The End of Days RP [If you wish to join, read description]


The Overseer
(This is where the game is going to take place. If you wish to join, please go to to sign up)

His feet crunched into the dead leaves as Brakkus slowly explored the fallen town. The silence of this place was unbearable. Rusted metal and stone debris sat all around the ruins. Weeds and sapling grew over the once clean path. Knowing too well what a deserted city like this could hold, he placed a firm hand around the hilt of the sword, sheathed on his back. He refused to die this day.
Areth sat in the tree Neo lying on his stomach. He laughed as he would Neo would always curl into a different position almost every 5 seconds.He smiled picking up Neo and stroking him. "If it wasn't for you I don't know how I could deal with all this" He said with a smile. Areth tapped his shoulder and Neo jumped up onto it. They started to climb down the tree they would always sit in for hours on end. He checked to make sure if their little shack was shut and smiled to find it was. "Come on Puss. We're going for another walk down memory lane." He said sighed loudly. Neo rubbed his head into his neck and gave off a small meow making a smile crop up onto Areth's face. They walked into the ruined city of Tenier. They passed bakeries and Black smiths and all the other bushiness and markets. He walked to a half demolished grave yard. His parents tomb stones still intact. They had died before the war. He placed Neo on the ground, got on his knees and read his parents tombs once more. He sighed standing up and Neo jumped back onto his shoulder. They walked out of the grave yard and kept walking down the broken cobble road.
Brakkus, hearing the sound of shuffling feet nearby, tried as silently as he could to draw his weapon without alarming any enemies around him. Now, with weapon in hand, he stood motionless, listening to the breeze, trying to tell where his opponent might be hiding... seconds swiftly passed. Brakkus would have sheathed his weapon, believing that the sound was nothing more than a small animal or a bit of falling debris, but the sound appeared again. It was coming from his left, somewhere near the graveyard. He raced in that direction, his armor clanking as he did so. The element of surprise was lost. Now, he had to attack.
Neo meowed so Areth put him on the floor. He sat down indicating he wanted Areth to sit aswell. He looked around and sat down. He rubbed Neo's stomach making him purr loudly. He laughed and smiled as he would run around on his shoulders jumping from one to the other. He jumped into his lap rubbed his head into Areth's chest and purred. "Come on now. We cant rest just yet" He said placing him back on his shoulder continuing down the path not even aware of any sound apart from the breeze.
Slowly walking through the sad town of Tenier, Jaidyn was looking for survivors, or maybe even elves to kill, either would do. With both daggers in their sheath around her hips, she was prepared to kill if necessary. Her steel blue eyes focused on the area around her, determination in their depths. Her long blonde hair was in it's usual appearance of a plait - practical for fighting - and she kept her feet steady and silent as she explored what was left of the once beautiful city.

She desperately tried not to think of what happened here not too long ago, she could almost hear the screams of the innocents, she was sure that she could still smell the stench of their spilled blood and she couldn't get the imagined image of their panic-stricken faces out of her mind.

She knew she was doing the right thing by rebelling against her own. What they were doing, what they had done, was wrong. Whether her Father agreed or not.

Jaidyn froze up as she heard the soft crunch of feet on the ground, heading in her direction, who was it? An attacking elf, or a potential human ally? One thing that did annoy Jaiden was that some humans saw her and instantly attacked her, thinking she was one of the elves who were here to kill them. She kept her eyes locked on the direction that the sounds of feet were coming from, waiting to see who the approacher was before attacking.
Brakkus stepped into the clearing, not caring that his opponent could see him now. His weapon was held at the ready between both of his hands. Her image came into view; a young Elf woman with two daggers strapped to her sides. When he saw her, Brakkus immediately noticed what she might be. She wore human clothes on her back, and she was traveling alone. Two things the Elves would never do. She was either a lost soldier or a traitorous scout.

"Who are you!" Brakkus demanded, keeping his voice quiet enough to avoid being heard beyond the clearing, but loud enough so that the Elf maiden knew exactly what he said. Adrenaline pumped through his body. He was ready for a fight.
Once the armed warrior came into view, Jaidyn relaxed slightly, only slightly. She still was unsure if he might attack her or not, and he seemed ready to shed some blood by the looks of the impressive sword inbetween his hands. She herself wouldn't have minded if it had been an elven soldier or two instead of him, since she never minded slicing their throats open, but still, it was good to see some humans still around this almost deserted town.

When the man spoke, Jaidyn could tell he was a strong fighter, just by the tone of his voice and the way he held himself, and she instantly straightened her own posture. Replying in a voice the same level as his own, though a much different yet still tense tone, "I am Jaidyn, I'm an elf rogue. May I ask your name?" She was trying to smooth out the tight atmosphere, though she wasn't sure it would do much good. The human had reason to be wary.
Immediately, Brakkus allowed his arms to relax. It seemed that this Elf had no intention of killing him, or at least, not at the moment.

