⊰ The Elves of Oleander ⊱ ✫


Lonely Stoner


: Story :

You have always lived a life surrounded by other elves in the land called Oleander. Once in awhile, you have come across humans and other races but never once have you intended to leave your fellow tribe. The area around where you live in Oleander has a total of five different tribes, if you include your own. Each tribe lives in a completely different setting; climate and all. The distance between you all is not too far but just enough to create changes. Since each tribe lives in a different point the same length apart, if connected by lines, it would form a sort of star (?). Right in the middle of that "star" is where elves from all five tribes can meet up. The meetings happen every other day and were created as means to connect, share ideas and developments, along with the attempts to form alliances.


: Tribes :

  • The Wolf Riders

The Wolf Riders are a hunter-gatherer society of nocturnal elves who possess wolf blood, which gives them characteristics unique from other tribes. Wolf Riders live by a code of conduct called "The Way." It is based on the natural cycle of the wolf; it glorifies the wild freedom of a hunter's life, and the "now" of wolf-thought.

The Leaders:

The Leaders' children:







  • The Sun Folk

The Sun Folk are a peaceful, largely desert-dwelling tribe whose dark skin helps protect them from the powerful sunlight of their home, a village called Sorrow's End. The Sun Folk can work soft metals, such as copper, silver, and gold. They are excellent weavers and are capable of building elaborate homes of sun-dried clay.

The Leaders:

The Leaders' children:







  • The Gliders

The Gliders are a tall race of elves, almost all of whom possess the power of gliding (see Magic below). The Gliders holed themselves up inside the Blue Mountain as means of avoiding human contact. After eventually realizing the humans had all been banished from the lands in which they once had lived; The Gliders have decided to make appearances more often to the outside world in order to make contact with other elves.

The Leaders:

The Leaders' children:






  • The Go-Backs

The Go-Backs, as their name suggests, desire to return to the Palace in which the elves all originated. However, the Palace has long been claimed by trolls, enemies of the elves. In response, the Go-Backs have become a race of brutally barbaric warriors, constantly fighting the trolls. The Go-Backs had domesticated giant elks for use as mounts, and primarily dwell in lodges built into the hills.

The Leaders:


The Leaders' children:







  • The Wave Dancers

The Wave Dancers are a tribe of elves who took refuge in the oceans of the World of Two Moons. Thanks to elfin flesh-shaping magic, the Wave Dancers have in some cases undergone physical alterations such as fins and fish-like tails to help them adapt to an aquatic life. As well as The Gliders, they too tend to come out to initiate contact with the other neighboring elf tribes.

The Leaders:

The Leaders' children:





~ Explanations for ranks ~

The Leaders - basically the king and queen of their tribe; their children being the princess(s)/prince(s).

Warriors - pretty self explanatory; usually just patrol the grounds in case of sudden attack by humans or trolls.

Commoners - the average, everyday people; ages range from 18 to 70.

Elders - the oldest members of the tribe; anyone aged 70+ is considered an elder.

Children - the youth of the tribe; ages range from birth to 17.


: Magic :

Animal Bonding - the ability to develop an empathic or telepathic connection with an animal. *

Animal Control - Their skills with animals go considerably further, allowing him to be considered part of any pack of animals.

Astral Projection - the ability to 'go out' and communicate with other magic-users in a state without a body by psychic plane.

Mind Snare - the ability, possessed by strong astral projectors, to 'trap' other projectors in the astral plane, preventing their return to their bodies.

Fire Starting - the ability to start and control fires.

Freezing Stare - the ability to paralyze an animal or intelligent being with a stare; a kind of hypnosis.

Force Shield - the power to create a magical barrier capable of holding back magical attacks or physical objects.

Gliding - the ability to fly or levitate, allowing an elf to glide with the winds or with an initial kick-off.

Healing - the ability to heal injury or disease.

Flesh Shaping - the ability to manipulate flesh to shape it to their desires.

Shielding - the ability to protect another from magical attack using one's own healing power.

Levitation - the ability to telekinetically manipulate objects.

Magic Feeling - the ability to detect past and present use of other powers.

Rock Shaping - the ability to sculpt and mold solid rock, but generally this power cannot affect refined metal.

Sending - the ability to exchange thoughts and feelings by telepathy. **

Black Sending - the ability to send in such a way as to cause psychic pain. This attack can be blocked by a healer in physical contact with a victim to counter the induced pain.

