The Elder Scrolls: Red Diamond {Rp}

"Absinthe is a bit strong don't you think? And why do you keep looking in that book of yours?", Lyrillia questioned. She made a mental note of the book and decided she would have to eventually find out what was in it.
Vorngor locked arms with the orc and saluted him too.

"Absinthe and mead I'll get some ale does anyone else want anything?"

Vorngor had lightened up a bit. Sure they all just met but he already fought one of them so he was a bit less shrude with them.
Leo stood broadly beside Vorngor, looking with him as he asked for requests. He had decided not to pick his helmet up and began chewing on Elk jerky from his satchel. After digging in his bag once more he offered a folded tanned leather piece and inside was his remaining jerky and some herbs.

"It's... not much... but Leo thanks you."

@Gadethyn Onmarothi
Vorngor decided to buy a bit of everything in case anyone wanted something. He put his hand out to the orc saying,

"No friend keep your food I have my own."

He began walking up to the tavern.
Aeryn, having watched the whole scene unravel from a safer distance, finally moved towards the group. "A fight so early in our companionship, dear me. I'm sure it would do well if we didn't have another within our group, else we may surely fail." She looked at nobody as she spoke, looking upon the marshes instead. Remembering the severity of the blows, she turned to the Orc named Leo. "Come now, allow me to see your axe. With blows as you exchanged, I'm certain that some damage must have been done?"
Riara was still sitting examining the others in the group, and one good glance at Lyrilla and knew she wanted to know what was in the Altmers book. Riara thinks it would be fun to mess with him, so she heads calmly towards a nearby tree, and stands behind it. Casting an invisibility spell, she started to walk back towards the group, hoping that the Altmer isn't smart enough to notice.

I hope this works, even though I have doubts that it won't.

She thought, crouching behind the Altmer and attempting to take the book.

She wasn't really experienced with stealing, or pickpocketing, but she went for it.

@Locklaklazarii @Gadethyn Onmarothi
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.jpeg.5086385006fbaaad3ff8da4504d3d1ca.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="149445" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.jpeg.5086385006fbaaad3ff8da4504d3d1ca.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Xijai-Teel | Rises-In-Still-Waters

Sex: Female

Race: Saxhleel

Birthsign: Shadow

Attributes: Agility, Intelligence

Primary: Security, Short Blade, Sneak, Illusion, Medium Armour

Secondary: Athletics, Climbing, Marksman, Acrobatics, Alchemy

Xijai-Teel slips open the bar door and walks slowly out into the streets of Gideon with her drink in hand, soon thereafter she spots a group of strangers standing at the edge of the marsh.

"These must be the people I'm meant to be meeting."

Due to her skill as a Shadowscale and Vampire she notices a faint shimmering coming from behind a well dressed Altmer in the group; she deducts that it must be a thief.

Xijai-Teel walks closer to the group and discretely casts a weak Dire Noise spell at the shimmering mass.

(EDIT: formatted some stuff properly.)



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Drorain Elvothi excited about being picked and having the chance to get all these septims, sees a group of people at the edge of the marsh he walks up to them and introduces himself "Hello, I am Drorain Elvothi pleased to meet you all" he said with a voice that sounded like a rusty pipe.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/upload_2016-8-7_12-0-20.png.98f7d120285baab7b1853321efd47098.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="149460" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/upload_2016-8-7_12-0-20.png.98f7d120285baab7b1853321efd47098.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Lyrillia Telvanni

Sex: Female

Race: Dunmer

Birthsign: Mage

Attributes: Intelligence, Willpower

Primary: Alteration, Mysticism, Destruction, Restoration, Conjuration

Secondary: Illusion, Enchanting, Spear, Athletics, Light Armor

Lyrillia looked at the Dunmer introducing himself, "Salutations Sera Drorain, I am Duchess Lyrillia Telvanni of Vvardenfell, and Archmagister of House Telvanni," she then paused and looked at the clothes he was wearing, "What kind of self respecting Dunmer would wear an outfit like that?"



