How troublesome...
Serenity nodded quickly. "Oh, yes. Lunch sounds amazing. Especially with an actual other person than my brother and his daughter." She giggled slightly. "I'm free any part of the day. It's kind of sad really." She shrugged and gave a small shrug. "'re obviously gifted...may I ask with what?"
Ramona smiled and nodded, she knew that feeling. She had to spend a majority of her time with Roman and his own family before she left, though they were the reason she came back after all. "Yeah.. I can totally relate on that one." she said with a sigh. Ramona found Serenity's giggling quite infectious as when she giggled, Ramona found herself either smiling or giggling with her. "It's great now though! If you're free we can hangout pretty much whenever we see fit. I'm usually free all the time, but since I'm just getting back into town there might be a couple things holding me back for maybe the first two weeks as I get myself settled in again." Ramona told her as she sat on a bench. "I'm gifted? O-Oh! My powers... I have many, though some are still in need of perfection. I'm a vampire/demon hybrid. My demon cells were taken from my use of the ability "take over" as I'm able to take someone else's abilities, though they havfe to be extremely weak at the time of me doing said ability."