Power Sending - the ability to send in such a way to take over another being (as in to give power or strength).

Send Shielding - the ability to block or protect against the sendings of others.

Shape Shifting - the ability to assume the form of other living creatures (even humans in some cases).

Tree Shaping - the ability to grow and shape plants.

* All Wolf Riders are able to bond with wolves, and have a particularly close connection with them thanks to their wolf blood, but the power exists among other tribes, such as the Gliders, who bond with giant birds.

** All elves appear to have the capacity for sending, but some tribes use it more often than others; the Wolf Riders send frequently, whereas the Go-Backs send very rarely and the Sun Folk hardly at all. Wolf Riders can send to their wolves, but the wolves communicate in images more than words.


: Rules :

1. No god modding/power playing - It's just not fair to anyone.

2. Cussing, some romance, and mild violence is okay - Keep it PG-13 (Fade to black if necessary).

3. Try to keep up with the posts to the best of your ability - Notify me if you will be unable to post for longer than a few days.

4. Place "In Elves We Trust" somewhere in your character form - If you have read all of the above as well as these rules.

5. You can have as many characters as you can handle - Try to keep genders even.

6. Members from separate tribes are not to mix (relationship wise) - They can be social as the tribes do not hate one another.

7. You can add family members played by other role players - Simply request their character to be family (father, brother, etc.)

8. Posts should be no less than three sentences - Writer's block is understandable but not to be used as a permanent excuse.

9. You must be at least 18 to start - You will have to add forms for children you have later on (if you chose to have them).

10. If you wish to time skip, simply ask for permission - We may skip larger amounts of time for the sake of aging.


: Character Form :





Rank: (Place a ? after your rank until I approve it)


Family: (opt.) [Put their relationship in () next to their name {This includes husbands/wives}]

Appearance or Description: (Try to find a realistic looking image. If using a description; be detailed.)

Other: (opt.)


Name: Amari Argon

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Tribe: The Wolf Riders

Rank: Commoner

Personality: Amari has always been very independent. She never takes gifts as she sees them as a sort of charity or pity. Amari can be quite kind and caring but more often than not, she puts up a wall, refusing to get too attached to people. Amari is a truly softhearted person, she just simply hates letting people see that.

Family: (open for request)

Appearance or Description:


Name: Gaelin Hatharal

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Tribe: The Go-Backs

Rank: Leader

Personality: Gaelin is quite the kind, caring leader compared to most. He refuses to let anyone besides any allied elves into his castle as well as into his village. Gaelin tends to be somewhat hard on the warriors as they are meant to be aggressive and not care too much about others. He tries his best to keep things under control and ignore the elders or commoners who say he is too young for his own good.

Family: Magdalene (Great grandmother)

Appearance or Description:


Other: He always carries a sword that he crafted himself of the finest materials he could get his hands on.
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May I request 3 spots? One female in the Sun Folk commoners and a male in the Wolf Riders warriors! And of course > :) a male/female (depending on the gender rate when I create them in 8-10 hours) in the Go Backs elders.. :)
Hello I am new, but I would like to join this Rp, as one of the children of the Sun Folk's leader. May I join please.
: Character Form :

Name: Denali Faeria

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Tribe: Sun Folk

Rank: Commoner

Personality: A bit of a goof, Denali is a very carefree and outgoing young maiden. She's creative and spontaneous, born with natural good looks, Denali knows how to flaunt herself to get what she wants, and is very successful with it. She cares a lot about her skin and gets very mad when you harm her. When in rage, Denali tends to release a dark aura around the land, somewhat like a killing intent, but she doesn't get violent because she finds that violence is useless. Then again, it takes a lot to anger this elf, but she is quite the force to be reckoned with. Although, Denali tends to be pretty cocky and and rushes into things without thinking.

Family: [OPEN]

Appearance or Description:


She's a little on the shorter side, but her lack of height is added to her personality! Oh, and, of course, "In Elves We Trust"


: Character Form :

Name: Cero Zypher

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Tribe: Wolf Riders

Rank: Warrior

Personality: Cero's a warrior on the outside, but a gentleman at heart. He may appear cold, heartless, and nonchalant but this elf is a very sensitive man who's empathetic to others feelings. With scars all over his body, Cero's appearance tends to scare most people off because they think he's a merciless beast, but this man is proud of his scars, he says they show how much he has worked for all this. If you every find a way to worm into his heavily defended heart, then you'll find that Cero's protective of you and is very affectionate. He's probably the most loyal and brave hearted elf you could find, kind of like a wolf.