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(but with bright blue eyes)

Name: Kelkemmeriil Larethor

Gender: Male

Race: Altmer

Age: 4272

Birthsign: Atronach

Attributes: Intelligence, Willpower

Primary Skills: Destruction, Conjuration, Illusion, Mysticism, Alteration

Secondary Skills: Restoration, Alchemy, Short Blade, Unarmoured

Kelkemmeriil turned around after the snow elf girl tugged at his book that he was carrying in his hand, he looked down at the girl even though she was still invisible. He just looked at her trying to find her eyes and finally gave up and just looked at her head, "What are you doing? You seriously can't have thought that would work."

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She stood up, still invisible. But with the spell slowly wearing off, Riara spoke up.

"Well, not really no. I'm not really an experienced thief, or a thief at all. Just tell us what's in the book, we're all curious at this point." She exclaimed

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(but with bright blue eyes)

Name: Kelkemmeriil Larethor

Gender: Male

Race: Altmer

Age: 4272

Birthsign: Atronach

Attributes: Intelligence, Willpower

Primary Skills: Destruction, Conjuration, Illusion, Mysticism, Alteration

Secondary Skills: Restoration, Alchemy, Short Blade, Unarmoured

"What's normally in a book?" He said very annoyed by the question, he didn't want anyone to take the book, he knew they could not read it because of the language in it. his mood shifted to a more happy one, "Why would you even want to know?" He looked at the elf curiously.

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Name: Lyrillia Telvanni

Sex: Female

Race: Dunmer

Birthsign: Mage

Attributes: Intelligence, Willpower

Primary: Alteration, Mysticism, Destruction, Restoration, Conjuration

Secondary: Illusion, Enchanting, Spear, Athletics, Light Armor

While looking at the book and noticing it was covered in skin, Lyrillia said, "Skin covered books aren't normal, especially ones that seem to deal with Lorkhan. Is it some kind of Encylopaedia Magicka?"

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View attachment 330142

(but with bright blue eyes)

Name: Kelkemmeriil Larethor

Gender: Male

Race: Altmer

Age: 4272

Birthsign: Atronach

Attributes: Intelligence, Willpower

Primary Skills: Destruction, Conjuration, Illusion, Mysticism, Alteration

Secondary Skills: Restoration, Alchemy, Short Blade, Unarmoured

Kelkemmeriil shifted his gaze towards Lyrilla and spoke again "It's an old tome, and to you second question yes and no. In some ways it is in others it isn't." He smiled at her and closed the book but did not put it away like the other times, he just held onto it.

@Gadethyn Onmarothi
"Why would'nt I be curious?" She said smart assedly, smirking.

"Why are you so protective of it if it's just a book?" She said walking around him.

Vorngor came back with a bag full of booze.

"Ahh we have new companions! Well I bought one of everything they had so take what you want."

He opened up the sack and sat it on the ground. He looked about at his new companions,

"Might I have your names?"

@Fistfullofjam @JustThatGamerYT
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[QUOTE="Gadethyn Onmarothi]
View attachment 330130
Name: Lyrillia Telvanni

Sex: Female

Race: Dunmer

Birthsign: Mage

Attributes: Intelligence, Willpower

Primary: Alteration, Mysticism, Destruction, Restoration, Conjuration

Secondary: Illusion, Enchanting, Spear, Athletics, Light Armor

Lyrillia looked at the Dunmer introducing himself, "Salutations Sera Drorain, I am Duchess Lyrillia Telvanni of Vvardenfell, and Archmagister of House Telvanni," she then paused and looked at the clothes he was wearing, "What kind of self respecting Dunmer would wear an outfit like that?"

"I fight for uniting all people of all races, that is the only way, I believe Tamriel can survive" Drorain Elvothi said.
View attachment 330142

(but with bright blue eyes)

Name: Kelkemmeriil Larethor

Gender: Male

Race: Altmer

Age: 4272

Birthsign: Atronach

Attributes: Intelligence, Willpower

Primary Skills: Destruction, Conjuration, Illusion, Mysticism, Alteration

Secondary Skills: Restoration, Alchemy, Short Blade, Unarmoured

"I suppose curiosity is only natural." Kelkemmeriil smiled at Riara then began to speak again, "But you cannot read it and I will not allow you to try and read it." He turned to Vorngor and asked him "Do you have my absinthe?" he was quite thirsty after all.