"My name is Brakkus Johnson. I, am Human. And proud of it. What business do you have in this place?" (Decided to start bolding my dialogue. It was a good idea)

Although Brakkus did allow his body to relax, he continued to elevate his great sword towards his enemy. The Elf might not appear to be a threat at the moment, but all Elves cannot be trusted.
Feet ran along through the forest, not making a single sound as they sped forward. The heavy paw-steps of a Tiger echoed from behind, diving swiftly and under every log or rock that was in the way. The fierce glow of Victoria's caramel eyes glowed brightly in the dark as she scanned the area and listened carefully. Her sleek white bow and arrow was gripped tightly in her left hand, prepared to strike at anything that moved.

Seeing there was no sign of Elves, she looked down at the Bengal Tiger and nodded. In return, he nodded back.

"Stay close, Renn. This place is crawling with those pathetic creatures." She spat quietly, the tone of her voice was sexy, but fierce as well. She padded forward and ducked under a large tree trunk that had fallen down. Renn, swiftly leaped up onto the trunk, and clambered down next to her. She was looking for survivors, but also, for something to kill.

A deep growl rumbled in Renn's throat. He had heard something, and it was close. Leaping up and doing a back-flip, she landed on a high tree branch perfectly. She put her right hand out in front of her to steady herself. The large Tiger backed into some heavy bramble until he was unseen, and than quietly waited. The fierce girl took a white arrow out of her quiver and placed the Arrow carefully on the Arrow rest of the bow. Pulling the string backwards until it was close to her ear, she waited, ready to shoot at any moment.
Neo jumped off Areth's Shoulder and started to run down the road. Areth chased after him.

"Come Back He yelled. ( I took your bold Idea too:D )

Until Neo stopped and started hissing. Areth looked in the direction of which he was hissing. It was a female elf from the looks of it. He pulled out his crossbow and loaded a bolt into it.

"What's your buisness here Elf!" He demanded.

Neo stopped hissing and jumped up onto Areth's shoulder once Neo saw a man that was in Armour a knight or something human, but still.

Areth kept his crossbow trained on the elf.
"Hold your fire, Archer. I do not believe that this woman is dangerous as of yet." Brakkus quickly stated, trying still to get information out of the Elf.
Jaidyn watched the knight carefully, noticing how his sword was still aimed at her, she decided to speak carefully, explain her reasons for being here and hope that the human wouldn't attack her. But then another was here, a human ranger by the looks of him and his weapon, and she glanced over to see he had an arrow pointed at her, ready to fire.

What more did she expect from humans who had most likely lost their loved ones to her despicable race?

The ranger seemed much more likely to shoot at Jaidyn, so she spoke quickly, her voice loud enough to travel to both humans but not annoyingly loud, "As I explained to this knight, my name is Jaidyn, I am a rogue elf and I'm here, hoping to find some lost elf soldiers to dispose of." She paused, eyes trained on the two, "Or to find some survivors who might need help." She hoped she had calmed them slightly, "I can assure you both I'm not here to attack any humans, just elves."

It was like this everywhere she went, she had to explain herself a dozen times.

(Haha thanks xD Picked it up from RPers on here, I also use coloured bold if I have more than one character xD )
Areth sighed placing his crossbow back into its holder. He picked up Neo and hugged him gently.

"Well good for you. But why does this mean I could trust either of you..."

He started to get slightly upset.

"I still have something to protect in this world."

​He said referring to Neo.

He looked over his shoulder back at the grave letting out a long deep sigh before blocking it out of his mind.

He returned to face the elf. The other Human was of no concern to him currently at this period of time.
"Well, well, well.. I wasn't expecting to see this." A girl's voice echoed out of the clearing. Victoria leaped down from a tree and landed swiftly, a grin on her face. Renn came up behind her, baring his long teeth and snarling furiously at the three. She made a hand motion, and the Tiger instantly calmed down.

"You guys are lucky I didn't mistake you for something else." She murmured fiercely, putting her arrow back in it's quiver and glaring at the elf girl. She had heard everything the elf had said, but she was still suspicious. You never really know when it comes to an elf.
Neo hid into Areth's Clothing as the tiger jumped down.

"Neo no to be scared. I'm here remember"Areth said in a way almost any animal wouldn't find soothing considering the fact Animals was his love during his child.

He rolled his eyes as the Woman spoke. He wasn't being his usual self here.

Why didn't he just go back to his Shack and sit in the tree while he still can.

He looked at each individual that was around him. Could he even trust any of them?
"It seems that the only thing we can do now is calm down and explain ourselves." Brakkus orated, holding his weapon upside down, the tip facing the ground. "My name is Brakkus Johnson, Knight of Darlem. I mean none of you harm unless you prove to be hostile." The tip of Brakkus's blade was now a few inches into the earth, the hilt still firmly grasped between his two hands.

"If we all seek to slay Elves, then we all have reason to journey together. However, most of us probably aren't certain of how friendly everyone is. If you would please, state your name and allegiance. If you are to be a threat, we need to know of it now."
Brakkus firmly stated. Survivors are rare to come by, besides the Barbarians that roam these lands. Although Brakkus hated to think of it, he would have a better chance of survival if he fought along others that also wished for their own safety, and the destruction of the Elves.
"Areth...Areth Black and this is Neo"He said picking up Neo and hugging him firmly.

