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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Roman said:
Han shook his head, "Well that sucks... You can stay with me in my dorm for now I guess. I will sleep in the living room and you can take thw bedroom if you want."
May smiled and hugged Han. "Thank you" she says happily
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]''and funny thing is...he has to fall in love with someone to remove the curse but...he doesnt know that''

Shira giggled "that's funny" she said happily
Roman said:
"How long will this last? I didn't say I was taking out a girl, I remember saying we were going to get drinks. As bros..."
Jackie sighed "I have no clue" She said honestly before sighing again "There is one person I might ask to help!"
shortyshot8 said:
Jackie sighed "I have no clue" She said honestly before sighing again "There is one person I might ask to help!"
The clone sipped its drink and looked at Jackie once more, "Who? The Incubus, Cam?"
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Shira giggled "that's funny" she said happily

''yea but its absolute hell and the choices are so stupid and random and it just makes me lose my shit sometimes hahaha..''
"Alright! See you in a couple hours!" He leaves, almost immediately replaced by some scientists, with a table, some strange instruments placed on top of them... Sharp instruments. Two soldiers walk in, armed with rifles. One of the scientists, grabs a syringe, and jams it into Miyuki's arm, extracting some tissue. (Brb, more stuff happens, so yeah lol.)
Mayyflower said:
May smiled and hugged Han. "Thank you" she says happily
"It's the least I can do for someone without a place to stay." Han said happily. Dammit.... Little kids, this is why we don't get along at first sight. Hopefully this ends well..

[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Lana blushed badly as she felt ramona roughen the kiss making her deepen the kiss in response

Ramona made her way over to the bed, without breaking the kiss. Feeling the kiss deepen some more, she couldn't help but go over there.


shortyshot8 said:
Jackie facepalmed "No not that idiot" She said with a frown
"Don't get angry at me, I just wanna know who.." it said sipping his drink again.
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]''yea but its absolute hell and the choices are so stupid and random and it just makes me lose my shit sometimes hahaha..''

Shira giggled "wow" she said to her
Roman said:
Ramona made her way over to the bed, without breaking the kiss. Feeling the kiss deepen some more, she couldn't help but go over there.

"Don't get angry at me, I just wanna know who.." it said sipping his drink again.
Jackie sighed "Romana of course!" She said happily (Just wait I'm going to warp to them when things between Romana and Lana get........Interesting xD )
deathxmaiden said:
"Alright! See you in a couple hours!" He leaves, almost immediately replaced by some scientists, with a table, some strange instruments placed on top of them... Sharp instruments. Two soldiers walk in, armed with rifles. One of the scientists, grabs a syringe, and jams it into Miyuki's arm, extracting some tissue. (Brb, more stuff happens, so yeah lol.)
i wanna attack, i wanna attack, i wanna attack, i wanna attack!! >~<)))


[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Shira giggled "wow" she said to her


*She said as she cuddles more with Shira*
shortyshot8 said:
Jackie sighed "Romana of course!" She said happily (Just wait I'm going to warp to them when things between Romana and Lana get........Interesting xD )
"Whatever you say boss. I doubt she would help with what's going on right now...." He said chuckling.
Roman said:
Ramona made her way over to the bed, without breaking the kiss. Feeling the kiss deepen some more, she couldn't help but go over there.

"Don't get angry at me, I just wanna know who.." it said sipping his drink again.
Lana pushed ramona Down onto the bed not breaking the kiss as she slowly climes onto the bed too 'I-i can't stop' she thought as she kissed her while sliding a hand to ramonas hips

[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Lana pushed ramona Down onto the bed not breaking the kiss as she slowly climes onto the bed too 'I-i can't stop' she thought as she kissed her while sliding a hand to ramonas hips

(( Yeah ))
deathxmaiden said:
"Alright! See you in a couple hours!" He leaves, almost immediately replaced by some scientists, with a table, some strange instruments placed on top of them... Sharp instruments. Two soldiers walk in, armed with rifles. One of the scientists, grabs a syringe, and jams it into Miyuki's arm, extracting some tissue. (Brb, more stuff happens, so yeah lol.)
Myuki screams I pain as she feels her tissue being ripped out of her making her body start to scale up
Daniel reaver]Myuki screams I pain as she feels her tissue being ripped out of her making her body start to scale up [/QUOTE] can i attack? i wanna have my characters in more fights..)) [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18450-deathxmaiden/ said:

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