in the meantime.
Jofune Tsurabisu Jofune Tsurabisu


He felt like crap. But he looked at himself in the mirror. His nude body was covered in bruises, and the tattoo. He must not dwell on that particular piece of art, or the final words will come to mind and then the trouble starts. He ritually bathed himself, cleansing his skin, then rinsed. Now he was soaking in her tub, sighing with contentment as he thought about the girls and how much trouble he had gone through with them. Was it worth it? Yes, yes it was as Rini made him feel...good. Did it matter if she was not entirely human? No. She was girl enough to satisfy his primal, baser instincts. The same urges he must suppress. No, she was definitely worth every scar. But how could he seal the relationship? He wanted her to be his and he to be hers. But being absolutely world naive, he lacked the ability to talk to her about it. After the right amount of time, he rose and dried himself off and wrapped himself in a towel. He searched the house for Rini, whom had his clothes... He heard voices coming from the room with the cutsey plate with her name on it. He knocked before opening the door. "I think I need my clo-" he was cut off with the scene of Rini and Chiharu trying to change clothes....

Nona Nona
Lumina Lumina

• Maya Radkov •

Maya simply smiled up at him as he looked away and laughed nervously, she guessed she must have caught him off guard with that kiss on the cheek due to his reaction, the thought almost made her giggle a little. "As am I" she agreed with him. She went ahead and walked out the door first, waiting for him to lock it up like he had said he would. Yes, this would be a fun day and it seemed as though he was just excited as she was about it. It made her wonder if maybe they should take it easy like this just a little more often. Their coffee shop was in a great place and they had loads of regular customers now, they didn't have to work their behinds off to keep up with costs half as much now since the place was more established now. With a little break now and then, they could have time to relax together, not to mention planning their wedding...They had been engaged for months now and never got around to even discussing it in detail never mind planning it. It wasn't that she was avoiding to do so, she had simply been too busy. She put that on her mental to-do list. She hummed in thought for a moment before she spoke "Cecil? I was wondering if the coffee shop has been doing so much better recently...Maybe we should set aside some more days for this kind of stuff?" She suggested, fixing a piece of her hair as she spoke.

Cecil Patel

~ Just a Peaceful Coffee Shop Owner

Cecil stepped out after Maya, and taking out the key to the apartment, he turned around and locked the door. Turning right back around, he smiled at Maya. After so long, they were going to be able to spend time together like a normal couple. With so little need to worry about the cafe right now, he felt a great weight be lifted off of his conscience. When Maya started speaking, Cecil listened, and he couldn't agree better. Her question had given him an idea, one that would benefit them both. "Yeah, we can do that. We shouldn't over work ourselves so we should take a break regardless, and well... More often." He said, smiling a bit. "But, we could possibly miss out on our chance to make a ton of money during this busy time... And I was gonna suggest we hire a few employees now. I'm pretty sure by doing that, we'd be not only helping our business, but whoever we hire too." Cecil said, pitching the idea of hiring people for the cafe. It was around that time where maybe they'd have to. Sometimes business is going to well and four hands aren't enough to keep up with the flow of everything. "It's just an idea, but I wanted to hear your input on it too... We make decisions together about this place after all."

EmeraldGail, the forever young.

Gail nods at him, without so much of a word to him about the recent conversation. She decides to follow him to the library with no objections. There’s no reason why she would object, after all. Maybe this is her chance to finally be with her family again.

As she follows him, she decides to become ethereal again as to not get in anyone’s way. As her feet float below the ground, some of the students would give her strange looks before horrified looks as Gail passes right through them. She looks to Ren with a weak smile with closed eyes, tilting her head slightly. She wanted to make some conversation with her new friend that didn’t involve her death and eternal torture.

“So, what are the other gods like? Are they as nice as you?”

Even though she is dead and cold, she still knows how to melt someone’s heart with her smile. From when she was young, she always knew how to make people feel welcome. It was her mother that taught her to smile. She can barely remember her face now.