Family: [OPEN]

Appearance or Description:


"In Elves We Trust"


: Character Form :

Name: Georgiana Hatharal or "Mamaji"

Gender: Female

Age: 125

Tribe: Go Backs

Rank: Elder

Personality: Magdelene is a very...unique person. She has a thing for teasing the younger generations and says that she's "young and hip". Quite the sassy personality this old hag has quite the humour and loves to play around. Mrs. Hathral my look weak and fragile, even if she is part of the Go Backs, she's quite the bodybuilder. Underneath her mysterious cloak is the strength of a giant, the speed of a fairy, and the stamina of - okay let's just say she's pretty much invincible. Although she does have one weakness....

Family: Gaelin Hatharal (great grandson)

Appearance or Description:


They say she was absolutely sexy back in the day..."In Elves We Trust".
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Name: Yierchia (Yi- er-ch-a)

Nickname: Yi


Age: 19

Tribe: Sun Folk

Rank:Child of the leader?

Personality:Yi is a complete hard head with the curiosity of a cat, or maybe a squirrel depends on which is more curious ), and you know what they curiosity makes the cat/ squirrel get into a bunch of trouble and maybe set a few houses on fire (Complete accident). She is often said to be the thorn in the side of her parents or what you call the black sheep of the family and it seems no matter how hard she tries she is always in trouble, so whenever something mischievous happens she is first to be blamed. Even though sometimes it isn't her fault.

(opt.) [Put their relationship in () next to their name {This includes husbands/wives}]

Appearance or Description: Yierchia is a girl on the shorter side with a petite frame and seems to lack muscle but that doesn't really bother her, because of her small form she can often fit in very tiny spaces others can't and if very nimble. People often call her a twinge though, for she lacks curves and is kinda flat. Along with having a case of baby face, so she looks no older than 16 years of age, not 19 like she really is. Her hair is a dark chocolate brown that curls around the very edges of it and is often complaining about how it is very unmanageable and has nicknamed it The Beast. It frames her small fragile face and makes her stunning green eyes pop out even more in contrast. Her skins is the shade of melted caramel and she wears a long tunic that goes to her knees and is the color of plums, embodied with a swirling, flaming pattern in the colors of green, red, gold, and blue. Her trousers are dark black and she refuses to wear shoes at all times.

Other: In Elves we trust.

(I would, also like to make a character under the age of 18, but only if it is okay with you. I was thinking a child the age of 12 for the Go backs)
Name:Ruinel Eldandil

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Tribe: Gliders

Rank: Leader's child?

Personality: A quiet, elegant elf, Ruinel has always been a role model for the younger generation of her tribe. She does her best to be a good example for all. She gives her all no matter the situation. She doesn't reserve any time for fun. All business and sophistication, Ruinel can come off as cold and uncaring. However her heart is warm and open to others. She loves her tribe and is proud of her heritage.

Family: N/A

Appearance or Description:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.8fac94e7127232aa8cd16d80841924b9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4636" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.8fac94e7127232aa8cd16d80841924b9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: In elves we trust



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Name: Gerus

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Tribe: Go-Backers (I spelled it right, right

Rank: Warrior?

Personality: Mean, Cunning, and unwilling to talk, but if you start him. You will wrinkle before he finishes.

Family: No brothers, sister, and his parents are dead.

Appearance or Description:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/upload_2013-8-13_11-52-25.png.5fe827e7f9c3e9c281c38d68c8587a14.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4786" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/upload_2013-8-13_11-52-25.png.5fe827e7f9c3e9c281c38d68c8587a14.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

In Elves we trust. Can we really?



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So what exactly is the rp about? just the meetings? or will there be more significant plot?
Well, it's just about the different lives of the five tribes and the meetings play a significant role. I was planning on bringing in maybe an added part of a war between the elf tribes allied together, fighting to win back their home castle.
Well the meetings are held to ally the elves to eventually create one single tribe. The castle they're trying to get back is the one where they all originally came from. The Go-Backs have just been the warriors in the situation. If they succeed in getting the castle back, the leaders from each tribe will come together and share leadership.

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