Burn My Dread
Rain rushed her way into her room, quickly dressing into a more comfortable clothing before putting her headset on and activating the program. Logging in, she is spawned in her wing of the Empyrean. She checks her notifications quickly, then sends SatinScale a voice message, saying "Sorry I'm a bit late, the school had me stay behind and watch over some brats in afterschool detention." She walks out of her room, immediatley being met by Andromeda, asking her "How are the children?"
"All is fine my Queen. Needle had to shoot a couple wannabes trying to make their way up the mountain, but it's silent otherwise." she says, twirling her cape as she turns to follow Rain, who was walking down the hall.
"Excellent, make sure the security is at maximum today. It's a... special day, a lot of guilds doing last minute, all out raids on top guilds before the time." Rain wondered to herself why she felt weird mentioning the servers shutting down to her NPCs. She did feel rather bad in a way, she had an attachment to her NPCs and it was hard to believe it would all be gone soon. She walks into the Celestial Falls, where Seraph awaits her next to her chair.
"Your highness. Miss Andromeda." He says, taking a bow when they enter the room.
Rain sits on her seat, waiting for SatinScale. I wonder if we'll do any last minute raid of our own. Though, I think it's a little too late for that. I'll enjoy just spending my time with any of the active members, and my NPCs. She thinks, looking around the Celestial Falls. What they built was incredible and she felt rather nostalgic about things.
"All is fine my Queen. Needle had to shoot a couple wannabes trying to make their way up the mountain, but it's silent otherwise." she says, twirling her cape as she turns to follow Rain, who was walking down the hall.
"Excellent, make sure the security is at maximum today. It's a... special day, a lot of guilds doing last minute, all out raids on top guilds before the time." Rain wondered to herself why she felt weird mentioning the servers shutting down to her NPCs. She did feel rather bad in a way, she had an attachment to her NPCs and it was hard to believe it would all be gone soon. She walks into the Celestial Falls, where Seraph awaits her next to her chair.
"Your highness. Miss Andromeda." He says, taking a bow when they enter the room.
Rain sits on her seat, waiting for SatinScale. I wonder if we'll do any last minute raid of our own. Though, I think it's a little too late for that. I'll enjoy just spending my time with any of the active members, and my NPCs. She thinks, looking around the Celestial Falls. What they built was incredible and she felt rather nostalgic about things.