Roman Roman
Ren hummed quietly as he made his way to the library with Gail. It wasn't the longest of walks, but they still weren't there yet. One thing he forgot to tell her is that his luck was something he couldn't control, and in other words, it was always activated. People he didn't even know would stop and say hi to him and give him things as they went along. Even he found it weird, but he had to learn to live with it. "Other gods? I can't speak for those guys. We all have our own personalities, which I find a good thing. Being the same as everyone else is sorta bland. There might be others like me though, and possibly even nicer. I'm glad I got to you before some other jerk came along though. We have a lot of those at this school."
Himeragi was hit in the back by Ramona's kick and figured that she would follow it up with another attack. Which she did. She then used the momentum from the kick to move out of the blast's way before rolling on the ground a bit before catching herself on fours. She then charged at Ramona and leaped so she can make a mid-air kick combination.
Ramona had moved out of the area she had been in before, and when the dust from the explosion cleared, it was evident she wasn't there anymore. Ramona had then jumped up from where she was and tackled Himeragi in the air, taking her straight to the ground as they fell.
Ramona had moved out of the area she had been in before, and when the dust from the explosion cleared, it was evident she wasn't there anymore. Ramona had then jumped up from where she was and tackled Himeragi in the air, taking her straight to the ground as they fell.
After Himeragi was tackled to the ground, it took her a while before she realized she can't really move much due to Ramona tackling her. She just found herself pinned under Ramona. She sighed before she looked at Ramona. "I can't move much apparently." She said as she breathed heavily after the battle. It seemed quick but their movements had to be very precise. "Though you cheated~ You used magic in there somewhere!"


~Banished Deity of the Lixam People


Exilium stood on a high rock formation that gave him a good view of the tournament that was being held. He had no plans on fighting, but merely observing was enough as he didn't want to get involved in human affairs... Well it was obvious the green guy wasn't a human, and the people he had fought so far weren't normal humans. One of them was even a god, yet he was still beaten. If there was anything he wanted to say on this situation, it would just be something about the one who held the tournament in the first place. The fighting had come to a stop and Exilium closed his eyes, waiting for the next battle to start.

He had come to like this planet and it's people. Not being here for long, it would suck to see the planet be gone already, and as much as he wanted to take part in this tournament to help, it wasn't his place to do so. He turned around and opened his eyes, walking away towards the city. Not many people are scared of him, and most of the population are quite used to seeing weird things so he was able to do as he pleased, and walking among humans was one of those things. Preferring to be alone most of the time, he didn't make many acquaintances, but maybe he'd make some friends or something today. Never know.

(((( Open for interaction ))))

After Himeragi was tackled to the ground, it took her a while before she realized she can't really move much due to Ramona tackling her. She just found herself pinned under Ramona. She sighed before she looked at Ramona. "I can't move much apparently." She said as she breathed heavily after the battle. It seemed quick but their movements had to be very precise. "Though you cheated~ You used magic in there somewhere!"
Ramona stood up and gave Himeragi a triumphant grin, "Didn't say I couldn't~ You said no flying~" She said happily as she reached out to Hime, offering her a hand. "I used a paralysis, it wasn't a strong one and should be losing it's effect... Right... About... Now." She said, and as she did, the magic wore off and Himeragi's ability to move was returned to her. "Ten out of ten would spar again~" She joked.
EmeraldGail, the forever young.


She looks down at the ground, still floating, as she thinks back to those bullies from before.

“Some people are definitely jerks…I don’t know why I get bullied so much. I guess it’s because I’m different to them…”

After all, they may be in a school filled with different people from different places with all sorts of magical powers, but there’s fire mage and water mage ‘different’ and alive and dead for hundreds of years ‘different’. Gail has always hated bullies, but she knows that retaliating would just encourage them, and properly retaliating would kill more than just them.

