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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
*She said smiling*


''dammit, dont be worried..''

Ken looked at her and smiled, as he carried her inside in a bridal fashion. When they made it to her room, he used his powers to open the door, closing it behind him when he stepped inside.
Roman said:
Ken looked at her and smiled, as he carried her inside in a bridal fashion. When they made it to her room, he used his powers to open the door, closing it behind him when he stepped inside.
''maybe, your being too magic reliant~''
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]''maybe, your being too magic reliant~''

Ken shook his head, "I don't use my powers 'all' the time." He said, laughing a little. "Okay, maybe a little more than others, but not too much."
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
*She said smiling*


''dammit, dont be worried..''

"I can't help it...Because I'm in...Eh....I hate saying that word..."
Roman said:
Ken shook his head, "I don't use my powers 'all' the time." He said, laughing a little. "Okay, maybe a little more than others, but not too much."
*Airi giggled before closing her eyes and drifting to sleep*


shortyshot8 said:
"I can't help it...Because I'm in...Eh....I hate saying that word..."
''if you hate saying the word, then you wont feel it..''
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
*Airi giggled before closing her eyes and drifting to sleep*

''if you hate saying the word, then you wont feel it..''

He blushed "L-Love..."
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
*Airi giggled before closing her eyes and drifting to sleep*

''if you hate saying the word, then you wont feel it..''

Ken chuckled, before laying her down in bed, soon laying next to her and going to sleep himself.
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]''well...now what?''

"I really don't know...I would go after the twins but...I don't know where they are"
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
''dont make me pass out again...''

time skip?)))

(( Yeah, you can start  ̄ω ̄
TheDragoon said:
Nexus chuckled as he got on his wheel cycle. "I know I know, just hop behind me~" He said. "It's one seated so your going to have to hold on to my back."

Ilaani nodded as she hopped on as well and held onto him.
shortyshot8 said:
Tel blinked and looked around not sure what to say

"But I AM worried...If I can't find them then you...." He trailed off
Yuna giggled "What's wrong?" She looked at him "If you don't know which you'd like I can choose which ride we go on?" She said with a smile

((Anyone free :'D))
WeirdPrincess said:
...❦Asuka blushed once more and rubbed the back of her head as she gazed at Akira, smiling a little before speaking❦...
"My food isn't that great. It isn't as good as five star restaurants but I do admit I'm average or maybe a little above average at cooking."

...☿Kioko slowly finished the rest of her burger and soon raised her chopsticks in the air as she talked☿...

...♅Akira laughed lightly and replied, his smile remaining on his face♅...

“ Well, to me it's the best food I've ever tasted~ ”

...±Hikari giggled and picked up the chopsticks, struggling to pick up the rice±...


Roman said:
(( Satoshi, Kaz, Taylor, Nai, Roman, Asuna, and Ayame ))
((( I take Roman :{ )))
Mayyflower said:
(Who is Satoshi?)
(( One of my character's children... Due to quick aging... He's about 12-14 years old now xP ))

[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]*Airi hasnt woke up yet*

Ken yawned, slowly waking up. He looked over at Airi, noticing she was still asleep. He sighed quietly, before laying back down.

[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira laughed lightly and replied, his smile remaining on his face♅...
“ Well, to me it's the best food I've ever tasted~ ”

...±Hikari giggled and picked up the chopsticks, struggling to pick up the rice±...


((( I take Roman :{ )))

(( You can have Roman bb :3 ))
...۩Marica soon noticed a male with red hair walk through the school gates. She walked up to him and spoke, a seductive tone playing from her mouth. As she spoke to the male, she winked and liked her lips۩...

“ Hey there, sexy~ Do you know where one Akira Fukushima is? ”

Roman said:
(( One of my character's children... Due to quick aging... He's about 12-14 years old now xP ))
Ken yawned, slowly waking up. He looked over at Airi, noticing she was still asleep. He sighed quietly, before laying back down.

(( You can have Roman bb :3 ))
can i freeze em?)))
[QUOTE="Fukushima Marica]
...۩Marica soon noticed a male with red hair walk through the school gates. She walked up to him and spoke, a seductive tone playing from her mouth. As she spoke to the male, she winked and liked her lips۩...
“ Hey there, sexy~ Do you know where one Akira Fukushima is? ”


...ΨKenji looked at the female and spokeΨ...

“ Wow, you're pretty cute, but nothing compared to my Lumina~ ”


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