@Unbound @TheBlackSwordsman
[family reunion. Sorry about that.]

Oreesu was in her home alone, practicing restoration magic. She sighed and went into her room, where she got dressed and armed. She went to get something to eat and then opened the door, she walked out of the house and closed the door. Oreesu would then travel and occasionally practice on the move. She would eventually make it to the edge of the marsh, and unsurprised at the grouping that has started there. She wouldn't bother trying to sneak up and instead just walked in.
Aeryn spoke up from where she was in the background. "You know secrets don't bode well for success. If the book could be of any use, why not share the intelligence?" For a young Dunmer of such a background, she appeared to have some sensible ideas. Well, they were sensible to her at any rate. She reluctantly crept forwards, not taking a drink but just making herself a part of the group. Isolation won't bode well either. She had to remind herself.
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(but with bright blue eyes)

Name: Kelkemmeriil Larethor

Gender: Male

Race: Altmer

Age: 4272

Birthsign: Atronach

Attributes: Intelligence, Willpower

Primary Skills: Destruction, Conjuration, Illusion, Mysticism, Alteration

Secondary Skills: Restoration, Alchemy, Short Blade, Unarmoured

Kelkemmeriil looked at Aeryn and spoke "There are just somethings that most people shouldn't know, if something is needed you'll be the first to know." Kelkemmeriil went over to everyone else grabbed his bottle of absinthe before taking a small swig and shivering. It was smooth yet really powerful he put a cap on it and put it in his satchel along with the tome. Then he went back to a rock and sat down and began to think to himself.

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Name: Lyrillia Telvanni

Sex: Female

Race: Dunmer

Birthsign: Mage

Attributes: Intelligence, Willpower

Primary: Alteration, Mysticism, Destruction, Restoration, Conjuration

Secondary: Illusion, Enchanting, Spear, Athletics, Light Armor

Lyrillia sighed when Drorain said that, "So you're fighting alongside the n'wahs who subjugated our homes so they can stay in power?". Being a stout anti-Imperial and protector of Morrowind she felt betrayed by her own people who wished that they lived under the feet of the Imperials.

Turning back to Kelkemeriil, she noted what he had said and had a pretty good guess of what the book was, "Ahh, I see," she said, "Taking from the library of a thrown out scroll are you?"

@JustThatGamerYT @Locklaklazarii
View attachment 330142

(but with bright blue eyes)

Name: Kelkemmeriil Larethor

Gender: Male

Race: Altmer

Age: 4272

Birthsign: Atronach

Attributes: Intelligence, Willpower

Primary Skills: Destruction, Conjuration, Illusion, Mysticism, Alteration

Secondary Skills: Restoration, Alchemy, Short Blade, Unarmoured

"I wouldn't say taking, I would say bargaining for them but yes, very much so. Most of the Scroll's books are not able to be read by even the highest of scholars, and yet they can be read by some. Anyway this was never a book that belonged to the scroll... Ah but I talk too much, it is mine and I do with it what I must." Kelkemmeriil took another swig of absinthe and shivered once more and looked to the other dark elf then back at Lyrilla and nodded in Drorian's direction "Is that S'wit really a sympathizer of these Sap Lickers?" He asked attempting to change the subject.

@Gadethyn Onmarothi

Name: Lyrillia Telvanni

Sex: Female

Race: Dunmer

Age: 815

Birthsign: Mage

Attributes: Intelligence, Willpower

Primary: Alteration, Mysticism, Destruction, Restoration, Conjuration

Secondary: Illusion, Enchanting, Spear, Athletics, Light Armor

"He is, he's a member of the Imperial Legion,", Lyrillia kept going, "I wonder how he'll react when he's heard that I've killed thousands of Legionaries while defending my ways,"

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