He flicked his silver hair ontop of his Right silver eye.

Neo jumped down from his shoulder and rubbed his head on Areth's leg. So Areth sat down and rubbed Neo's stomach playfully ignoring the other people as he did so until Neo jumped back onto his shoulder. Areth stood up and looked at the other two.

"And you are?"
Jaidynn looked back as another voice appeared, this time female, and watched the human ranger jump down with a tiger at her side, speaking fiercely to Jaidynn. Of course. Any elf was a threat. But then the weapons were put away and Jaidynn finally relaxed. She looked between the three human survivors and pushed a stray loose of golden hair behind her elven ear, listening to the warrior by the name of Brakkus.

She had already stated her name, and her allegiance, but for the sake of not having an arrow in her knee, she spoke up again, "My name is Jaidynn Aza Caverly, my allegiance lies with the humans." She noticed the human's girl suspicious look and said pointedly, "If you don't believe me just wait until I find an elf solider, I've already killed many of them."

She wasn't sure what else to say, but only hoped none of the human's recognized her Father's last name, Caverly, as they may know him as one of the lead soliders' in the attacks against their homes.

(Decided to give Jaidynn an extra 'n' I think it looks cooler xD )
(Why did you have to bring up an arrow to the knee joke! :D )

Areth looked up still playing with Neo again. His Silver hair still over his right eye. ​"I never said I didn't believe you. But I only give people one chance.".He said firmly before returning to his normal self.

Neo licked his hand and it made him laugh aloud. He picked up Neo and placed him on his shoulder standing up.

" what?"He asked. Looking at the female with the tiger.

"And why do you have a tiger?"
Her bright amber eyes met Areth's gaze, and she tightened her grip on the white bow.

"Whether I have a Tiger or not does not matter." She snapped to him. Even though she was irritated, there was still a wicked smirk on her face. You can never really tell what she's really feeling.

Noticing everyone was introducing themselves, she chuckled quietly. She had no intention on introducing herself, but what else could she do? Leaning back against a tree, she stared at all of them with a fierce glaze in her eyes.

"Victoria King. This here is Renn." She said, pointing to the large Bengal Tiger. As soon as she said his name, he snarled loudly, the fur on the back of his neck bristling. She smirked again at her Tiger, this time not telling him to back down.

"And I'm sure it's pretty obvious which side I'm on." She shot Jaidynn a hostile glance, not caring if she was good. She was still an elf.
"My, you seem very indignant." Brakkus noted, easily trusting the Elf more now than this "Victoria King." He didn't appreciate her cocky tone. In fact, such a tone could easily be mistaken as lies. Brakkus noted that he would have to be careful around this pester.

"Stating your allegiance now is easily as important as your life. Either you're on our side, or you're on their's. Choose wisely, because the latter means death."
The knight stated, taking every word that he spoke quite seriously.

"And, yes. The fact that your current companion is a tiger is quite a concern to us. If it isn't properly tamed, our necks could be on the line. Or rather, yours."
"Renn would never hurt me. You three on the other hand, probably won't be as lucky. But I promise to keep an eye on him." She said, flicking her black her behind her shoulders. Victoria grabbed Renn's scruff and pulled him away from the others, making him sit down politely. Her amber eyes studied everybody's facial expression. They all seemed to be very annoyed with her. This was usually quite normal.

"I'm on your side." She said simply, answering Brakkus's question. She took a few steps away from the group and balanced on a thin root sticking out of the ground.

"Well, I should probably be on my way. I only came over here to check out on the commotion." She flashed them all a fierce smirk and than disappeared into the bramble without saying a word. Renn followed her slowly, keeping a trained eye on the three until they were out of view.
Brakkus blinked, noticing that the dark haired woman had just abruptly left. Puzzled, he stated; "Although it surprises me to see her leave out-of-the-blue, I'm almost relieve that she's gone."

He then looked around, taking a good look at the two individuals around him. "Then it seems we'll journey together, or at least, for the time being. We're better off together than we are apart."

(Important message on the first post at the sign in area of this RP. It'll be under "Crucial Points")
Victoria sighed, doing a front-flip over a rock and landing on her feet swiftly. Renn ran into a slow trot, coming up next to her.

"Looks like we're on our own again, Renn." She muttered, rubbing his ears. He closed his eyes and leaned into her hand, wanting her to keep petting him, but she stopped.

Continuing to walk off, her amber eyes were clouded with an unknown emotion that even she didn't understand.

After walking for a few minutes, she broke into a silent run with Renn right next to her. Truthfully, she wanted to stay with the group, since she hasn't seen any survivors for quite sometime. But instead, they ended up despising her.

That's what my last group did.

The thought of it made her angry. She didn't understand why people couldn't even stop and think about why she acted this way.

Am I really that horrible? To have everyone I talk to just end up hating me? People always think I'm acting like that on purpose, but it's actually just who I am. And I can't change that.

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