“Yeah…I’m glad you came along when you did. Some people just don’t understand what it’s like to be dead.”
Roman Roman
Ramona stood up and gave Himeragi a triumphant grin, "Didn't say I couldn't~ You said no flying~" She said happily as she reached out to Hime, offering her a hand. "I used a paralysis, it wasn't a strong one and should be losing it's effect... Right... About... Now." She said, and as she did, the magic wore off and Himeragi's ability to move was returned to her. "Ten out of ten would spar again~" She joked.
Himeragi took Ramona's hand so she would get it. After that, she began stretching and moving around a bit. "Damn, being paralyzed felt weird..."

• Kairassi Ikeda •It had been a while since she and Luke had went on their date. As far as she was concerned it was a success. She had fun, he had fun. But this... Relationship thing was something she wasn't used to, she had never been in one before in her life. She couldn't help her cheeks colouring every time she thought back on it. Laying on her couch, upside down so her feet were in the air ((as usual)) she never knew how she ended up that way, she assumed she just gradually shuffled herself until she gave up and sat like that. Letting a bored sigh she lifted her phone and quickly typed a text to Luke asking if he was free to hang out, he normally was of course but she always would send a text out of habit anyways. Sending the text, she threw her phone onto the couch next to her and waited for a reply.

Mayyflower Mayyflower ((sorry it's not the best had to rush a little :P))


• Kairassi Ikeda •It had been a while since she and Luke had went on their date. As far as she was concerned it was a success. She had fun, he had fun. But this... Relationship thing was something she wasn't used to, she had never been in one before in her life. She couldn't help her cheeks colouring every time she thought back on it. Laying on her couch, upside down so her feet were in the air ((as usual)) she never knew how she ended up that way, she assumed she just gradually shuffled herself until she gave up and sat like that. Letting a bored sigh she lifted her phone and quickly typed a text to Luke asking if he was free to hang out, he normally was of course but she always would send a text out of habit anyways. Sending the text, she threw her phone onto the couch next to her and waited for a reply.

Mayyflower Mayyflower ((sorry it's not the best had to rush a little :P))

After a long nap Luke decided it was finally time for him to get up and get ready for the day. Letting out a yawn he made his way over to the bathroom so he could take his daily shower, washing his hair and body he thought about how much time he has been spending with Kairassi. Was she getting tired of him always asking to hang out? Does she even like him as much as he likes her? He groaned and shook his head before turning off the shower and climbing out, he dried himself off with his towel and walked out of the bathroom and over to his phone, he smiled down at his phone and replied back to Kairassi, of course he was free he didn't really have that much friends that would want to hang out with him. He was relieved to see that she had wanted to hang out with him. He got dressed and waited for her to reply.
After a long nap Luke decided it was finally time for him to get up and get ready for the day. Letting out a yawn he made his way over to the bathroom so he could take his daily shower, washing his hair and body he thought about how much time he has been spending with Kairassi. Was she getting tired of him always asking to hang out? Does she even like him as much as he likes her? He groaned and shook his head before turning off the shower and climbing out, he dried himself off with his towel and walked out of the bathroom and over to his phone, he smiled down at his phone and replied back to Kairassi, of course he was free he didn't really have that much friends that would want to hang out with him. He was relieved to see that she had wanted to hang out with him. He got dressed and waited for her to reply.

• Kairassi Ikeda •Hearing the phone buzz she she grabbed it, sliding her body off the couch and onto the floor. Laying on her back she read the text message before replying that she'd see him in a few minutes. She grinned, well that was her boredom cured for the day she now had something fun to do. She hopped to her feet and bounced over to the mirror. Her hair was a fluffed up as ever but as usual no matter how hard she tried she couldn't get it to stay smoothed down ((again, as usual)). Rolling her eyes and loosing her patience with it, she fixed her clothes and pulled on a jacket before disappearing from her room in a flash of light. She reappeared at the door to Luke's home, sure she could have appeared right inside his home but she thought that would be too rude. She rang the doorbell and waited outside.

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