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Fantasy The Elements Collide

Okie dokie, I just don't know how many "Rogue" positions I'll open up...I don;t want the RP to get TOO crowded, but we'll see.
Two or three I say. But, that is just me and I don't want to feel like I'm taking away your gm position. The king position is getting to me. Please..... Help.....
You know, the two pictures of the kings are very similar. They almost look like they could be brothers.
kokochii said:
The Evil King and Good King developed in result to the Imbalance. Before they were just Kings, but their thoughts and views changed during the Imbalance. They were essentially confused, scared, and thus blamed one another for what happened. The historical part of it is still a mystery, and hopefully that'll develop within the RP xD
I'd say it occurred five years before the RP at least, possibly a bit more since it would take a while to rebuild the kingdom and gain new elemental users.

Thanks, this will help me develop a biography
I know I ask a lot of questions, but I have another question lol. Are the elemental manipulators supposed to be general's of sorts for the kingdoms? Or are they the king's guard, random mages of a specific element that are hired by the king, yada yada
No problem c:

Hmm, I'd say they're a little bit of both. But more likely mages of a specific element that are hired by the king. The difference between them and regular King's Aid/Guard, is they aren't mages, but are more like personal guards (with some skill)


Jayce makes me think of this


Hahaha xD
I don't know what to do. I don't want to call in my subjects willy nilly, that's just stupid on my part. But what to do?
Hmm, well, you have an entire kingdom at your disposal. Maybe visit a few shops, do some King-y stuff and help some of the citizens out? xD I don't know, I'm not too good with thinking of stuff either.


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