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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

shortyshot8 said:
Cam smiled "Hey love" He said softly

Marcus sighed "True enough....After using the necklace even you must know how strong I am" He said happily
"I'm glad you're back....hope you got the help you wanted." Farah said softly.
deathxmaiden said:
@Daniel reaver
"Immobilize the target." The squad leader commands, and they open fire. They fire electroshock rounds, enough to immobilize an entity for at least 15 minutes.
Dark Tyler smirks as the shots suddenly fire back. He had put up a dark force field. "Dark Art: Nova of the End." He said plainly as he charged a beam in his mouth firing it at the squad and killing every single last man and women.

@Daniel reaver

Roman said:
"You guys gave the real me powers he didn't know he could reach! To be honest with you, after he took the necklace off, the power didn't leave his body, nor did the power he got from the singing Intoner. He's like... Too strong now."
Marcus laughed "Now just remember...That's only a bit of my power" He said happily
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Lana blushed but nodded "o-ok." She said softly before pecking ramonas lips again

Ramona slid her hand down from Lana's cheek to her hand and laced her fingers in between hers, "Lets go then... " she said in a seductive way, before leading her to her bedroom door.
Soon a heli begun to appear on the horizon, and the squad leader replied, "Come with us. See what we see. " She silently switches to acid rounds, made to fight regenerators. "We won't harm her... It is for the greater good." Out boss would love for you to join... What species are you?"

@Daniel reaver

[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]*Yuki snuggles up with Shira as they watch the TV smiling*

Shira smiled "so what this one about" she asked her as he watched the show
shortyshot8 said:
Marcus laughed "Now just remember...That's only a bit of my power" He said happily
The clone nodded, "Well Roman is half Sanctum. You guys only helped him get to Mangekyo... Which is only an upgrade in his ocular powers. Though it did activate his other eye, which gave him two, allowing him to use Susanoo."
Roman said:
The clone nodded, "Well Roman is half Sanctum. You guys only helped him get to Mangekyo... Which is only an upgrade in his ocular powers. Though it did activate his other eye, which gave him two, allowing him to use Susanoo."
Marcus nodded "That was the plan" He said happily as he drank before he stopped "Uhh...Crap...My Magic is going wild" He said before turning into a girl "What the hell???"
deathxmaiden said:
Soon a heli begun to appear on the horizon, and the squad leader replied, "Come with us. See what we see. " She silently switches to acid rounds, made to fight regenerators. "We won't harm her... It is for the greater good." Out boss would love for you to join... What species are you?"

@Daniel reaver

Yurika stared at the leader,"My species does not matter. I will not answer you, but I will come along to see what you do to her. She should not be harmed in any way." She said blankly.
Roman said:
Ramona slid her hand down from Lana's cheek to her hand and laced her fingers in between hers, "Lets go then... " she said in a seductive way, before leading her to her bedroom door.
Lana blushed and followed ramona to her bed room we heart starting to race as they neared the door
shortyshot8 said:
Marcus nodded "That was the plan" He said happily as he drank before he stopped "Uhh...Crap...My Magic is going wild" He said before turning into a girl "What the hell???"
The clone looked back to Marcus, after getting his fourth drink. His eyes went wide before he burst out laughing. "So unlucky!!"
Roman said:
"Did you get a dorm or are you staying off campus?" Han asked. "If you plan staying here I can show you around."
"Um" she says looking down at her hands. "I don't Have a place to stay." She says embarrassed
Roman said:
The clone looked back to Marcus, after getting his fourth drink. His eyes went wide before he burst out laughing. "Ao unlucky!!"
Jackie frowned "Shut up!" She yelled angrily
deathxmaiden said:
(Godmod much? Didn't you realize there is a rift, and Eisen and your character are trapped in it?)
(Umm... He is a god... Sort of... Eh... I'll just have him turn back from using too much power now xD )

Dark Tyler slammed to the ground as his form wore off. His body was too weak to move. "D-Dammit..." He muttered.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Lana blushed and followed ramona to her bed room we heart starting to race as they neared the door

Ramona opened the door and closed it behind them. She pulled Lana closer and smiled as their faces were mere centimeters away from one another.


shortyshot8 said:
Jackie frowned "Shut up!" She yelled angrily
The clone continued to laugh, pounding his hand on the bar. "Wow man! Or should I say, 'woman'?!"
Roman said:
Ramona opened the door and closed it behind them. She pulled Lana closer and smiled as their faces were mere centimeters away from one another.

The clone continued to laugh, pounding his hand on the bar. "Wow man! Or should I say, 'woman'?!"
Jackie looked down at her chest before slamming her head on the counter "This sucks" She said angrily
Roman said:
Ramona opened the door and closed it behind them. She pulled Lana closer and smiled as their faces were mere centimeters away from one another.

The clone continued to laugh, pounding his hand on the bar. "Wow man! Or should I say, 'woman'?!"
Lana blushed as we breath heated up and she slowly slid her arms aroud ramonas neck feeling nervous as she stood there
Mayyflower said:
"Um" she says looking down at her hands. "I don't Have a place to stay." She says embarrassed
Han shook his head, "Well that sucks... You can stay with me in my dorm for now I guess. I will sleep in the living room and you can take thw bedroom if you want."
deathxmaiden said:
@Daniel reaver

"Perfectly fine." The heli descends, and Nikolav climbs upon it, placing Miyuki against the wall, and the squad follows suit. "Out boss will be here to see you shortly." The leader replies. The heli takes off.
Myuki sat there still paralyzed as she tryed to get away but jus couldn't move 'no no no. The want lost" she thoght as she sat there her lower snake body sprawled out in the heli
shortyshot8 said:
Jackie looked down at her chest before slamming her head on the counter "This sucks" She said angrily
The clone almost fell off the bar stool before he finally stopped laughing. "Man, your life must suck right now!"
Roman said:
The clone almost fell off the bar stool before he finally stopped laughing. "Man, your life must suck right now!"
Jackie stood up "That's it!" She yelled roundhouse kicking him in the side of the face
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Lana blushed as we breath heated up and she slowly slid her arms aroud ramonas neck feeling nervous as she stood there

Ramona slowly leaned towards Lana's lips, making the space between them disappear, as she put her hands on her waist.


shortyshot8 said:
Jackie stood up "That's it!" She yelled roundhouse kicking him in the side of the face
The clone flew into the wall, "Hey that hurt! Who the hell taught you how to kick, Ramona?!"

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