The Emperor Protects [40k]

Which Game?

  • Deathwatch

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only War

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Lord of Chaos

Elder Member
I will be either running a Deathwatch or Only War game on thursdays. It will be a chat-based game, either using Maptools or Teamspeak. Please vote in the above poll if you have a preference one way or the other.


As members of the elite Deathwatch team of space marines, tasked with combating the Xenos threat, you have been deployed to Korol III, a small agriworld in the middle of Segmentum Ultima. An Inquisitor detected an invasion of previously unknown Xenos, capable of controlling the minds of Imperial Citizens, shortly before her death. You are being sent in to stop the Xenos and restore order, hopefully without needing to call in more Astartes.

Deathwatch is a game of playing supersoldier space marines in neigh-impenetrable power armor wielding incredible weapons against alien hordes, strange technology and the power of Chaos. It is squad-focused and lends itself well to ridiculous action sequences. (Note: Only War combat and leveling mechanics will be used. I'll post the full house rules if this is chosen)


The rocky canyons of Ionus I and the highly charged atmosphere make this planet difficult for the Imperial Guard, as they cannot bring their full numbers to bear, their air supremacy is reduced and their artillery accuracy is shot to hell. However, it is the latest battlefield against the Ork menace. Lead by Warboss Lagnog, it has ravaged four other systems and must be stopped here, at all costs.

Only War focuses on the military side of things, with the players assuming the role of human guardsmen, the rank-and-file soldiers of the Imperium of Man. Lower power but larger scale, Only War will focus on the PC regiment as it wages its campaigns across the Galaxy.
I.. actualy wouldnt mind playing in a Deathwatch ame- though... actualy.. Gahh.. Sorry, running Black Crusade, cant.
I am possibly interested considering I told you to run something on Thursdays. I have no preference on the system though.
I'm more partial to Only War. I can never wrap my head around the Astartes very well unless they are Traitor Legions.
Deathwatch gets my vote, though if we do Only War I'm totally making an Ogryn just for the sake of out brute-forcing an Ork. >.>
Only War is better in every single way possible than Deathwatch. That said, I'll probably not join either of them, at least until I've had a chance to join an Exalted game.
Sorry about the late response Exthalion, but the game will be on Thursdays at 7PM-11PM central, possibly one hour earlier if the time is an issue for people.

I've decided to host this using Maptool after finding a simply amazing framework someone put together for it. It handles nearly every aspect of the system for you, and I predict that after a quick tutorial even a novice player will be able to play well. While it does have a few rough spots (rerolling the last shot in a magazine has no easy solution I've found), the array of secondary things it handles as well more than make up for it. Automated doors, a vehicle system, player line of sight and more macros than a macro factory. Here is a link for anyone who wants to check out the framework on their own (framework not required to play, only the host needs it)

And here's a link to Maptool itself:
[QUOTE="Lord of Chaos]It is. Probably starting at 7PM central (exact start negotiable) and lasting ~4 hours.

7 central makes it 8 my time, you've never started games that late before.

Why not 6 central?
6 Central is the earliest I can expect to get home on Thursdays. I like to leave some margin for error, but 6:30 central is also a valid choice.
Okay, I've decided to run Deathwatch. I'll start posting the house rules here in order to bring its mechanics more in line with the improvements made in latter games. Mostly, I'll be adapting the specialization trees from Deathwatch to the more open-ended Aptitudes from Black Crusade and Only War. I'll also be using BC/OW style combat actions and modifiers (for those who know the system, Single Shot/SemiAuto/FullAuto used to give +0/+10/+20, but now gives +10/+0/-10 instead, amongst other things) and the updated Unnatural Traits.
Starting Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Awareness, Dodge, Common Lore (Adeptus Astartes, Deathwatch, Imperium, War), Forbidden Lore (Xenos), Linguistics (High Gothic, Low Gothic), Navigate (Surface), Operate (Surface), Parry, Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes), Stealth, Survival, Tactics (Choose one).

Starting Talents: Ambidextrous, Astartes Weapon Training, Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sound), Killing Strike, Nerves of Steel, Quick Draw, Resistance (Psychic Powers), True Grit, Unarmed Warrior

Starting Traits: Amphibious, Unnatural Strength +4, Unnatural Toughness +4.


Aptitudes: Toughness, Intelligence, Fellowship, Fieldcraft, Knowledge, Defense, Social

Skills: Medicae

Assault Marine

Aptitudes: Agility, Strength, Weapon Skill, Offense, Finesse, Fieldcraft, Defense

Skills: Operate (Personal).

Devastator Marine

Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Perception, Strength, Finesse, Defense, Leadership, Fieldcraft

Skills: Awareness +10


Aptitudes: Intelligence, Willpower, Perception, Psyker, Weapon Skill, Knowledge, Offense

Skills: Psyniscience

Tactical Marine

Aptitudes: Fellowship, Ballistic Skill, Willpower, Leadership, Offense, Defense, Social

Skills: Command


Aptitudes: Intelligence, Toughness, Strength, Knowledge, Tech, Defense, Fieldcraft

Skills: Tech Use, Linguistics(Techna-Lingua)

Veteran Scout

Aptitudes: Perception, Agility, Ballistic Skill, Fieldcraft, Social, Offense, Finesse

Skills: Stealth +10

Equipment: Deathwatch Scout Armor (Replaces Power Armor), Stalker-Pattern Boltgun, Camo-Cloak

Special Abilities:

Sudden Strike: The Veteran Scout gains a +20 bonus to Ballistic Skill during the surprise round against enemies who have not noticed him.

Far Recon: The Veteran Scout's Support Range is double normal when operating in Squad Mode.
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